The definitive guide to roy moore and his John Nolte.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This pretty much details where we are now.....and how the democrats trying to be the good guys here is just stupid and silly....

Nolte: Shaky Allegations Against Roy Moore Are Not Enough to Disqualify Him

From my vantage point, the issue comes down to four allegations:

  1. Beverly Young Nelson
Beverly Young Nelson claims that in 1977, when she was just 16 and Moore was 30, he attempted to assault her.

This one is easy. The yearbook she and her attorney Gloria Allred dramatically waved around as proof of the relationship is an obvious forgery. Please note that I am not couching my words about this forgery; there is no “apparent” or “probable” leaving myself some wriggle room.

I believe the yearbook is forged, and that blows all of Young’s credibility, as does the fact that once the veracity of the yearbook was called into question, after trying to talk around the obvious discrepancies, Allred disappeared; she went dark.

At best, Allred and Nelson might be trying to frame a guilty man. Regardless, this claim is not worth spit.


On top of that — and this is where I finally begin to engage in that awesome sport of whataboutism — to be lectured to by Democrats and media elites on this issue is beyond laughable. This legion of sick freaks feigning moral horror over a 30-year-old man legally dating a 16 year-old girl is the height of partisanship.

Never forget that these are the same people who are okay with seven-year-olds choosing and changing their gender; kindergartners losing their innocence by way of lessons about homosexuality; instructions in Teen Vogue about anal sex; and 12-year-old girls being exposed to a penis owned by a mentally ill man in a dress.

Please, you sick freaks, spare me your outrage.


Excuse me for speaking a hard truth, but all victims should NOT be automatically believed. (See: Mockingbird, To Kill a.) Yes, they should be taken seriously, but then their accusations must be fully and fairly investigated. Unfortunately, our media disagrees.

As it is with all things, when it comes to Roy Moore, our blazingly dishonest media are not seeking to inform or illuminate. Rather, they are using the Moore scandal as yet another weapon in a relentless and highly partisan campaign of emotional blackmail meant to define just who is and is not a good person.

Just as the media do with guns, abortion, homosexuality, Obamacare, and Trump, all of their coverage is geared towards pressuring you to agree with them because if you do not agree with them, that means you are an immoral and indecent person.


More facts may become known within minutes of my publishing this. More accusers might come forward. I reserve the right to change my mind.

But as of right now, right at this very moment, there is not enough there there to justify the annihilation of a fellow human being.

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Does Moore admit to dating 16 year olds when he was in his thirties? I find that kind of creepy, but if that is where the line is drawn legally, so be it.

It also should be of interest that all allegations are near 40 years old except one allegation of a butt grope in 1991.
Were it just one or even two allegations, then it could be dismissed. It is from nine women, mall workers, and even police officers. Sorry fellows, Moore has been exposed for the slimy hypocrite that he is.
Yes, groping 14 year-olds is what I want from my Senator.
Although you and many others may believe the allegation, it has not been proven. Do we want allegations such as this to be standard operating procedure for effecting the outcome of elections?
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This pretty much details where we are now.....and how the democrats trying to be the good guys here is just stupid and silly....

Nolte: Shaky Allegations Against Roy Moore Are Not Enough to Disqualify Him

From my vantage point, the issue comes down to four allegations:

  1. Beverly Young Nelson
Beverly Young Nelson claims that in 1977, when she was just 16 and Moore was 30, he attempted to assault her.

This one is easy. The yearbook she and her attorney Gloria Allred dramatically waved around as proof of the relationship is an obvious forgery. Please note that I am not couching my words about this forgery; there is no “apparent” or “probable” leaving myself some wriggle room.

I believe the yearbook is forged, and that blows all of Young’s credibility, as does the fact that once the veracity of the yearbook was called into question, after trying to talk around the obvious discrepancies, Allred disappeared; she went dark.

At best, Allred and Nelson might be trying to frame a guilty man. Regardless, this claim is not worth spit.


On top of that — and this is where I finally begin to engage in that awesome sport of whataboutism — to be lectured to by Democrats and media elites on this issue is beyond laughable. This legion of sick freaks feigning moral horror over a 30-year-old man legally dating a 16 year-old girl is the height of partisanship.

Never forget that these are the same people who are okay with seven-year-olds choosing and changing their gender; kindergartners losing their innocence by way of lessons about homosexuality; instructions in Teen Vogue about anal sex; and 12-year-old girls being exposed to a penis owned by a mentally ill man in a dress.

Please, you sick freaks, spare me your outrage.


Excuse me for speaking a hard truth, but all victims should NOT be automatically believed. (See: Mockingbird, To Kill a.) Yes, they should be taken seriously, but then their accusations must be fully and fairly investigated. Unfortunately, our media disagrees.

As it is with all things, when it comes to Roy Moore, our blazingly dishonest media are not seeking to inform or illuminate. Rather, they are using the Moore scandal as yet another weapon in a relentless and highly partisan campaign of emotional blackmail meant to define just who is and is not a good person.

Just as the media do with guns, abortion, homosexuality, Obamacare, and Trump, all of their coverage is geared towards pressuring you to agree with them because if you do not agree with them, that means you are an immoral and indecent person.


More facts may become known within minutes of my publishing this. More accusers might come forward. I reserve the right to change my mind.

But as of right now, right at this very moment, there is not enough there there to justify the annihilation of a fellow human being.

Ah yes, guns and 14 year old pussy, that is what 'Conservatives' stand for. When they are not chasing 13 year old pussy.

Ted Nugent, NRA

Jailbait you look so good to me
Jailbait won't you set me free
Jailbait you look fine, fine, fine
And I know I've got to have you in a matter of time

Well, I don't care if you're just thirteen
You look too good to be true
I just know that you're probably clean
There's one little think I got do to you

Jailbait you look so good to me
Jailbait won't you set me free
Jailbait you look fine, fine, fine
And I know I've got to have you in a matter of time

Sad but true

So tell your mama that I'm back in town
She likes us boys when it's time to get down
She's got this craving for the underage;
I just might be your mamas' brand new rage

Jailbait you look so good to me
Jailbait won't you set me free
Jailbait you look fine, fine, fine
And I know I've gots to have you in a matter of time, now babe

Honey, you, you, you look so nice
She's young, she's tender
Won't you please surrender
She so fine, she's mine
All the time, I woke my mind

It's all right baby, it's quite all right I asked your mama

Wait a minute officer; wait a minute officer
Don't put those handcuffs on me, what about her?
Hey, I'll share her with you!
Does Moore admit to dating 16 year olds when he was in his thirties? I find that kind of creepy, but if that is where the line is drawn legally, so be it.

It also should be of interest that all allegations are near 40 years old except one allegation of a butt grope in 1991.

Even then he probably was standing there minding his own business with his hands out in front of him and she backed into him whereby he tried to move his hands and she says he groped her butt. She wanted her but groped. Probably hadn't anyone's hand on her butt in years.
Yes, groping 14 year-olds is what I want from my Senator.
Although you and many others may believe the allegation, it has not been proven. Do we want allegations such as this to be standard oporating procedure for effecting the outcome of elections?

Yeah, I hear that Bodecea likes to mix dog turds with their chili. Who would vote for anybody like that?

Now you can go post the same thing on another web page and a few more people will read it and before you know it, Bodecea will wake up one morning to realize that half of America wants that chili recipe! The other half will want their head on a plate!

My apologies for the sarcastic commentary, but that is practically where we are in America.
Yes, groping 14 year-olds is what I want from my Senator.
Although you and many others may believe the allegation, it has not been proven. Do we want allegations such as this to be standard oporating procedure for effecting the outcome of elections?
When the accusations come from nine women, mall workers, and police officers, yes, I do.
Okay. Many people are skeptical of the allegation that he groped the 14 year old due to the timing of the allegation. Much of the allegations are hearsay or of things not illegal. I agree that at minimum his dating of teenagers creepy by today’s standards.
Does Moore admit to dating 16 year olds when he was in his thirties? I find that kind of creepy, but if that is where the line is drawn legally, so be it.

It also should be of interest that all allegations are near 40 years old except one allegation of a butt grope in 1991.

Even then he probably was standing there minding his own business with his hands out in front of him and she backed into him whereby he tried to move his hands and she says he groped her butt. She wanted her but groped. Probably hadn't anyone's hand on her butt in years.
I thought of the possibility of incidental contact by accident. Could have been a real grope also.
Does Moore admit to dating 16 year olds when he was in his thirties? I find that kind of creepy, but if that is where the line is drawn legally, so be it.

It also should be of interest that all allegations are near 40 years old except one allegation of a butt grope in 1991.

The two teens he did date who were 17 and 18 claimed he was the complete gentleman. Not only a complete gentleman who only kissed them but that their mothers not only trusted Moore, they considered him fabulous marriage material. One of those women is a very prominent Democrat who even signed at a Hilary Clinton speech. And note that in 1977 17 and 18 year olds were considered young ladies and would get married out of high school.

And the woman who accused him of a butt pinch in 1991 was truly a criminal at the time and Moore was giving custody of her son to her mother. No love lost there eh?
Yes, groping 14 year-olds is what I want from my Senator.
Although you and many others may believe the allegation, it has not been proven. Do we want allegations such as this to be standard oporating procedure for effecting the outcome of elections?
When the accusations come from nine women, mall workers, and police officers, yes, I do.

It's a flat out lie that he has 9 accusers of sexual misconduct. There are three. You just can't stop lying can you? Mall workers and the police statements were based on rumors.

Just like the giant lie that he was banned from the mall.
Does Moore admit to dating 16 year olds when he was in his thirties? I find that kind of creepy, but if that is where the line is drawn legally, so be it.

It also should be of interest that all allegations are near 40 years old except one allegation of a butt grope in 1991.

The two teens he did date who were 17 and 18 claimed he was the complete gentleman. Not only a complete gentleman who only kissed them but that their mothers not only trusted Moore, they considered him fabulous marriage material. One of those women is a very prominent Democrat who even signed at a Hilary Clinton speech. And note that in 1977 17 and 18 year olds were considered young ladies and would get married out of high school.

And the woman who accused him of a butt pinch in 1991 was truly a criminal at the time and Moore was giving custody of her son to her mother. No love lost there eh?

I bet if you were standing in front of old Roy you'd back your butt into his hand, wouldn't you? You can admit it here no one knows you.
Moore is not on criminal trial. He is not on a civil trial, so, a preponderance of evidence is not needed, even if some argue that amount and level has been provided, it is not required. Moore is on trial in the court of public opinion.
This pretty much details where we are now.....and how the democrats trying to be the good guys here is just stupid and silly....

Nolte: Shaky Allegations Against Roy Moore Are Not Enough to Disqualify Him

From my vantage point, the issue comes down to four allegations:

  1. Beverly Young Nelson
Beverly Young Nelson claims that in 1977, when she was just 16 and Moore was 30, he attempted to assault her.

This one is easy. The yearbook she and her attorney Gloria Allred dramatically waved around as proof of the relationship is an obvious forgery. Please note that I am not couching my words about this forgery; there is no “apparent” or “probable” leaving myself some wriggle room.

I believe the yearbook is forged, and that blows all of Young’s credibility, as does the fact that once the veracity of the yearbook was called into question, after trying to talk around the obvious discrepancies, Allred disappeared; she went dark.

At best, Allred and Nelson might be trying to frame a guilty man. Regardless, this claim is not worth spit.


On top of that — and this is where I finally begin to engage in that awesome sport of whataboutism — to be lectured to by Democrats and media elites on this issue is beyond laughable. This legion of sick freaks feigning moral horror over a 30-year-old man legally dating a 16 year-old girl is the height of partisanship.

Never forget that these are the same people who are okay with seven-year-olds choosing and changing their gender; kindergartners losing their innocence by way of lessons about homosexuality; instructions in Teen Vogue about anal sex; and 12-year-old girls being exposed to a penis owned by a mentally ill man in a dress.

Please, you sick freaks, spare me your outrage.


Excuse me for speaking a hard truth, but all victims should NOT be automatically believed. (See: Mockingbird, To Kill a.) Yes, they should be taken seriously, but then their accusations must be fully and fairly investigated. Unfortunately, our media disagrees.

As it is with all things, when it comes to Roy Moore, our blazingly dishonest media are not seeking to inform or illuminate. Rather, they are using the Moore scandal as yet another weapon in a relentless and highly partisan campaign of emotional blackmail meant to define just who is and is not a good person.

Just as the media do with guns, abortion, homosexuality, Obamacare, and Trump, all of their coverage is geared towards pressuring you to agree with them because if you do not agree with them, that means you are an immoral and indecent person.


More facts may become known within minutes of my publishing this. More accusers might come forward. I reserve the right to change my mind.

But as of right now, right at this very moment, there is not enough there there to justify the annihilation of a fellow human being.

Ah yes, guns and 14 year old pussy, that is what 'Conservatives' stand for. When they are not chasing 13 year old pussy.

Ted Nugent, NRA

Jailbait you look so good to me
Jailbait won't you set me free
Jailbait you look fine, fine, fine
And I know I've got to have you in a matter of time

Well, I don't care if you're just thirteen
You look too good to be true
I just know that you're probably clean
There's one little think I got do to you

Jailbait you look so good to me
Jailbait won't you set me free
Jailbait you look fine, fine, fine
And I know I've got to have you in a matter of time

Sad but true

So tell your mama that I'm back in town
She likes us boys when it's time to get down
She's got this craving for the underage;
I just might be your mamas' brand new rage

Jailbait you look so good to me
Jailbait won't you set me free
Jailbait you look fine, fine, fine
And I know I've gots to have you in a matter of time, now babe

Honey, you, you, you look so nice
She's young, she's tender
Won't you please surrender
She so fine, she's mine
All the time, I woke my mind

It's all right baby, it's quite all right I asked your mama

Wait a minute officer; wait a minute officer
Don't put those handcuffs on me, what about her?
Hey, I'll share her with you!

Piss off with that shit. Lots of bands have written jailbait songs. You just went full retard.


Yes, groping 14 year-olds is what I want from my Senator.
Although you and many others may believe the allegation, it has not been proven. Do we want allegations such as this to be standard oporating procedure for effecting the outcome of elections?
When the accusations come from nine women, mall workers, and police officers, yes, I do.

It's a flat out lie that he has 9 accusers of sexual misconduct. There are three. You just can't stop lying can you? Mall workers and the police statements were based on rumors.

Just like the giant lie that he was banned from the mall.
Up to 9 now? I better start paying attention. Next we'll be reading he did a bus full of school kids on a field trip.

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