The democrat party next level of "lawfare," going after any lawyer who defends republicans or the parties political enemies.....this is obscene...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The democrat party is totalitarian.....they are deploying tactics that would make the German socialists of the 1930s blush......

The ability for a defendant....any defendant, to have legal representation is a foundational block in our democracy......and therefore, the democrats have to destroy it.....

In reality, the problem resulted from an intimidation campaign by a radical pressure group called the 65 Project, whose explicit mission is to ruin any lawyer willing to represent Trump.

According to Influence Watch, the group was founded by former Clinton administration official Melissa Moss and its managing director is former Perkins Coie attorney Michael Teter. It gets worse: “The 65 Project’s Senior Advisor is David Brock, the founder of Media Matters for America and American Bridge 21st Century.” The group initially went after 111 attorneys in 26 states for representing Trump or questioning the irregularities associated with the 2020 election. They included Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, and Harvard Law Professor Emeritus Alan Dershowitz. The latter described how the 65 Project has intimidated potential Trump lawyers in a recent Substack column:

They have threatened to file bar charges against any such lawyers. When these threats first emerged, I wrote an op-ed offering to defend pro bono any lawyers that The 65 Project goes after. So The 65 Project immediately went after me, and contrived a charge based on a case in which I was a constitutional consultant, but designed to send a message to potential Trump lawyers: if you defend Trump or anyone associated with him, we will target you and find something to charge you with. The lawyers to whom I spoke are fully aware of this threat — and they are taking it seriously.

Think about that for a moment. Already the Democrats have weaponized the Justice Department, the IRS, the Intelligence Community, and the FBI to go after conservatives disproportionately, while obviously laying off investigations that implicate Democrats. It’s pretty hard to even challenge that assertion, given the fact that a conservative showing up to a school board meeting can be labeled a terrorist by the FBI, or a reporter testifying to Congress can have the IRS show up at his door.

Now the Left is trying to strip conservatives of legal representation as well.

Nice legal practice you have there. Shame if we were to strip you of your license to practice law…

The democrat party is truly, to it's core, evil............
The democrat party is totalitarian.....they are deploying tactics that would make the German socialists of the 1930s blush......

The ability for a defendant....any defendant, to have legal representation is a foundational block in our democracy......and therefore, the democrats have to destroy it.....

In reality, the problem resulted from an intimidation campaign by a radical pressure group called the 65 Project, whose explicit mission is to ruin any lawyer willing to represent Trump.

According to Influence Watch, the group was founded by former Clinton administration official Melissa Moss and its managing director is former Perkins Coie attorney Michael Teter. It gets worse: “The 65 Project’s Senior Advisor is David Brock, the founder of Media Matters for America and American Bridge 21st Century.” The group initially went after 111 attorneys in 26 states for representing Trump or questioning the irregularities associated with the 2020 election. They included Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, and Harvard Law Professor Emeritus Alan Dershowitz. The latter described how the 65 Project has intimidated potential Trump lawyers in a recent Substack column:

Think about that for a moment. Already the Democrats have weaponized the Justice Department, the IRS, the Intelligence Community, and the FBI to go after conservatives disproportionately, while obviously laying off investigations that implicate Democrats. It’s pretty hard to even challenge that assertion, given the fact that a conservative showing up to a school board meeting can be labeled a terrorist by the FBI, or a reporter testifying to Congress can have the IRS show up at his door.

Now the Left is trying to strip conservatives of legal representation as well.

Nice legal practice you have there. Shame if we were to strip you of your license to practice law…

The democrat party is truly, to it's core, evil............
You weren't supposed to notice that.
I'm usually against evoking Godwin's Law right off the bat but the parallels can't be denied.

I say we one up the leftists and go right to:


Communists don't like competition. I believe the Bolshevik, Leon Trotsky (Lev Davidovich Bronstein), was banished from Russia when he disagreed with Josef Stalin on certain issues/policies. Leftists are, apparently, extremely insecure to the point that they want to eliminate anyone who poses a threat to their power. It's why they stifle free speech and persecute anyone who opposes their sick ideology.
Communists don't like competition. I believe the Bolshevik, Leon Trotsky (Lev Davidovich Bronstein), was banished from Russia when he disagreed with Josef Stalin on certain issues/policies. Leftists are, apparently, extremely insecure to the point that they want to eliminate anyone who poses a threat to their power. It's why they stifle free speech and persecute anyone who opposes their sick ideology.
Basically, any dictatorship or party rule that is imposed on an unwilling populace has to act that way to stay in power, because any that actually allowed things like free and open elections and freedom of the press would quickly be voted out of power and face the wrath of the people. They don't like that. Obviously, democrats don't fell like they could retain power if they allowed such things as opposition speech.

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