Does anyone actually believe this is a coincidence? This is a strategic move directly after the Parkland shooting. If de Blasio can ensure another school shooting on the heels of Parkland, it drastically increases the chances of getting firearms banned. As Rahm Emanuel said, the left’s mantra is “never let a good crisis go to waste”. The Democrats are more than happy to offer up a few sacrificial children for their gun control agenda.

Last armed NYPD cop pulled from NYC school after Parkland shooting — and parents are ‘livid’
Progressives just can’t seem to grasp that going against the U.S. Constitution isn’t popular with the American people.

New poll reveals the American public isn’t too impressed with companies that split with the NRA
Actually, the safety of our Children takes first priority.
If that were even remotely true - you would uphold and defend the U.S. Constitution at all costs. Nothing puts the safety of children at more risk than the destruction of the U.S. Constitution and the subsequent oppressive regimes that follow.
To end this stupidity (mostly yours) the NRA has just taken the state of Florida to court over it's newly passed laws that are pretty much the same laws as we have in Colorado. The NRA is now seeing if it will survive by doing this. If they lose, they will also lose quite a bit of credibility. If they win, they become the strongest Super-PAC ever created on the Face of the Earth. And at that point, we just as well fold up all our goverments and turn it over to the Corporations and Lobbyists.
The NRA is harmless, and not pro gun enough. This country needs to be better armed

You mean like Dodge, Kansas was in 1870? They had at least 50 homicides per 100,000 making it worse than all but Detroit and Chicago of today. In 1871, it dropped to 5 per 100,000 when they started the no open carry law and enforced it. The reason they did this was that they got tired of their town being shot to pieces by cowboys on a lark and too many petty arguments being settle with guns. In fact, until the early 21st century, Dallas Texas had a law against open carry. Most of our larger cities in Colorado had those laws here as well and many still do although in the counties, it's still legal to be able to open carry as long as the weapon is in the ready position.

I am a great proponent of CCW as long as that person is trained. They keep trying to ram legislation to remove the training requirements so that anyone can carry CCW. At least, with Open Carry, I can judge the person carrying whether they are a nutcase or not. With an unregulated CCW, all I see is just a nutcase that may or may not be armed. And we have way too many nutcases roaming the streets.

As one comedian said, if your Fore Fathers took a look around at us today, they would grab their erasers and start erasing the 2nd amendment fast or at least reword it from hell and gone due to a very deluted gene pool.
Na, rural areas have mostly no firearm violence issues. Firearms outnumber people many, many times over... so firearms are the least of our problems/worries.
We have no criminal control in this country and an open southern border.

Wow, another "Hey,look over there" Moment. Of course crime is low in rural areas. and so is income levels. So is job oppurtunities and many other factors. Crime is there as well but it's just not worth reporting. I lived in those areas for much of my forming years. Crime largely consisted of people stealing gas from tractors, stealing chickens and other things that would not exactly make it past page 7 in an 8 page news paper. Cow tipping was a popular sport. Actually, I never tipped a cow in my life. I did steal a few melons from the neighbors patch a couple of times. Talk about a real crime wave. Was once barely missed by rocksalt from a shotgun while running from a melon patch. Using Rural America in any way, shape or form in your criminal equation is a false flag. Besides, there are almost NO ARs in rural America. But a ton of real Hunting Rifles, Shotguns and decent handguns. Actually, very few handguns as they make poor choices in hunting. As for the AR, it's performance falls off dramatically at about 400 yds and no Rural Hunting Rifle worth it's salts can't go out to at least 800 yds accurately. AT 400 yds, I want something that can shoot accurately and still have enough knockdown power to get the job down. You have no idea what range you will encounter your game at so you figure for at least 600 yds and the 223 out of a 16 in barrel just won't cut it. The AR is just a plinker at longer ranges but it's deadly at short range when shooting school children.

We don't have the control over criminals because we don't fund the Law Enforcement enough so they can do the job and don't give them the support and backing either. John Q needs to let them do their jobs and get the hell out of the way. This means you as well, Anni Oakley.
Progressives just can’t seem to grasp that going against the U.S. Constitution isn’t popular with the American people.

New poll reveals the American public isn’t too impressed with companies that split with the NRA
Actually, the safety of our Children takes first priority.
If that were even remotely true - you would uphold and defend the U.S. Constitution at all costs. Nothing puts the safety of children at more risk than the destruction of the U.S. Constitution and the subsequent oppressive regimes that follow.

You keep spewing the same drivel over and over yet you won't take the steps to protect the school children. You keep getting in the way and allowing crazed killers to keep slaughtering them. It's not about the Constitution. It's about the Public Safety. It's about doing what is right.
Does anyone actually believe this is a coincidence? This is a strategic move directly after the Parkland shooting. If de Blasio can ensure another school shooting on the heels of Parkland, it drastically increases the chances of getting firearms banned. As Rahm Emanuel said, the left’s mantra is “never let a good crisis go to waste”. The Democrats are more than happy to offer up a few sacrificial children for their gun control agenda.

Last armed NYPD cop pulled from NYC school after Parkland shooting — and parents are ‘livid’

That is only part of the story. The NYC Police Budget just doesn't support it. You want cops in your schools, budget for it. It's not free and certainly not out of the goodness of anyone's heart. I have said it before. The Cops are underfunded and under manned. Instead of taking taxes from them and giving deep tax breaks to the 1% give them better budgets so they can afford to have more people and have those cops in the schools.
To end this stupidity (mostly yours) the NRA has just taken the state of Florida to court over it's newly passed laws that are pretty much the same laws as we have in Colorado. The NRA is now seeing if it will survive by doing this. If they lose, they will also lose quite a bit of credibility. If they win, they become the strongest Super-PAC ever created on the Face of the Earth. And at that point, we just as well fold up all our goverments and turn it over to the Corporations and Lobbyists. of the First Civil Rights groups is suing Florida for violating the Civil Rights of Florida citizens...that Colorado also violates those Rights is just another stop we will have to make to end violations of the Constitution...

That was already tried in Colorado. Our laws were changed slightly due to a Supreme Court Ruling but remained largely intact. Florida has a watered down version of what we have here. The hand writing is on the wall on this one. These are good laws, common sense laws and would prevent most mass shootings if all states adopted and followed them. Some states would have to tighten up just a bit while other states would have to loosen up by quite a margin. But overall, everyone would be a hell of a lot happier.

Since the average age of mass shooters is 33, how exactly do these laws stop mass shooters? Or any? You guys always say that these laws would help prevent mass shootings and that isn't even remotely true or accurate. There is no way these laws will do anything to stop any mass shooters.....that is just delusional, brainless parroting of anti gun crap....

The Aurora shooter was under 21. The Florida Shooter was 19. The Texas School School Shooters were under 21. Stop lying.
It's not about the Constitution. It's about the Public Safety. It's about doing what is right.
No my friend, it is not. The U.S. Constitution never guaranteed you “public safety”. It guaranteed you liberty. If that’s too scary for you, there are plenty of police states out there. I suggest you pick one and file for citizenship.
To end this stupidity (mostly yours) the NRA has just taken the state of Florida to court over it's newly passed laws that are pretty much the same laws as we have in Colorado. The NRA is now seeing if it will survive by doing this. If they lose, they will also lose quite a bit of credibility. If they win, they become the strongest Super-PAC ever created on the Face of the Earth. And at that point, we just as well fold up all our goverments and turn it over to the Corporations and Lobbyists.
The NRA is harmless, and not pro gun enough. This country needs to be better armed

You mean like Dodge, Kansas was in 1870? They had at least 50 homicides per 100,000 making it worse than all but Detroit and Chicago of today. In 1871, it dropped to 5 per 100,000 when they started the no open carry law and enforced it. The reason they did this was that they got tired of their town being shot to pieces by cowboys on a lark and too many petty arguments being settle with guns. In fact, until the early 21st century, Dallas Texas had a law against open carry. Most of our larger cities in Colorado had those laws here as well and many still do although in the counties, it's still legal to be able to open carry as long as the weapon is in the ready position.

I am a great proponent of CCW as long as that person is trained. They keep trying to ram legislation to remove the training requirements so that anyone can carry CCW. At least, with Open Carry, I can judge the person carrying whether they are a nutcase or not. With an unregulated CCW, all I see is just a nutcase that may or may not be armed. And we have way too many nutcases roaming the streets.

As one comedian said, if your Fore Fathers took a look around at us today, they would grab their erasers and start erasing the 2nd amendment fast or at least reword it from hell and gone due to a very deluted gene pool.
Na, rural areas have mostly no firearm violence issues. Firearms outnumber people many, many times over... so firearms are the least of our problems/worries.
We have no criminal control in this country and an open southern border.

Wow, another "Hey,look over there" Moment. Of course crime is low in rural areas. and so is income levels. So is job oppurtunities and many other factors. Crime is there as well but it's just not worth reporting. I lived in those areas for much of my forming years. Crime largely consisted of people stealing gas from tractors, stealing chickens and other things that would not exactly make it past page 7 in an 8 page news paper. Cow tipping was a popular sport. Actually, I never tipped a cow in my life. I did steal a few melons from the neighbors patch a couple of times. Talk about a real crime wave. Was once barely missed by rocksalt from a shotgun while running from a melon patch. Using Rural America in any way, shape or form in your criminal equation is a false flag. Besides, there are almost NO ARs in rural America. But a ton of real Hunting Rifles, Shotguns and decent handguns. Actually, very few handguns as they make poor choices in hunting. As for the AR, it's performance falls off dramatically at about 400 yds and no Rural Hunting Rifle worth it's salts can't go out to at least 800 yds accurately. AT 400 yds, I want something that can shoot accurately and still have enough knockdown power to get the job down. You have no idea what range you will encounter your game at so you figure for at least 600 yds and the 223 out of a 16 in barrel just won't cut it. The AR is just a plinker at longer ranges but it's deadly at short range when shooting school children.

We don't have the control over criminals because we don't fund the Law Enforcement enough so they can do the job and don't give them the support and backing either. John Q needs to let them do their jobs and get the hell out of the way. This means you as well, Anni Oakley.
Na, ARs work great for all northern plains game.
A person has to be worthless lazy bum if can’t get within 300-400 yards from mule deer, antelope, coyote, Fox, etc. which a .223/5.56 has plenty of knock down for those at that range. And certainly is plenty accurate.
You don’t understand firearms or hunting for that matter...
It's not about the Constitution. It's about the Public Safety. It's about doing what is right.
No my friend, it is not. The U.S. Constitution never guaranteed you “public safety”. It guaranteed you liberty. If that’s too scary for you, there are plenty of police states out there. I suggest you pick one and file for citizenship.

Fire up the Death Mobile and get the Death Race on the way. Line up the School Children so we can mow them down using Mah Dueces as we all race by. That should be some extra points. Nailing the Teaching Staff by running them over should be worth extra credits.

You have more in common with ISIS than a Christian.
To end this stupidity (mostly yours) the NRA has just taken the state of Florida to court over it's newly passed laws that are pretty much the same laws as we have in Colorado. The NRA is now seeing if it will survive by doing this. If they lose, they will also lose quite a bit of credibility. If they win, they become the strongest Super-PAC ever created on the Face of the Earth. And at that point, we just as well fold up all our goverments and turn it over to the Corporations and Lobbyists.
The NRA is harmless, and not pro gun enough. This country needs to be better armed

You mean like Dodge, Kansas was in 1870? They had at least 50 homicides per 100,000 making it worse than all but Detroit and Chicago of today. In 1871, it dropped to 5 per 100,000 when they started the no open carry law and enforced it. The reason they did this was that they got tired of their town being shot to pieces by cowboys on a lark and too many petty arguments being settle with guns. In fact, until the early 21st century, Dallas Texas had a law against open carry. Most of our larger cities in Colorado had those laws here as well and many still do although in the counties, it's still legal to be able to open carry as long as the weapon is in the ready position.

I am a great proponent of CCW as long as that person is trained. They keep trying to ram legislation to remove the training requirements so that anyone can carry CCW. At least, with Open Carry, I can judge the person carrying whether they are a nutcase or not. With an unregulated CCW, all I see is just a nutcase that may or may not be armed. And we have way too many nutcases roaming the streets.

As one comedian said, if your Fore Fathers took a look around at us today, they would grab their erasers and start erasing the 2nd amendment fast or at least reword it from hell and gone due to a very deluted gene pool.
Na, rural areas have mostly no firearm violence issues. Firearms outnumber people many, many times over... so firearms are the least of our problems/worries.
We have no criminal control in this country and an open southern border.

Wow, another "Hey,look over there" Moment. Of course crime is low in rural areas. and so is income levels. So is job oppurtunities and many other factors. Crime is there as well but it's just not worth reporting. I lived in those areas for much of my forming years. Crime largely consisted of people stealing gas from tractors, stealing chickens and other things that would not exactly make it past page 7 in an 8 page news paper. Cow tipping was a popular sport. Actually, I never tipped a cow in my life. I did steal a few melons from the neighbors patch a couple of times. Talk about a real crime wave. Was once barely missed by rocksalt from a shotgun while running from a melon patch. Using Rural America in any way, shape or form in your criminal equation is a false flag. Besides, there are almost NO ARs in rural America. But a ton of real Hunting Rifles, Shotguns and decent handguns. Actually, very few handguns as they make poor choices in hunting. As for the AR, it's performance falls off dramatically at about 400 yds and no Rural Hunting Rifle worth it's salts can't go out to at least 800 yds accurately. AT 400 yds, I want something that can shoot accurately and still have enough knockdown power to get the job down. You have no idea what range you will encounter your game at so you figure for at least 600 yds and the 223 out of a 16 in barrel just won't cut it. The AR is just a plinker at longer ranges but it's deadly at short range when shooting school children.

We don't have the control over criminals because we don't fund the Law Enforcement enough so they can do the job and don't give them the support and backing either. John Q needs to let them do their jobs and get the hell out of the way. This means you as well, Anni Oakley.
Na, ARs work great for all northern plains game.
A person has to be worthless lazy bum if can’t get within 300-400 yards from mule deer, antelope, coyote, Fox, etc. which a .223/5.56 has plenty of knock down for those at that range. And certainly is plenty accurate.
You don’t understand firearms or hunting for that matter...

In Colorado, if you get caught using a 556 on a Mule Dear, get ready for either a hefty fine or a bit of a jail time. Your mouth is writing checks your ass can't cash.
Progressives just can’t seem to grasp that going against the U.S. Constitution isn’t popular with the American people.

New poll reveals the American public isn’t too impressed with companies that split with the NRA

Actually, the safety of our Children takes first priority. We all do what we must to make that the primary concern. Well, except for your bunch. Let's see. You have to make a choice. Do you allow no rules on guns at all or the slaughter of your children. tick, tock. well, we are waiting, what's the matter, are you having trouble making the choice? The rest of us aren't having trouble with that choice and choose our children's lives every time with no hesitation.
No it obviously doesn't since more children die at the hands of their own parents than die in mass shootings
More children are molested by family members than die in mass shootings
More children drown every year than are killed in mass shootings
More children die from falling down stairs than die from mass shootings

If safety actually took first priority then we would take all kids away from their parents and families

If safety of children was the first concern of any school they would lock the fucking doors so some asshole with a gun can't just walk in
The NRA is harmless, and not pro gun enough. This country needs to be better armed

You mean like Dodge, Kansas was in 1870? They had at least 50 homicides per 100,000 making it worse than all but Detroit and Chicago of today. In 1871, it dropped to 5 per 100,000 when they started the no open carry law and enforced it. The reason they did this was that they got tired of their town being shot to pieces by cowboys on a lark and too many petty arguments being settle with guns. In fact, until the early 21st century, Dallas Texas had a law against open carry. Most of our larger cities in Colorado had those laws here as well and many still do although in the counties, it's still legal to be able to open carry as long as the weapon is in the ready position.

I am a great proponent of CCW as long as that person is trained. They keep trying to ram legislation to remove the training requirements so that anyone can carry CCW. At least, with Open Carry, I can judge the person carrying whether they are a nutcase or not. With an unregulated CCW, all I see is just a nutcase that may or may not be armed. And we have way too many nutcases roaming the streets.

As one comedian said, if your Fore Fathers took a look around at us today, they would grab their erasers and start erasing the 2nd amendment fast or at least reword it from hell and gone due to a very deluted gene pool.
Na, rural areas have mostly no firearm violence issues. Firearms outnumber people many, many times over... so firearms are the least of our problems/worries.
We have no criminal control in this country and an open southern border.

Wow, another "Hey,look over there" Moment. Of course crime is low in rural areas. and so is income levels. So is job oppurtunities and many other factors. Crime is there as well but it's just not worth reporting. I lived in those areas for much of my forming years. Crime largely consisted of people stealing gas from tractors, stealing chickens and other things that would not exactly make it past page 7 in an 8 page news paper. Cow tipping was a popular sport. Actually, I never tipped a cow in my life. I did steal a few melons from the neighbors patch a couple of times. Talk about a real crime wave. Was once barely missed by rocksalt from a shotgun while running from a melon patch. Using Rural America in any way, shape or form in your criminal equation is a false flag. Besides, there are almost NO ARs in rural America. But a ton of real Hunting Rifles, Shotguns and decent handguns. Actually, very few handguns as they make poor choices in hunting. As for the AR, it's performance falls off dramatically at about 400 yds and no Rural Hunting Rifle worth it's salts can't go out to at least 800 yds accurately. AT 400 yds, I want something that can shoot accurately and still have enough knockdown power to get the job down. You have no idea what range you will encounter your game at so you figure for at least 600 yds and the 223 out of a 16 in barrel just won't cut it. The AR is just a plinker at longer ranges but it's deadly at short range when shooting school children.

We don't have the control over criminals because we don't fund the Law Enforcement enough so they can do the job and don't give them the support and backing either. John Q needs to let them do their jobs and get the hell out of the way. This means you as well, Anni Oakley.
Na, ARs work great for all northern plains game.
A person has to be worthless lazy bum if can’t get within 300-400 yards from mule deer, antelope, coyote, Fox, etc. which a .223/5.56 has plenty of knock down for those at that range. And certainly is plenty accurate.
You don’t understand firearms or hunting for that matter...

In Colorado, if you get caught using a 556 on a Mule Dear, get ready for either a hefty fine or a bit of a jail time. Your mouth is writing checks your ass can't cash.

There are plenty of other animals that a 5.56 is suited for.

Coyotes, vermin, small game
To end this stupidity (mostly yours) the NRA has just taken the state of Florida to court over it's newly passed laws that are pretty much the same laws as we have in Colorado. The NRA is now seeing if it will survive by doing this. If they lose, they will also lose quite a bit of credibility. If they win, they become the strongest Super-PAC ever created on the Face of the Earth. And at that point, we just as well fold up all our goverments and turn it over to the Corporations and Lobbyists.
The NRA is harmless, and not pro gun enough. This country needs to be better armed

You mean like Dodge, Kansas was in 1870? They had at least 50 homicides per 100,000 making it worse than all but Detroit and Chicago of today. In 1871, it dropped to 5 per 100,000 when they started the no open carry law and enforced it. The reason they did this was that they got tired of their town being shot to pieces by cowboys on a lark and too many petty arguments being settle with guns. In fact, until the early 21st century, Dallas Texas had a law against open carry. Most of our larger cities in Colorado had those laws here as well and many still do although in the counties, it's still legal to be able to open carry as long as the weapon is in the ready position.

I am a great proponent of CCW as long as that person is trained. They keep trying to ram legislation to remove the training requirements so that anyone can carry CCW. At least, with Open Carry, I can judge the person carrying whether they are a nutcase or not. With an unregulated CCW, all I see is just a nutcase that may or may not be armed. And we have way too many nutcases roaming the streets.

As one comedian said, if your Fore Fathers took a look around at us today, they would grab their erasers and start erasing the 2nd amendment fast or at least reword it from hell and gone due to a very deluted gene pool.
Na, rural areas have mostly no firearm violence issues. Firearms outnumber people many, many times over... so firearms are the least of our problems/worries.
We have no criminal control in this country and an open southern border.

Wow, another "Hey,look over there" Moment. Of course crime is low in rural areas. and so is income levels. So is job oppurtunities and many other factors. Crime is there as well but it's just not worth reporting. I lived in those areas for much of my forming years. Crime largely consisted of people stealing gas from tractors, stealing chickens and other things that would not exactly make it past page 7 in an 8 page news paper. Cow tipping was a popular sport. Actually, I never tipped a cow in my life. I did steal a few melons from the neighbors patch a couple of times. Talk about a real crime wave. Was once barely missed by rocksalt from a shotgun while running from a melon patch. Using Rural America in any way, shape or form in your criminal equation is a false flag. Besides, there are almost NO ARs in rural America. But a ton of real Hunting Rifles, Shotguns and decent handguns. Actually, very few handguns as they make poor choices in hunting. As for the AR, it's performance falls off dramatically at about 400 yds and no Rural Hunting Rifle worth it's salts can't go out to at least 800 yds accurately. AT 400 yds, I want something that can shoot accurately and still have enough knockdown power to get the job down. You have no idea what range you will encounter your game at so you figure for at least 600 yds and the 223 out of a 16 in barrel just won't cut it. The AR is just a plinker at longer ranges but it's deadly at short range when shooting school children.

We don't have the control over criminals because we don't fund the Law Enforcement enough so they can do the job and don't give them the support and backing either. John Q needs to let them do their jobs and get the hell out of the way. This means you as well, Anni Oakley.

You'd be surprised how many small rural and semi rural towns have higher than average household incomes.

People with money don't want to live in a shit hole of a city

No one I know who owns any firearms wants to be a cop
No one with a CCW permit is walking around playing cop
To end this stupidity (mostly yours) the NRA has just taken the state of Florida to court over it's newly passed laws that are pretty much the same laws as we have in Colorado. The NRA is now seeing if it will survive by doing this. If they lose, they will also lose quite a bit of credibility. If they win, they become the strongest Super-PAC ever created on the Face of the Earth. And at that point, we just as well fold up all our goverments and turn it over to the Corporations and Lobbyists. of the First Civil Rights groups is suing Florida for violating the Civil Rights of Florida citizens...that Colorado also violates those Rights is just another stop we will have to make to end violations of the Constitution...

That was already tried in Colorado. Our laws were changed slightly due to a Supreme Court Ruling but remained largely intact. Florida has a watered down version of what we have here. The hand writing is on the wall on this one. These are good laws, common sense laws and would prevent most mass shootings if all states adopted and followed them. Some states would have to tighten up just a bit while other states would have to loosen up by quite a margin. But overall, everyone would be a hell of a lot happier.

Since the average age of mass shooters is 33, how exactly do these laws stop mass shooters? Or any? You guys always say that these laws would help prevent mass shootings and that isn't even remotely true or accurate. There is no way these laws will do anything to stop any mass shooters.....that is just delusional, brainless parroting of anti gun crap....

The Aurora shooter was under 21. The Florida Shooter was 19. The Texas School School Shooters were under 21. Stop lying.
you don't know what an average is do you?
The NRA is harmless, and not pro gun enough. This country needs to be better armed

You mean like Dodge, Kansas was in 1870? They had at least 50 homicides per 100,000 making it worse than all but Detroit and Chicago of today. In 1871, it dropped to 5 per 100,000 when they started the no open carry law and enforced it. The reason they did this was that they got tired of their town being shot to pieces by cowboys on a lark and too many petty arguments being settle with guns. In fact, until the early 21st century, Dallas Texas had a law against open carry. Most of our larger cities in Colorado had those laws here as well and many still do although in the counties, it's still legal to be able to open carry as long as the weapon is in the ready position.

I am a great proponent of CCW as long as that person is trained. They keep trying to ram legislation to remove the training requirements so that anyone can carry CCW. At least, with Open Carry, I can judge the person carrying whether they are a nutcase or not. With an unregulated CCW, all I see is just a nutcase that may or may not be armed. And we have way too many nutcases roaming the streets.

As one comedian said, if your Fore Fathers took a look around at us today, they would grab their erasers and start erasing the 2nd amendment fast or at least reword it from hell and gone due to a very deluted gene pool.
Na, rural areas have mostly no firearm violence issues. Firearms outnumber people many, many times over... so firearms are the least of our problems/worries.
We have no criminal control in this country and an open southern border.

Wow, another "Hey,look over there" Moment. Of course crime is low in rural areas. and so is income levels. So is job oppurtunities and many other factors. Crime is there as well but it's just not worth reporting. I lived in those areas for much of my forming years. Crime largely consisted of people stealing gas from tractors, stealing chickens and other things that would not exactly make it past page 7 in an 8 page news paper. Cow tipping was a popular sport. Actually, I never tipped a cow in my life. I did steal a few melons from the neighbors patch a couple of times. Talk about a real crime wave. Was once barely missed by rocksalt from a shotgun while running from a melon patch. Using Rural America in any way, shape or form in your criminal equation is a false flag. Besides, there are almost NO ARs in rural America. But a ton of real Hunting Rifles, Shotguns and decent handguns. Actually, very few handguns as they make poor choices in hunting. As for the AR, it's performance falls off dramatically at about 400 yds and no Rural Hunting Rifle worth it's salts can't go out to at least 800 yds accurately. AT 400 yds, I want something that can shoot accurately and still have enough knockdown power to get the job down. You have no idea what range you will encounter your game at so you figure for at least 600 yds and the 223 out of a 16 in barrel just won't cut it. The AR is just a plinker at longer ranges but it's deadly at short range when shooting school children.

We don't have the control over criminals because we don't fund the Law Enforcement enough so they can do the job and don't give them the support and backing either. John Q needs to let them do their jobs and get the hell out of the way. This means you as well, Anni Oakley.
Na, ARs work great for all northern plains game.
A person has to be worthless lazy bum if can’t get within 300-400 yards from mule deer, antelope, coyote, Fox, etc. which a .223/5.56 has plenty of knock down for those at that range. And certainly is plenty accurate.
You don’t understand firearms or hunting for that matter...

In Colorado, if you get caught using a 556 on a Mule Dear, get ready for either a hefty fine or a bit of a jail time. Your mouth is writing checks your ass can't cash.
.223/5.56 perfectly legal up here... lol
To end this stupidity (mostly yours) the NRA has just taken the state of Florida to court over it's newly passed laws that are pretty much the same laws as we have in Colorado. The NRA is now seeing if it will survive by doing this. If they lose, they will also lose quite a bit of credibility. If they win, they become the strongest Super-PAC ever created on the Face of the Earth. And at that point, we just as well fold up all our goverments and turn it over to the Corporations and Lobbyists.
The NRA is harmless, and not pro gun enough. This country needs to be better armed

You mean like Dodge, Kansas was in 1870? They had at least 50 homicides per 100,000 making it worse than all but Detroit and Chicago of today. In 1871, it dropped to 5 per 100,000 when they started the no open carry law and enforced it. The reason they did this was that they got tired of their town being shot to pieces by cowboys on a lark and too many petty arguments being settle with guns. In fact, until the early 21st century, Dallas Texas had a law against open carry. Most of our larger cities in Colorado had those laws here as well and many still do although in the counties, it's still legal to be able to open carry as long as the weapon is in the ready position.

I am a great proponent of CCW as long as that person is trained. They keep trying to ram legislation to remove the training requirements so that anyone can carry CCW. At least, with Open Carry, I can judge the person carrying whether they are a nutcase or not. With an unregulated CCW, all I see is just a nutcase that may or may not be armed. And we have way too many nutcases roaming the streets.

As one comedian said, if your Fore Fathers took a look around at us today, they would grab their erasers and start erasing the 2nd amendment fast or at least reword it from hell and gone due to a very deluted gene pool.
Na, rural areas have mostly no firearm violence issues. Firearms outnumber people many, many times over... so firearms are the least of our problems/worries.
We have no criminal control in this country and an open southern border.

Wow, another "Hey,look over there" Moment. Of course crime is low in rural areas. and so is income levels. So is job oppurtunities and many other factors. Crime is there as well but it's just not worth reporting. I lived in those areas for much of my forming years. Crime largely consisted of people stealing gas from tractors, stealing chickens and other things that would not exactly make it past page 7 in an 8 page news paper. Cow tipping was a popular sport. Actually, I never tipped a cow in my life. I did steal a few melons from the neighbors patch a couple of times. Talk about a real crime wave. Was once barely missed by rocksalt from a shotgun while running from a melon patch. Using Rural America in any way, shape or form in your criminal equation is a false flag. Besides, there are almost NO ARs in rural America. But a ton of real Hunting Rifles, Shotguns and decent handguns. Actually, very few handguns as they make poor choices in hunting. As for the AR, it's performance falls off dramatically at about 400 yds and no Rural Hunting Rifle worth it's salts can't go out to at least 800 yds accurately. AT 400 yds, I want something that can shoot accurately and still have enough knockdown power to get the job down. You have no idea what range you will encounter your game at so you figure for at least 600 yds and the 223 out of a 16 in barrel just won't cut it. The AR is just a plinker at longer ranges but it's deadly at short range when shooting school children.

We don't have the control over criminals because we don't fund the Law Enforcement enough so they can do the job and don't give them the support and backing either. John Q needs to let them do their jobs and get the hell out of the way. This means you as well, Anni Oakley.

You'd be surprised how many small rural and semi rural towns have higher than average household incomes.

People with money don't want to live in a shit hole of a city

No one I know who owns any firearms wants to be a cop
No one with a CCW permit is walking around playing cop
...and millions of ARs in rural America
The NRA is harmless, and not pro gun enough. This country needs to be better armed

You mean like Dodge, Kansas was in 1870? They had at least 50 homicides per 100,000 making it worse than all but Detroit and Chicago of today. In 1871, it dropped to 5 per 100,000 when they started the no open carry law and enforced it. The reason they did this was that they got tired of their town being shot to pieces by cowboys on a lark and too many petty arguments being settle with guns. In fact, until the early 21st century, Dallas Texas had a law against open carry. Most of our larger cities in Colorado had those laws here as well and many still do although in the counties, it's still legal to be able to open carry as long as the weapon is in the ready position.

I am a great proponent of CCW as long as that person is trained. They keep trying to ram legislation to remove the training requirements so that anyone can carry CCW. At least, with Open Carry, I can judge the person carrying whether they are a nutcase or not. With an unregulated CCW, all I see is just a nutcase that may or may not be armed. And we have way too many nutcases roaming the streets.

As one comedian said, if your Fore Fathers took a look around at us today, they would grab their erasers and start erasing the 2nd amendment fast or at least reword it from hell and gone due to a very deluted gene pool.
Na, rural areas have mostly no firearm violence issues. Firearms outnumber people many, many times over... so firearms are the least of our problems/worries.
We have no criminal control in this country and an open southern border.

Wow, another "Hey,look over there" Moment. Of course crime is low in rural areas. and so is income levels. So is job oppurtunities and many other factors. Crime is there as well but it's just not worth reporting. I lived in those areas for much of my forming years. Crime largely consisted of people stealing gas from tractors, stealing chickens and other things that would not exactly make it past page 7 in an 8 page news paper. Cow tipping was a popular sport. Actually, I never tipped a cow in my life. I did steal a few melons from the neighbors patch a couple of times. Talk about a real crime wave. Was once barely missed by rocksalt from a shotgun while running from a melon patch. Using Rural America in any way, shape or form in your criminal equation is a false flag. Besides, there are almost NO ARs in rural America. But a ton of real Hunting Rifles, Shotguns and decent handguns. Actually, very few handguns as they make poor choices in hunting. As for the AR, it's performance falls off dramatically at about 400 yds and no Rural Hunting Rifle worth it's salts can't go out to at least 800 yds accurately. AT 400 yds, I want something that can shoot accurately and still have enough knockdown power to get the job down. You have no idea what range you will encounter your game at so you figure for at least 600 yds and the 223 out of a 16 in barrel just won't cut it. The AR is just a plinker at longer ranges but it's deadly at short range when shooting school children.

We don't have the control over criminals because we don't fund the Law Enforcement enough so they can do the job and don't give them the support and backing either. John Q needs to let them do their jobs and get the hell out of the way. This means you as well, Anni Oakley.

You'd be surprised how many small rural and semi rural towns have higher than average household incomes.

People with money don't want to live in a shit hole of a city

No one I know who owns any firearms wants to be a cop
No one with a CCW permit is walking around playing cop
...and millions of ARs in rural America

And you have to wonder why these control freaks want to ban the single most popular civilian rifle in the country
The 2nd Amendment can be definitively paraphrased thus: The individual states have a right to defend themselves through maintenance of state militias. That being said, the Declaration of Independence acknowledges that individuals have an inalienable right to protect themselves. Unless/until the government can guarantee their personal safety, individuals have an inherent right to defend themselves by any reasonable means.

P.S. I don't give a shit how some judge "interprets" the plain language of these documents.

I'm sitting here, speechless at the cognitive dissonance between your "plain language" statement and your illiteracy.

You're correct that the language IS plain, but you are mistaken in believing that you read English well enough to understand it.
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Progressives just can’t seem to grasp that going against the U.S. Constitution isn’t popular with the American people.

New poll reveals the American public isn’t too impressed with companies that split with the NRA

Actually, the safety of our Children takes first priority. We all do what we must to make that the primary concern. Well, except for your bunch. Let's see. You have to make a choice. Do you allow no rules on guns at all or the slaughter of your children. tick, tock. well, we are waiting, what's the matter, are you having trouble making the choice? The rest of us aren't having trouble with that choice and choose our children's lives every time with no hesitation.

Actually, it is disingenuous to imply that your asinine ideas and proposals represent "the safety of our children". It's also delusional of you to continue lecturing and firing out insults and name-calling as though anyone is frantically concerned with having your approval.

Daryl: You're a baby killer! You want dead children!

The rest of the world: :sleep::bigbed:

Take a Xanax and calm your rhetoric the fuck down, because shaming anyone, let alone shaming them into surrendering their rights, is something you are utterly unqualified to accomplish.
To end this stupidity (mostly yours) the NRA has just taken the state of Florida to court over it's newly passed laws that are pretty much the same laws as we have in Colorado. The NRA is now seeing if it will survive by doing this. If they lose, they will also lose quite a bit of credibility. If they win, they become the strongest Super-PAC ever created on the Face of the Earth. And at that point, we just as well fold up all our goverments and turn it over to the Corporations and Lobbyists.
The NRA is harmless, and not pro gun enough. This country needs to be better armed

I love when they say the NRA used to just teach gun safety, and now they hate it because it lobbies for gun Rights.....these morons wouldn't have the guns that they have if the NRA, as well as other groups, didn't lobby on our behalf to keep our gun Rights........

It is just like the hunters who say they don't care if the gun grabbers take rifles and pistols, they just want their shotguns......the lack of understanding of history and human nature is amazing.....

I don't know of one single person that wants to take the hunting rifles or shotguns. I do know quite few that want to take the assault type weapons like the ARs out of circulation without special licensing as well as high capacity mags and bump stocks, raising the purchasing age, taking away all the loopholes in the gun registration process, and a few more. You know, things that should have been done long ago.

No, you don't know of a single person who is HONEST about wanting to take them, or is informed enough to realize that's what they're asking for. About half the gun-grabbers out there know so little about guns beyond the fact that they're "scary", they don't even realize that's EXACTLY what they're clamoring for when they parrot leftist gun-control mantras. The other half know perfectly well that's the goal, and are just lying their asses off.

As has been long-established, "assault-type weapons" is a bullshit, nothing phrase meant to scare people and pretend that the AR-15 is something other than what it is. Raising the purchasing age is just a cosmetic change which will accomplish nothing useful, and result only in establishing a foothold of legitimacy for restrictions of 2nd Amendment rights in general.

"Loopholes in the gun registration process". What the fuck IS that even supposed to mean? Could you vague that up for us a bit?

Basically, nothing you babble about "should have been done long ago", or should be done at all, insofar as I can even understand what the hell you're talking about. It may surprise you to know that you wanting something does NOT equal "should be this way".

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