The Democrat Party Just Slit Their Own Wrist

That SOB should be prosecuted for conspiracy to breach the peace.
Is free speech and the right to assemble only for the wingnuts now?

It's not free speech when it's done to deny other citizens their rights. That's a crime. And purposefully organizing for that purpose is conspiracy to commit a crime. Read the damn law.
The right to assemble and protest is i a Constitutional right.

Funny how conservatives only want to follow parts of the Constitution.

Assembly with the expressed purpose to breach the peace is not constitutionally protected. It's called a mob, not a protest.
Sounds like Trump's "love fest" is becoming a fist fest due to his hate fill rhetoric that is attracting left wing extremists and hate groups.

When a protester is roughed up, Trump blames him for his fate.
He tells the crowd that protesters are fair game.
He tells the crowd "to knock the crap out of them. Just knock the hell out of them"
"I promise you I will pay for the legal fees."
"You know what they do to guys like this in old days? They would be carried out in a stretcher."
"I would just like to punch him in face."
"Alright, get him out. I'll defend you in court."
"The problem is nobody wants to hurt anyone anymore"
"It's payback time. It's payback time."

Video: Ben Carson Endorses Donald Trump

How many of those statements would have been made were it not for the leftist assholes that disrupted his events. Those are just excuses for leftist to try to shift the blame for the violence.
Guess you haven't seen many of the reconquista aholes. Here's one example there are many more. Tell me how much European blood you think that guy has.

Not much by the look of him... but that's okay, man, you keep telling yourself that your hate isn't about Racism and orange hair really cares about you.

Why is it only you leftist regressive assholes talk about hate and wars all the time? Projecting much?
Why is it only you leftist regressive assholes talk about hate and wars all the time? Projecting much?

Why do you guys keep appealing to hate and starting metaphorical and real wars?

You know, there is a reasonable discussion to be had on immigration. It isn't talking about deporting people and building walls you will get other people to pay for.

That's appealing to hate.
Why is it only you leftist regressive assholes talk about hate and wars all the time? Projecting much?
Not true. They often talk about racism and genderism too.

What do you think I was talking about, war on women, war on the poor, war on the................................................

Nothing changes, they stay stuck in in the same old shit.
Just a little note, you piece of shit, I'm not a Trump supporter. I'm for law and order. If someone breaks the law, they go to jail if the crime justifies it. I don't give a shit what color they are. If they're in the country illegally, they got to go, I don't care what country their from, if they're pink and purple polka-dotted or been here 50 freaking years.

yeah, um, so when are you going to be for throwing Rush Limbaugh's fat, drug using ass in jail, then?

oh, wait, not THOSE laws!

Besides, Rush is white.

The same damn thing applies to anyone who invades a venue, or assembles in the streets with the expressed intent to breach the peace and deny others their lawful rights. So take your little Alinsky labels and shove them up you smug ass.

again, you guys had no problem with right wing agitators breaking up ObamaCare town halls. Here's you guys breaking up Danny Lipinski's town Hall meeting.

And no, this race will determine if we are to remain a country of laws and very possibly if we remain a country at all.

Countries are largely irrelvant. The problem is you Right Wingers are too stupid to see the people who made them irrelevant are the multi-national corporations that pull the strings of your movement.
Why is it only you leftist regressive assholes talk about hate and wars all the time? Projecting much?

Why do you guys keep appealing to hate and starting metaphorical and real wars?

You know, there is a reasonable discussion to be had on immigration. It isn't talking about deporting people and building walls you will get other people to pay for.

That's appealing to hate.

No, that's enforcing the freaking LAW.
Hillary has no soul.................Perhaps good versus evil........because your candidate sucks.

yes, I know having a Vagina AND an opinion equals "evil" in your world.
You have a vagina?
Lol, yeah, its between his jaws, like most Democrat white males.


One day, Democrat white males will wake up and start voting their own interests....right after they go through lock up and learn they really dont like getting turned out, roflmao.
One day, Democrat white males will wake up and start voting their own interests....right after they go through lock up and learn they really dont like getting turned out, roflmao.

Guy, I voted Republican in every election from 1980 to 2008. And then I realized I wasn't voting for my own best interest when my boss announced he could legally totally fuck me over after I had a medical issue because "he didn't have to deal with a union."

So, please. The thing is, if you aren't one of the 1% and you vote Republican, you are not voting for your own best interest. You are voting to let the 1% screw you.

But they will make you terrified of the gay or the black or the Mexican or the Muslim, because they are different than you.
Just a little note, you piece of shit, I'm not a Trump supporter. I'm for law and order. If someone breaks the law, they go to jail if the crime justifies it. I don't give a shit what color they are. If they're in the country illegally, they got to go, I don't care what country their from, if they're pink and purple polka-dotted or been here 50 freaking years.

yeah, um, so when are you going to be for throwing Rush Limbaugh's fat, drug using ass in jail, then?

oh, wait, not THOSE laws!

Besides, Rush is white.

The same damn thing applies to anyone who invades a venue, or assembles in the streets with the expressed intent to breach the peace and deny others their lawful rights. So take your little Alinsky labels and shove them up you smug ass.

again, you guys had no problem with right wing agitators breaking up ObamaCare town halls. Here's you guys breaking up Danny Lipinski's town Hall meeting.

And no, this race will determine if we are to remain a country of laws and very possibly if we remain a country at all.

Countries are largely irrelvant. The problem is you Right Wingers are too stupid to see the people who made them irrelevant are the multi-national corporations that pull the strings of your movement.

If Rush broke the law, yes, he should have been prosecuted.

I also have serious doubts about your highly edited propaganda video.
If Rush broke the law, yes, he should have been prosecuted.

I also have serious doubts about your highly edited propaganda video.

Rush broke the law. That's not even in dispute. But he's white, he could get fancy lawyers, and he could cop a plea.

(I think the prosecution of Limbaugh was excesive and political, but he did "Break the law".)

I'm sure you "doubt the video". Most of you teabaggers don't want to be confused with facts.
No, that's enforcing the freaking LAW.

Guy I suspect you break dozens of laws every day... we all do. Please don't try to tell me your sudden concern about "illegals" (usually invited here by rich people you defend to the hilt) is about "the law".

It's about your abiding fear of one moving in next door to you.

Deflection, projection and bullshit, got anything else? And no I don't break a dozen laws everyday, many days I don't even leave my property. I haven't had as much as a speeding ticket since the 1970's. Oh, I did contest and beat an automated red light ticket a couple of years ago. They said I didn't stop before I turned right, I proved in their own video that I did.
Deflection, projection and bullshit, got anything else? And no I don't break a dozen laws everyday, many days I don't even leave my property. I haven't had as much as a speeding ticket since the 1970's. Oh, I did contest and beat an automated red light ticket a couple of years ago. They said I didn't stop before I turned right, I proved in their own video that I did.

I'm sure you haven't left your basement in years, but I suspect if we put some investigators on you with the intent of finding laws you've broken, we'd find some.

So please don't pretend your hate of "those people" is about "the law".
If Rush broke the law, yes, he should have been prosecuted.

I also have serious doubts about your highly edited propaganda video.

Rush broke the law. That's not even in dispute. But he's white, he could get fancy lawyers, and he could cop a plea.

(I think the prosecution of Limbaugh was excesive and political, but he did "Break the law".)

I'm sure you "doubt the video". Most of you teabaggers don't want to be confused with facts.

So Rush, broke the law, went through the legal system, just like OJ. Sounds like the black guy got the better deal of the two.

And I don't trust any video that cuts to different views instead of panning, and then the still photos thrown in for good measure didn't exactly inspire confidence in it's authenticity.
Deflection, projection and bullshit, got anything else? And no I don't break a dozen laws everyday, many days I don't even leave my property. I haven't had as much as a speeding ticket since the 1970's. Oh, I did contest and beat an automated red light ticket a couple of years ago. They said I didn't stop before I turned right, I proved in their own video that I did.

I'm sure you haven't left your basement in years, but I suspect if we put some investigators on you with the intent of finding laws you've broken, we'd find some.

So please don't pretend your hate of "those people" is about "the law".

Note to the dumbass, basements in TX are rare as hens teeth, the water table is too high, they'd flood. Most all houses in southern TX are built on a concrete slab or on piers. Mine is on a slab.

And how about you stop trying to project terms I have never used on me, those are your terms not mine.

Oh and feel free to send out those investigators, my land is posted, they might get shot.
Is free speech and the right to assemble only for the wingnuts now?

It's not free speech when it's done to deny other citizens their rights. That's a crime. And purposefully organizing for that purpose is conspiracy to commit a crime. Read the damn law.
The right to assemble and protest is i a Constitutional right.

Funny how conservatives only want to follow parts of the Constitution.

Assembly with the expressed purpose to breach the peace is not constitutionally protected. It's called a mob, not a protest.
Sounds like Trump's "love fest" is becoming a fist fest due to his hate fill rhetoric that is attracting left wing extremists and hate groups.

When a protester is roughed up, Trump blames him for his fate.
He tells the crowd that protesters are fair game.
He tells the crowd "to knock the crap out of them. Just knock the hell out of them"
"I promise you I will pay for the legal fees."
"You know what they do to guys like this in old days? They would be carried out in a stretcher."
"I would just like to punch him in face."
"Alright, get him out. I'll defend you in court."
"The problem is nobody wants to hurt anyone anymore"
"It's payback time. It's payback time."

Video: Ben Carson Endorses Donald Trump

Do you blame those with BLM that called for the death of cops. Who do you blame for BLM storming Sanders rally's?

We don't blame singers for lyrics that are filled with hate and referring to violence towards women and others.

I find Trumps rhetoric troubling but I am consistent across the board. The other side is we are protected by free speech. He has a right to speak, people have a right to protest and we all have the right to comment on both sides.
No one should be telling his supporters "to knock the crap out of them", certainly not a candidate for president. If Trump is trying to prove he's political incorrect, I think he's done a great job. What other presidential candidate has ever insulted every minority in the country, made fun of the disabled, called women pigs and bimbos, uses profanity on TV, and defends the size of his penis.

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