The definitive guide to the "Global Warming" scam

The AGW Cult was destined to be the Biggest Scientific Fraud in Human History the second they called skeptics "deniers".

They have no one to blame but themsrlves for slavishly following the decrees of their globalist puppet masters.
Really? that's all good and fine. But meanwhile I am seeing global warming for over 3 decades.
With what...your x-ray vision? You can't see something that isn't there my dear.
And there's more to this story, like how both liberal and neocons deny 7 billion people isn't overpopulation. Overpopulation is the cause of wars, and migration issues, let alone global climate change. You put too many rats in a cage, they kill each other.
The planet can hold 100x's that many. No war was ever the result of "overpopulation". They are the result of maniacs who desperately desire to control others.

Sort of like you are doing now by dictating for all of society that there are too many people.
There are few things more comical than the "Global Warming" conspiracy alarmists crying about CO2 when plant life flourishes under CO2. It illustrates the astounding ignorance of the left.
A higher concentration of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere would aid photosynthesis, which in turn contributes to increased plant growth. This correlates to a greater volume of food production and better quality food. Studies indicate that crops would utilize water more efficiently, requiring less water. And colder areas along the farm belt will experience longer growing seasons.
So basically - nothing would be better for our agriculture industry than increased levels of CO2.

Don’t Believe the Hysteria Over Carbon Dioxide
If "Global Warming" were even remotely real - Al Gore wouldn't be doing any of this.
According to the report, compiled from public records requests and information from the Nashville Electric Service, Gore’s 20-room, 10,070-square-foot, Colonial-style mansion consumed an average of 19,241 kilowatt-hours per month—more than 21.3x's that of the U.S. household average of 901 kilowatt-hours monthly.

Last September alone, Gore’s home in the toney Belle Meade section of Music City consumed 30,993 kWh, as much energy as a typical American family uses in 34 months.

In the 12-month period from August 2016 through the end of July, Gore burned through 230,889 kWh of electricity, including 66,159 kWh just to heat his swimming pool. The latter alone is enough, the report says, “to power six average U.S. households for a year.”

The mainstream media—which has fully bought in to the climate change hysteria and steadfastly refuses to report the findings of any inconvenient studies that run contrary to the narrative—studiously ignored the findings of the National Center for Public Policy Research.
Gore is laughing all the way to the bank, his 10,000 ft. mansion, and his private jet thinking about the left-wing minions who have made him a billionaire.

Al Gore's Carbon Footprint Hypocrisy
Even NASA physicists are coming forward and admitting what can no longer be denied...
Unvalidated climate models that don’t correspond with physical data and the requirements of the scientific method contribute to unfounded climate alarmism, a retired NASA physicist said at the Heartland Institute’s recent America First Energy Conference
Reputable scientists have all acknowledged that “Global Warming” is a scam. Only left-wing political activists posing as faux scientists push the narrative that it exists.

Climate Change Alarmism Is 'Garbage In, Garbage Out,' Retired NASA Physicist Says
Patriot? no matter what lies you tell, the data and observations simply point out how ignorant and stupid you are.

All the Scientific Societies, all the National Academies of Science, and all the major Universities in the world state that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. But fools like you think that you are so much smarter than them thar pointy headed librul scientists. LOL
Patriot? no matter what lies you tell, the data and observations simply point out how ignorant and stupid you are.

All the Scientific Societies, all the National Academies of Science, and all the major Universities in the world state that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. But fools like you think that you are so much smarter than them thar pointy headed librul scientists. LOL
Says the lying piece of crap that has yet to produce one ounce of empirical evidence to support your religion over natural variation.
Patriot? no matter what lies you tell, the data and observations simply point out how ignorant and stupid you are.

All the Scientific Societies, all the National Academies of Science, and all the major Universities in the world state that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. But fools like you think that you are so much smarter than them thar pointy headed librul scientists. LOL

And no agenda there?

C'mon now..........I am continuously amazed watching these bozo Republicans in congress march out and proclaim every swinging dick dictator to be an imminent threat to the US and so many suckers out there buying in. The war mongers. They live to create a reality built by establishing a perception. The Think Tanks stoke the fire. Been doing it for decades. Why? To keep the war machine rolling along. To keep the lobbyists happy. Its an industry......trillions of $$.

The scientific societies are an industry as well.........they serve to ensure the sustainability of the societies and the green energy industry. Cant keep the $$ coming in if your findings are irrelevant. Anybody who thinks that Obama's Clean Power Plan was about the environment and mitigating the threat of climate change is a sucker.........naïve at pronounced levels. We are talking a 1.5 trillion dollar industry. Think government monies aren't going back to these science academies in droves??!!! Why is the temperature data routinely manipulated?

The big banks dictate everything s0ns...........always have.............always will ( no matter who is in power btw )>>>

The world is what it is folks........its a bitter pill to finally have to swallow. Most cant do it and are slaves to the Reality Manufacturing Company for life. I get it........I was suckered for the better part of my life. Have to delve outside the matrix..........a tough thing to face.
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I missed this bit of crazy when it happened.

The planet can hold 100x's that many.

Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, ...

Yep, P@triot here says the planet can support over 700 billion people.

While all deniers aren't as stupid as P@triot ... oh wait, actually most of them are.

That's why they always get fooled by such hilariously stupid conspiracy cult propaganda. It's rare to find a denier who isn't dumber than dogshit across the board. People who aren't absolute morons instantly see right through denier stupidity, and thus they won't get sucked into the denier conspiracy cult.
I missed this bit of crazy when it happened.

The planet can hold 100x's that many.

Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, ...

Yep, P@triot here says the planet can support over 700 billion people.

While all deniers aren't as stupid as P@triot ... oh wait, actually most of them are.

That's why they always get fooled by such hilariously stupid conspiracy cult propaganda. It's rare to find a denier who isn't dumber than dogshit across the board. People who aren't absolute morons instantly see right through denier stupidity, and thus they won't get sucked into the denier conspiracy cult. use the term "cult" every day in here as ascribed to "deniers".

Do you know what a bell curve is? Have you ever heard of it? Look it will see, ummmm, a bell. Either end of the graph represents a "cult". In the middle of the graph you see what represents a huge majority. You present like your side's sentiments...........which views climate change as the most critical issue of our if it is some huge majority consensus.

But faulty thinking is ghey....... The New ‘Consensus’: 97 Percent Of Americans Aren’t Worried About Global Warming might say, "cult-like" :coffee:

s0n.......just an observation. You're really not clever enough to be posting in this forum. Too many robotic-like posts..........very similar all the time. Kinda presents as well.....special.
The planet can hold 100x's that many.
Yep, P@triot here says the planet can support over 700 billion people.
At least that much. Easily. If you weren’t such a drooling dimwit swallowing the fear mongering, you’d realize it too.

It’s amazing what a calm, rational, logical person can understand. Unfortunately, you will never know. For instance, you’re too panic-stricken to realize that Alaska barely inhabited and could easily hold billions of people alone. Just that one state. Canada is largely uninhabited as well. I could go on all day, but you already believe that the Earth is about to end any moment now... :lmao:
I don't buy into their pseudo science because...

The inability to represent the earth's climate with a single temperature.
The inability to accurately estimate a single temperature for the planet for each of the last 2000 years.
The misuse of the greenhouse gas effect to arrive at the erroneous conclusion that atmospheric CO2 drives climate change.
The inability to show how CO2 has effected previous climates throughout the geologic record.
The overestimation of feedback in their climate models.
Blaming global warming for natural events such as heat waves, droughts, blizzards, floods, hurricanes and forest fires.
The overestimation of temperature and sea level in their models.
The overestimation of the impact on life and property of climate change.
The overdramatization of climate change.
The demonization of anyone who dares to challenge the science and findings of climate change.
At least that much. Easily. If you weren’t such a drooling dimwit swallowing the fear mongering, you’d realize it too.

So, anybody else want to jump on the stupid train with P@triot and claim the earth can _easily_ support 700 billion people?


P@triot, you're riding your stupid train all alone here.

It’s amazing what a calm, rational, logical person can understand. Unfortunately, you will never know. For instance, you’re too panic-stricken to realize that Alaska barely inhabited and could easily hold billions of people alone. Just that one state. Canada is largely uninhabited as well. I could go on all

P@triot is so damn stupid, he thinks that all you need to support people is empty space. A few guppies short of an aquarium, that one is.
I don't buy into their pseudo science because...

... because your political/religious cult has filled your head with pseudoscience nonsense, leaving you totally ignorant of the actual science.

The inability to represent the earth's climate with a single temperature.

By that standard, we're unable to represent temp in your backyard with a single temperature. That is, your standard is dumb. Estimates and averages are useful.

The inability to accurately estimate a single temperature for the planet for each of the last 2000 years.

The science says otherwise. What did your cult tell you?

The misuse of the greenhouse gas effect to arrive at the erroneous conclusion that atmospheric CO2 drives climate change.

More unsupported cult propaganda, contradicted by reality.

The inability to show how CO2 has effected previous climates throughout the geologic record.

Again, that's the direct opposite of reality. It is not possible to explain previous climates without accounting for CO2.

The overestimation of feedback in their climate models.

As the models have been very accurate, that's more cult babbling on your part.

Blaming global warming for natural events such as heat waves, droughts, blizzards, floods, hurricanes and forest fires.

It's accurate to point out that global warming increases such events. If accurate science triggers you, that's your problem.

The overestimation of temperature and sea level in their models.

Again, as both have been very accurate, that's crazy talk.

The overestimation of the impact on life and property of climate change.

That's been very accurate too. Almost all of the economists and insurance companies agree with us.

The overdramatization of climate change.

Some random person's emotional response has nothing to do with how good the science has been. Your science is bad because the data says your science is bad, not because of your emotionalism.

The demonization of anyone who dares to challenge the science and findings of climate change.

The Flat Earthers make that complaint as well. By your standards, the fact that we call Flat Earthers dumbasses shows how Flat Earthers are correct.
I don't buy into their pseudo science because...

... because your political/religious cult has filled your head with pseudoscience nonsense, leaving you totally ignorant of the actual science.

The inability to represent the earth's climate with a single temperature.

By that standard, we're unable to represent temp in your backyard with a single temperature. That is, your standard is dumb. Estimates and averages are useful.

The inability to accurately estimate a single temperature for the planet for each of the last 2000 years.

The science says otherwise. What did your cult tell you?

The misuse of the greenhouse gas effect to arrive at the erroneous conclusion that atmospheric CO2 drives climate change.

More unsupported cult propaganda, contradicted by reality.

The inability to show how CO2 has effected previous climates throughout the geologic record.

Again, that's the direct opposite of reality. It is not possible to explain previous climates without accounting for CO2.

The overestimation of feedback in their climate models.

As the models have been very accurate, that's more cult babbling on your part.

Blaming global warming for natural events such as heat waves, droughts, blizzards, floods, hurricanes and forest fires.

It's accurate to point out that global warming increases such events. If accurate science triggers you, that's your problem.

The overestimation of temperature and sea level in their models.

Again, as both have been very accurate, that's crazy talk.

The overestimation of the impact on life and property of climate change.

That's been very accurate too. Almost all of the economists and insurance companies agree with us.

The overdramatization of climate change.

Some random person's emotional response has nothing to do with how good the science has been. Your science is bad because the data says your science is bad, not because of your emotionalism.

The demonization of anyone who dares to challenge the science and findings of climate change.

The Flat Earthers make that complaint as well. By your standards, the fact that we call Flat Earthers dumbasses shows how Flat Earthers are correct.

You still trying to sell snow shovels?
P@triot is so damn stupid, he thinks that all you need to support people is empty space. A few guppies short of an aquarium, that one is.
Mammaries is so damn stupid, she literally thought the Earth was "full". :lmao:

Snowflake...70% of the Earth's surface is covered in water. We have an overabundance (and I can't wait for your ignorant response to this fact - I already know what it will be and I'm more than happy to allow you to show everyone how stupid you are). We have an abundance of land for agriculture too and technology will only expand that greatly (yes stupid - technology can "expand" our agricultural capabilities - we can grow anything in deserts now in a multitude of different ways, including indoors).

You continue to illustrate why are you are the joke of USMB!
The science says otherwise.
The science does say otherwise. I've proven that in this thread. Why do you continue to ignore the science? Oh wait...that's right...because you're a drooling dimwit who values ideology over reality.

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