The Democrat Party's Problematic Alliances With Radical Islam and Illegal Aliens

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
The Democrat Party is no longer "The Party of JFK" who was an "America First President" much like we have with Donald Trump.

America and American Citizens are last on the list in The Democrat Party's platform if they appear on the list at all

From their continual insistence in importing incompatible Islamic Culture in to our communities, to their insistence in allowing illegal immigrants flood across the border, one thing is certain: The Democrat Party no longer believes in The American Melting Pot, American Culture or E Pluribus Unum.

They fight travel bans from terrorist states. The Last Democrat President actually paid terrorists to stage coups in Libya, Egypt, and Syria. He Gave the single largest sponsor of terror in the world $150 Billion in Euros in violation of international law so they could buy Russian Uranium Centrifuges, and Nuclear Missile Guidance systems and expertise.

They fight immigration policy and let Criminal Illegal Immigrants roam our streets and slaughter our citizens. They oppose even the gathering of Census data on the number of illegal immigrants we may have in this country, so that we can at least address such issues.

They want division, Multiculturalism, and they want to replace American Voters and American Citizens with un-assimilated imports.

It's a foolish plan that they hope will entrench them permanently in power: Not to improve the lives of Americans, but to rule over and impose their ideologies of Globalism, PC Culture, Multiculturalism and tolerance of everything and everyone except for those who adhere to a Christian Judeo Ethic.

We are already seeing the fruits of their labor.

You are now more likely to be killed by a drug related crime or overdose from drugs smuggled to the US from Mexico than die in a car accident. Unheard numbers of kidnappings are going on in our large cities, and human trafficking is an epidemic near The Southern Border and in Sanctuary cities full of illegal immigrants. In America, there are inexplicable and random acts of Islamic Violence beginning to occur all over America. Sharia Law has taken root in some odd places, which was unthinkable just a decade ago.

This is not The America The Great Generation lived in. It's not even The America that our Mothers and Fathers lived in just a few decades ago.

Parts of America are turning in to war zones and it is statistically safer to be in Iraq and Afghanistan dealing with The Taliban or ISIS than it is to walk down the sidewalk in a place like Chicago, or anywhere near the Southern Border.

Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schummer are unconcerned. They and their cohorts are too busy partying it up in Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Brussels, Egypt and elsewhere while Americans suffer at their hands, Border Patrol Agents and Police Officers come home to their families in body bags.

There is simply too much money flowing through the hands of the Open Borders crowds coming from Mexican Drug Cartel Shell Corporations, and Wealthy Dem Plantations who rely on Illegal Brown People to pick their crops for them to ever do anything about these issues.

Arizona man accused of carrying out 'lone wolf' attack on behalf of ISIS, cops say

Islamist Organizations in America

Hasher Taheb, of Cumming, Georgia, wanted to attack the White House, feds say - CNNPolitics

Homegrown Islamic Extremism on the Rise in United States

The American Fentanyl Epidemic

A Vile Epidemic: Sex Trafficking
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You're a fruit loop with a mission to divide America. Your mission will not succeed. Have a great weekend!
You're a fruit loop with a mission to divide America. Your mission will not succeed. Have a great weekend!
It's you that is on a suicide jihadist mission to divide and conquer America

If you cared at all, you would be for Border Security, and Immigration Reform, and be for Assimilation instead of Multiculturalism.

At least pretend you care about The Fentanyl Crisis.
You accuse everyone under the sun of "They want division," yet you are the one up on these boards, day in and day out preaching about another American civil war. Talk about being a divisionist. But I get it. If they ain't a straight WASP you want 'em all out of your country.
The Democrat Party is no longer "The Party of JFK" who was an "America First President" much like we have with Donald Trump.

America and American Citizens are last on the list in The Democrat Party's platform if they appear on the list at all

From their continual insistence in importing incompatible Islamic Culture in to our communities, to their insistence in allowing illegal immigrants flood across the border, one thing is certain: The Democrat Party no longer believes in The American Melting Pot, American Culture or E Pluribus Unum.

They fight travel bans from terrorist states. The Last Democrat President actually paid terrorists to stage coups in Libya, Egypt, and Syria. He Gave the single largest sponsor of terror in the world $150 Billion in Euros in violation of international law so they could buy Russian Uranium Centrifuges, and Nuclear Missile Guidance systems and expertise.

They fight immigration policy and let Criminal Illegal Immigrants roam our streets and slaughter our citizens. They oppose even the gathering of Census data on the number of illegal immigrants we may have in this country, so that we can at least address such issues.

They want division, Multiculturalism, and they want to replace American Voters and American Citizens with un-assimilated imports.

It's a foolish plan that they hope will entrench them permanently in power: Not to improve the lives of Americans, but to rule over and impose their ideologies of Globalism, PC Culture, Multiculturalism and tolerance of everything and everyone except for those who adhere to a Christian Judeo Ethic.

We are already seeing the fruits of their labor.

You are now more likely to be killed by a drug related crime or overdose from drugs smuggled to the US from Mexico than die in a car accident. Unheard numbers of kidnappings are going on in our large cities, and human trafficking is an epidemic near The Southern Border and in Sanctuary cities full of illegal immigrants. In America, there are inexplicable and random acts of Islamic Violence beginning to occur all over America. Sharia Law has taken root in some odd places, which was unthinkable just a decade ago.

This is not The America The Great Generation lived in. It's not even The America that our Mothers and Fathers lived in just a few decades ago.

Parts of America are turning in to war zones and it is statistically safer to be in Iraq and Afghanistan dealing with The Taliban or ISIS than it is to walk down the sidewalk in a place like Chicago, or anywhere near the Southern Border.

Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schummer are unconcerned. They and their cohorts are too busy partying it up in Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Brussels, Egypt and elsewhere while Americans suffer at their hands, Border Patrol Agents and Police Officers come home to their families in body bags.

There is simply too much money flowing through the hands of the Open Borders crowds coming from Mexican Drug Cartel Shell Corporations, and Wealthy Dem Plantations who rely on Illegal Brown People to pick their crops for them to ever do anything about these issues.

Arizona man accused of carrying out 'lone wolf' attack on behalf of ISIS, cops say

Islamist Organizations in America

Hasher Taheb, of Cumming, Georgia, wanted to attack the White House, feds say - CNNPolitics

Homegrown Islamic Extremism on the Rise in United States

The American Fentanyl Epidemic

A Vile Epidemic: Sex Trafficking

The Russian troll farm's problem with facts and truth.
You accuse everyone under the sun of "They want division," yet you are the one up on these boards, day in and day out preaching about another American civil war. Talk about being a divisionist. But I get it. If they ain't a straight WASP you want 'em all out of your country.
I'm not calling for a Civil War. I am just pointing out that The Democrat Party is already engaged in one against America.

And worse yet, it is over the same damn thing we fought over 160 years ago. The Democrat Party's Reliance on Imported Brown People to pick their crops.

For The First Time in US History The Speaker of The House has uninvited The President of The United States to deliver a State of The Union Address.

And over what? The President wanting to slow down or stop or regulate the importation of Brown People The Democrats bring in to The US to work on their Elitist Plantations.

Pelosi might as well announced California Ceding from The Union Right then and there.
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The Democrat Party is no longer "The Party of JFK" who was an "America First President" much like we have with Donald Trump.

America and American Citizens are last on the list in The Democrat Party's platform if they appear on the list at all

From their continual insistence in importing incompatible Islamic Culture in to our communities, to their insistence in allowing illegal immigrants flood across the border, one thing is certain: The Democrat Party no longer believes in The American Melting Pot, American Culture or E Pluribus Unum.

They fight travel bans from terrorist states. The Last Democrat President actually paid terrorists to stage coups in Libya, Egypt, and Syria. He Gave the single largest sponsor of terror in the world $150 Billion in Euros in violation of international law so they could buy Russian Uranium Centrifuges, and Nuclear Missile Guidance systems and expertise.

They fight immigration policy and let Criminal Illegal Immigrants roam our streets and slaughter our citizens. They oppose even the gathering of Census data on the number of illegal immigrants we may have in this country, so that we can at least address such issues.

They want division, Multiculturalism, and they want to replace American Voters and American Citizens with un-assimilated imports.

It's a foolish plan that they hope will entrench them permanently in power: Not to improve the lives of Americans, but to rule over and impose their ideologies of Globalism, PC Culture, Multiculturalism and tolerance of everything and everyone except for those who adhere to a Christian Judeo Ethic.

We are already seeing the fruits of their labor.

You are now more likely to be killed by a drug related crime or overdose from drugs smuggled to the US from Mexico than die in a car accident. Unheard numbers of kidnappings are going on in our large cities, and human trafficking is an epidemic near The Southern Border and in Sanctuary cities full of illegal immigrants. In America, there are inexplicable and random acts of Islamic Violence beginning to occur all over America. Sharia Law has taken root in some odd places, which was unthinkable just a decade ago.

This is not The America The Great Generation lived in. It's not even The America that our Mothers and Fathers lived in just a few decades ago.

Parts of America are turning in to war zones and it is statistically safer to be in Iraq and Afghanistan dealing with The Taliban or ISIS than it is to walk down the sidewalk in a place like Chicago, or anywhere near the Southern Border.

Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schummer are unconcerned. They and their cohorts are too busy partying it up in Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Brussels, Egypt and elsewhere while Americans suffer at their hands, Border Patrol Agents and Police Officers come home to their families in body bags.

There is simply too much money flowing through the hands of the Open Borders crowds coming from Mexican Drug Cartel Shell Corporations, and Wealthy Dem Plantations who rely on Illegal Brown People to pick their crops for them to ever do anything about these issues.

Arizona man accused of carrying out 'lone wolf' attack on behalf of ISIS, cops say

Islamist Organizations in America

Hasher Taheb, of Cumming, Georgia, wanted to attack the White House, feds say - CNNPolitics

Homegrown Islamic Extremism on the Rise in United States

The American Fentanyl Epidemic

A Vile Epidemic: Sex Trafficking
Trump is a Russia-first President and he hired illegals.
The Democrat Party is no longer "The Party of JFK" who was an "America First President" much like we have with Donald Trump.

America and American Citizens are last on the list in The Democrat Party's platform if they appear on the list at all

From their continual insistence in importing incompatible Islamic Culture in to our communities, to their insistence in allowing illegal immigrants flood across the border, one thing is certain: The Democrat Party no longer believes in The American Melting Pot, American Culture or E Pluribus Unum.

They fight travel bans from terrorist states. The Last Democrat President actually paid terrorists to stage coups in Libya, Egypt, and Syria. He Gave the single largest sponsor of terror in the world $150 Billion in Euros in violation of international law so they could buy Russian Uranium Centrifuges, and Nuclear Missile Guidance systems and expertise.

They fight immigration policy and let Criminal Illegal Immigrants roam our streets and slaughter our citizens. They oppose even the gathering of Census data on the number of illegal immigrants we may have in this country, so that we can at least address such issues.

They want division, Multiculturalism, and they want to replace American Voters and American Citizens with un-assimilated imports.

It's a foolish plan that they hope will entrench them permanently in power: Not to improve the lives of Americans, but to rule over and impose their ideologies of Globalism, PC Culture, Multiculturalism and tolerance of everything and everyone except for those who adhere to a Christian Judeo Ethic.

We are already seeing the fruits of their labor.

You are now more likely to be killed by a drug related crime or overdose from drugs smuggled to the US from Mexico than die in a car accident. Unheard numbers of kidnappings are going on in our large cities, and human trafficking is an epidemic near The Southern Border and in Sanctuary cities full of illegal immigrants. In America, there are inexplicable and random acts of Islamic Violence beginning to occur all over America. Sharia Law has taken root in some odd places, which was unthinkable just a decade ago.

This is not The America The Great Generation lived in. It's not even The America that our Mothers and Fathers lived in just a few decades ago.

Parts of America are turning in to war zones and it is statistically safer to be in Iraq and Afghanistan dealing with The Taliban or ISIS than it is to walk down the sidewalk in a place like Chicago, or anywhere near the Southern Border.

Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schummer are unconcerned. They and their cohorts are too busy partying it up in Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Brussels, Egypt and elsewhere while Americans suffer at their hands, Border Patrol Agents and Police Officers come home to their families in body bags.

There is simply too much money flowing through the hands of the Open Borders crowds coming from Mexican Drug Cartel Shell Corporations, and Wealthy Dem Plantations who rely on Illegal Brown People to pick their crops for them to ever do anything about these issues.

Arizona man accused of carrying out 'lone wolf' attack on behalf of ISIS, cops say

Islamist Organizations in America

Hasher Taheb, of Cumming, Georgia, wanted to attack the White House, feds say - CNNPolitics

Homegrown Islamic Extremism on the Rise in United States

The American Fentanyl Epidemic

A Vile Epidemic: Sex Trafficking

The Democrat Party is no longer "The Party of JFK" who was an "America First President" much like we have with Donald Trump.

America and American Citizens are last on the list in The Democrat Party's platform if they appear on the list at all

From their continual insistence in importing incompatible Islamic Culture in to our communities, to their insistence in allowing illegal immigrants flood across the border, one thing is certain: The Democrat Party no longer believes in The American Melting Pot, American Culture or E Pluribus Unum.

They fight travel bans from terrorist states. The Last Democrat President actually paid terrorists to stage coups in Libya, Egypt, and Syria. He Gave the single largest sponsor of terror in the world $150 Billion in Euros in violation of international law so they could buy Russian Uranium Centrifuges, and Nuclear Missile Guidance systems and expertise.

They fight immigration policy and let Criminal Illegal Immigrants roam our streets and slaughter our citizens. They oppose even the gathering of Census data on the number of illegal immigrants we may have in this country, so that we can at least address such issues.

They want division, Multiculturalism, and they want to replace American Voters and American Citizens with un-assimilated imports.

It's a foolish plan that they hope will entrench them permanently in power: Not to improve the lives of Americans, but to rule over and impose their ideologies of Globalism, PC Culture, Multiculturalism and tolerance of everything and everyone except for those who adhere to a Christian Judeo Ethic.

We are already seeing the fruits of their labor.

You are now more likely to be killed by a drug related crime or overdose from drugs smuggled to the US from Mexico than die in a car accident. Unheard numbers of kidnappings are going on in our large cities, and human trafficking is an epidemic near The Southern Border and in Sanctuary cities full of illegal immigrants. In America, there are inexplicable and random acts of Islamic Violence beginning to occur all over America. Sharia Law has taken root in some odd places, which was unthinkable just a decade ago.

This is not The America The Great Generation lived in. It's not even The America that our Mothers and Fathers lived in just a few decades ago.

Parts of America are turning in to war zones and it is statistically safer to be in Iraq and Afghanistan dealing with The Taliban or ISIS than it is to walk down the sidewalk in a place like Chicago, or anywhere near the Southern Border.

Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schummer are unconcerned. They and their cohorts are too busy partying it up in Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Brussels, Egypt and elsewhere while Americans suffer at their hands, Border Patrol Agents and Police Officers come home to their families in body bags.

There is simply too much money flowing through the hands of the Open Borders crowds coming from Mexican Drug Cartel Shell Corporations, and Wealthy Dem Plantations who rely on Illegal Brown People to pick their crops for them to ever do anything about these issues.

Arizona man accused of carrying out 'lone wolf' attack on behalf of ISIS, cops say

Islamist Organizations in America

Hasher Taheb, of Cumming, Georgia, wanted to attack the White House, feds say - CNNPolitics

Homegrown Islamic Extremism on the Rise in United States

The American Fentanyl Epidemic

A Vile Epidemic: Sex Trafficking


Why do you need to Import Unlimited Numbers of Brown Peoples to work your Plantations?

The 1800s called and they want their Social Policies back.
The Democrat Party is no longer "The Party of JFK" who was an "America First President" much like we have with Donald Trump.

America and American Citizens are last on the list in The Democrat Party's platform if they appear on the list at all

From their continual insistence in importing incompatible Islamic Culture in to our communities, to their insistence in allowing illegal immigrants flood across the border, one thing is certain: The Democrat Party no longer believes in The American Melting Pot, American Culture or E Pluribus Unum.

They fight travel bans from terrorist states. The Last Democrat President actually paid terrorists to stage coups in Libya, Egypt, and Syria. He Gave the single largest sponsor of terror in the world $150 Billion in Euros in violation of international law so they could buy Russian Uranium Centrifuges, and Nuclear Missile Guidance systems and expertise.

They fight immigration policy and let Criminal Illegal Immigrants roam our streets and slaughter our citizens. They oppose even the gathering of Census data on the number of illegal immigrants we may have in this country, so that we can at least address such issues.

They want division, Multiculturalism, and they want to replace American Voters and American Citizens with un-assimilated imports.

It's a foolish plan that they hope will entrench them permanently in power: Not to improve the lives of Americans, but to rule over and impose their ideologies of Globalism, PC Culture, Multiculturalism and tolerance of everything and everyone except for those who adhere to a Christian Judeo Ethic.

We are already seeing the fruits of their labor.

You are now more likely to be killed by a drug related crime or overdose from drugs smuggled to the US from Mexico than die in a car accident. Unheard numbers of kidnappings are going on in our large cities, and human trafficking is an epidemic near The Southern Border and in Sanctuary cities full of illegal immigrants. In America, there are inexplicable and random acts of Islamic Violence beginning to occur all over America. Sharia Law has taken root in some odd places, which was unthinkable just a decade ago.

This is not The America The Great Generation lived in. It's not even The America that our Mothers and Fathers lived in just a few decades ago.

Parts of America are turning in to war zones and it is statistically safer to be in Iraq and Afghanistan dealing with The Taliban or ISIS than it is to walk down the sidewalk in a place like Chicago, or anywhere near the Southern Border.

Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schummer are unconcerned. They and their cohorts are too busy partying it up in Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Brussels, Egypt and elsewhere while Americans suffer at their hands, Border Patrol Agents and Police Officers come home to their families in body bags.

There is simply too much money flowing through the hands of the Open Borders crowds coming from Mexican Drug Cartel Shell Corporations, and Wealthy Dem Plantations who rely on Illegal Brown People to pick their crops for them to ever do anything about these issues.

Arizona man accused of carrying out 'lone wolf' attack on behalf of ISIS, cops say

Islamist Organizations in America

Hasher Taheb, of Cumming, Georgia, wanted to attack the White House, feds say - CNNPolitics

Homegrown Islamic Extremism on the Rise in United States

The American Fentanyl Epidemic

A Vile Epidemic: Sex Trafficking


Why do you need to Import Unlimited Numbers of Brown Peoples to work your Plantations?

The 1800s called and they want their Social Policies back.
Lol, wut?
The Democrat Party is no longer "The Party of JFK" who was an "America First President" much like we have with Donald Trump.

America and American Citizens are last on the list in The Democrat Party's platform if they appear on the list at all

From their continual insistence in importing incompatible Islamic Culture in to our communities, to their insistence in allowing illegal immigrants flood across the border, one thing is certain: The Democrat Party no longer believes in The American Melting Pot, American Culture or E Pluribus Unum.

They fight travel bans from terrorist states. The Last Democrat President actually paid terrorists to stage coups in Libya, Egypt, and Syria. He Gave the single largest sponsor of terror in the world $150 Billion in Euros in violation of international law so they could buy Russian Uranium Centrifuges, and Nuclear Missile Guidance systems and expertise.

They fight immigration policy and let Criminal Illegal Immigrants roam our streets and slaughter our citizens. They oppose even the gathering of Census data on the number of illegal immigrants we may have in this country, so that we can at least address such issues.

They want division, Multiculturalism, and they want to replace American Voters and American Citizens with un-assimilated imports.

It's a foolish plan that they hope will entrench them permanently in power: Not to improve the lives of Americans, but to rule over and impose their ideologies of Globalism, PC Culture, Multiculturalism and tolerance of everything and everyone except for those who adhere to a Christian Judeo Ethic.

We are already seeing the fruits of their labor.

You are now more likely to be killed by a drug related crime or overdose from drugs smuggled to the US from Mexico than die in a car accident. Unheard numbers of kidnappings are going on in our large cities, and human trafficking is an epidemic near The Southern Border and in Sanctuary cities full of illegal immigrants. In America, there are inexplicable and random acts of Islamic Violence beginning to occur all over America. Sharia Law has taken root in some odd places, which was unthinkable just a decade ago.

This is not The America The Great Generation lived in. It's not even The America that our Mothers and Fathers lived in just a few decades ago.

Parts of America are turning in to war zones and it is statistically safer to be in Iraq and Afghanistan dealing with The Taliban or ISIS than it is to walk down the sidewalk in a place like Chicago, or anywhere near the Southern Border.

Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schummer are unconcerned. They and their cohorts are too busy partying it up in Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Brussels, Egypt and elsewhere while Americans suffer at their hands, Border Patrol Agents and Police Officers come home to their families in body bags.

There is simply too much money flowing through the hands of the Open Borders crowds coming from Mexican Drug Cartel Shell Corporations, and Wealthy Dem Plantations who rely on Illegal Brown People to pick their crops for them to ever do anything about these issues.

Arizona man accused of carrying out 'lone wolf' attack on behalf of ISIS, cops say

Islamist Organizations in America

Hasher Taheb, of Cumming, Georgia, wanted to attack the White House, feds say - CNNPolitics

Homegrown Islamic Extremism on the Rise in United States

The American Fentanyl Epidemic

A Vile Epidemic: Sex Trafficking


Why do you need to Import Unlimited Numbers of Brown Peoples to work your Plantations?

The 1800s called and they want their Social Policies back.
Lol, wut?

You and your elitist party leaders have an over reliance on cheap slave labor from Brown People you want smuggled in to The US to pick your crops. This is why you oppose immigration reform and border security.

You want an unlimited and unregulated horde of Brown People you can work for slave wages on your plantations, and force The America Taxpayer to support them instead of doing the right thing and YOU pay for their education, food, shelter and medical care.
You accuse everyone under the sun of "They want division," yet you are the one up on these boards, day in and day out preaching about another American civil war. Talk about being a divisionist. But I get it. If they ain't a straight WASP you want 'em all out of your country.
I'm not calling for a Civil War. I am just pointing out that The Democrat Party is already engaged in one against America.

And worse yet, it is over the same damn thing we fought over 160 years ago. The Democrat Party's Reliance on Imported Brown People to pick their crops.

For The First Time in US History The Speaker of The House has uninvited The President of The United States to deliver a State of The Union Address.

And over what? The President wanting to slow down or stop or regulate the importation of Brown People The Democrats bring in to The US to work on their Elitist Plantations.

Pelosi might as well announced California Ceding from The Union Right then and there.

State of the Union - Wikipedia

I don't like the disinvite. It's an invitation that both chambers of the congress agree to, and extend. In modern America, we are used to it being a given. Times have changed. Thank you DJT. Oh, and you seriously have a problem with Brown Folks.

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