The Democrat Bathroom Debacle.Well, Aren't At Least Male Democrats To Some Extent "Perverts"?

What is "peckerchecking?"

Inspecting crotches to makes sure the proper genitals enter the proper bathroom. You know, what Republicans now demands in a most hysterical fashion.

It's possible that there are Republicans out there who aren't such pervs, but they're increasingly hard to find. Needless to say, no sane parent should ever allow their child to be alone with any Republican adult, given how the GOP so openly endorses perversion now. Previously, the GOP was just secretly the party of perversion, and they'd at least make an attempt to hide their deviance. No more. They're out and they're proud of it.

It wasn't necessary prior to this new insanity the left is pushing, so why should it be necessary now? When women discover someone with a pecker in their restroom, they call the cops and have him arrested. It's as simple as that.

You're right. When women discover someone with a pecker in their restroom, they should call the cops.


If they show up in a dress, have breasts, and act like women, are other women duty bound to see if they have an outie our not?

If they aren't doing anything that brings attention to them, then leave them alone.

Quick question................why aren't the same lawmakers that are worrying about little girls getting molested by someone who is going to try to hide under the law, aren't worried about little boys getting molested by some perverted woman?

Probably because we know the liberal media doesn't give a rat's ass about boys.

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