The Democrat Party Just Slit Their Own Wrist

It's not free speech when it's done to deny other citizens their rights. That's a crime. And purposefully organizing for that purpose is conspiracy to commit a crime. Read the damn law.
The right to assemble and protest is i a Constitutional right.

Funny how conservatives only want to follow parts of the Constitution.

Assembly with the expressed purpose to breach the peace is not constitutionally protected. It's called a mob, not a protest.
Sounds like Trump's "love fest" is becoming a fist fest due to his hate fill rhetoric that is attracting left wing extremists and hate groups.

When a protester is roughed up, Trump blames him for his fate.
He tells the crowd that protesters are fair game.
He tells the crowd "to knock the crap out of them. Just knock the hell out of them"
"I promise you I will pay for the legal fees."
"You know what they do to guys like this in old days? They would be carried out in a stretcher."
"I would just like to punch him in face."
"Alright, get him out. I'll defend you in court."
"The problem is nobody wants to hurt anyone anymore"
"It's payback time. It's payback time."

Video: Ben Carson Endorses Donald Trump

Do you blame those with BLM that called for the death of cops. Who do you blame for BLM storming Sanders rally's?

We don't blame singers for lyrics that are filled with hate and referring to violence towards women and others.

I find Trumps rhetoric troubling but I am consistent across the board. The other side is we are protected by free speech. He has a right to speak, people have a right to protest and we all have the right to comment on both sides.
No one should be telling his supporters "to knock the crap out of them", certainly not a candidate for president. If Trump is trying to prove he's political incorrect, I think he's done a great job. What other presidential candidate has ever insulted every minority in the country, made fun of the disabled, called women pigs and bimbos, uses profanity on TV, and defends the size of his penis.

Whether he should or not isn't debatable. He has a right to say what he wants, it's a free country. I don't agree with him at all but he has the right to say it. Then let people decide. With the choice of Clinton or Trump, we are in trouble no matter what happens, they are both nuts.
So Rush, broke the law, went through the legal system, just like OJ. Sounds like the black guy got the better deal of the two.

And I don't trust any video that cuts to different views instead of panning, and then the still photos thrown in for good measure didn't exactly inspire confidence in it's authenticity.

Wow, are you claiming there wasn't editing of that supposed "Riot" at the UIC Pavilion?

What happened with OJ was a travesty. What happened with Limbaugh was a travesty. You shouldn't be able to buy your way out of accountability because you are rich. so in your logic, if you are rich, you get a pass on "The Law", but if you are some poor person trying to feed his family doing a menial, disgusting job white people won't do, we need to keep your feet to the fire with the constant threat of deportation.

Because the rich are laughing at you. A few deportations to keep the stupid, inbred rednecks like you happy, but they can always get more. No problem, man. Trump is totally going to build that wall, no really.

Note to the dumbass, basements in TX are rare as hens teeth, the water table is too high, they'd flood. Most all houses in southern TX are built on a concrete slab or on piers. Mine is on a slab.

And how about you stop trying to project terms I have never used on me, those are your terms not mine.

Oh and feel free to send out those investigators, my land is posted, they might get shot.

Wait a minute, so you think we should go after Illegals with everything we've got, but man, you are going to totally shoot LEO's who come on "your dun-der land", Cleetus.

Man, the happy day we treat you inbred, Red State morons with the contempt you deserve.
So Rush, broke the law, went through the legal system, just like OJ. Sounds like the black guy got the better deal of the two.

And I don't trust any video that cuts to different views instead of panning, and then the still photos thrown in for good measure didn't exactly inspire confidence in it's authenticity.

Wow, are you claiming there wasn't editing of that supposed "Riot" at the UIC Pavilion?

What happened with OJ was a travesty. What happened with Limbaugh was a travesty. You shouldn't be able to buy your way out of accountability because you are rich. so in your logic, if you are rich, you get a pass on "The Law", but if you are some poor person trying to feed his family doing a menial, disgusting job white people won't do, we need to keep your feet to the fire with the constant threat of deportation.

Because the rich are laughing at you. A few deportations to keep the stupid, inbred rednecks like you happy, but they can always get more. No problem, man. Trump is totally going to build that wall, no really.

Note to the dumbass, basements in TX are rare as hens teeth, the water table is too high, they'd flood. Most all houses in southern TX are built on a concrete slab or on piers. Mine is on a slab.

And how about you stop trying to project terms I have never used on me, those are your terms not mine.

Oh and feel free to send out those investigators, my land is posted, they might get shot.

Wait a minute, so you think we should go after Illegals with everything we've got, but man, you are going to totally shoot LEO's who come on "your dun-der land", Cleetus.

Man, the happy day we treat you inbred, Red State morons with the contempt you deserve.

There ya go again, assigning terms to me that I never said. You said investigators, not police, you have no power to direct police to do a damn thing. And no, no one should live under a threat of deportation, it should be a certainty if they're found in the country illegally. But since you can't seem to refrain from using your Alinsky name calling, you can carry on without me, I'm done with your lying ass.
The right to assemble and protest is i a Constitutional right.

Funny how conservatives only want to follow parts of the Constitution.

Assembly with the expressed purpose to breach the peace is not constitutionally protected. It's called a mob, not a protest.
Sounds like Trump's "love fest" is becoming a fist fest due to his hate fill rhetoric that is attracting left wing extremists and hate groups.

When a protester is roughed up, Trump blames him for his fate.
He tells the crowd that protesters are fair game.
He tells the crowd "to knock the crap out of them. Just knock the hell out of them"
"I promise you I will pay for the legal fees."
"You know what they do to guys like this in old days? They would be carried out in a stretcher."
"I would just like to punch him in face."
"Alright, get him out. I'll defend you in court."
"The problem is nobody wants to hurt anyone anymore"
"It's payback time. It's payback time."

Video: Ben Carson Endorses Donald Trump

Do you blame those with BLM that called for the death of cops. Who do you blame for BLM storming Sanders rally's?

We don't blame singers for lyrics that are filled with hate and referring to violence towards women and others.

I find Trumps rhetoric troubling but I am consistent across the board. The other side is we are protected by free speech. He has a right to speak, people have a right to protest and we all have the right to comment on both sides.
No one should be telling his supporters "to knock the crap out of them", certainly not a candidate for president. If Trump is trying to prove he's political incorrect, I think he's done a great job. What other presidential candidate has ever insulted every minority in the country, made fun of the disabled, called women pigs and bimbos, uses profanity on TV, and defends the size of his penis.

Whether he should or not isn't debatable. He has a right to say what he wants, it's a free country. I don't agree with him at all but he has the right to say it. Then let people decide. With the choice of Clinton or Trump, we are in trouble no matter what happens, they are both nuts.
Of course both sides have the right to express their opinion. However, I think it's irresponsible for a leader at any rally to encourage violence. I've been following presidential campaigns for over 50 years and have never seen a candidate for president act like this. Can you imagine Reagan telling his supporters to knock the crap out the opposition and he would pay their legal fees?
Last edited:
There ya go again, assigning terms to me that I never said. You said investigators, not police, you have no power to direct police to do a damn thing. And no, no one should live under a threat of deportation, it should be a certainty if they're found in the country illegally. But since you can't seem to refrain from using your Alinsky name calling, you can carry on without me, I'm done with your lying ass.

Did Saul Alinksy's Zombie eat your brains, Cleetus. Is that why you are so durned mad at him?
Just a little note, you piece of shit, I'm not a Trump supporter. I'm for law and order. If someone breaks the law, they go to jail if the crime justifies it. I don't give a shit what color they are. If they're in the country illegally, they got to go, I don't care what country their from, if they're pink and purple polka-dotted or been here 50 freaking years.

yeah, um, so when are you going to be for throwing Rush Limbaugh's fat, drug using ass in jail, then?

oh, wait, not THOSE laws!

Besides, Rush is white.

The same damn thing applies to anyone who invades a venue, or assembles in the streets with the expressed intent to breach the peace and deny others their lawful rights. So take your little Alinsky labels and shove them up you smug ass.

again, you guys had no problem with right wing agitators breaking up ObamaCare town halls. Here's you guys breaking up Danny Lipinski's town Hall meeting.

And no, this race will determine if we are to remain a country of laws and very possibly if we remain a country at all.

Countries are largely irrelvant. The problem is you Right Wingers are too stupid to see the people who made them irrelevant are the multi-national corporations that pull the strings of your movement.

They become irrelevant when you don't enforce your border, which is exactly what turds like you support.
Assembly with the expressed purpose to breach the peace is not constitutionally protected. It's called a mob, not a protest.
Sounds like Trump's "love fest" is becoming a fist fest due to his hate fill rhetoric that is attracting left wing extremists and hate groups.

When a protester is roughed up, Trump blames him for his fate.
He tells the crowd that protesters are fair game.
He tells the crowd "to knock the crap out of them. Just knock the hell out of them"
"I promise you I will pay for the legal fees."
"You know what they do to guys like this in old days? They would be carried out in a stretcher."
"I would just like to punch him in face."
"Alright, get him out. I'll defend you in court."
"The problem is nobody wants to hurt anyone anymore"
"It's payback time. It's payback time."

Video: Ben Carson Endorses Donald Trump

Do you blame those with BLM that called for the death of cops. Who do you blame for BLM storming Sanders rally's?

We don't blame singers for lyrics that are filled with hate and referring to violence towards women and others.

I find Trumps rhetoric troubling but I am consistent across the board. The other side is we are protected by free speech. He has a right to speak, people have a right to protest and we all have the right to comment on both sides.
No one should be telling his supporters "to knock the crap out of them", certainly not a candidate for president. If Trump is trying to prove he's political incorrect, I think he's done a great job. What other presidential candidate has ever insulted every minority in the country, made fun of the disabled, called women pigs and bimbos, uses profanity on TV, and defends the size of his penis.

Whether he should or not isn't debatable. He has a right to say what he wants, it's a free country. I don't agree with him at all but he has the right to say it. Then let people decide. With the choice of Clinton or Trump, we are in trouble no matter what happens, they are both nuts.
Of course both sides have the right to express their opinion. However, I think it's irresponsible for a leader at any rally to encourage violence. I've been following presidential campaigns for over 50 years and have never seen a candidate for president act like this. Can you imagine Reagan telling his supporters to knock the crap out the opposition and he would pay their legal fees?

Yada, yada, yada. We've heard that standard leftist pap on this subject 1000 times already. If the "protesters" don't want get hit, they can easily guarantee it by not sneaking into Trump's rallies.
Assembly with the expressed purpose to breach the peace is not constitutionally protected. It's called a mob, not a protest.
Sounds like Trump's "love fest" is becoming a fist fest due to his hate fill rhetoric that is attracting left wing extremists and hate groups.

When a protester is roughed up, Trump blames him for his fate.
He tells the crowd that protesters are fair game.
He tells the crowd "to knock the crap out of them. Just knock the hell out of them"
"I promise you I will pay for the legal fees."
"You know what they do to guys like this in old days? They would be carried out in a stretcher."
"I would just like to punch him in face."
"Alright, get him out. I'll defend you in court."
"The problem is nobody wants to hurt anyone anymore"
"It's payback time. It's payback time."

Video: Ben Carson Endorses Donald Trump

Do you blame those with BLM that called for the death of cops. Who do you blame for BLM storming Sanders rally's?

We don't blame singers for lyrics that are filled with hate and referring to violence towards women and others.

I find Trumps rhetoric troubling but I am consistent across the board. The other side is we are protected by free speech. He has a right to speak, people have a right to protest and we all have the right to comment on both sides.
No one should be telling his supporters "to knock the crap out of them", certainly not a candidate for president. If Trump is trying to prove he's political incorrect, I think he's done a great job. What other presidential candidate has ever insulted every minority in the country, made fun of the disabled, called women pigs and bimbos, uses profanity on TV, and defends the size of his penis.

Whether he should or not isn't debatable. He has a right to say what he wants, it's a free country. I don't agree with him at all but he has the right to say it. Then let people decide. With the choice of Clinton or Trump, we are in trouble no matter what happens, they are both nuts.
Of course both sides have the right to express their opinion. However, I think it's irresponsible for a leader at any rally to encourage violence. I've been following presidential campaigns for over 50 years and have never seen a candidate for president act like this. Can you imagine Reagan telling his supporters to knock the crap out the opposition and he would pay their legal fees?

I didn't disagree.
They become irrelevant when you don't enforce your border, which is exactly what turds like you support.

They become irrelevant when unelected corporations can buy and sell politicians like trading cards. Which is what turds like you are concerned about.

We have less undocumented people in this country today than we had 10 years ago. But the big corporations that will happily move jobs to Mexico find dumb-ass rednecks go along with it if they raise the specter of a Mexican having sex with their daughter.
Assembly with the expressed purpose to breach the peace
Your assumption.

is not constitutionally protected. It's called a mob, not a protest.
It didn't start violent, but the Drumpf Brownshirts were looking to bust heads.

My assumption, really? My under line.

Ilya Sheyman, a failed Illinois contender for Congress and the executive director of Political Action, has taken credit for the violence at a cancelled Trump event last night in Chicago. He promised similar violence and disruption will occur at future Trump political events leading up to the election.
You find me the exact quote of Sheyman taking credit for the violence, and I will apologize for my error.

What you didn't hear all those dog whistles in his comments, putting people on notice and all, damn I thought you regressives were dog whistle experts.
Like I thought. Just another lie from the Right-Wing.
Assembly with the expressed purpose to breach the peace
Your assumption.

is not constitutionally protected. It's called a mob, not a protest.
It didn't start violent, but the Drumpf Brownshirts were looking to bust heads.

What were they doing smacking over the heads with Trump card board signs before they took them and started tearing them up.
Got video?

Seattle man invents device to deter package thieves
More lies. Doesn't say anywhere in that story about taking a supporter's sign. They supply those signs. He was ripping up his own sign.
Va. woman says she is victim of 'political hate crime' after Trump signs stolen, home vandalized

GAINESVILLE, Va. - Are Donald Trump supporters facing retaliation by his political opponents? A Northern Virginia woman is wondering just that after her home was vandalized and her Donald Trump signs were stolen from her front yard.

You would think we could all agree the First Amendment gives you the right to support whoever you want for president. But on Judy Beaty's home Tuesday night, these words were spray-painted on the front and side of her house: "Can you see the new world through the tear gas" and "Revolution."

In addition, her Trump for President signs were taken off her front lawn.
Probably a Cruz supporter.
Va. woman says she is victim of 'political hate crime' after Trump signs stolen, home vandalized

GAINESVILLE, Va. - Are Donald Trump supporters facing retaliation by his political opponents? A Northern Virginia woman is wondering just that after her home was vandalized and her Donald Trump signs were stolen from her front yard.

You would think we could all agree the First Amendment gives you the right to support whoever you want for president. But on Judy Beaty's home Tuesday night, these words were spray-painted on the front and side of her house: "Can you see the new world through the tear gas" and "Revolution."

In addition, her Trump for President signs were taken off her front lawn.
Probably a Cruz supporter.

Excuses.............The game of the Liberals.......When the current President Sucks, they come up with excuses..........When their candidate sucks even worse they make up excuses...........When Move On Terrorist Org plans a disturbance and riots someone else it is the one invaded that is at fault...........

Do you actually believe the shit you shovel.......
Assembly with the expressed purpose to breach the peace
Your assumption.

is not constitutionally protected. It's called a mob, not a protest.
It didn't start violent, but the Drumpf Brownshirts were looking to bust heads.

My assumption, really? My under line.

Ilya Sheyman, a failed Illinois contender for Congress and the executive director of Political Action, has taken credit for the violence at a cancelled Trump event last night in Chicago. He promised similar violence and disruption will occur at future Trump political events leading up to the election.
You find me the exact quote of Sheyman taking credit for the violence, and I will apologize for my error.

What you didn't hear all those dog whistles in his comments, putting people on notice and all, damn I thought you regressives were dog whistle experts.
Like I thought. Just another lie from the Right-Wing.

I guess this is what he meant about being on notice.

Va. woman says she is victim of 'political hate crime' after Trump signs stolen, home vandalized

GAINESVILLE, Va. - Are Donald Trump supporters facing retaliation by his political opponents? A Northern Virginia woman is wondering just that after her home was vandalized and her Donald Trump signs were stolen from her front yard.

You would think we could all agree the First Amendment gives you the right to support whoever you want for president. But on Judy Beaty's home Tuesday night, these words were spray-painted on the front and side of her house: "Can you see the new world through the tear gas" and "Revolution."

In addition, her Trump for President signs were taken off her front lawn.
Probably a Cruz supporter.

Excuses.............The game of the Liberals.......When the current President Sucks, they come up with excuses..........When their candidate sucks even worse they make up excuses...........When Move On Terrorist Org plans a disturbance and riots someone else it is the one invaded that is at fault...........

Do you actually believe the shit you shovel.......
There's been alot of back and forth about responsibility. I would like to put the following forward. If I come into a bar and I call you an asshole, I get hit and I then tell the police "this guy hit me for no apperent reason" I'm being a hypocrit and a liar. Trump has insulted sofar Muslims, Mexicans, Jews, liberals, his opponents and even his allies (Christie). Why act all indignant when ppl start reacting? The way I see it, altough I don't condone violence, I know where it would come from. The point is, if you go out of your way to insult ppl, then don't be suprised that some ppl in those groups ( usually the stupid ones) will think that violence will be a solution. From seeing footage from your typical Trump rally that group doesn't lack in that catagory either, and to be all indignant about it turning violent is at best disingenuous and more likely sanctimonious.This is a repost but I'dd like a response. You call it excuses. But at least we use excuses. If a Trump supporter sucker punches a protester. The only thing we get is, he deserved it and I'll consider paying his legal fees.
Va. woman says she is victim of 'political hate crime' after Trump signs stolen, home vandalized

GAINESVILLE, Va. - Are Donald Trump supporters facing retaliation by his political opponents? A Northern Virginia woman is wondering just that after her home was vandalized and her Donald Trump signs were stolen from her front yard.

You would think we could all agree the First Amendment gives you the right to support whoever you want for president. But on Judy Beaty's home Tuesday night, these words were spray-painted on the front and side of her house: "Can you see the new world through the tear gas" and "Revolution."

In addition, her Trump for President signs were taken off her front lawn.
Probably a Cruz supporter.

Excuses.............The game of the Liberals.......When the current President Sucks, they come up with excuses..........When their candidate sucks even worse they make up excuses...........When Move On Terrorist Org plans a disturbance and riots someone else it is the one invaded that is at fault...........

Do you actually believe the shit you shovel.......
There's been alot of back and forth about responsibility. I would like to put the following forward. If I come into a bar and I call you an asshole, I get hit and I then tell the police "this guy hit me for no apperent reason" I'm being a hypocrit and a liar. Trump has insulted sofar Muslims, Mexicans, Jews, liberals, his opponents and even his allies (Christie). Why act all indignant when ppl start reacting? The way I see it, altough I don't condone violence, I know where it would come from. The point is, if you go out of your way to insult ppl, then don't be suprised that some ppl in those groups ( usually the stupid ones) will think that violence will be a solution. From seeing footage from your typical Trump rally that group doesn't lack in that catagory either, and to be all indignant about it turning violent is at best disingenuous and more likely sanctimonious.This is a repost but I'dd like a response. You call it excuses. But at least we use excuses. If a Trump supporter sucker punches a protester. The only thing we get is, he deserved it and I'll consider paying his legal fees.
Elections have been ugly for a while now...............It's a blood sport................Groups like Move On Terrorist Org PAY protesters to go their and disrupt and CAUSE HAVOC..............then blame it on the ones there at the rally.

Spare me your outrage when they bus the protesters in and pay them.

They want intimidation tactics..........then eventually they will find those they challenge no longer in the mood to be peaceful............

Trump doesn't give a shit about PC........neither do I..........the same assholes that promise to fix the messes in this country for the last 30 years have no intentions to fix it....................They are just lying their asses off for votes............

Stupidity is to keep electing the same assholes who got us in this mess..............The people are fed up and PISSED.........Protesters who decide to challenged PISSED OFF PEOPLE are asking for it.
Va. woman says she is victim of 'political hate crime' after Trump signs stolen, home vandalized

GAINESVILLE, Va. - Are Donald Trump supporters facing retaliation by his political opponents? A Northern Virginia woman is wondering just that after her home was vandalized and her Donald Trump signs were stolen from her front yard.

You would think we could all agree the First Amendment gives you the right to support whoever you want for president. But on Judy Beaty's home Tuesday night, these words were spray-painted on the front and side of her house: "Can you see the new world through the tear gas" and "Revolution."

In addition, her Trump for President signs were taken off her front lawn.
Probably a Cruz supporter.

Excuses.............The game of the Liberals.......When the current President Sucks, they come up with excuses..........When their candidate sucks even worse they make up excuses...........When Move On Terrorist Org plans a disturbance and riots someone else it is the one invaded that is at fault...........

Do you actually believe the shit you shovel.......
There's been alot of back and forth about responsibility. I would like to put the following forward. If I come into a bar and I call you an asshole, I get hit and I then tell the police "this guy hit me for no apperent reason" I'm being a hypocrit and a liar. Trump has insulted sofar Muslims, Mexicans, Jews, liberals, his opponents and even his allies (Christie). Why act all indignant when ppl start reacting? The way I see it, altough I don't condone violence, I know where it would come from. The point is, if you go out of your way to insult ppl, then don't be suprised that some ppl in those groups ( usually the stupid ones) will think that violence will be a solution. From seeing footage from your typical Trump rally that group doesn't lack in that catagory either, and to be all indignant about it turning violent is at best disingenuous and more likely sanctimonious.This is a repost but I'dd like a response. You call it excuses. But at least we use excuses. If a Trump supporter sucker punches a protester. The only thing we get is, he deserved it and I'll consider paying his legal fees.
Elections have been ugly for a while now...............It's a blood sport................Groups like Move On Terrorist Org PAY protesters to go their and disrupt and CAUSE HAVOC..............then blame it on the ones there at the rally.

Spare me your outrage when they bus the protesters in and pay them.

They want intimidation tactics..........then eventually they will find those they challenge no longer in the mood to be peaceful............

Trump doesn't give a shit about PC........neither do I..........the same assholes that promise to fix the messes in this country for the last 30 years have no intentions to fix it....................They are just lying their asses off for votes............

Stupidity is to keep electing the same assholes who got us in this mess..............The people are fed up and PISSED.........Protesters who decide to challenged PISSED OFF PEOPLE are asking for it.
Ah so your argument is that you have a right to get pissed of and use violence on ppl who don't agree with you. But those ppl who don't agree with you don't have those same rights? Just for the record neither of you have have the right to get violent, but I do feel BOTH of you have the right to express your opinion. Thanks for confirming my point is all I can say.

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