Mass Shooting are happening where the laws are the weakest.
Mass shootings are happening where guns are completely banned, my friend.

You keep denying that the laws in those three states are the weakest in the nation. That is how the weapons got close to the killing area in the first place. That is why it won't happen here. It will be red flagged before they can step foot inside the killing fields here. Tell me how many killings have happened at Gun Shows that are also pretty much Loaded gun Banned? Is that a target rich environment? You don't seem to advertise that too much. So let me.

Hey Mass Shooters!!!! For a good time, NO guns at a Gun Show are allowed to be loaded included concealed ones. So get your ARs loaded up and get over there and mow a few hundred down. It's easier than shooting up a school.

Of course I don't support anyone shooting up gun shows. It's just as wrong. Murder is Murder. But you can see where advertising the other places to find the best places to do the mass killings makes about as much sense.
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Progressives just can’t seem to grasp that going against the U.S. Constitution isn’t popular with the American people.

New poll reveals the American public isn’t too impressed with companies that split with the NRA

Actually, the safety of our Children takes first priority. We all do what we must to make that the primary concern. Well, except for your bunch. Let's see. You have to make a choice. Do you allow no rules on guns at all or the slaughter of your children. tick, tock. well, we are waiting, what's the matter, are you having trouble making the choice? The rest of us aren't having trouble with that choice and choose our children's lives every time with no hesitation.
so - you're saying with this post we have no rules on guns.

funny, walk into wal mart and try to buy one. or for that matter in florida now where *more* rules were placed on guns.

nice swing for the fences, but reality says this is completely incorrect.

now stop using children as an emotional plea and if you want something positive done, put the emotions down and the thought process on.

I can walk into any Walmart, even in Florida, and buy guns with no waiting period. I can even buy an AR in Florida but not a Walmart. For Walmart for Gun Sales, it's In Store Sales only and as much as I dislike Walley World, they pretty well adhere to the Colorado Gun Laws overall nation wide.

The last 3 mass shootings have occured in the 3 states with the weakest gun control laws. Imagine that. Mass Shooting are happening where the laws are the weakest. Sort of shoots you and your buddies arguments all to hell and gone. You want more mass school, theater or arena shootings, don't tighten up your laws. Or be like Texas and weaken them. And then advertise the lack of laws.
But you do need to meet their age requirements.

You do need to pass a background check

So there ARE rules now aren't there?

Hence the whole YOU GUYS WANT NO RULES AND KIDS DEAD is frankly, bullshit.
Mass Shooting are happening where the laws are the weakest.
Mass shootings are happening where guns are completely banned, my friend.

You keep denying that the laws in those three states are the weakest in the nation. That is how the weapons got close to the killing area in the first place. That is why it won't happen here. It will be red flagged before they can step foot inside the killing fields here. Tell me how many killings have happened at Gun Shows that are also pretty much Loaded gun Banned? Is that a target rich environment? You don't seem to advertise that too much. So let me.

Hey Mass Shooters!!!! For a good time, NO guns at a Gun Show are allowed to be loaded included concealed ones. So get your ARs loaded up and get over there and mow a few hundred down. It's easier than shooting up a school.

Of course I don't support anyone shooting up gun shows. It's just as wrong. Murder is Murder. But you can see where advertising the other places to find the best places to do the mass killings makes about as much sense.
Where are the rules/laws the strongest?

What are their gun crime stats?

Or sit around and shout uneducated stereotypes.
We asked for a few changes. Not many. And certainly not any that would confiscate any arms. But to regulate things that might have saved a few lives and might save a few in the future. It appears that the majority of the people agree with this. Too bad it's taken the deaths of so many to wake so many up. But it's happening.

Get used to it and get over it. It's the right thing to do.

There is not one law that has been passed or that has been suggested that would stop anyone from killing

No matter what you say, you can't stop the tide. So get over it. :CryingCow:

Try actually winning something before you declare victory and demand that we accept it.

Florida signed most of what I said we needed into law. Now, that's a win. You see it as a loss. The NRA won't accept the loss. I noticed that one of yours said that a civic minded non profit organization was suing over constitutional rights over the signing of that law. He left out that it is the NRA. They already tried that in Colorado which as slightly stricter laws and pretty well lost the baby. Pretty much, the Midwest is moving towards the same laws that Colorado has adopted since we are fed up with our schools, arenas, concerts, theaters and more being shot to hell and gone. And if it doesn't stop, the laws are only going to get tighter.
If it doesn't stop, maybe it's the wrong way to go.

Fix the people, n guns will take care of themselves.
The entire left-wing narrative about firearms is a lie. It’s all built on a political agenda rather than on data.
The report states that investigators posing online as gun buyers who were not legally able to purchase a firearm were completely unsuccessful when attempting to purchase firearms from private sellers. In fact, the report states that investigators tried 72 times — and each time they failed.
That’s right - 0% of the ATF investigators were able to make an illegal purchase. Not even one.

Investigators test how well gun laws work online — and find shocking results that undermine liberals

Gun Rights Don't Come from the Second Amendment


Whenever there is a gun massacre, statists inevitably respond that it’s time to repeal the Second Amendment. The idea is that if the Second Amendment is gone, so will be the right to own guns in the United States.

There is just one big problem with that position: It’s wrong. The Second Amendment, like the First Amendment, doesn’t give anyone any rights. Instead, it prohibits the federal government from infringing on rights that are natural and God-given and that preexist government.

The Declaration of Independence sets forth the essential principles. Every person (i.e., not just American citizens) is endowed by nature or God with fundamental rights. These include life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Thus, given that people’s rights are natural and God-given, they preexist government. The rights come first and the government comes second."


Mass Shooting are happening where the laws are the weakest.
Mass shootings are happening where guns are completely banned, my friend.

You keep denying that the laws in those three states are the weakest in the nation. That is how the weapons got close to the killing area in the first place. That is why it won't happen here. It will be red flagged before they can step foot inside the killing fields here. Tell me how many killings have happened at Gun Shows that are also pretty much Loaded gun Banned? Is that a target rich environment? You don't seem to advertise that too much. So let me.

Hey Mass Shooters!!!! For a good time, NO guns at a Gun Show are allowed to be loaded included concealed ones. So get your ARs loaded up and get over there and mow a few hundred down. It's easier than shooting up a school.

Of course I don't support anyone shooting up gun shows. It's just as wrong. Murder is Murder. But you can see where advertising the other places to find the best places to do the mass killings makes about as much sense.
I don’t know what gun shows you attend - but I’ve always carried fully loaded into gun shows that I’ve gone to.
Mass Shooting are happening where the laws are the weakest.
Mass shootings are happening where guns are completely banned, my friend.
You keep denying that the laws in those three states are the weakest in the nation. That is how the weapons got close to the killing area in the first place.
You keep denying that firearms are completely banned in the mass shooting locations. Which is the absolute most strictest firearm laws you can have.

Tell us - how is that working out?
Progressives just can’t seem to grasp that going against the U.S. Constitution isn’t popular with the American people.

New poll reveals the American public isn’t too impressed with companies that split with the NRA

Actually, the safety of our Children takes first priority. We all do what we must to make that the primary concern. Well, except for your bunch. Let's see. You have to make a choice. Do you allow no rules on guns at all or the slaughter of your children. tick, tock. well, we are waiting, what's the matter, are you having trouble making the choice? The rest of us aren't having trouble with that choice and choose our children's lives every time with no hesitation.
so - you're saying with this post we have no rules on guns.

funny, walk into wal mart and try to buy one. or for that matter in florida now where *more* rules were placed on guns.

nice swing for the fences, but reality says this is completely incorrect.

now stop using children as an emotional plea and if you want something positive done, put the emotions down and the thought process on.

I can walk into any Walmart, even in Florida, and buy guns with no waiting period. I can even buy an AR in Florida but not a Walmart. For Walmart for Gun Sales, it's In Store Sales only and as much as I dislike Walley World, they pretty well adhere to the Colorado Gun Laws overall nation wide.

The last 3 mass shootings have occured in the 3 states with the weakest gun control laws. Imagine that. Mass Shooting are happening where the laws are the weakest. Sort of shoots you and your buddies arguments all to hell and gone. You want more mass school, theater or arena shootings, don't tighten up your laws. Or be like Texas and weaken them. And then advertise the lack of laws.
But you do need to meet their age requirements.

You do need to pass a background check

So there ARE rules now aren't there?

Hence the whole YOU GUYS WANT NO RULES AND KIDS DEAD is frankly, bullshit.

Those were taken grudgenly. Not given, taken. And I can still obtain guns in Florida without an age limit or a background check legally. as long as I am at least 18 or at least claim to be. So there are NO rules.
Mass Shooting are happening where the laws are the weakest.
Mass shootings are happening where guns are completely banned, my friend.
You keep denying that the laws in those three states are the weakest in the nation. That is how the weapons got close to the killing area in the first place.
You keep denying that firearms are completely banned in the mass shooting locations. Which is the absolute most strictest firearm laws you can have.

Tell us - how is that working out?

It's working out just fine around here. We are taking care of your own just fine. In fact, just last week, we busted a kid heading for a school that was carrying an AR. He never made it onto school property. He was spotted by the civilians, the cops cornered him and arrest his butt. He is being held without bail right now pending a syke check. It's going to be a lot of years before his ass sees the streets again. I don't know if he was lucky they didn't just blow him away in the first place. The School had gone into a Lockdown. After they picked him up, it took 2 hours before the students were release to the parents to take them home. We learned how to do it after Columbine, passed laws that help to prevent it and developed cummunity methods to prevent it as well along with Cop Training. NO matter what the idiots on the Red side says, we don't have any need to arm our Teachers. They should be too busy doing the lockdown instead of playing Rambo.
Mass Shooting are happening where the laws are the weakest.
Mass shootings are happening where guns are completely banned, my friend.

You keep denying that the laws in those three states are the weakest in the nation. That is how the weapons got close to the killing area in the first place. That is why it won't happen here. It will be red flagged before they can step foot inside the killing fields here. Tell me how many killings have happened at Gun Shows that are also pretty much Loaded gun Banned? Is that a target rich environment? You don't seem to advertise that too much. So let me.

Hey Mass Shooters!!!! For a good time, NO guns at a Gun Show are allowed to be loaded included concealed ones. So get your ARs loaded up and get over there and mow a few hundred down. It's easier than shooting up a school.

Of course I don't support anyone shooting up gun shows. It's just as wrong. Murder is Murder. But you can see where advertising the other places to find the best places to do the mass killings makes about as much sense.
I don’t know what gun shows you attend - but I’ve always carried fully loaded into gun shows that I’ve gone to.

I suggest you read the sign before you enter. It may be of enterest to you.
Progressives just can’t seem to grasp that going against the U.S. Constitution isn’t popular with the American people.

New poll reveals the American public isn’t too impressed with companies that split with the NRA

Actually, the safety of our Children takes first priority. We all do what we must to make that the primary concern. Well, except for your bunch. Let's see. You have to make a choice. Do you allow no rules on guns at all or the slaughter of your children. tick, tock. well, we are waiting, what's the matter, are you having trouble making the choice? The rest of us aren't having trouble with that choice and choose our children's lives every time with no hesitation.
so - you're saying with this post we have no rules on guns.

funny, walk into wal mart and try to buy one. or for that matter in florida now where *more* rules were placed on guns.

nice swing for the fences, but reality says this is completely incorrect.

now stop using children as an emotional plea and if you want something positive done, put the emotions down and the thought process on.

I can walk into any Walmart, even in Florida, and buy guns with no waiting period. I can even buy an AR in Florida but not a Walmart. For Walmart for Gun Sales, it's In Store Sales only and as much as I dislike Walley World, they pretty well adhere to the Colorado Gun Laws overall nation wide.

The last 3 mass shootings have occured in the 3 states with the weakest gun control laws. Imagine that. Mass Shooting are happening where the laws are the weakest. Sort of shoots you and your buddies arguments all to hell and gone. You want more mass school, theater or arena shootings, don't tighten up your laws. Or be like Texas and weaken them. And then advertise the lack of laws.
But you do need to meet their age requirements.

You do need to pass a background check

So there ARE rules now aren't there?

Hence the whole YOU GUYS WANT NO RULES AND KIDS DEAD is frankly, bullshit.

Those were taken grudgenly. Not given, taken. And I can still obtain guns in Florida without an age limit or a background check legally. as long as I am at least 18 or at least claim to be. So there are NO rules.
Yes. There *ARE* rules and laws in place.

now tell me where you can go get a gun w/o a background check *legally*. or are you advocating breaking the law to prove we need laws that in fact you are now breaking?

the "loophole" you speak of isn't meant for someone to be selling guns moreso than a 1 time gift and usually to family members. so if you're referring to this, then yes there is a RULE/LAW around it that you'd be breaking if you went outside what it was intended to do.

so yes, there are laws, even in your brady bill knock off gun show loophole you now try to drag into this.

you seem more hellbent on being right than understanding a problem.

that is our biggest problem these days.
Mass Shooting are happening where the laws are the weakest.
Mass shootings are happening where guns are completely banned, my friend.
You keep denying that the laws in those three states are the weakest in the nation. That is how the weapons got close to the killing area in the first place.
You keep denying that firearms are completely banned in the mass shooting locations. Which is the absolute most strictest firearm laws you can have.

Tell us - how is that working out?

It's working out just fine around here. We are taking care of your own just fine. In fact, just last week, we busted a kid heading for a school that was carrying an AR. He never made it onto school property. He was spotted by the civilians, the cops cornered him and arrest his butt. He is being held without bail right now pending a syke check. It's going to be a lot of years before his ass sees the streets again. I don't know if he was lucky they didn't just blow him away in the first place. The School had gone into a Lockdown. After they picked him up, it took 2 hours before the students were release to the parents to take them home. We learned how to do it after Columbine, passed laws that help to prevent it and developed cummunity methods to prevent it as well along with Cop Training. NO matter what the idiots on the Red side says, we don't have any need to arm our Teachers. They should be too busy doing the lockdown instead of playing Rambo.

what laws did you pass and can you tell me the direct effect these laws had on the overall problem?
We asked for a few changes. Not many. And certainly not any that would confiscate any arms. But to regulate things that might have saved a few lives and might save a few in the future. It appears that the majority of the people agree with this. Too bad it's taken the deaths of so many to wake so many up. But it's happening.

Get used to it and get over it. It's the right thing to do.

There is not one law that has been passed or that has been suggested that would stop anyone from killing

No matter what you say, you can't stop the tide. So get over it. :CryingCow:

The tide

One state ain't a tide.

To date, most states have some gun control laws in place. The reason the last three have happened in Texas, Florida and Nevada is why the last three were the hosts of the last 3 mass shootings. So you claim that laws don't stop any killings. Well the lack of laws certainly don't. The mass shooters just go to where there are no laws that get in their way.

Florida didn't go far enough so they are still on the Mass Shooter Heaven listings. Texas actually went the other way and they are still on the Mass Shooter playground list. Nevada didn't change a damned thing so they stay #1 on the mass shooting list. Colorado was on that same list until 2013 but went off that list because of laws and changes in society. There are other states that have moved off that list for the same reasons.

In this small county, in the last 3 weeks, we have had 3 possible attempts. 1 was a false alarm and 2 were real. The Red Flags went up, the Community reacted, the Police reacted and there were 2 arrests. One Arrest had nothing to follow up on but one did and he will be prosecuted. The "Alleged" Shooter never made it onto School Property. And this is from a county with just over 160K populance, mostly urban. If the community stays aware around the schools, you don't need to arm the Teachers. They go to lockdown, get the students away from the outside of the schools into secure rooms and wait things out. Anyone wandering the hallways after that can be considered a threat that isn't law enforcement. Let the Cops doe their jobs. it works.

Bullshit conjecture

NH and UT have some of the most lax gun laws in the country and have not have had any school shootings so it seems your theory is full of holes

Chicago and CA have some of the toughest gun laws yet they have far more shootings than either NH or UT

And you have yet to tell me how banning one particular style of rifle stops anyone from using another rifle to kill
Progressives just can’t seem to grasp that going against the U.S. Constitution isn’t popular with the American people.

New poll reveals the American public isn’t too impressed with companies that split with the NRA

Actually, the safety of our Children takes first priority. We all do what we must to make that the primary concern. Well, except for your bunch. Let's see. You have to make a choice. Do you allow no rules on guns at all or the slaughter of your children. tick, tock. well, we are waiting, what's the matter, are you having trouble making the choice? The rest of us aren't having trouble with that choice and choose our children's lives every time with no hesitation.
so - you're saying with this post we have no rules on guns.

funny, walk into wal mart and try to buy one. or for that matter in florida now where *more* rules were placed on guns.

nice swing for the fences, but reality says this is completely incorrect.

now stop using children as an emotional plea and if you want something positive done, put the emotions down and the thought process on.

I can walk into any Walmart, even in Florida, and buy guns with no waiting period. I can even buy an AR in Florida but not a Walmart. For Walmart for Gun Sales, it's In Store Sales only and as much as I dislike Walley World, they pretty well adhere to the Colorado Gun Laws overall nation wide.

The last 3 mass shootings have occured in the 3 states with the weakest gun control laws. Imagine that. Mass Shooting are happening where the laws are the weakest. Sort of shoots you and your buddies arguments all to hell and gone. You want more mass school, theater or arena shootings, don't tighten up your laws. Or be like Texas and weaken them. And then advertise the lack of laws.

SO what?

I can walk into any gun store in my state and buy a rifle shotgun or handgun with no waiting period

And all these mass shootings do not happen on a whim, the shooter doesn't buy his weapon on the way to the school they are planned out so a waiting period of a couple days isn't going to do shit
We asked for a few changes. Not many. And certainly not any that would confiscate any arms. But to regulate things that might have saved a few lives and might save a few in the future. It appears that the majority of the people agree with this. Too bad it's taken the deaths of so many to wake so many up. But it's happening.

Get used to it and get over it. It's the right thing to do.

There is not one law that has been passed or that has been suggested that would stop anyone from killing

No matter what you say, you can't stop the tide. So get over it. :CryingCow:

Try actually winning something before you declare victory and demand that we accept it.

Florida signed most of what I said we needed into law. Now, that's a win. You see it as a loss. The NRA won't accept the loss. I noticed that one of yours said that a civic minded non profit organization was suing over constitutional rights over the signing of that law. He left out that it is the NRA. They already tried that in Colorado which as slightly stricter laws and pretty well lost the baby. Pretty much, the Midwest is moving towards the same laws that Colorado has adopted since we are fed up with our schools, arenas, concerts, theaters and more being shot to hell and gone. And if it doesn't stop, the laws are only going to get tighter.
The NRA IS a civic minded nonprofit group that fights to protect the rights of the people
The last 3 mass shootings have occured in the 3 states with the weakest gun control laws.
The last 333 mass shootings all occurred where guns were completely banned.

Imagine that

Daryl is wrong again here are the 10 states with the most lax gun laws

The 10 states with the least restrictive gun laws | Deseret News
wow. texas not up there and i've never had much of an issue in getting a gun here.
This whole thing is full of misinformation, slight of hands, outright lies and cyberbullying by the ultra gunnutz. Sprinkle enough facts and truths over the top to appear that it's correct and there you have it. But post and keep posting. Wear every one down.

The facts remain that we are having mass shootings and are having them at a higher rate than before. Before, we were having Terrorist Shootings until We, the PUblic, would no longer tolerate that. Now, we are are having domestic mass shootings and we are sick of it. And we are making changes to make it harder to do those mass shootings. What is sad is that the NRA and these "Characters" and "Bad Actors" keep trying to make it harder to prevent these murderous mass shootings from happening because of some sick idea that it might get in the way of their "Rights". Meanwhile, it stomps all over some elses rights of life and that "Right" trumps all other rights.

This is the last I will post in this line. Let the fruitcakes go on but know this, MOST states agree with me by passing at least Common Sense Laws.
Progressives just can’t seem to grasp that going against the U.S. Constitution isn’t popular with the American people.

New poll reveals the American public isn’t too impressed with companies that split with the NRA

Actually, the safety of our Children takes first priority. We all do what we must to make that the primary concern. Well, except for your bunch. Let's see. You have to make a choice. Do you allow no rules on guns at all or the slaughter of your children. tick, tock. well, we are waiting, what's the matter, are you having trouble making the choice? The rest of us aren't having trouble with that choice and choose our children's lives every time with no hesitation.
so - you're saying with this post we have no rules on guns.

funny, walk into wal mart and try to buy one. or for that matter in florida now where *more* rules were placed on guns.

nice swing for the fences, but reality says this is completely incorrect.

now stop using children as an emotional plea and if you want something positive done, put the emotions down and the thought process on.

I can walk into any Walmart, even in Florida, and buy guns with no waiting period. I can even buy an AR in Florida but not a Walmart. For Walmart for Gun Sales, it's In Store Sales only and as much as I dislike Walley World, they pretty well adhere to the Colorado Gun Laws overall nation wide.

The last 3 mass shootings have occured in the 3 states with the weakest gun control laws. Imagine that. Mass Shooting are happening where the laws are the weakest. Sort of shoots you and your buddies arguments all to hell and gone. You want more mass school, theater or arena shootings, don't tighten up your laws. Or be like Texas and weaken them. And then advertise the lack of laws.
But you do need to meet their age requirements.

You do need to pass a background check

So there ARE rules now aren't there?

Hence the whole YOU GUYS WANT NO RULES AND KIDS DEAD is frankly, bullshit.

Those were taken grudgenly. Not given, taken. And I can still obtain guns in Florida without an age limit or a background check legally. as long as I am at least 18 or at least claim to be. So there are NO rules.

Let me see if I have your slobbering gibberish straight. "I can obtain guns in Florida without an age limit . . . as long as I'm at least 18." That, oh brainless moron, would be AN AGE LIMIT.

Furthermore, without a background check?

Statutes & Constitution :View Statutes : Online Sunshine

There are A LOT of rules. The fact that you don't trigger them doesn't mean they aren't there.

One more time, just to be sure no one around here is believing your leftist bullshit lies about "Florida has no gun laws!"

Statutes & Constitution :View Statutes : Online Sunshine

I know this will amaze you lefties, but the Internet actually does connect to things other than the Huffington Post, Mother Jones, and other left-wing opinion sites. It connects to ACTUAL INFORMATION too, and it's inexcusable to open your fat, flapping, lying cakehole and spout, "Florida has no gun laws!" without taking the time to actually visit the website - which every single state has, just so you know - listing every single statute that state has.

It's bad enough to be a lying piece of garbage, or to be stupid. It's exponentially bad to be a stupid, lying piece of garbage.
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