The Democrat Party Just Slit Their Own Wrist

The Fascist here are the Democrats. They already support big government socialism like the Nazis.
You're totally clueless.
You're against a strong government? Hitler was for individual freedoms? Whose political philosophy sounds more like a Nazi? LOL
You're clueless because, among other reasons, you associate Socialism with the Nazis.

Only retards say such retarded things.

You also associate Fascism with Democrats. It's obvious that you have no clue what these terms mean. Hence, you're clueless.
You obviously don't understand what either Fascism or Socialism is.
He's a libtard.

He doesnt understand anything at all.
Of course they do, the MSM and you commiecrats are spinning like tops. You're completely divorced from truth and ethics.

I think when you call people "Murderers" and "Rapists", you are kind of saying something racist. but it's okay, man. YOu keep doing that.

Mexican is a nationality, not a race. NEXT
Your committing that 'Expectation of Libtards Being Rationale' Fallacy, again.
How is it "racist" if they are murderers and rapists?

All 40 millions Hispanics or just the 11 million undocumented workers? Make up your mind, dude.

If he said, "Jose Perez is a murderer and we never should have let him into the country"< then it wouldn't be racist. But he said, "Mexicans".

We all know he meant that some illegal aliens are rapists and murderers. However, douche bags like you insist on mischaracterizing his remarks.
Of course they do, the MSM and you commiecrats are spinning like tops. You're completely divorced from truth and ethics.

I think when you call people "Murderers" and "Rapists", you are kind of saying something racist. but it's okay, man. YOu keep doing that.

Mexican is a nationality, not a race. NEXT

Hispanic is......Brown just scared Phrump to death.
Trump didn't use either term. He said "illegal aliens."
Assembly with the expressed purpose to breach the peace
Your assumption.

is not constitutionally protected. It's called a mob, not a protest.
It didn't start violent, but the Drumpf Brownshirts were looking to bust heads.

What were they doing smacking over the heads with Trump card board signs before they took them and started tearing them up.
Got video?

Dude behind looks like Jerry Springer. LMAO

Of course they do, the MSM and you commiecrats are spinning like tops. You're completely divorced from truth and ethics.

I think when you call people "Murderers" and "Rapists", you are kind of saying something racist. but it's okay, man. YOu keep doing that.

Mexican is a nationality, not a race. NEXT

Hispanic is......Brown just scared Phrump to death.

Bullshit, most all of them have European blood, I just love it when a light skinned Mexican tries to tell me I need to go back to Europe, my answer is alway, you first.
What happened in Chicago is the equivalent of the Dems slitting a wrist, now it up to the leadership to determine if they're going to slit the other one and bleed out, or remedy the situation. The vast majority of the regressives on this board are crowing about shutting down an opposition rally, well get ready for the boomerang effect. If it happens again, you will see independents and moderate dims leaving the party in droves. The majority of Americans won't view this kind of behavior positively, the way the far left loons do. So you find yourselves at a cross roads, which path will you chose? Take the wrong one and you WILL lose this election and all the down ballot races as well. Please, feel free to keep it up.

Do you actually believe that everyone in this country is as dumb as a Trump supporter?--LOL Trump has incited these protests with his own words. With his own words he has encouraged his supporters to get violent with protesters. "We used to carry protesters out on stretchers." Now he is paying the 78 year old that sucker punched a guy at the rally in N.C. legal bills. There are several instances in the below link where he has encouraged his supporters to get violent with protesters. You can watch them, they're all on video at the below link.
All the times Trump has called for violence at his rallies

Now, I now these protests are being spun by right wing talk show hosts, as the protesters started this. But, this isn't going on with any other candidates rallies, just Donald Trump rallies. Right now a Donald Trump rally is more dangerous than walking the streets of Juarez at midnight--LOL

Trump has been endorsed by every white hate group in this country including the KKK. So what did you expect? Mary Poppin's type crowds. He is going to attract people that want to fight. A Trump rally reminds me of something that came right out of the 1960's civil rights movement. An all white angry, ignorant, bigoted mob. Donald Trump is really a disgusting display of what the Republican Party has succumbed too.

Assembly with the expressed purpose to breach the peace
Your assumption.

is not constitutionally protected. It's called a mob, not a protest.
It didn't start violent, but the Drumpf Brownshirts were looking to bust heads.

What were they doing smacking over the heads with Trump card board signs before they took them and started tearing them up.
Got video?

Dude behind looks like Jerry Springer. LMAO

I saw Jerry Springer get hit by the police in the news when it was going down........laughed my ass off.
What happened in Chicago is the equivalent of the Dems slitting a wrist, now it up to the leadership to determine if they're going to slit the other one and bleed out, or remedy the situation. The vast majority of the regressives on this board are crowing about shutting down an opposition rally, well get ready for the boomerang effect. If it happens again, you will see independents and moderate dims leaving the party in droves. The majority of Americans won't view this kind of behavior positively, the way the far left loons do. So you find yourselves at a cross roads, which path will you chose? Take the wrong one and you WILL lose this election and all the down ballot races as well. Please, feel free to keep it up.

Do you actually believe that everyone in this country is as dumb as a Trump supporter?--LOL Trump has incited these protests with his own words. With his own words he has encouraged his supporters to get violent with protesters. "We used to carry protesters out on stretchers." Now he is paying the 78 year old that sucker punched a guy at the rally in N.C. legal bills. There are several instances in the below link where he has encouraged his supporters to get violent with protesters. You can watch them, they're all on video at the below link.
All the times Trump has called for violence at his rallies

Now, I now these protests are being spun by right wing talk show hosts, as the protesters started this. But, this isn't going on with any other candidates rallies, just Donald Trump rallies. Right now a Donald Trump rally is more dangerous than walking the streets of Juarez at midnight--LOL

Trump has been endorsed by every white hate group in this country including the KKK. So what did you expect? Mary Poppin's type crowds. He is going to attract people that want to fight. A Trump rally reminds me of something that came right out of the 1960's civil rights movement. An all white angry, ignorant, bigoted mob. Donald Trump is really a disgusting display of what the Republican Party has succumbed too.


You might have a point, if colleges didn't have a long, long history of trying to shut down anyone they disagreed with.

3,990,000 hits on "colleges shut down speech".

colleges shut down speech - Bing

This whole thing in Chicago started more than a week prior with leftist professors going to the school to get them to cancel the event. Then moveon got involved. They would have done it to any republican candidate.
We all know he meant that some illegal aliens are rapists and murderers. However, douche bags like you insist on mischaracterizing his remarks.

I don't go by what he "meant", I go by what he said. He didn't single out Polish illegal immigrants like the ones who finished Trump Tower, he singled out Mexicans.

Yes or no, is my statement true?

No, it isn't. Trump isn't hating on Mexicans because they are white.

Bullshit, most all of them have European blood, I just love it when a light skinned Mexican tries to tell me I need to go back to Europe, my answer is alway, you first.

I don't know any Mexicans who have ever said, "Go back to Europe" to white people. I kind of wonder if you know any Mexicans at all.
Of course they do, the MSM and you commiecrats are spinning like tops. You're completely divorced from truth and ethics.

I think when you call people "Murderers" and "Rapists", you are kind of saying something racist. but it's okay, man. YOu keep doing that.

Mexican is a nationality, not a race. NEXT

Hispanic is......Brown just scared Phrump to death.
Trump didn't use either term. He said "illegal aliens."

Face it....Phrump cannot win the General. He will lose terribly the black vote and he will lose terribly the Hispanic vote. He will have to find an incredible number of white voters before November. It won't happen.

This is especially true when you consider that many dedicated Conservatives will sit at home on election day, rather than vote for a liberal in conservative clothing. But please keep dreaming your fictional dream if it helps you sleep at night.

You might have a point, if colleges didn't have a long, long history of trying to shut down anyone they disagreed with.

3,990,000 hits on "colleges shut down speech".

colleges shut down speech - Bing

This whole thing in Chicago started more than a week prior with leftist professors going to the school to get them to cancel the event. Then moveon got involved. They would have done it to any republican candidate.

Any other Republican wouldn't have picked the UIC Pavilion at a time when there is already a considerable level of anger over police shootings, nor have they been using racially charged rhetoric. This was a calculated effort by Trump to create a confrontation between people of color and the mouth breathers that support him.
What happened in Chicago is the equivalent of the Dems slitting a wrist, now it up to the leadership to determine if they're going to slit the other one and bleed out, or remedy the situation. The vast majority of the regressives on this board are crowing about shutting down an opposition rally, well get ready for the boomerang effect. If it happens again, you will see independents and moderate dims leaving the party in droves. The majority of Americans won't view this kind of behavior positively, the way the far left loons do. So you find yourselves at a cross roads, which path will you chose? Take the wrong one and you WILL lose this election and all the down ballot races as well. Please, feel free to keep it up.

Do you actually believe that everyone in this country is as dumb as a Trump supporter?--LOL Trump has incited these protests with his own words. With his own words he has encouraged his supporters to get violent with protesters. "We used to carry protesters out on stretchers." Now he is paying the 78 year old that sucker punched a guy at the rally in N.C. legal bills. There are several instances in the below link where he has encouraged his supporters to get violent with protesters. You can watch them, they're all on video at the below link.
All the times Trump has called for violence at his rallies

Now, I now these protests are being spun by right wing talk show hosts, as the protesters started this. But, this isn't going on with any other candidates rallies, just Donald Trump rallies. Right now a Donald Trump rally is more dangerous than walking the streets of Juarez at midnight--LOL

Trump has been endorsed by every white hate group in this country including the KKK. So what did you expect? Mary Poppin's type crowds. He is going to attract people that want to fight. A Trump rally reminds me of something that came right out of the 1960's civil rights movement. An all white angry, ignorant, bigoted mob. Donald Trump is really a disgusting display of what the Republican Party has succumbed too.


You might have a point, if colleges didn't have a long, long history of trying to shut down anyone they disagreed with.

3,990,000 hits on "colleges shut down speech".

colleges shut down speech - Bing

This whole thing in Chicago started more than a week prior with leftist professors going to the school to get them to cancel the event. Then moveon got involved. They would have done it to any republican candidate.

If Trump would have called his rally a job fair, none of the protester would have been there.
The hildabitch isn't talking about free college, oh ignorant one. Trump hasn't said anything racist, of course you can't say the same for the hildabitch and her esteemed rapist husband. You freaking hypocrites say nothing about that.

Yes, you keep saying that, but those non-white people- you know, the ones rioting outside his rallies, see it differently.

Of course they do, the MSM and you commiecrats are spinning like tops. You're completely divorced from truth and ethics.

^^ oh, the irony......... :uhh:
The Fascist here are the Democrats. They already support big government socialism like the Nazis.
You're totally clueless.
You're against a strong government? Hitler was for individual freedoms? Whose political philosophy sounds more like a Nazi? LOL
You're clueless because, among other reasons, you associate Socialism with the Nazis.

Only retards say such retarded things.

You also associate Fascism with Democrats. It's obvious that you have no clue what these terms mean. Hence, you're clueless.

Really, the explain the name of good old adolfs party. National Socialist German Workers' Party, nope no socialist there. LMAO

Or their arch enemy the United Soviet Socialist Republic. Yeah, wait.......what?

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