The Democrat Party Just Slit Their Own Wrist

Of course they do, the MSM and you commiecrats are spinning like tops. You're completely divorced from truth and ethics.

I think when you call people "Murderers" and "Rapists", you are kind of saying something racist. but it's okay, man. YOu keep doing that.

Mexican is a nationality, not a race. NEXT

Hispanic is......Brown just scared Phrump to death.
Trump didn't use either term. He said "illegal aliens."
Yes he said illegal immigrants from Mexico. Later he said " Mexicans".
The Fascist here are the Democrats. They already support big government socialism like the Nazis.
You're totally clueless.
You're against a strong government? Hitler was for individual freedoms? Whose political philosophy sounds more like a Nazi? LOL
You're clueless because, among other reasons, you associate Socialism with the Nazis.

Only retards say such retarded things.

You also associate Fascism with Democrats. It's obvious that you have no clue what these terms mean. Hence, you're clueless.

Really, the explain the name of good old adolfs party. National Socialist German Workers' Party, nope no socialist there. LMAO

Or their arch enemy the United Soviet Socialist Republic. Yeah, wait.......what?

That's "Union of Soviet Socialist Republics," dumbass. Socialist countries are often bitter enemies, so what do you think your post proves?
Of course they do, the MSM and you commiecrats are spinning like tops. You're completely divorced from truth and ethics.

I think when you call people "Murderers" and "Rapists", you are kind of saying something racist. but it's okay, man. YOu keep doing that.

Mexican is a nationality, not a race. NEXT

Hispanic is......Brown just scared Phrump to death.
Trump didn't use either term. He said "illegal aliens."

He said " Mexicans".

No, he said Mexico is sending us murderers and rapists, and that's the indisputable truth.
You're totally clueless.
You're against a strong government? Hitler was for individual freedoms? Whose political philosophy sounds more like a Nazi? LOL
You're clueless because, among other reasons, you associate Socialism with the Nazis.

Only retards say such retarded things.

You also associate Fascism with Democrats. It's obvious that you have no clue what these terms mean. Hence, you're clueless.

Really, the explain the name of good old adolfs party. National Socialist German Workers' Party, nope no socialist there. LMAO

Or their arch enemy the United Soviet Socialist Republic. Yeah, wait.......what?

That's "Union of Soviet Socialist Republics," dumbass. Socialist countries are often bitter enemies, so what do you think your post proves?

You're right but the point remains the same.
It proves the exact same thing as Texas's post. Nothing.
I think when you call people "Murderers" and "Rapists", you are kind of saying something racist. but it's okay, man. YOu keep doing that.

Mexican is a nationality, not a race. NEXT

Hispanic is......Brown just scared Phrump to death.
Trump didn't use either term. He said "illegal aliens."

He said " Mexicans".

No, he said Mexico is sending us murderers and rapists, and that's the indisputable truth.

You just contradicted yourself. Quote my entire post next time.
Dems are just channeling their Founding Fathers: Stalin, Mao and Hitler
Our problem is we went along with the GOP's ideas much too much. Many of them pushed in the 1990s, under President Bill Clinton, to expand global trade and deregulate the financial sector. They now concede those efforts did not go according to script, particularly for middle-class workers.
You're against a strong government? Hitler was for individual freedoms? Whose political philosophy sounds more like a Nazi? LOL
You're clueless because, among other reasons, you associate Socialism with the Nazis.

Only retards say such retarded things.

You also associate Fascism with Democrats. It's obvious that you have no clue what these terms mean. Hence, you're clueless.

Really, the explain the name of good old adolfs party. National Socialist German Workers' Party, nope no socialist there. LMAO

Or their arch enemy the United Soviet Socialist Republic. Yeah, wait.......what?

That's "Union of Soviet Socialist Republics," dumbass. Socialist countries are often bitter enemies, so what do you think your post proves?

You're right but the point remains the same.
It proves the exact same thing as Texas's post. Nothing.

Hmmm, no, it proves that you're argument is pure horseshit.
Mexican is a nationality, not a race. NEXT

Hispanic is......Brown just scared Phrump to death.
Trump didn't use either term. He said "illegal aliens."

He said " Mexicans".

No, he said Mexico is sending us murderers and rapists, and that's the indisputable truth.

You just contradicted yourself. Quote my entire post next time.

Wrong, but you don't have the mental capacity to understand that you're wrong.
What happened in Chicago is the equivalent of the Dems slitting a wrist, now it up to the leadership to determine if they're going to slit the other one and bleed out, or remedy the situation. The vast majority of the regressives on this board are crowing about shutting down an opposition rally, well get ready for the boomerang effect. If it happens again, you will see independents and moderate dims leaving the party in droves. The majority of Americans won't view this kind of behavior positively, the way the far left loons do. So you find yourselves at a cross roads, which path will you chose? Take the wrong one and you WILL lose this election and all the down ballot races as well. Please, feel free to keep it up.
Yet, the unfavorably opinion of Donald Trump in the general population continues to rise in all major poll, ABC/Washington Post, Gallup, NBC/WSJ, CNN, etc..

As the favorable opinion of Trump rises among, among militant authoritarians, it's falling in the general population. I think the number of demonstrations against Trump and his rhetoric of hate, racism, and xenophobia will continue to increase as more Americans realize that this pompous megalomaniac could become president.


Donald Trump Favorable Rating - Polls - HuffPost Pollster

How about you provide examples of anything he's said that is racist. You folks just love throwing around labels that don't apply. If you regressives had a shred of intellectual honesty you'd have no freaking idea what to do with it.
Most of Trump's racism is always there in speeches and interviews. His scapegoating of Hispanics, Muslims, Blacks, Chinese, and other minorities have become the centerpiece in his campaign. His racist attitude is sometimes blatant comments, but often innuendo, gestures, and his failure to oppose racist comments of supporters. However, Trump's inability to control his mouth reveals his true nature..
For example:
Trump kicked off his presidential campaign on June 16 from the Trump Tower in Manhattan, and immediately touched off a furor with his comments about immigration with this comment.
‘They’re rapists … some, I assume, are good people’

Speaking to Time magazine for a profile published in January 1989,
Trump was asked to give an estimate of his total wealth.
“Who the f knows? I mean, really, who knows how much the Japs will pay for Manhattan property these days?” he asked in response, using a racial slur for the Japanese.

At a Republican Jewish Coalition on Dec. 3, Trump calling himself “a negotiator like you folks” , one of many Jewish stereotypes the Manhattan real-estate mogul dropped throughout his speech.

Trump's racism, bigotry and sexism goes far beyond comments. Since his announcement to run for president, he has built a nativist campaign aimed at a long list of people and minorities. He has resurrected birtherism, which he once deployed against President Obama, to suggest that Cuban-Americans Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio are ineligible for the presidency. He has called for a national database of American Muslims and a visa ban for Muslim travelers. He has ridiculed women and people with disabilities, lauded Japanese internment, and goaded his supporters to violence.

His bigotry and racism has garnered the enthusiastic support from hate groups through out the country including David Duke, former Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan. Trump first rebuffed his endorsement, then went a bit wobbly in an interview with George Stephanopolous, refusing to condemn Duke on three separate occasions. Stromfront, a white supremacy group announced it was increasing it's served size to accommodate Trump supporters.

No Party for Racists
The 15 most offensive things that have come out of Trump's mouth
Stormfront - White Nationalist Community
Japs is no more of a racial slur than Yanks is. What fucken planet do you people come from? LOL. My uncle who lost an arm in the Pacific theatre during ww2 probably had worse things to call them than that.
Jap is a disparaging term for a person of Japanese birth ancestry like those for Jews, Italians, Mexicans, Blacks,, ect. Trump uses far more descriptive language such as rapists and murders, all part of his plan to spread the love at hist love fests.
We all know he meant that some illegal aliens are rapists and murderers. However, douche bags like you insist on mischaracterizing his remarks.

I don't go by what he "meant", I go by what he said. He didn't single out Polish illegal immigrants like the ones who finished Trump Tower, he singled out Mexicans.

Yes or no, is my statement true?

No, it isn't. Trump isn't hating on Mexicans because they are white.

Bullshit, most all of them have European blood, I just love it when a light skinned Mexican tries to tell me I need to go back to Europe, my answer is alway, you first.

I don't know any Mexicans who have ever said, "Go back to Europe" to white people. I kind of wonder if you know any Mexicans at all.

Guess you haven't seen many of the reconquista aholes. Here's one example there are many more. Tell me how much European blood you think that guy has.

You might have a point, if colleges didn't have a long, long history of trying to shut down anyone they disagreed with.

3,990,000 hits on "colleges shut down speech".

colleges shut down speech - Bing

This whole thing in Chicago started more than a week prior with leftist professors going to the school to get them to cancel the event. Then moveon got involved. They would have done it to any republican candidate.

Any other Republican wouldn't have picked the UIC Pavilion at a time when there is already a considerable level of anger over police shootings, nor have they been using racially charged rhetoric. This was a calculated effort by Trump to create a confrontation between people of color and the mouth breathers that support him.

Bullshit, most of the protesters were white, just look and the damn videos. And since when should it be unsafe for a major candidate for president to visit large cities in the Midwest? It's you un-American liftist assholes that are the problem.
The Fascist here are the Democrats. They already support big government socialism like the Nazis.
You're totally clueless.
You're against a strong government? Hitler was for individual freedoms? Whose political philosophy sounds more like a Nazi? LOL
You're clueless because, among other reasons, you associate Socialism with the Nazis.

Only retards say such retarded things.

You also associate Fascism with Democrats. It's obvious that you have no clue what these terms mean. Hence, you're clueless.

Really, the explain the name of good old adolfs party. National Socialist German Workers' Party, nope no socialist there. LMAO

Or their arch enemy the United Soviet Socialist Republic. Yeah, wait.......what?

And both killed millions of their own, go figure.
Bullshit, most of the protesters were white, just look and the damn videos. And since when should it be unsafe for a major candidate for president to visit large cities in the Midwest? It's you un-American liftist assholes that are the problem.

Un, no, it's racist assholes who think they are somehow better than the people of color, when 1%ers like Trump have as much contempt for you as them. How many working class whites do you think he actually hangs around with?

this race will be a fight for the soul of America... not just a disagreement over policy.
Bullshit, most of the protesters were white, just look and the damn videos. And since when should it be unsafe for a major candidate for president to visit large cities in the Midwest? It's you un-American liftist assholes that are the problem.

Un, no, it's racist assholes who think they are somehow better than the people of color, when 1%ers like Trump have as much contempt for you as them. How many working class whites do you think he actually hangs around with?

this race will be a fight for the soul of America... not just a disagreement over policy.
Hillary has no soul.................Perhaps good versus evil........because your candidate sucks.
A precursor to activity the organization will engage in as the election approaches
Kurt Nimmo | - MARCH 12, 2016 Comments


Ilya Sheyman, a failed Illinois contender for Congress and the executive director of Political Action, has taken credit for the violence at a cancelled Trump event last night in Chicago. He promised similar violence and disruption will occur at future Trump political events leading up to the election.

“Mr. Trump and the Republican leaders who support him and his hate-filled rhetoric should be on notice after tonight’s events,” the George Soros funded MoveOn web page states. “To all of those who took to the streets of Chicago, we say thank you for standing up and saying enough is enough. To Donald Trump, and the GOP, we say, welcome to the general election.”...
Soros Funded Takes Credit for Violence in Chicago

That SOB should be prosecuted for conspiracy to breach the peace.
Is free speech and the right to assemble only for the wingnuts now?

It's not free speech when it's done to deny other citizens their rights. That's a crime. And purposefully organizing for that purpose is conspiracy to commit a crime. Read the damn law.
The right to assemble and protest is i a Constitutional right.

Funny how conservatives only want to follow parts of the Constitution.

Assembly with the expressed purpose to breach the peace is not constitutionally protected. It's called a mob, not a protest.
Sounds like Trump's "love fest" is becoming a fist fest due to his hate fill rhetoric that is attracting left wing extremists and hate groups.

When a protester is roughed up, Trump blames him for his fate.
He tells the crowd that protesters are fair game.
He tells the crowd "to knock the crap out of them. Just knock the hell out of them"
"I promise you I will pay for the legal fees."
"You know what they do to guys like this in old days? They would be carried out in a stretcher."
"I would just like to punch him in face."
"Alright, get him out. I'll defend you in court."
"The problem is nobody wants to hurt anyone anymore"
"It's payback time. It's payback time."

Video: Ben Carson Endorses Donald Trump
That SOB should be prosecuted for conspiracy to breach the peace.
Is free speech and the right to assemble only for the wingnuts now?

It's not free speech when it's done to deny other citizens their rights. That's a crime. And purposefully organizing for that purpose is conspiracy to commit a crime. Read the damn law.
The right to assemble and protest is i a Constitutional right.

Funny how conservatives only want to follow parts of the Constitution.

Assembly with the expressed purpose to breach the peace is not constitutionally protected. It's called a mob, not a protest.
Sounds like Trump's "love fest" is becoming a fist fest due to his hate fill rhetoric that is attracting left wing extremists and hate groups.

When a protester is roughed up, Trump blames him for his fate.
He tells the crowd that protesters are fair game.
He tells the crowd "to knock the crap out of them. Just knock the hell out of them"
"I promise you I will pay for the legal fees."
"You know what they do to guys like this in old days? They would be carried out in a stretcher."
"I would just like to punch him in face."
"Alright, get him out. I'll defend you in court."
"The problem is nobody wants to hurt anyone anymore"
"It's payback time. It's payback time."

Video: Ben Carson Endorses Donald Trump

Do you blame those with BLM that called for the death of cops. Who do you blame for BLM storming Sanders rally's?

We don't blame singers for lyrics that are filled with hate and referring to violence towards women and others.

I find Trumps rhetoric troubling but I am consistent across the board. The other side is we are protected by free speech. He has a right to speak, people have a right to protest and we all have the right to comment on both sides.
Bullshit, most of the protesters were white, just look and the damn videos. And since when should it be unsafe for a major candidate for president to visit large cities in the Midwest? It's you un-American liftist assholes that are the problem.

Un, no, it's racist assholes who think they are somehow better than the people of color, when 1%ers like Trump have as much contempt for you as them. How many working class whites do you think he actually hangs around with?

this race will be a fight for the soul of America... not just a disagreement over policy.

Just a little note, you piece of shit, I'm not a Trump supporter. I'm for law and order. If someone breaks the law, they go to jail if the crime justifies it. I don't give a shit what color they are. If they're in the country illegally, they got to go, I don't care what country their from, if they're pink and purple polka-dotted or been here 50 freaking years. The same damn thing applies to anyone who invades a venue, or assembles in the streets with the expressed intent to breach the peace and deny others their lawful rights. So take your little Alinsky labels and shove them up you smug ass.

And no, this race will determine if we are to remain a country of laws and very possibly if we remain a country at all.

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