The whole people Are the Militia; not All of the Militia is well regulated.
Hell, that's even better!!! Consider me the part that is not required to be well regulated. And I'll take full automatic, please! :lmao:
The Unorganized militia is nowhere declared Necessary in an Article that declares what is Necessary, to the security of a free State.


the Unorganized militia is specifically subject to the Police power and not exempt from it, by Necessity.
shotguns were developed for trench warfare in WWI. Trench sweepers, or something like that.
A. Shotguns existed long before WWI

B. They are called Street Sweepers (not trench sweepers)

C. This is a prime example of why you should refrain from firearm discussions, PRT.
Maybe it was the pump action that was developed for WWI.
only the Clueless and the Causeless, never get it; Every Body Else, always seems to be able to figure it out.
LMAO! “Everybody” is one word, PRT. And neither it or “else” should be capitalized since neither are proper nouns or starting a sentence.

Putin is going to have you executed if you keep making mistakes like these. :laugh:
I did it for emphasis. It is even More easily understood, that way.
I don't think Vladimir is going to buy that. He's dumb...but not quite that dumb.
too Bad, our Right Wing, really is that, Dumb.
too Bad, our Right Wing, really is that, Dumb.
Only Daniel could make a 9-word post and make 8 major grammatical errors. :lmao:

too Bad, our Right Wing, really is that, Dumb.
This one sentence alone makes it abundantly clear why you are a minimum-wage earner and a Dumbocrat voter. You have THREE commas in a sentence that shouldn't have a single comma. You fail to capitalize the first word in your sentence, but then capitalize four other words that aren't proper nouns.
too Bad, our Right Wing, really is that, Dumb.
This one sentence alone makes it abundantly clear why you are a minimum-wage earner and a Dumbocrat voter. You have THREE commas in a sentence that shouldn't have a single comma. You fail to capitalize the first word in your sentence, but then capitalize four other words that aren't proper nouns.
stop whining about taxes for our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror, right wingers. They must be Good and not Bad.
we Only complain that Armed citizens are doing the shooting, in the first place.
And yet you don’t complain when our nation is invaded by Mexicans, Guatemalans, or Salvadorans, when women are raped, or when the left engages in violence.
I do; the right wing simply doesn't get it, if it is not specifically about guns. natural rights should matter.
What needs to happen is pajama boys need to grow a pair of fucking balls and arm themselves. Quit relying on others for your personal security, and that of your family.

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