The Democratic party civil War is Here

The democratic party 'civil war' is a figment of the OP's imagination.

Republicans like to pretend the Tea Party insurgency doesn't split the GOP. We'll know in a few months time whether or not Republicans have their own civil war under control, we'll see if McConnell can create a consensus within his own caucus.
McConnell's problem isn't going to be so much the Senate but dealing with the House and its lunacy with extremists such as the TPM, the social right, Christian fundamentalists, and libertarian nitwits trying to get their reckless, irresponsible 'legislation' on the floor for a vote.

Harry Reid was the Senate republicans' best friend, they're going to miss him.

We can look forward to more of the same for the next two years because Republicans can't even make a deal with themselves.

And we'll likely see Senate republicans siding with democrats should any of that reckless, irresponsible 'legislation' reach the floor.
Where is this "civil war" at? Oh mean Stephanie was wrong? That almost never happens....except every other second of every day. he he he
Sultan Kinish?

Reid's long gone, and really so's Obama. And Obama's antipathy was about Reid's refusal to move any legislation. The only thing the dems will do for the next 6 mos or so is to try and tee up issues like immigration and gay rights for Hill. And, then it's up to her to move a moderately progressive agenda without scaring suburbia. And if the gop takes away newly won health care insurance from 9 or 10 million or so, there's that too.
We will have had 16 years of failed and polarizing presidents by 2016 not unlike the 20-year stretch of Buchanan, Pierce, Fillmore and Taylor which led to the Civil War. America badly needs a president of the stature of Washington, FDR or Reagan if America is to heal from bad leadership.

I certainly do not see that in Hillary. She reminds me more of Nixon.
Who knows what Hill will do to answer the very liberals.
If she's smart she'll ignore them. Worked for Bill, twice.
yeah, there was a union organizer on the old yahoo PE2000 board who would talk about that. Smart guy. Masters in Econ from a good school.

But the dems are more progressive than they were in 1992. The centrist DLC is no more. My luke warm not so terrible view of Hillary may be as ill advised of my luke warm not so terrible view of W. He wasn't interested in tax reform, but I figured he wouldn't me more dangerous than his dad was. Got that one wrong. LOL

Back then, Charles Rangel was openly AGAINST using taxes to redistribute income. Hill's gonna have to have some idea on income inequality.
Here the real civil war in the Democrat party,

Stephie's a bit late.

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