The Democrat Party Just Slit Their Own Wrist


I belong to the DEMOCRATIC party
AKA the new Nazi Party
By chance, tell us what things the Nazis did that you did agree with, and what they did that you didn't agree with?

They built roads, bridges, and a strong military.
They defended their borders.
They suppressed radicals, liberals, and communists.
They got people back to work.
They supported youth, the church, and family life.
They rallied the nation to national causes.
They repealed gun control laws.
They rejected internationalism.
They suppressed alternate lifestyles such as homosexuality.
They defended traditionalism, etc.

Your kind of folks actually.
They would lock you up if you didn't agree with your opinion. Kinda like wanting to prosecute people for denying global warming. The thing liberals want to do. Also for denying free speech like what happened in Chicago. Your kind prove how uneducated liberals are. Thanks for handing Trump the election.
No liberal opposes Free Speech, we invented it.

And you didn't answer what you liked about the Nazis?
Liberals didn't invent free speech dumbshit.
I view last night's protests as a message that the Democrats are worthless in providing a voice to oppose Trump and so folks resorted to taking matters into their own hands. It was a very bad sign for the Democrats.
You read it wrong. People pushing back against the Hitler Youth is a good sign for the Dems. And Trump backed down. God only knows what's next but it ain't goin' to be pretty, not in these times...
Hitler youth? Nazis were all about stopping opposing speech. Who does they sound like? Own your fascism.
I full support Free Speech, it's a liberal thing. Deal with it.
Then you own the slavery that was not ended on our Founding? Our founding was by God fearing conservatives, the question of slavery was handled the best way it could be and still have a country. You Leftust ilk are nothing like pur Founders..
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Yep, tearing up someone else's sign is assault. It's a crime. The thugs in Shitcago committed a lot of crimes on video.
That's not assault, dumbfuck.

I know, infants don't understand words so you're forgiven, this time.

No it's strong armed robbery and destruction of private property.
Oh total bullshit. Don't a bigger moron that Bripiss.

Really, if I forcibly take your cell phone and then stomp the hell out of it, what would you call it? That would be no different than taking a sign and ripping it up.
What happened in Chicago is the equivalent of the Dems slitting a wrist, now it up to the leadership to determine if they're going to slit the other one and bleed out, or remedy the situation. The vast majority of the regressives on this board are crowing about shutting down an opposition rally, well get ready for the boomerang effect. If it happens again, you will see independents and moderate dims leaving the party in droves. The majority of Americans won't view this kind of behavior positively, the way the far left loons do. So you find yourselves at a cross roads, which path will you chose? Take the wrong one and you WILL lose this election and all the down ballot races as well. Please, feel free to keep it up.

Not even close. As long as Phrump is around, the GOP is screwed.
Yep, tearing up someone else's sign is assault. It's a crime. The thugs in Shitcago committed a lot of crimes on video.
That's not assault, dumbfuck.

I know, infants don't understand words so you're forgiven, this time.

No it's strong armed robbery and destruction of private property.
Oh total bullshit. Don't a bigger moron that Bripiss.

Really, if I forcibly take your cell phone and then stomp the hell out of it, what would you call it? That would be no different than taking a sign and ripping it up.
I'd call it what it is, destruction of Private Property.

Like so: Bill Murray 'throws fans' cell phones off second story rooftop'
What happened in Chicago is the equivalent of the Dems slitting a wrist, now it up to the leadership to determine if they're going to slit the other one and bleed out, or remedy the situation. The vast majority of the regressives on this board are crowing about shutting down an opposition rally, well get ready for the boomerang effect. If it happens again, you will see independents and moderate dims leaving the party in droves. The majority of Americans won't view this kind of behavior positively, the way the far left loons do. So you find yourselves at a cross roads, which path will you chose? Take the wrong one and you WILL lose this election and all the down ballot races as well. Please, feel free to keep it up.

All the while Phrump talks about hitting people in the face, sending them out on a stretcher, and paying legal bills for his thugs.
What happened in Chicago is the equivalent of the Dems slitting a wrist, now it up to the leadership to determine if they're going to slit the other one and bleed out, or remedy the situation. The vast majority of the regressives on this board are crowing about shutting down an opposition rally, well get ready for the boomerang effect. If it happens again, you will see independents and moderate dims leaving the party in droves. The majority of Americans won't view this kind of behavior positively, the way the far left loons do. So you find yourselves at a cross roads, which path will you chose? Take the wrong one and you WILL lose this election and all the down ballot races as well. Please, feel free to keep it up.
Yet, the unfavorably opinion of Donald Trump in the general population continues to rise in all major poll, ABC/Washington Post, Gallup, NBC/WSJ, CNN, etc..

As the favorable opinion of Trump rises among, among militant authoritarians, it's falling in the general population. I think the number of demonstrations against Trump and his rhetoric of hate, racism, and xenophobia will continue to increase as more Americans realize that this pompous megalomaniac could become president.


Donald Trump Favorable Rating - Polls - HuffPost Pollster
Yep, tearing up someone else's sign is assault. It's a crime. The thugs in Shitcago committed a lot of crimes on video.
That's not assault, dumbfuck.

I know, infants don't understand words so you're forgiven, this time.

No it's strong armed robbery and destruction of private property.
Oh total bullshit. Don't a bigger moron that Bripiss.

Really, if I forcibly take your cell phone and then stomp the hell out of it, what would you call it? That would be no different than taking a sign and ripping it up.
I'd call it what it is, destruction of Private Property.

Like so: Bill Murray 'throws fans' cell phones off second story rooftop'

The fact that he agreed to make restitution and they chose not to file charges, doesn't alter the fact that his forcibly taking the phones and damaging them, would be strong armed robbery and destruction of private property. He's just damned lucky no one chose to push it.
That's not assault, dumbfuck.

I know, infants don't understand words so you're forgiven, this time.

No it's strong armed robbery and destruction of private property.
Oh total bullshit. Don't a bigger moron that Bripiss.

Really, if I forcibly take your cell phone and then stomp the hell out of it, what would you call it? That would be no different than taking a sign and ripping it up.
I'd call it what it is, destruction of Private Property.

Like so: Bill Murray 'throws fans' cell phones off second story rooftop'

The fact that he agreed to make restitution and they chose not to file charges, doesn't alter the fact that his forcibly taking the phones and damaging them, would be strong armed robbery and destruction of private property. He's just damned lucky no one chose to push it.
It's not robbery, dumbfuck.

If I rip up some guy's Trump sign and he takes 5$ to buy himself a new one so that's the end of that, that ain't robbery either.
What happened in Chicago is the equivalent of the Dems slitting a wrist, now it up to the leadership to determine if they're going to slit the other one and bleed out, or remedy the situation. The vast majority of the regressives on this board are crowing about shutting down an opposition rally, well get ready for the boomerang effect. If it happens again, you will see independents and moderate dims leaving the party in droves. The majority of Americans won't view this kind of behavior positively, the way the far left loons do. So you find yourselves at a cross roads, which path will you chose? Take the wrong one and you WILL lose this election and all the down ballot races as well. Please, feel free to keep it up.
Yet, the unfavorably opinion of Donald Trump in the general population continues to rise in all major poll, ABC/Washington Post, Gallup, NBC/WSJ, CNN, etc..

As the favorable opinion of Trump rises among, among militant authoritarians, it's falling in the general population. I think the number of demonstrations against Trump and his rhetoric of hate, racism, and xenophobia will continue to increase as more Americans realize that this pompous megalomaniac could become president.


Donald Trump Favorable Rating - Polls - HuffPost Pollster

How about you provide examples of anything he's said that is racist. You folks just love throwing around labels that don't apply. If you regressives had a shred of intellectual honesty you'd have no freaking idea what to do with it.
No it's strong armed robbery and destruction of private property.
Oh total bullshit. Don't a bigger moron that Bripiss.

Really, if I forcibly take your cell phone and then stomp the hell out of it, what would you call it? That would be no different than taking a sign and ripping it up.
I'd call it what it is, destruction of Private Property.

Like so: Bill Murray 'throws fans' cell phones off second story rooftop'

The fact that he agreed to make restitution and they chose not to file charges, doesn't alter the fact that his forcibly taking the phones and damaging them, would be strong armed robbery and destruction of private property. He's just damned lucky no one chose to push it.
It's not robbery, dumbfuck.

If I rip up some guy's Trump sign and he takes 5$ to buy himself a new one so that's the end of that, that ain't robbery either.

If you take it from him without his permission, it is robbery.
Oh total bullshit. Don't a bigger moron that Bripiss.

Really, if I forcibly take your cell phone and then stomp the hell out of it, what would you call it? That would be no different than taking a sign and ripping it up.
I'd call it what it is, destruction of Private Property.

Like so: Bill Murray 'throws fans' cell phones off second story rooftop'

The fact that he agreed to make restitution and they chose not to file charges, doesn't alter the fact that his forcibly taking the phones and damaging them, would be strong armed robbery and destruction of private property. He's just damned lucky no one chose to push it.
It's not robbery, dumbfuck.

If I rip up some guy's Trump sign and he takes 5$ to buy himself a new one so that's the end of that, that ain't robbery either.

If you take it from him without his permission, it is robbery.
Prove it? Good luck with that...
Really, if I forcibly take your cell phone and then stomp the hell out of it, what would you call it? That would be no different than taking a sign and ripping it up.
I'd call it what it is, destruction of Private Property.

Like so: Bill Murray 'throws fans' cell phones off second story rooftop'

The fact that he agreed to make restitution and they chose not to file charges, doesn't alter the fact that his forcibly taking the phones and damaging them, would be strong armed robbery and destruction of private property. He's just damned lucky no one chose to push it.
It's not robbery, dumbfuck.

If I rip up some guy's Trump sign and he takes 5$ to buy himself a new one so that's the end of that, that ain't robbery either.

If you take it from him without his permission, it is robbery.
Prove it? Good luck with that...

The taking of money or goods in the possession of another, from his or her person or immediate presence, by force or intimidation.

I'd call it what it is, destruction of Private Property.

Like so: Bill Murray 'throws fans' cell phones off second story rooftop'

The fact that he agreed to make restitution and they chose not to file charges, doesn't alter the fact that his forcibly taking the phones and damaging them, would be strong armed robbery and destruction of private property. He's just damned lucky no one chose to push it.
It's not robbery, dumbfuck.

If I rip up some guy's Trump sign and he takes 5$ to buy himself a new one so that's the end of that, that ain't robbery either.

If you take it from him without his permission, it is robbery.
Prove it? Good luck with that...

The taking of money or goods in the possession of another, from his or her person or immediate presence, by force or intimidation.

Property damage - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I'd call it what it is, destruction of Private Property.

Like so: Bill Murray 'throws fans' cell phones off second story rooftop'

The fact that he agreed to make restitution and they chose not to file charges, doesn't alter the fact that his forcibly taking the phones and damaging them, would be strong armed robbery and destruction of private property. He's just damned lucky no one chose to push it.
It's not robbery, dumbfuck.

If I rip up some guy's Trump sign and he takes 5$ to buy himself a new one so that's the end of that, that ain't robbery either.

If you take it from him without his permission, it is robbery.
Prove it? Good luck with that...

The taking of money or goods in the possession of another, from his or her person or immediate presence, by force or intimidation.

The next time Bill Murry points a gun at people and demands their cell phones and money, you can call him a robber. Otherwise, no.
The fact that he agreed to make restitution and they chose not to file charges, doesn't alter the fact that his forcibly taking the phones and damaging them, would be strong armed robbery and destruction of private property. He's just damned lucky no one chose to push it.
It's not robbery, dumbfuck.

If I rip up some guy's Trump sign and he takes 5$ to buy himself a new one so that's the end of that, that ain't robbery either.

If you take it from him without his permission, it is robbery.
Prove it? Good luck with that...

The taking of money or goods in the possession of another, from his or her person or immediate presence, by force or intimidation.

Property damage - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Criminal Act of Destruction of Property

Destruction of property is considered a criminal act in which a person intentionally destroys property, whether private or public, for the purpose of vandalism. To destroy property in the eyes of the law means that it is an intentional act and one that does not occur by natural means. Furthermore, the destruction of property will not be considered a criminal act if it is done by the owner of such property.

Keep trying to deflect, it won't alter the facts.
The fact that he agreed to make restitution and they chose not to file charges, doesn't alter the fact that his forcibly taking the phones and damaging them, would be strong armed robbery and destruction of private property. He's just damned lucky no one chose to push it.
It's not robbery, dumbfuck.

If I rip up some guy's Trump sign and he takes 5$ to buy himself a new one so that's the end of that, that ain't robbery either.

If you take it from him without his permission, it is robbery.
Prove it? Good luck with that...

The taking of money or goods in the possession of another, from his or her person or immediate presence, by force or intimidation.

The next time Bill Murry points a gun at people and demands their cell phones and money, you can call him a robber. Otherwise, no.

Just proves you're too fucking ignorant to know the difference between robbery and armed robbery.

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