The Democratic plan for a 42% national sales tax

It's not really the Dem plan (yet) but it certainly exposes the canyon between "free-stuff" socialism and reality. There is no way but to completely destroy our economy & our prosperity, and to impoverish & enslave many millions of Americans in order to impose even half of what they are proposing.

Imagine buying a $36,000 pick-up truck and paying $50,000. Yeah … that'll work.:confused:
I paid $60K for mine.

Interesting article, the numbers that the author cites are really eye-opening.

Personally I think this whole debate regarding who pays for health insurance is ridiculous since that's not the problem with health care, the problem with health care in the United States is that the population is extremely unhealthy due to the average American lifestyle (i.e.DIET and EXERCISE) which is explains why the lions share of our health care costs go to treating chronic diseases (heart disease, diabetes, preventable forms of cancer, etc..,).

.. but of course our elected retards in Washington don't want to talk about effective ways of lowering health care costs, they just want to bicker like children over idiotic proposals pursuant to who gets to foot the bill for the ever increasing costs.

I always read the most cost goes to senior citizens..
Uh-huh, Senior Citizens do represent the largest cost as a segment based on age group and much of that is due to treatment of preventable chronic disease (heart disease, type II diabetes, etc..,) , however given that the current trends indicate the generation born after 2000 are going to be far more disease prone, obese and have shorter lifespans than their parents all due to lifestyle based diseases.....

The U.S. population (along with most of the rest of the world's) is getting unhealthier as time goes by due primarily to poor diet and lack of exercise.

It's time for Logan's run

Everyone over 30 dies.

OR we can just stop doing idiotic things like subsidizing unhealthy processed foods (via commodity crop subsidies) while at the same time providing ZERO subsidies for healthy whole fruits and vegetables.

We're paying for both sides of the bad situation, first we're paying to subsidize unhealthy diets and secondly we're paying to subsidize the health care when citizens inevitably get sick from eating the unhealthy diets we're subsidizing, it's crazy.

Interesting article, the numbers that the author cites are really eye-opening.

Personally I think this whole debate regarding who pays for health insurance is ridiculous since that's not the problem with health care, the problem with health care in the United States is that the population is extremely unhealthy due to the average American lifestyle (i.e.DIET and EXERCISE) which is explains why the lions share of our health care costs go to treating chronic diseases (heart disease, diabetes, preventable forms of cancer, etc..,).

.. but of course our elected retards in Washington don't want to talk about effective ways of lowering health care costs, they just want to bicker like children over idiotic proposals pursuant to who gets to foot the bill for the ever increasing costs.
i also think the insane insurance policies are at fault. when i was unemployed many years ago and needed medical help, my cost was 50% less just because they didn't have to deal with insurance.

recently after an auto accident, i was amazed to see an MRI go from $1800 to $5000 because the OTHER insurance company had to pay for it.

we have some of the best medical care in the world and some of the worst ways to pay for it.
They have lost their minds.

A bipartisan budget watchdog released a report Monday detailing options for how the federal government could pay for "Medicare-for-all," the health care plan popular with 2020 Democratic presidential contenders — and its findings show there would be no way to fund the expanded health program by simply raising taxes on the rich.

The report, published by the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, examines a variety of potential ways to raise the estimated $30 trillion over 10 years necessary to fund "Medicare-for-all," including a 32 percent payroll tax, a 25 percent income surtax and a 42 percent value-added tax. These methods could all raise $30 trillion, the report says, but there is no way for the federal government to bring in that much money simply by taxing rich people.

"There is not enough annual income available among higher earners to finance the full cost of 'Medicare-for-All,'" it says. "On a static basis, even increasing the top two income tax rates (applying to individuals making over $204,000 per year and couples making over $408,000 per year) to 100 percent would not raise $30 trillion over a decade."

Tyler Olson FOX News
Well now everyone knows why Trump NEVER had a bigger better cheaper Obamacare. The dems are elitists who think we lack the ability to make our own choices, but at least they have plans to pay for their shit. The gop just sells populist shit that it doesn't pay for without deficit dollars like Plan D Medicare under W or never intends to actually provide after an election.

You mean the Dems have plans for you and I to pay for their shit and everyone else's.
Well now everyone knows why Trump NEVER had a bigger better cheaper Obamacare. The dems are elitists who think we lack the ability to make our own choices, but at least they have plans to pay for their shit. The gop just sells populist shit that it doesn't pay for without deficit dollars like Plan D Medicare under W or never intends to actually provide after an election.

You mean the Dems have plans for you and I to pay for their shit and everyone else's.
A vote for Warren Bernie or Trump is a vote for budgetary insanity.

And Randian Paul has less balls than his neighbor.

Interesting article, the numbers that the author cites are really eye-opening.

Personally I think this whole debate regarding who pays for health insurance is ridiculous since that's not the problem with health care, the problem with health care in the United States is that the population is extremely unhealthy due to the average American lifestyle (i.e.DIET and EXERCISE) which is explains why the lions share of our health care costs go to treating chronic diseases (heart disease, diabetes, preventable forms of cancer, etc..,).

.. but of course our elected retards in Washington don't want to talk about effective ways of lowering health care costs, they just want to bicker like children over idiotic proposals pursuant to who gets to foot the bill for the ever increasing costs.
i also think the insane insurance policies are at fault. when i was unemployed many years ago and needed medical help, my cost was 50% less just because they didn't have to deal with insurance.

recently after an auto accident, i was amazed to see an MRI go from $1800 to $5000 because the OTHER insurance company had to pay for it.

we have some of the best medical care in the world and some of the worst ways to pay for it.

Of course red tape and bureaucracy contribute to the costs and that needs to be addressed but it doesn't contribute nearly as much as good ole SUPPLY and DEMAND, you have ever increasing demand due to the population getting sicker and sicker (not to mention the fact that our idiotic system decouples the costs from the consumer in many instances) and supply expansion isn't even close to keeping pace.

Supply & demand explains why doctors no longer have any time to spend with patients beyond the time it takes to write prescriptions.
The revenue to fund "healthcare for all" has to come from somewhere. The endless fountain of money Democrats believe in does not exist.

The Democratic plan for a 42% national sales tax
Oh we have the funding, and plenty to deal with education for all as well. Your oligarchy does not want a healthy educated population to have to deal with. And we're certainly not taking anything away from the empire's global occupation/militarist adventures funding. We have killing to do. Besides, socialism is only for the affluent in american society.
The revenue to fund "healthcare for all" has to come from somewhere. The endless fountain of money Democrats believe in does not exist.

The Democratic plan for a 42% national sales tax

Why, isn't free supposed to be free? They are saying FREE!
No dumbfuck, no one said that. You pay more now than anyone else for shittier hellthcare.

Ranking 37th — Measuring the Performance of the U.S. Health Care System

World Health Organization’s Ranking of the World’s Health Systems
Some people fancy all health care debates to be a case of Canadian Health Care vs. American. Not so. According to the World Health Organization’s ranking of the world’s health systems, neither Canada nor the USA ranks in the top 25.

Improving the Canadian Healthcare System does not mean we must emulate the American system, but it may mean that perhaps we can learn from countries that rank better than both Canada and the USA at keeping their citizens healthy.

World Health Organization's Ranking of the World's Health Systems

U.S. Health Care Ranked Worst in the Developed World
The U.S. health care system has been subject to heated debate over the past decade, but one thing that has remained consistent is the level of performance, which has been ranked as the worst among industrialized nations for the fifth time, according to the 2014 Commonwealth Fund survey 2014. The U.K. ranked best with Switzerland following a close second.

The Commonwealth Fund report compares the U.S. with 10 other nations: France, Australia, Germany, Canada, Sweden, New Zealand, Norway, the Netherlands, Switzerland and the U.K. were all judged to be superior based on various factors. These include quality of care, access to doctors and equity throughout the country. Results of the study rely on data from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, the World Health Organization and interviews from physicians and patients.

U.S. Health Care Ranked Worst in the Developed World

As Republicans struggle to agree on a replacement for the Affordable Care Act, the Commonwealth Fund has rated the U.S. health care system as the worst among the 11 developed nations it analyzed as part of an evaluation conducted every three years. The think tank also rated the U.S. health care system as the worst-performing of the nations analyzed when the last evaluation was released in 2014.

The U.S. health care system has been rated the worst (by far) among high-income nations

How does the quality of the U.S. healthcare system compare to other countries?
Bench-marking U.S. quality measures against those of similarly large and wealthy countries is one way to assess how successful the U.S. has been at improving care for its population, and to learn from systems that often produce better outcomes. The OECD has compiled data on dozens of outcomes and process measures. Across a number of these measures, the U.S. lags behind similarly wealthy OECD countries (those that are similarly large and wealthy based on GDP and GDP per capita).In some cases, such as the rates of all-cause mortality, premature death, death amenable to healthcare, and disease burden, the U.S. is also not improving as quickly as other countries, which means the gap is growing.

How does the quality of the U.S. healthcare system compare to other countries? - Peterson-Kaiser Health System Tracker

The revenue to fund "healthcare for all" has to come from somewhere. The endless fountain of money Democrats believe in does not exist.

The Democratic plan for a 42% national sales tax
Oh we have the funding, and plenty to deal with education for all as well. Your oligarchy does not want a healthy educated population to have to deal with. And we're certainly not taking anything away from the empire's global occupation/militarist adventures funding. We have killing to do. Besides, socialism is only for the affluent in american society.
Really, plenty of funding for healthcare for all including an endless stream of immigrants? And where is this hidden bounty that the government has without massive tax increases?
The revenue to fund "healthcare for all" has to come from somewhere. The endless fountain of money Democrats believe in does not exist.

The Democratic plan for a 42% national sales tax
Oh we have the funding, and plenty to deal with education for all as well. Your oligarchy does not want a healthy educated population to have to deal with. And we're certainly not taking anything away from the empire's global occupation/militarist adventures funding. We have killing to do. Besides, socialism is only for the affluent in american society.
Really, plenty of funding for healthcare for all including an endless stream of immigrants? And where is this hidden bounty that the government has without massive tax increases?
Don had 2 years with majorities in both the House and Senate.

See any any legislation on immigration outta that? No?

Gee that's odd.


Pentagon Can’t Account For $21 Trillion, Sparking Fears Of ‘New 9/11’

The revenue to fund "healthcare for all" has to come from somewhere. The endless fountain of money Democrats believe in does not exist.

The Democratic plan for a 42% national sales tax

Why, isn't free supposed to be free? They are saying FREE!
No dumbfuck, no one said that. You pay more now than anyone else for shittier hellthcare.

Ranking 37th — Measuring the Performance of the U.S. Health Care System

World Health Organization’s Ranking of the World’s Health Systems
Some people fancy all health care debates to be a case of Canadian Health Care vs. American. Not so. According to the World Health Organization’s ranking of the world’s health systems, neither Canada nor the USA ranks in the top 25.

Improving the Canadian Healthcare System does not mean we must emulate the American system, but it may mean that perhaps we can learn from countries that rank better than both Canada and the USA at keeping their citizens healthy.

World Health Organization's Ranking of the World's Health Systems

U.S. Health Care Ranked Worst in the Developed World
The U.S. health care system has been subject to heated debate over the past decade, but one thing that has remained consistent is the level of performance, which has been ranked as the worst among industrialized nations for the fifth time, according to the 2014 Commonwealth Fund survey 2014. The U.K. ranked best with Switzerland following a close second.

The Commonwealth Fund report compares the U.S. with 10 other nations: France, Australia, Germany, Canada, Sweden, New Zealand, Norway, the Netherlands, Switzerland and the U.K. were all judged to be superior based on various factors. These include quality of care, access to doctors and equity throughout the country. Results of the study rely on data from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, the World Health Organization and interviews from physicians and patients.

U.S. Health Care Ranked Worst in the Developed World

As Republicans struggle to agree on a replacement for the Affordable Care Act, the Commonwealth Fund has rated the U.S. health care system as the worst among the 11 developed nations it analyzed as part of an evaluation conducted every three years. The think tank also rated the U.S. health care system as the worst-performing of the nations analyzed when the last evaluation was released in 2014.

The U.S. health care system has been rated the worst (by far) among high-income nations

How does the quality of the U.S. healthcare system compare to other countries?
Bench-marking U.S. quality measures against those of similarly large and wealthy countries is one way to assess how successful the U.S. has been at improving care for its population, and to learn from systems that often produce better outcomes. The OECD has compiled data on dozens of outcomes and process measures. Across a number of these measures, the U.S. lags behind similarly wealthy OECD countries (those that are similarly large and wealthy based on GDP and GDP per capita).In some cases, such as the rates of all-cause mortality, premature death, death amenable to healthcare, and disease burden, the U.S. is also not improving as quickly as other countries, which means the gap is growing.

How does the quality of the U.S. healthcare system compare to other countries? - Peterson-Kaiser Health System Tracker

Those links have been debunked a numerous times, newbie..

It's about time this moronic "plan" was exposed. Let's see how the Dimwingers in the 2020 Clown Car explain how they are going to institute an across the board 42% national sales tax to pay for their scheme.

A bipartisan budget watchdog released a report Monday detailing options for how the federal government could pay for "Medicare-for-all," the health care plan popular with 2020 Democratic presidential contenders — and its findings show there would be no way to fund the expanded health program by simply raising taxes on the rich.

The report, published by the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, examines a variety of potential ways to raise the estimated $30 trillion over 10 years necessary to fund "Medicare-for-all," including a 32 percent payroll tax, a 25 percent income surtax and a 42 percent value-added tax. These methods could all raise $30 trillion, the report says, but there is no way for the federal government to bring in that much money simply by taxing rich people.

"There is not enough annual income available among higher earners to finance the full cost of 'Medicare-for-All,'" it says. "On a static basis, even increasing the top two income tax rates (applying to individuals making over $204,000 per year and couples making over $408,000 per year) to 100 percent would not raise $30 trillion over a decade."

An accompanying chart lists the tax-the-rich funding option as "IMPOSSIBLE."

Funding 'Medicare-for-all' with taxes on the rich 'impossible,' study says
Health Insurance is not a

I can prove it.

If it were a Right, Nancy Pelosi would be rushing to vote on Trump’s Bill to Lower medications costs and allow consumers to buy Health Insurance across State Lines.
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A 32% Payroll tax is in addition to The Social Security tax, and then you add in the 42% sales tax and we are all living in The Socialist Totalitarian Grey Miserable Dystopia that The Leftist Marxist Globalist Democrats have threatened us with.

So essentially when The Government (Federal, State, & Local) is done with you, you get to keep about 25% of your earnings. Maybe as little as 20%

If you make just $50,000 a year your take home pay will only be $12,500 a year.

Then add in the income surtax of an additional 25% for Job Creators, and there will also be less jobs.

Income levels and employment will crash dramatically and so will the economy. People will lose their jobs and their homes, and that is before trying to give everyone free education, guaranteed income and The Green New Deal and taxing us even more in a desperate attempt to find a way on how to pay for all of that!

America will be destroyed from within by The Radical Democrat Party Agenda!
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