The Democrats are in mega-panic mode

The tape release is a sign of desperation in the Hillary campaign.

Why did senior Clinton campaign officials order their dirty tricks team to release the Trump tape this past Friday instead of the Friday before Election Day?

Dr. Lifson answers:

The leak of an old hot mic recording of a private conversation between a TV host and Trump probably was originally scheduled for the Friday before Election Day. But the Wikileaks revelations about Hillary could not be allowed to dominate the weekend pre-debate chatter.
An alternative explanation: The Clinton campaign believes that waiting to release the tape until the Friday before Election Day would be too late. The campaign believes that Trump stands a good chance of winning the remaining two debates, would build tremendous momentum, and would be virtually unstoppable. Releasing the tape so late would also smack of desperation and might be counterproductive, encouraging Trump supporters to turn out in even greater numbers.

The Clinton campaign calculated that releasing the tape a month ahead of time would have several advantages:

  1. Early voting is getting under way. Now is the time to hit Trump and persuade early voters to give up on him before he can recover
  2. MSM toadies will need more than a couple of days to spring into collective action and inflict maximum and possibly lasting damage on Trump
  3. Republicans who have opposed Trump all along need time to coalesce into a movement that would apply pressure on Trump to quit the race.
Man! You don't know politics AT ALL!!!

The GOP has pulled funding from the Trump campaign, Republicans are distancing themselves from Trump with the speed of an F-15, Pence is even shaking his fist at Trump and his antics. The Republicans have gone into bunker mode: hoping to hold majorities in congress, but giving up on the White House.

And YOU think the Democrats have gone into "mega panic mode"? You need to find a clue somewhere.
Shades of 2012, over and over.
The Democrats are in mega-panic mode

Yeah, Clinton campaign headquarters looks pretty gloomy...

bripat9643, post: 15495538
The tape release is a sign of desperation in the Hillary campaign.

About 30 minutes into the first debate any sense of losing this election in Hillary's campaign was fully wiped out. Then the polls since that moment and Trump's disastrous conduct bears the accuracy of the polling out.

Trump lost Florida, Iowa, and NC prior to the Hollywood Access tape coming out.

Hollywood Access controlled when this came out. No evidence the Clinton campaign had anything to do with it.

You need to decrease your susceptibility to believing in conspiracy theories.
As long as Trump stays calm at the debate, he'll recover from it nicely but his surrogates need to hit Cankles hard for HER treatment of women.

No! Trump needs to find a televangelist like Bennie Hinn, who will come on stage and cast out Trump's demons by tapping him on the forehead forcing Trump to pass out momentarily and fall back into the waiting arms of Hinn's assistants forever saved in the loving grace of Jesus Christ who is most Republican's Lord and Savior.

And all that likely will not work, but it is Trump's only chance.
Is it any wonder conservatives are so lost today? The Washington Post released the tape. But why is this now the focus of the republicans?
Who said conservatives are lost? Your stupid opinion isn't fact. The audio was released to take the heat off of Hilly by the Democrat news outlets, that's why it's being discussed. It's a non issue for me and deflects from the real problems.

So the conservative news media outlets would have hidden it?
We know that if it is damaging to Hillary the so-called "mainstream media" outlets would not release it.

Since the press and everybody else thinks you are nuts, here is a song just for you.
I keep seeing posts about how the Left has overreacted to Trump's total lack of dignity, but almost every news article I've read in the last two days is about one republican after another withdrawing their support from Trump, including a lot of senators and most of the other republican candidates. I had no idea that so many republicans are on the Left!
As long as Trump stays calm at the debate, he'll recover from it nicely but his surrogates need to hit Cankles hard for HER treatment of women.

No! Trump needs to find a televangelist like Bennie Hinn, who will come on stage and cast out Trump's demons by tapping him on the forehead forcing Trump to pass out momentarily and fall back into the waiting arms of Hinn's assistants forever saved in the loving grace of Jesus Christ who is most Republican's Lord and Savior.

And all that likely will not work, but it is Trump's only chance.
Demons invaded Donald's body? Ouch! :D
The tape release is a sign of desperation in the Hillary campaign.

Why did senior Clinton campaign officials order their dirty tricks team to release the Trump tape this past Friday instead of the Friday before Election Day?

Dr. Lifson answers:

The leak of an old hot mic recording of a private conversation between a TV host and Trump probably was originally scheduled for the Friday before Election Day. But the Wikileaks revelations about Hillary could not be allowed to dominate the weekend pre-debate chatter.
An alternative explanation: The Clinton campaign believes that waiting to release the tape until the Friday before Election Day would be too late. The campaign believes that Trump stands a good chance of winning the remaining two debates, would build tremendous momentum, and would be virtually unstoppable. Releasing the tape so late would also smack of desperation and might be counterproductive, encouraging Trump supporters to turn out in even greater numbers.

The Clinton campaign calculated that releasing the tape a month ahead of time would have several advantages:

  1. Early voting is getting under way. Now is the time to hit Trump and persuade early voters to give up on him before he can recover
  2. MSM toadies will need more than a couple of days to spring into collective action and inflict maximum and possibly lasting damage on Trump
  3. Republicans who have opposed Trump all along need time to coalesce into a movement that would apply pressure on Trump to quit the race.

An 'old' recording. That's the funniest part of the above.

11 years old is quite old.

As opposed to Bill Clinton (who's not running for president) and Gennifer Flowers, from the 80's?

No...Eileen Wellstone...accused bill of rape, Elizbeth Ward Gracen, accused bill of rape......juanita broaderick, accused bill of rape.....and then the other dozen sexual assaults.....all spoke to friends and family and the Service Member on Air Force One sent it up her chain of command.....

All of these people are lying....and only bill clinton is telling the truth........
As long as Trump stays calm at the debate, he'll recover from it nicely but his surrogates need to hit Cankles hard for HER treatment of women.

No! Trump needs to find a televangelist like Bennie Hinn, who will come on stage and cast out Trump's demons by tapping him on the forehead forcing Trump to pass out momentarily and fall back into the waiting arms of Hinn's assistants forever saved in the loving grace of Jesus Christ who is most Republican's Lord and Savior.

And all that likely will not work, but it is Trump's only chance.
Demons invaded Donald's body? Ouch! :D

They entered through his ass. Ouch is right.
I keep seeing posts about how the Left has overreacted to Trump's total lack of dignity, but almost every news article I've read in the last two days is about one republican after another withdrawing their support from Trump, including a lot of senators and most of the other republican candidates. I had no idea that so many republicans are on the Left!

They are the reason we have's like the film Braveheart...and the establishment republicans are the nobles who keep showing up to fight and then leaving when the actual fight breaks out......looking for consessions from the enemy....
The tape release is a sign of desperation in the Hillary campaign.

Why did senior Clinton campaign officials order their dirty tricks team to release the Trump tape this past Friday instead of the Friday before Election Day?

Dr. Lifson answers:

The leak of an old hot mic recording of a private conversation between a TV host and Trump probably was originally scheduled for the Friday before Election Day. But the Wikileaks revelations about Hillary could not be allowed to dominate the weekend pre-debate chatter.
An alternative explanation: The Clinton campaign believes that waiting to release the tape until the Friday before Election Day would be too late. The campaign believes that Trump stands a good chance of winning the remaining two debates, would build tremendous momentum, and would be virtually unstoppable. Releasing the tape so late would also smack of desperation and might be counterproductive, encouraging Trump supporters to turn out in even greater numbers.

The Clinton campaign calculated that releasing the tape a month ahead of time would have several advantages:

  1. Early voting is getting under way. Now is the time to hit Trump and persuade early voters to give up on him before he can recover
  2. MSM toadies will need more than a couple of days to spring into collective action and inflict maximum and possibly lasting damage on Trump
  3. Republicans who have opposed Trump all along need time to coalesce into a movement that would apply pressure on Trump to quit the race.

An 'old' recording. That's the funniest part of the above.

11 years old is quite old.

Exactly. He was only 60 years old at the time. Sometimes young people say immature things.

Fucking retard.
As long as Trump stays calm at the debate, he'll recover from it nicely but his surrogates need to hit Cankles hard for HER treatment of women.

No! Trump needs to find a televangelist like Bennie Hinn, who will come on stage and cast out Trump's demons by tapping him on the forehead forcing Trump to pass out momentarily and fall back into the waiting arms of Hinn's assistants forever saved in the loving grace of Jesus Christ who is most Republican's Lord and Savior.

And all that likely will not work, but it is Trump's only chance.
Better for Trump to stage a human sacrifice with a screaming Liberal Puke.
Is it any wonder conservatives are so lost today? The Washington Post released the tape. But why is this now the focus of the republicans?
Who said conservatives are lost? Your stupid opinion isn't fact. The audio was released to take the heat off of Hilly by the Democrat news outlets, that's why it's being discussed. It's a non issue for me and deflects from the real problems.

So the conservative news media outlets would have hidden it?
We know that if it is damaging to Hillary the so-called "mainstream media" outlets would not release it.

Since the press and everybody else thinks you are nuts, here is a song just for you.

No, the press simply throws everything it can at Republicans and ignores the crimes of Democrats because it is biased. Only leftwing morons like you think Republicans are crazy.
The tape release is a sign of desperation in the Hillary campaign.

Why did senior Clinton campaign officials order their dirty tricks team to release the Trump tape this past Friday instead of the Friday before Election Day?

Dr. Lifson answers:

The leak of an old hot mic recording of a private conversation between a TV host and Trump probably was originally scheduled for the Friday before Election Day. But the Wikileaks revelations about Hillary could not be allowed to dominate the weekend pre-debate chatter.
An alternative explanation: The Clinton campaign believes that waiting to release the tape until the Friday before Election Day would be too late. The campaign believes that Trump stands a good chance of winning the remaining two debates, would build tremendous momentum, and would be virtually unstoppable. Releasing the tape so late would also smack of desperation and might be counterproductive, encouraging Trump supporters to turn out in even greater numbers.

The Clinton campaign calculated that releasing the tape a month ahead of time would have several advantages:

  1. Early voting is getting under way. Now is the time to hit Trump and persuade early voters to give up on him before he can recover
  2. MSM toadies will need more than a couple of days to spring into collective action and inflict maximum and possibly lasting damage on Trump
  3. Republicans who have opposed Trump all along need time to coalesce into a movement that would apply pressure on Trump to quit the race.

An 'old' recording. That's the funniest part of the above.

11 years old is quite old.

Exactly. He was only 60 years old at the time. Sometimes young people say immature things.

Fucking retard.

Can anyone in this forum follow your imbecile train of thought?

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