The Democrat Party Just Slit Their Own Wrist

Democrat Presidential hopefuls didn't fare well when Leftists rioted in Chicago back in 1968. The rioting turned off decent Americans and it resulted in the election of Nixon.

Keep it up you Fascist fuck.

I think you misunderstand the dynamics of the 1968 election.

If RFK hadn't been assassinated, he would have gotten the nomination and would have won easily.

The Dems nominated Hubert Humphrey, who kept vacilating on whether or not the Vietnam War was a good idea or not when Most Americans concluded it wasn't. That allowed Nixon to say he had a plan to "end" Vietnam. Of course, Nixon's plan involved escalating the war into neighboring countries and convincing the Vietnamese he was batshit crazy enough to start World War III.

You also had Wallace stripping away Southern votes by playing on racism.

again, the biggest problem you guys are going to have is a lot of Republicans don't trust Trump and see he's obviously a crazy person.
I understand the dynamics. The violence proves that it turns off the voters. There were Sander's and Hillary signs at the protests and these signs are being shown on the news. People will associate violence with the democrat campaigns. People believe in free speech and the democrats are showing they are against it.

You fuckers just elected Trump when Cruz would have been a better choice. Part of me wonders if a Hitler will rise up to stop this bullshit from the Left.
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One problem, Tex

Are the Democrats behind the Anti-Trump protests?

Oh I know how much you right wingers would love to hang this around dummy Debbies shoulders, but It looks more like BLM, Hispanic,Women Gay and Muslim groups are randomly threatening Trumps rallies and supporters!!

What happens if Trump wins the GOP nomination? Do you think his winning the presidency will make these groups go away, or make them worst?

....And you thought Obama was dividing this nation!:eek:
I think a President Trump should bring out the National Guard and mow down these fuckers if they act up with violence and prevent free speech. Where are the hackers? They need to shut down the MoveOn site.

That is the action of a failed president. A strong president, but a failed president nonetheless.
What happened in Chicago is the equivalent of the Dems slitting a wrist, now it up to the leadership to determine if they're going to slit the other one and bleed out, or remedy the situation. The vast majority of the regressives on this board are crowing about shutting down an opposition rally, well get ready for the boomerang effect. If it happens again, you will see independents and moderate dims leaving the party in droves. The majority of Americans won't view this kind of behavior positively, the way the far left loons do. So you find yourselves at a cross roads, which path will you chose? Take the wrong one and you WILL lose this election and all the down ballot races as well. Please, feel free to keep it up.

They are trying to grow the narrative, nothing more. It is not working, but wt
What happened in Chicago is the equivalent of the Dems slitting a wrist, now it up to the leadership to determine if they're going to slit the other one and bleed out, or remedy the situation. The vast majority of the regressives on this board are crowing about shutting down an opposition rally, well get ready for the boomerang effect. If it happens again, you will see independents and moderate dims leaving the party in droves. The majority of Americans won't view this kind of behavior positively, the way the far left loons do. So you find yourselves at a cross roads, which path will you chose? Take the wrong one and you WILL lose this election and all the down ballot races as well. Please, feel free to keep it up.

They are just trying to grow the narrative. It isn't working,but have faith, they will surely try again!

I belong to the DEMOCRATIC party
AKA the new Nazi Party
By chance, tell us what things the Nazis did that you did agree with, and what they did that you didn't agree with?

They built roads, bridges, and a strong military.
They defended their borders.
They suppressed radicals, liberals, and communists.
They got people back to work.
They supported youth, the church, and family life.
They rallied the nation to national causes.
They repealed gun control laws.
They rejected internationalism.
They suppressed alternate lifestyles such as homosexuality.
They defended traditionalism, etc.

Your kind of folks actually.
I think a President Trump should bring out the National Guard and mow down these fuckers if they act up with violence and prevent free speech. Where are the hackers? They need to shut down the MoveOn site.

You should actually check out who makes up the National Guard. It's mostly the black and brown kids that Trumpenfuhrer wants to treat like second class citizens.
I understand the dynamics. The violence proves that it turns off the voters. There were Sander's and Hillary signs at the protests and these signs are being shown on the news. People will associate violence with the democrat campaigns. People believe in free speech and the democrats are showing they are against it.

You fuckers just elected Trump when Cruz would have been a better choice. Part of me wonders if a Hitler will rise up to stop this bullshit from the Left.

What turned people of in 1968 was the way Dick Daley busted heads at the convention, and then screamed "Dirty Stinking Jew" at a fellow delegate who told him to knock it off.

The biggest problem you are goign to have is walking back all the high Profile republicans who have denounced Trumpenfuhrer....
I view last night's protests as a message that the Democrats are worthless in providing a voice to oppose Trump and so folks resorted to taking matters into their own hands. It was a very bad sign for the Democrats.
we can hope that is what happened and it would kill one of the Nastiest political parties we have in this country. what people don't realize, is this isn't the Democrat party of OLD. they have been infiltrated by every radical in this country and the Blue dog moderates they used to have has been run out by one way or another. (threats, bribery, etc). you support that party and what they did with this protest against Trump. makes you just as Un-American and means you stand with them (party over country) and against the rest of your fellow countrymen and women in this country.
One problem, Tex

Are the Democrats behind the Anti-Trump protests?

Oh I know how much you right wingers would love to hang this around dummy Debbies shoulders, but It looks more like BLM, Hispanic,Women Gay and Muslim groups are randomly threatening Trumps rallies and supporters!!

What happens if Trump wins the GOP nomination? Do you think his winning the presidency will make these groups go away, or make them worst?

....And you thought Obama was dividing this nation!:eek:

I view last night's protests as a message that the Democrats are worthless in providing a voice to oppose Trump and so folks resorted to taking matters into their own hands. It was a very bad sign for the Democrats.
You read it wrong. People pushing back against the Hitler Youth is a good sign for the Dems. And Trump backed down. God only knows what's next but it ain't goin' to be pretty, not in these times...
Trump will take the podium soon. Will he take the opportunity to tone down the rhetoric and lead his supporters to a higher ground? Or....will he cave in to his instincts and whip up the crowd?
The majority of Americans view the fascist Drumpfisti unfavorably.

Well his favorability just went up, like I said, feel free to attack all the republican rallies, it will cost you.

What do you base that on? It's not like they've taken a poll since last night.

The people who are mortified at the thought of Trump being the GOP nominee are Republicans. And they should be, the guy isn't a conservative, he doesn't practice family values, etc. He doesn't believe in limited government.

That so many of you are so angry after 8 years of Obama giving you atomic wedgies you are willing to embrace anything that looks like a winner, is kind of a sad commentary that you would get behind a reality TV Rodeo CLown.
Obama has given america an atomic wedge. Hence the birth of the Trump revolution. Get used to saying president Trump.

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