The Democratic Party is moving further left

I wrote this for someone else...a progressive...on the difficulties for Progressives in overthrowing the Democrat Establishment.

It's worse than you know...

The Republicans have beat you to populism. Trump is no fascist or racist...that's propaganda in line with Obama is a Muslim, and you're smarter than that.

We Trump primary voters saw in 2012 there was no middle, that running a moderate like Romney was a losing proposition. THAT more than anything else is what fueled the Anyone But Romney movement. That is why we nominated Trump. We ran two moderates against a true believer and got our asses handed to us. Now you feel our pain.

Next, you guys have a hard row to hoe instituting change in your party. We took a big gamble nominating Trump...but we won that fight...and there will be more, but we got the granddaddy of them all out of the way up our guy leads the party. When we have to fight our own, we have PROOF we were right and they were wrong, and we have the power of the President of the United States at our backs...a President that is a Fighter with a capital F. You guys are going to have to fight a million little battles against an entrenched establishment. And you're not going to win them all, you're going to have to compromise, and those compromises will add up. Plus, the infighting will destabilize the party.

Finally, you've got your original problem...the one that is structural. The blue collar middle class didn't leave left them. We have a saying where I'm dance with who brought ya. The unions and the working class supported you for years, and you sold them up the river. So worried about citizenship for people who broke the law and which bathroom a transgender could use that you forgot about them all together...and now, they are a lot closer to us than they are to you. You came out for a visit. I freeze in the winter and boil in the summer right there next to them...and they are pissed off in the worst possible way, and the murmuring have been growing among them since 1999 until today it is a roar. If Trump keeps his word and works for them...they are lost to you until the worm turns again and the Republican establishment forgets the lesson again about dancing with who brung ya. If you're lucky, those arrogant asses will blow it at the first opportunity.

I wish you the best, cuz were all in this together...and I'd much rather have a Bernie than a Clinton. As you have likely surmised, Bush and Clinton are two sides of the same coin. Stay honest and passionate, your Friend...MOe.​
Democrats lost because Trump moved to the LEFT of the Democrats on trade, protectionism, etc.

so true-----Trump is a democrat under the skin and the very active people putatively of the democrat party today are
FASCISTS (like Hillcat)

You're agreeing that Hillary Clinton lost because she was/is too CONSERVATIVE on trade issues?

Hillary was for it before she was against it. Just like she was for the invasion of Iraq before she was against it.

I also voted for Perot for the same reason you did. The Republicans had been trying to pass NAFTA but didn't have enough votes. Along came the confidence man Clinton and got enough Democrats to support it to get it passed.
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Democrats lost because Trump moved to the LEFT of the Democrats on trade, protectionism, etc.

so true-----Trump is a democrat under the skin and the very active people putatively of the democrat party today are
FASCISTS (like Hillcat)

You're agreeing that Hillary Clinton lost because she was/is too CONSERVATIVE on trade issues?

Hillary was for it before she was against it. Just like she was for the invasion of Iraq before she was against it.

I don't dispute that. Labor voted for Trump because he did what Republicans never do,

take the pro-labor side on trade issues. Protectionism. The Bernie Socialist Sanders position. The Ross Perot position. The Ralph Nader position.
Democrats lost because Trump moved to the LEFT of the Democrats on trade, protectionism, etc.

so true-----Trump is a democrat under the skin and the very active people putatively of the democrat party today are
FASCISTS (like Hillcat)

You're agreeing that Hillary Clinton lost because she was/is too CONSERVATIVE on trade issues?

Hillary was for it before she was against it. Just like she was for the invasion of Iraq before she was against it.

I don't dispute that. Labor voted for Trump because he did what Republicans never do,

take the pro-labor side on trade issues. Protectionism. The Bernie Socialist Sanders position. The Ross Perot position. The Ralph Nader position.

I edited my post and hope you read it.
Trumps anti-far right and alt right policies are emerging. The honeymoon may be over before it begins.

Oh good grief they are not.
Just watch, sweetums. He is not a conservative, not a socon, not a far right, not a far left. He knows if he goes to the middle and takes care of ALL Americans, he will no longer need your anger or you.

You just said they are emerging then say "just watch"...loon and take your 'sweetums" and stick it Fake
Just watch and see. Yes, Gassy, it is emerging. You get to watch and see. Kicking your little heels, sweetums, and crying will not help you.
Democrats lost because Trump moved to the LEFT of the Democrats on trade, protectionism, etc.

so true-----Trump is a democrat under the skin and the very active people putatively of the democrat party today are
FASCISTS (like Hillcat)

You're agreeing that Hillary Clinton lost because she was/is too CONSERVATIVE on trade issues?

Hillary was for it before she was against it. Just like she was for the invasion of Iraq before she was against it.

I don't dispute that. Labor voted for Trump because he did what Republicans never do,

take the pro-labor side on trade issues. Protectionism. The Bernie Socialist Sanders position. The Ross Perot position. The Ralph Nader position.

More far left religious dogma being spewed!

Once again proving why the far left is becoming the minority around the world!
Democrats lost because Trump moved to the LEFT of the Democrats on trade, protectionism, etc.

so true-----Trump is a democrat under the skin and the very active people putatively of the democrat party today are
FASCISTS (like Hillcat)

You're agreeing that Hillary Clinton lost because she was/is too CONSERVATIVE on trade issues?

Hillary was for it before she was against it. Just like she was for the invasion of Iraq before she was against it.

I don't dispute that. Labor voted for Trump because he did what Republicans never do,

take the pro-labor side on trade issues. Protectionism. The Bernie Socialist Sanders position. The Ross Perot position. The Ralph Nader position.

More far left religious dogma being spewed!

Once again proving why the far left is becoming the minority around the world!

nope----the left is becoming the PARTY OF IDEOLOGUES---from evangelist to jihadis, to Nazi, to communist, to tree hugger to GOTH
Trumps anti-far right and alt right policies are emerging. The honeymoon may be over before it begins.

Oh good grief they are not.
Just watch, sweetums. He is not a conservative, not a socon, not a far right, not an alt right, not a far left. He knows if he goes to the middle and takes care of ALL Americans, he will no longer need your anger or you.
We've seen how accurate your predictions are. lol
The Democrats will never again run a candidate as weak as Hillary Clinton.
They will be weaker.

Hillary was the only somewhat sane candidate you had who could bring the different parts of the Democratic Party together.

Now you will have permanent fracturing as you run even crazier candidates that alienate the Kennedy Democrats who chose to stick with you up until now.

Minorities don't give a fuck about the environment, gay marriage or Wall Street. All you had was fearmongering to keep minorities in line.
The Democratic Party lost mostly due to their stance on social issues. When they wanted to put a grown male inside the same restroom with our young daughters, they lost the votes of a ton of responsible parents. When Planned Parenthood took over the Democraatic Party and Hillary agreed to repeal the Hyde Act and allow for taxpayer funding of abortions, they lost even more votes. Hillary's embrace of late term abortions eroded her base of women voters even more.. The Democratic Party's agreement with Planned Parenthood to force abortion views and compliance onto church and religious organizations as well as the contraceptive issue with those Nuns didn't bode well with women who attend church. The Democratic Party's embrace of the destruction of marriage as between a man and a woman caused them votes with church going women as well.

The Democratic Party aleinated the White working class. No Party can survive when they desert and do not even attempt to attract the white vote. Such actions by the Democratic Party caused the majority of white men and women, both the undereducated and the college educated, to flee Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party. While it is true the email scandal, the FBI probes, and the irregularities of the Clinton Foundation contributed toward Hillary's untrustworthiness, I believe it was the social issues that cost Hillary the white women vote.

so true-----Trump is a democrat under the skin and the very active people putatively of the democrat party today are
FASCISTS (like Hillcat)

You're agreeing that Hillary Clinton lost because she was/is too CONSERVATIVE on trade issues?

Hillary was for it before she was against it. Just like she was for the invasion of Iraq before she was against it.

I don't dispute that. Labor voted for Trump because he did what Republicans never do,

take the pro-labor side on trade issues. Protectionism. The Bernie Socialist Sanders position. The Ross Perot position. The Ralph Nader position.

More far left religious dogma being spewed!

Once again proving why the far left is becoming the minority around the world!

nope----the left is becoming the PARTY OF IDEOLOGUES---from evangelist to jihadis, to Nazi, to communist, to tree hugger to GOTH
Says an alt right ideologue

Nope, being, America lost because Trump got the union vote (protectionism) to go for him.

He will not make you happy at all on social and cultural issues. He is to the left of center on those issues.
Democrats lost because Trump moved to the LEFT of the Democrats on trade, protectionism, etc.
Democrats lost because many Americans were unhappy with the direction our country has moved over the last 8 years and because Hillary Clinton is un-electable because she is dishonest.
Democrats lost because Trump moved to the LEFT of the Democrats on trade, protectionism, etc.
Democrats lost because many Americans were unhappy with the direction our country has moved over the last 8 years and because Hillary Clinton is un-electable because she is dishonest.
The GOP won because Trump brought the white working class afraid of more job loss on board.
Democrats lost because Trump moved to the LEFT of the Democrats on trade, protectionism, etc.
Democrats lost because many Americans were unhappy with the direction our country has moved over the last 8 years and because Hillary Clinton is un-electable because she is dishonest.
The GOP won because Trump brought the white working class afraid of more job loss on board.
His win has very little to do with cultural and social issues, as you are going to find out to your sorrow.
Democrats lost because Trump moved to the LEFT of the Democrats on trade, protectionism, etc.
Democrats lost because many Americans were unhappy with the direction our country has moved over the last 8 years and because Hillary Clinton is un-electable because she is dishonest.
The GOP won because Trump brought the white working class afraid of more job loss on board.
His win has very little to do with cultural and social issues, as you are going to find out to your sorrow.
Not my sorrow, Jake. I'm happy to have a president who does not push a social agenda like we have had for the last 8 years.
Democrats lost because Trump moved to the LEFT of the Democrats on trade, protectionism, etc.
Democrats lost because many Americans were unhappy with the direction our country has moved over the last 8 years and because Hillary Clinton is un-electable because she is dishonest.

Trump is more dishonest than Clinton. That was a wash. The scandals were a wash.

Trump won because he agrees, or pretends to agree, with socialist Bernie Sanders on trade.

Trump won Michigan. Bernie won Michigan in the primary.

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