The definitive guide to the "Global Warming" scam

First we had left-wing political activists posing as "scientists" caught discussing how they falsify their "data" to make it appear that "Global Warming" actually exists. Then we had a second round of left-wing political activists posing as "scientists" caught discussing how they falsify their "data" to make it appear that "Global Warming" actually exists. And now we have left-wing government officials refusing to produce public emails related to their "Global Warming" crusade.
E&E Legal also claims that Vermont’s decision is an example of the state’s failure to maintain a transparent government.

“Vermont’s current attorney general is the lawyer protecting former AG Sorrell’s work-related Gmails from public disclosure, and apparently also from compelling Sorrell to turn over to the government and to the public the very records that he created in the use of a taxpayer-funded office,” Hardin said. “This is not how a transparent government operates and the people of Vermont deserve better.”
What's the problem, lefties? Why are you so terrified to be transparent? :dunno:

Group Sues Vermont AG for Withholding Emails About Climate Crusade Against Oil Groups
Government "green" energy at its absolute finest... :lmao:
Biomass fuels just mean things like wood pellets. Pellets made out of wood. For every 100 pounds spent on wood pellets, they would receive 160 pounds. It sounds like a great way to save the planet and make a few extra bucks. The “renewable heat incentive” sounded so good that people started buying wood pellets left and right.

In fact, people started buying biomass boilers and wood pellets just for the money. Some true geniuses were able to make this government subsidy into a personal passive income stream! For example, one farmer expected to make a million pounds heating an empty shed and another was on track to make a million and a half heating a couple empty factories. This is the way these things always seem to turn out. The government designs a system to force people to help the environment. It winds up costing a fortune and making the environment worse. Classic #GreenFail story.
But wait! It gets even better.... :lmao:
The misuse of this environmental program is now estimated to cost taxpayers upwards of 660 million pounds. And the real kicker is that environmentalists wasted all this cash convincing people that literally lighting trees on fire was somehow environmentally friendly. It’s not. It’s a tree holocaust. And for what? It’s not even good for the environment.

Wood is absolutely not carbon-neutral. For example, the DRAX power station uses more than a million metric tons of wood pellets from the US every year. The result? The power station produces more than 3% more carbon dioxide than coal and twice as much as natural gas. And you also have to take into account the additional carbon emissions of just getting the wood pellets across the pond from America.
Great job lefties! Vintage progressive fail. Costing tax payers unimaginable fortune while destroying the environment.

Massive #GreenFail Strikes Ireland, Costing Taxpayers Millions
The data is overwhelming. The history is indisputable. The lies have all been captured.

A study in the journal Nature Climate Change reviewed 117 climate predictions and found that 97.4% never materialized.
  • Biologist Paul Ehrlich predicted in the 1970s that: “Population will inevitably and completely outstrip whatever small increases in food supplies we make,” and that “The death rate will increase until at least 100-200 million people per year will be starving to death during the next ten years.”
  • In January 1970, Life reported, “Scientists have solid experimental and theoretical evidence to support…the following predictions: In a decade, urban dwellers will have to wear gas masks to survive air pollution…by 1985 air pollution will have reduced the amount of sunlight reaching earth by one half….”
  • In 2008, a segment aired on ABC News predicted that NYC would be under water by June 2015.
  • In 1970, ecologist Kenneth E.F. Wattpredicted that “If present trends continue, the world will be about four degrees colder for the global mean temperature in 1990, but 11 degrees colder by the year 2000, This is about twice what it would take to put us in an ice age.”
  • In 2008, Al Gore predicted that there is a 75% chance that the entire north polar ice cap would be completely melted within 5-7 years. He at least hedged that prediction by giving himself “75%” certainty. By 2014 - the polar ice cap had expanded over 60% (more than 900,000 sq miles)
  • On May 13th 2014 France’s foreign minister said that we only have 500 days to stop “climate chaos.” The recent Paris climate summit met 565 days after his remark.
  • In 2009, National Aeronautics and Space Administration Goddard Space Flight Center head James Wassen warned that Obama only had four years left to save the earth.
  • On the first Earth Day its sponsor warned that “in 25 years, somewhere between 75% and 80% of all the species of living animals will be extinct.”
  • And another Earth Day prediction from Kenneth Watt: “At the present rate of nitrogen buildup, it’s only a matter of time before light will be filtered out of the atmosphere and none of our land will be usable.”
Top 10 Climate Change Predictions Gone Spectacularly Wrong; This Is EPIC!

Since no one will ever probably read this where I originally wrote it, I will post it here in the hope it will do a little good for this tortured topic:

The Sun runs generally on an 11 year cycle of solar activity along with other cycles, and the Earth runs on THREE main cycles, the first is the 100,000 year orbital eccentricity of the Earth as a sort an oscillation between oblateness and prolateness, probably left over from the impactor that created the Moon, the second is the 41,000 year variation of the Earth's axial tilt towards and away from the Sun, and the third is the 23,000 cycle of the directional wobble of the Earth's axis like a top as a Precession of the Equinoxes that causes the axis of the Earth to point in different directions. Right now it points towards Polaris (North Star), eventually it will point towards Vega (alpha Lyrae), then back again.

The combination of these three add up to what are called your Milankovitch Cycles, and it is the adding up and lining up of these cycles that has far more impact on the Earth's climate, ice age, global warming, etc., as the variation of the amount of energy we get from the Sun than anything we could ever do. The Sun imparts roughly 82 trillion kilowatt hours of energy to the Earth each hour or about 2 quadrillion kilowatts of energy per day.

That is equal to about 7.2 X 10^21 power joules of energy, 6.8 X 10^18 power BTUs, about 2 exawatts, 2.68 quintillion horsepower, or 1.7 quadrillion tons of TNT (1.7 billion megatons). Or the equal of 34 MILLION 50-megaton H-Bombs. Each day.

Remember, the Sun is a giant hydrogen fusion bomb the size of 1.3 million Earths. The Earth is a grain of sand next to the Sun.

That is what is hitting us on a good day. Does anyone really suppose that mankind can approach even a small fraction of that in his industrial and civil output? Anyone is welcome to try to do the math. The Earth gets a variation of that amount on a daily basis year round and a big volcano only makes a slight variation in climate that damps out in a year or two. This is why it is laughable when people claim that mankind is pushing the Earth over the edge of extinction beyond the Earth's ability to come back with just our cars and factories puffing a little gas, but you can never make them believe it.

If you follow the Earth's long-term variation over hundreds of thousands of years, a little global warming right now is probably a good indicator that the next mini ice-age is not too far off. Hang onto all the global warming while you can.
The data is overwhelming. The history is indisputable. The lies have all been captured.

A study in the journal Nature Climate Change reviewed 117 climate predictions and found that 97.4% never materialized.
  • Biologist Paul Ehrlich predicted in the 1970s that: “Population will inevitably and completely outstrip whatever small increases in food supplies we make,” and that “The death rate will increase until at least 100-200 million people per year will be starving to death during the next ten years.”
  • In January 1970, Life reported, “Scientists have solid experimental and theoretical evidence to support…the following predictions: In a decade, urban dwellers will have to wear gas masks to survive air pollution…by 1985 air pollution will have reduced the amount of sunlight reaching earth by one half….”
  • In 2008, a segment aired on ABC News predicted that NYC would be under water by June 2015.
  • In 1970, ecologist Kenneth E.F. Wattpredicted that “If present trends continue, the world will be about four degrees colder for the global mean temperature in 1990, but 11 degrees colder by the year 2000, This is about twice what it would take to put us in an ice age.”
  • In 2008, Al Gore predicted that there is a 75% chance that the entire north polar ice cap would be completely melted within 5-7 years. He at least hedged that prediction by giving himself “75%” certainty. By 2014 - the polar ice cap had expanded over 60% (more than 900,000 sq miles)
  • On May 13th 2014 France’s foreign minister said that we only have 500 days to stop “climate chaos.” The recent Paris climate summit met 565 days after his remark.
  • In 2009, National Aeronautics and Space Administration Goddard Space Flight Center head James Wassen warned that Obama only had four years left to save the earth.
  • On the first Earth Day its sponsor warned that “in 25 years, somewhere between 75% and 80% of all the species of living animals will be extinct.”
  • And another Earth Day prediction from Kenneth Watt: “At the present rate of nitrogen buildup, it’s only a matter of time before light will be filtered out of the atmosphere and none of our land will be usable.”
Top 10 Climate Change Predictions Gone Spectacularly Wrong; This Is EPIC!

Since no one will ever probably read this where I originally wrote it, I will post it here in the hope it will do a little good for this tortured topic:

The Sun runs generally on an 11 year cycle of solar activity along with other cycles, and the Earth runs on THREE main cycles, the first is the 100,000 year orbital eccentricity of the Earth as a sort an oscillation between oblateness and prolateness, probably left over from the impactor that created the Moon, the second is the 41,000 year variation of the Earth's axial tilt towards and away from the Sun, and the third is the 23,000 cycle of the directional wobble of the Earth's axis like a top as a Precession of the Equinoxes that causes the axis of the Earth to point in different directions. Right now it points towards Polaris (North Star), eventually it will point towards Vega (alpha Lyrae), then back again.

The combination of these three add up to what are called your Milankovitch Cycles, and it is the adding up and lining up of these cycles that has far more impact on the Earth's climate, ice age, global warming, etc., as the variation of the amount of energy we get from the Sun than anything we could ever do. The Sun imparts roughly 82 trillion kilowatt hours of energy to the Earth each hour or about 2 quadrillion kilowatts of energy per day.

That is equal to about 7.2 X 10^21 power joules of energy, 6.8 X 10^18 power BTUs, about 2 exawatts, 2.68 quintillion horsepower, or 1.7 quadrillion tons of TNT (1.7 billion megatons). Or the equal of 34 MILLION 50-megaton H-Bombs. Each day.

Remember, the Sun is a giant hydrogen fusion bomb the size of 1.3 million Earths. The Earth is a grain of sand next to the Sun.

That is what is hitting us on a good day. Does anyone really suppose that mankind can approach even a small fraction of that in his industrial and civil output? Anyone is welcome to try to do the math. The Earth gets a variation of that amount on a daily basis year round and a big volcano only makes a slight variation in climate that damps out in a year or two. This is why it is laughable when people claim that mankind is pushing the Earth over the edge of extinction beyond the Earth's ability to come back with just our cars and factories puffing a little gas, but you can never make them believe it.

If you follow the Earth's long-term variation over hundreds of thousands of years, a little global warming right now is probably a good indicator that the next mini ice-age is not too far off. Hang onto all the global warming while you can.
Hands down the best post on USMB for 2017... :clap2::clap::clap2:

FWIW, Patriot, the Sun is hitting the Earth with the equivalent of about 390 50-Megaton bombs every second! But unlike our bombs which are instantaneous, local and fission radiation, this energy is evenly and smoothly distributed throughout the atmosphere and absorbed, throughout the oceans and absorbed as heat, all over the land and absorbed as heat or food energy, plant growth, it drives the oceans, drives the weather, powers our homes, and some of it is reflected back out into space.

Even something as bad as a super-volcano which can push life to the limit for years, or a large asteroid which can punch through the crust and annihilate whole species off the face of the Earth for thousands of years, even a planet the size of Mars hitting the Earth which created our Moon, even these titanic events the Earth recovered from and bounced right back over and over to the world we have today.

It is the height of arrogance and stupidity (or dishonestly) to think that what we produce as a bacteria on the surface of the Earth, could do worse.

Even if half the stuff the global warming nuts claim will happen DID happen, all that would occur is that things would eventually get bad enough that man would be forced to stop. Not out of altruism, but out of an inability to push the climate any further. Industry and pollution would be forced back by conditions too poor for the normal functioning continuation of our society, we would be unable to keep it up, then the Earth would rebound right back to start all over again. The Earth is a self correcting system that 4.5 billion years of history shows recovers from everything the cosmos has to offer short of total annihilation by another planet pulverizing us into a cloud of dust.

Man-made climate change, carbon credits, green energy, save the planet and An Inconvenient Truth---- go suck an egg.
Since no one will ever probably read this where I originally wrote it, I will post it here in the hope it will do a little good for this tortured topic:
I read it! :p

But don't worry, The reason I don't go into great detail on this board anymore is number of people who act scientific and are not. They don't have half a clue about the amount of power needed to force change in our systems on earth, but claim somehow that magical CO2 has the ability to create such power.

It was a breath of fresh air to see someone else, who has a scientific background in physics, that can articulate their position and show the math...

Thank You..







FWIW, Patriot, the Sun is hitting the Earth with the equivalent of about 390 50-Megaton bombs every second! But unlike our bombs which are instantaneous, local and fission radiation, this energy is evenly and smoothly distributed throughout the atmosphere and absorbed, throughout the oceans and absorbed as heat, all over the land and absorbed as heat or food energy, plant growth, it drives the oceans, drives the weather, powers our homes, and some of it is reflected back out into space.

Even something as bad as a super-volcano which can push life to the limit for years, or a large asteroid which can punch through the crust and annihilate whole species off the face of the Earth for thousands of years, even a planet the size of Mars hitting the Earth which created our Moon, even these titanic events the Earth recovered from and bounced right back over and over to the world we have today.

It is the height of arrogance and stupidity (or dishonestly) to think that what we produce as a bacteria on the surface of the Earth, could do worse.

Even if half the stuff the global warming nuts claim will happen DID happen, all that would occur is that things would eventually get bad enough that man would be forced to stop. Not out of altruism, but out of an inability to push the climate any further. Industry and pollution would be forced back by conditions too poor for the normal functioning continuation of our society, we would be unable to keep it up, then the Earth would rebound right back to start all over again. The Earth is a self correcting system that 4.5 billion years of history shows recovers from everything the cosmos has to offer short of total annihilation by another planet pulverizing us into a cloud of dust.

Man-made climate change, carbon credits, green energy, save the planet and An Inconvenient Truth---- go suck an egg.

Umm... show us something from, say, the IPCC, that equates the effects of global warming with the effects of the collision that produced the moon.

PS: The moon was created about a billion years before life appeared on this planet.
And the along comes the Karl Et Al and IPCC failed predictions. when that didn't work then came the homogenized and fabricated crap...

The true believers posting up crap that has been shown fraud over and over again while trying like hell to misdirect the satellite records. Classic Science Denier...Alarmist drivel...

And then we have reality...



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The combination of these three add up to what are called your Milankovitch Cycles,

A cycle which has been causing the earth to _cool_ for the past 8000 years, and which is still trying to cause the earth to cool.

Remember, the Sun is a giant hydrogen fusion bomb the size of 1.3 million Earths. The Earth is a grain of sand next to the Sun.

And solar output has been dropping.

That is what is hitting us on a good day. Does anyone really suppose that mankind can approach even a small fraction of that in his industrial and civil output?

So then why is it warming so quickly?

Do the math for us. Explain to us how the sun can be causing warming when solar output is dropping, and when the Milankovich cycles are trying to force cooling. Something is overwhelming those cooling effects and causing warming instead. Gee, what could it be?

The point? Reality says you and all deniers are just making up crazy stories. That is, you're all faking everything.

And you won't address reality. You'll curse at me, you'll invoke bizarre conspiracy theories, you'll go into contortions to evade and deflect, but you'll keep running from reality. After all, your political/religious cult forbids you from admitting that reality contradicts your cult's holy scripture, so your only option is to create a fictional reality.

That's why it's so good to be part of the reason-based community. There's no political cult ordering us to lie and fake evidence. To "win", we just have to point to the real world.
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And the along comes the Karl Et Al and IPCC failed predictions. when that didn't work then came the homogenized and fabricated crap...

Billy, the reason everyone correctly defines you as a professional fraud is that you constantly post fudged graphs from denier fraudsters, even though you've been busted for that specific fraud many times before.

You're probably being paid too much to peddle your fraud, given how inept you are at it.
The combination of these three add up to what are called your Milankovitch Cycles,

A cycle which has been causing the earth to _cool_ for the past 8000 years, and which is still trying to cause the earth to cool.

Remember, the Sun is a giant hydrogen fusion bomb the size of 1.3 million Earths. The Earth is a grain of sand next to the Sun.

And solar output has been dropping.

That is what is hitting us on a good day. Does anyone really suppose that mankind can approach even a small fraction of that in his industrial and civil output?

So then why is it warming so quickly?

Do the math for us. Explain to us how the sun can be causing warming when solar output is dropping, and when the Milankovich cycles are trying to force cooling. Something is overwhelming those cooling effects and causing warming instead. Gee, what could it be?

The point? Reality says you and all deniers are just making up crazy stories. That is, you're all faking everything.

And you won't address reality. You'll curse at me, you'll invoke bizarre conspiracy theories, you'll go into contortions to evade and deflect, but you'll keep running from reality. After all, your political/religious cult forbids you from admitting that reality contradicts your cult's holy scripture, so your only option is to create a fictional reality.

That's why it's so good to be part of the reason-based community. There's no political cult ordering us to lie and fake evidence. To "win", we just have to point to the real world.
Your ignorance on any scientific subject is stunning.. You should stop... I am laughing at your pure unadulterated ignorance of physics and why things work...
Umm... show us something from, say, the IPCC, that equates the effects of global warming with the effects of the collision that produced the moon. PS: The moon was created about a billion years before life appeared on this planet.

Crock, I know something of the matter, I have a degree in astrophysics and have taught astronomy rather than just cherry pick data that fits my needs as you do. You don't think the impact of Theia (hypothesized Mars-size body that broke the Earth up into the Earth-Moon System) didn't warm the planet? It was molten lava! You are missing the point deliberately that even after THAT, the Earth returned to what it is today and all life we know developed--- repeatedly. So long as the Earth lives until it is totally destroyed by either a massive shattering impact or the eventual death of the Sun into a Red Giant, the Earth will always pivot back to its natural point of equilibrium, what we have today. Nothing man can do is significant by comparison and at best all of your charts merely show short-term trends over a century or so. If we go back hundreds of years before man's industrialization, you would find the exact same patterns of variation. It's called 'natural variation.'

Even if man is contributing in some small way, as soon as we stop, the Earth will seek rebalancing. In another 50-100 years when our technology is sufficient, we will no longer be putting any of the aerosols into the sky. All of Gore's doom and gloom about pushing the Earth over the cliff is bull. The Earth pushes us, we don't push it. But even if we still kept on, eventually the Earth would rid itself of the pesky humans as a destabilizing effect, either way, the Earth will always absorb, counter or fend off whatever imbalances it to return to a normalized state. Like General Motors and JP Morgan, the planet Earth is too big to fail.
Crock, I know something of the matter, I have a degree in astrophysics and have taught astronomy rather than just cherry pick data that fits my needs as you do.

Then you really have no excuse for abandoning science in favor of magic.

the Earth will always pivot back to its natural point of equilibrium, what we have today.

That's Gaian touchy-feely religious mumbo-jumbo. There is no "natural point of equilibrium". The earth is most certainly not a "self correcting system". You're invoking rainbows and unicorns, not science.

The earth is a system that responds to various inputs. Change the inputs, you change the temperature. One of the inputs is CO2 level. Hence, changing CO2 levels changes temperatures, and your magical thinking doesn't change that simple fact. The earth will absolutely not magically adjust itself to reduce temperature to compensate for more CO2.
You can ignore mammaries, toobfreak (everyone else here does). I caught her lying about all of this in another thread. She was mortified when I pointed it out and she ran from the thread. She lies about everything all the time.

Click here to see her lie. And click here to see it again. Enjoy!
That's why it's so good to be part of the reason-based community. There's no political cult ordering us to lie and fake evidence. To "win", we just have to point to the real world.
Mammaries here is the quintessential left-winger: ignore science, reason, and reality - promote lies, misinformation, and propaganda.

And I've caught her doing it!

You can ignore mammaries, toobfreak (everyone else here does). I caught her lying about all of this in another thread. She was mortified when I pointed it out and she ran from the thread. She lies about everything all the time.

Click here to see her lie. And click here to see it again. Enjoy!

Mammaries here is the quintessential left-winger: ignore science, reason, and reality - promote lies, misinformation, and propaganda.

And I've caught her doing it!

Groan. Not this weepy-stalky-faggotry again. Please stop hitting on me. Yes, yes, you're an old fatass queer. There's no need to keep flaunting that in everyone's face. But that does explain your consistently vile behavior. You _want_ to burn in Hell, because it means fiery demons will be sodomizing you for all of eternity. To you, that's like a Paradise with 40 virgins. You're a sort of gay jihadist.

Remember, you can't just weep out that I lied. You have to _show_ it. If you won't, everyone correctly thinks you're permanently butthurt, weeping hysterically over getting spanked so often. Thus, that's what everyone correctly thinks about you.

And since you won't address you own topic, I will. Your OP was a repetition of the same half-truths and deflections you've used previously. None of the people you quoted in the OP were climate scientists, and half of the quotes were faked or ripped wildly out of context. You don't talk about actual science, because all the actual science says you're the brainwashed acolyte of a liars' cult.

At least you did learn a bit from previous spankings. You left out the faked quotes from Dr. Viner this time, and you didn't make a direct claim that the bad quotes came from actual climate scientists.

You know, I was ignoring you on this thread out of pity, and because the way you always cry is just boring. If you'd like, I'll go back to ignoring you out of pity, though I suppose I could muster the energy to humiliate you again. Again, it's happened so often, it's just tedious. There are new cultists showing up who cry in different ways, and they're more fun.
You can ignore mammaries, toobfreak (everyone else here does). I caught her lying about all of this in another thread. She was mortified when I pointed it out and she ran from the thread. She lies about everything all the time.

Click here to see her lie. And click here to see it again. Enjoy!

Thanks. I've noticed here that the harder liberals claim hard science, the weaker and more specious their facts usually are.
You can ignore mammaries, toobfreak (everyone else here does). I caught her lying about all of this in another thread. She was mortified when I pointed it out and she ran from the thread. She lies about everything all the time.

Click here to see her lie. And click here to see it again. Enjoy!

Thanks. I've noticed here that the harder liberals claim hard science, the weaker and more specious their facts usually are.
Did you check out her egregious lie? She completely contradicted herself. When I pointed it out, she actually complained that I spent time to search through her history of posts. The truth is - I did no such thing. I simply remembered exactly what she had said (something she is apparently incapable of doing :laugh: ).

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