The Democrat Bathroom Debacle.Well, Aren't At Least Male Democrats To Some Extent "Perverts"?

Perverts? You mean like Larry Craig?

How about Bill Clinton..

Democrat Congressional Sex Offenders
  1. Mel Reynolds
  2. Daniel Inouye
  3. Gus Savage
  4. Barney Frank
  5. Fred Richmond
  6. John Young
  7. Wayne Hays
  8. Gerry Studds
  9. Teddy Kennedy
and dont forget about Alan Grayson who seems to have plenty of free time to 'Look at Stuff" on the web between 12 and 4am

Because you're right there "looking at stuff" with him?

No, the NSA is spying on his porn view habits, moron.
if any other adult male did what Weener did,,,wouldnt u think they would of been thrown in jail?
How about Bill Clinton..

Democrat Congressional Sex Offenders
  1. Mel Reynolds
  2. Daniel Inouye
  3. Gus Savage
  4. Barney Frank
  5. Fred Richmond
  6. John Young
  7. Wayne Hays
  8. Gerry Studds
  9. Teddy Kennedy
and dont forget about Alan Grayson who seems to have plenty of free time to 'Look at Stuff" on the web between 12 and 4am

Because you're right there "looking at stuff" with him?

No, the NSA is spying on his porn view habits, moron.
if any other adult male did what Weener did,,,wouldnt u think they would of been thrown in jail?

No, it wasn't against the law. However, it would be a good reason for instant firing.
How about Bill Clinton..

Democrat Congressional Sex Offenders
  1. Mel Reynolds
  2. Daniel Inouye
  3. Gus Savage
  4. Barney Frank
  5. Fred Richmond
  6. John Young
  7. Wayne Hays
  8. Gerry Studds
  9. Teddy Kennedy
and dont forget about Alan Grayson who seems to have plenty of free time to 'Look at Stuff" on the web between 12 and 4am

Because you're right there "looking at stuff" with him?

No, the NSA is spying on his porn view habits, moron.
if any other adult male did what Weener did,,,wouldnt u think they would of been thrown in jail?

Brett Farve sent pictures of himself fully naked! He's not in jail.
Democrat Congressional Sex Offenders
  1. Mel Reynolds
  2. Daniel Inouye
  3. Gus Savage
  4. Barney Frank
  5. Fred Richmond
  6. John Young
  7. Wayne Hays
  8. Gerry Studds
  9. Teddy Kennedy
and dont forget about Alan Grayson who seems to have plenty of free time to 'Look at Stuff" on the web between 12 and 4am

Because you're right there "looking at stuff" with him?

No, the NSA is spying on his porn view habits, moron.
if any other adult male did what Weener did,,,wouldnt u think they would of been thrown in jail?

No, it wasn't against the law. However, it would be a good reason for instant firing.
well we will never know the ages of the girls that saw him naked. wasnt weener on that "Predator" NBC show from the early 2000's?
and dont forget about Alan Grayson who seems to have plenty of free time to 'Look at Stuff" on the web between 12 and 4am

Because you're right there "looking at stuff" with him?

No, the NSA is spying on his porn view habits, moron.
if any other adult male did what Weener did,,,wouldnt u think they would of been thrown in jail?

No, it wasn't against the law. However, it would be a good reason for instant firing.
well we will never know the ages of the girls that saw him naked. wasnt weener on that "Predator" NBC show from the early 2000's?

No. He went directly into politics working for Schumer after he graduated college. He's never been on that show to the best of my knowledge.

Oh. Wait. were going for a baseless accusation that you hoped would stick.
and dont forget about Alan Grayson who seems to have plenty of free time to 'Look at Stuff" on the web between 12 and 4am

Because you're right there "looking at stuff" with him?

No, the NSA is spying on his porn view habits, moron.
if any other adult male did what Weener did,,,wouldnt u think they would of been thrown in jail?

No, it wasn't against the law. However, it would be a good reason for instant firing.
well we will never know the ages of the girls that saw him naked. wasnt weener on that "Predator" NBC show from the early 2000's?
If he was soliciting underage girls, that would be illegal. However, as far as we know, every women he sent pictures of himself to were of legal age.
Why there are 10 times as many Democrats that are perverts over Republicans? Well, Dem's in general are dumb and clueless when it comes to issues, and in their blue states, they can get away with anything and not go to jail.
Why there are 10 times as many Democrats that are perverts over Republicans? Well, Dem's in general are dumb and clueless when it comes to issues, and in their blue states, they can get away with anything and not go to jail.

Perverts are one of the Democrat's biggest constituencies.
and feel free to make your "Pervert List".

Republicans in the house were so far over the top perverted, they relied on a child molester, Charles Hastert, to impeach a sitting president on nothing more than bullshit charges.
Hastert wasn't speaker when Clinton was impeached.
and just look at both Clintons,,,,Bill and "Much Younger Monica"....and now we have Hillary and "Much Younger Huma".
Liberal men don't give a damn about a pervert cross-dresser in the ladies room because they don't give a damn about women.
Who's the most famous tranny? Caitlyn Jenner ! Who's a hard core republican? Caitlyn Jenner !
What is "peckerchecking?"

Inspecting crotches to makes sure the proper genitals enter the proper bathroom. You know, what Republicans now demands in a most hysterical fashion.

It's possible that there are Republicans out there who aren't such pervs, but they're increasingly hard to find. Needless to say, no sane parent should ever allow their child to be alone with any Republican adult, given how the GOP so openly endorses perversion now. Previously, the GOP was just secretly the party of perversion, and they'd at least make an attempt to hide their deviance. No more. They're out and they're proud of it.
Obama is an immoral and disgusting human being who was UNFIT to be a President of this country. You people who voted for him committed us to

THE PEOPLE should have called for his impeachment when they saw THIS done to their WhiteHouse
What is "peckerchecking?"

Inspecting crotches to makes sure the proper genitals enter the proper bathroom. You know, what Republicans now demands in a most hysterical fashion.

It's possible that there are Republicans out there who aren't such pervs, but they're increasingly hard to find. Needless to say, no sane parent should ever allow their child to be alone with any Republican adult, given how the GOP so openly endorses perversion now. Previously, the GOP was just secretly the party of perversion, and they'd at least make an attempt to hide their deviance. No more. They're out and they're proud of it.

It wasn't necessary prior to this new insanity the left is pushing, so why should it be necessary now? When women discover someone with a pecker in their restroom, they call the cops and have him arrested. It's as simple as that.
What is "peckerchecking?"

Inspecting crotches to makes sure the proper genitals enter the proper bathroom. You know, what Republicans now demands in a most hysterical fashion.

It's possible that there are Republicans out there who aren't such pervs, but they're increasingly hard to find. Needless to say, no sane parent should ever allow their child to be alone with any Republican adult, given how the GOP so openly endorses perversion now. Previously, the GOP was just secretly the party of perversion, and they'd at least make an attempt to hide their deviance. No more. They're out and they're proud of it.

It wasn't necessary prior to this new insanity the left is pushing, so why should it be necessary now? When women discover someone with a pecker in their restroom, they call the cops and have him arrested. It's as simple as that.

You're right. When women discover someone with a pecker in their restroom, they should call the cops.


If they show up in a dress, have breasts, and act like women, are other women duty bound to see if they have an outie our not?

If they aren't doing anything that brings attention to them, then leave them alone.

Quick question................why aren't the same lawmakers that are worrying about little girls getting molested by someone who is going to try to hide under the law, aren't worried about little boys getting molested by some perverted woman?

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