The Democrats’ Big Court Packing Plan Just Got Blown to Pieces

Yikes. Right wingers are about to pack the SC with conservative appointees and you're bitching about...what??
Please..make up your mind..and stop quoting alt-right media sources. :)

You scared, bro? :auiqs.jpg:

Do you know what Court Packing is ?

Yes, sweetheart. It's appointing conservative judges that will hand down rulings based on right wingers belief in a mythical sky pixie that thinks that individual choice is BAD!!!
Why?...Fear...of course.

Well, no...that isn't what Court Packing is.

Hard to imagine any adult is that ignorant.

You do fit the bill. :)
C'mon, tell me. What do you fear?
no you're either a moron or a troll, you never answer a do insults and then try to be's because you can't think for youself, if you don't have a talking point, you can't take the info you know and come up with your own original plan or thought.....we deal with lefties all the time.......

it's why lefties love chants...someone makes one up and all you have to do is chant it, you prob don't pay attention to what's in the're just a drone

For example, you called me alt right..what does that mean?

Well, let me insult you more...retard. Stacking the court involves placing appointees that you believe will rule in your favor...right or left to extend your agenda..whatever that may be.
Alt-right encompasses the hatred or dislike of anything/anyone who isn't white/heterosexual/Christian (leaning).

Got it? There will be a test shortly. :)
The conservative agenda is the Constitution.

That's why you hate it.

Nope. You hate it because the Constitution was intended by the founders to be a living, breathing document. Not the static Grail you want it to be. I think it's been amended 27 times since it was written?
That's conservatism's biggest failure. Just..can't..evolve.. :)

Is that your argument ? That amendments make it living and breathing ?
Yikes. Right wingers are about to pack the SC with conservative appointees and you're bitching about...what??
Please..make up your mind..and stop quoting alt-right media sources. :)

You scared, bro? :auiqs.jpg:

Do you know what Court Packing is ?

Yes, sweetheart. It's appointing conservative judges that will hand down rulings based on right wingers belief in a mythical sky pixie that thinks that individual choice is BAD!!!
Why?...Fear...of course.

Well, no...that isn't what Court Packing is.

Hard to imagine any adult is that ignorant.

You do fit the bill. :)
C'mon, tell me. What do you fear?
no you're either a moron or a troll, you never answer a do insults and then try to be's because you can't think for youself, if you don't have a talking point, you can't take the info you know and come up with your own original plan or thought.....we deal with lefties all the time.......

it's why lefties love chants...someone makes one up and all you have to do is chant it, you prob don't pay attention to what's in the're just a drone

For example, you called me alt right..what does that mean?

Well, let me insult you more...retard. Stacking the court involves placing appointees that you believe will rule in your favor...right or left to extend your agenda..whatever that may be.
Alt-right encompasses the hatred or dislike of anything/anyone who isn't white/heterosexual/Christian (leaning).

Got it? There will be a test shortly. :)
The conservative agenda is the Constitution.

That's why you hate it.

Nope. You hate it because the Constitution was intended by the founders to be a living, breathing document. Not the static Grail you want it to be. I think it's been amended 27 times since it was written?
That's conservatism's biggest failure. Just..can't..evolve.. :)

Is that your argument ? That amendments make it living and breathing ?
Odd, then, isn't it, how leftists seek to bypass the established process?

Well, not odd at all, really. They know their goals would never survive the process.
Yikes. Right wingers are about to pack the SC with conservative appointees and you're bitching about...what??
Please..make up your mind..and stop quoting alt-right media sources. :)

You scared, bro? :auiqs.jpg:

Do you know what Court Packing is ?

Yes, sweetheart. It's appointing conservative judges that will hand down rulings based on right wingers belief in a mythical sky pixie that thinks that individual choice is BAD!!!
Why?...Fear...of course.

Well, no...that isn't what Court Packing is.

Hard to imagine any adult is that ignorant.

You do fit the bill. :)
C'mon, tell me. What do you fear?
no you're either a moron or a troll, you never answer a do insults and then try to be's because you can't think for youself, if you don't have a talking point, you can't take the info you know and come up with your own original plan or thought.....we deal with lefties all the time.......

it's why lefties love chants...someone makes one up and all you have to do is chant it, you prob don't pay attention to what's in the're just a drone

For example, you called me alt right..what does that mean?

Well, let me insult you more...retard. Stacking the court involves placing appointees that you believe will rule in your favor...right or left to extend your agenda..whatever that may be.
Alt-right encompasses the hatred or dislike of anything/anyone who isn't white/heterosexual/Christian (leaning).

Got it? There will be a test shortly. :)
The conservative agenda is the Constitution.

That's why you hate it.

Nope. You hate it because the Constitution was intended by the founders to be a living, breathing document. Not the static Grail you want it to be. I think it's been amended 27 times since it was written?
That's conservatism's biggest failure. Just..can't..evolve.. :)

Is that your argument ? That amendments make it living and breathing ?
Odd, then, isn't it, how leftists seek to bypass the established process?

Well, not odd at all, really. They know their goals would never survive the process.
They NEED the court, because their shit wouldn't fly......the tranny stuff is one thing....putting trannys in their preferred prisons.....nice lets put dudes in a female prison, what could possibly go wrong there.....and they know it's a bad idea....they do it to spite normal middle class Americans, because they hate them, because the middle class doesn't want their socialist utopia bullshit.
Yikes. Right wingers are about to pack the SC with conservative appointees and you're bitching about...what??
Please..make up your mind..and stop quoting alt-right media sources. :)

You scared, bro? :auiqs.jpg:

Do you know what Court Packing is ?

Yes, sweetheart. It's appointing conservative judges that will hand down rulings based on right wingers belief in a mythical sky pixie that thinks that individual choice is BAD!!!
Why?...Fear...of course.

Well, no...that isn't what Court Packing is.

Hard to imagine any adult is that ignorant.

You do fit the bill. :)
C'mon, tell me. What do you fear?
no you're either a moron or a troll, you never answer a do insults and then try to be's because you can't think for youself, if you don't have a talking point, you can't take the info you know and come up with your own original plan or thought.....we deal with lefties all the time.......

it's why lefties love chants...someone makes one up and all you have to do is chant it, you prob don't pay attention to what's in the're just a drone

For example, you called me alt right..what does that mean?

Well, let me insult you more...retard. Stacking the court involves placing appointees that you believe will rule in your favor...right or left to extend your agenda..whatever that may be.
Alt-right encompasses the hatred or dislike of anything/anyone who isn't white/heterosexual/Christian (leaning).

Got it? There will be a test shortly. :)

Oh, I do...the left can nominate judges that are ideologically sympataco with liberal agenda, and the right is supposed to nominate someone with a liberal outlook, and or agenda...Quite the system
The left really does believe the right should shut up and endorse the leftist agenda.

And they react like toddlers told they can't have a new toy when the right doesn't perform as ordered.
Yeah they are so dumb, all the lefties on this board can't articulate thier position...they have to copy someone else's hilarious.....if you ask them what something means, they can't answer it......

I was arguing with a lefty who said the idea of a living breathing constitution was based on the amendment process......I couldn't stop was Jackofalltrades...the guy is a moron
Instead of court packing, congress should consider the Bill being introduced to change how the Courts are filled, and also enact a term limit on Supreme Court Justices.

Granted it would take many years for this to work as it would not impact any Justice currently seated, however it should allow the courts over time to not be packed by one party. The one change I would make to the suggest bill is only one Justice pick for every four years a president serves instead of the two suggested in the bill. The bill would likely require a change to the Constitution, which will require bi-partisan support across the country.
Whether the Democrats pack the court or not depends on the actions of the court.

We may say that justices are conservative or liberal, but most are more interested in judicial integrity than partisan politics. They usually try to balance the court...which is why Roberts has been voting 'liberal' quite a lot.

If the decisions of the USSC in the next few years are outrageously partisan, then you can count on Democrats packing the court. If decisions are reasonably sound then they won't pack the court.
Whether the Democrats pack the court or not depends on the actions of the court.

We may say that justices are conservative or liberal, but most are more interested in judicial integrity than partisan politics. They usually try to balance the court...which is why Roberts has been voting 'liberal' quite a lot.

If the decisions of the USSC in the next few years are outrageously partisan, then you can count on Democrats packing the court. If decisions are reasonably sound then they won't pack the court.
Democrats don't want reasonably sound decisions. They want a rubber stamp.
Whether the Democrats pack the court or not depends on the actions of the court.

We may say that justices are conservative or liberal, but most are more interested in judicial integrity than partisan politics. They usually try to balance the court...which is why Roberts has been voting 'liberal' quite a lot.

If the decisions of the USSC in the next few years are outrageously partisan, then you can count on Democrats packing the court. If decisions are reasonably sound then they won't pack the court.
Democrats don't want reasonably sound decisions. They want a rubber stamp.
That says "Free stuff".
Yikes. Right wingers are about to pack the SC with conservative appointees and you're bitching about...what??
Please..make up your mind..and stop quoting alt-right media sources. :)

You scared, bro? :auiqs.jpg: don't really understand what the term "packing the court" you, Jack?
Yikes. Right wingers are about to pack the SC with conservative appointees and you're bitching about...what??
Please..make up your mind..and stop quoting alt-right media sources. :)

You scared, bro? :auiqs.jpg:

Do you know what Court Packing is ?

Yes, sweetheart. It's appointing conservative judges that will hand down rulings based on right wingers belief in a mythical sky pixie that thinks that individual choice is BAD!!!
Why?...Fear...of course.

Well, no...that isn't what Court Packing is.

Hard to imagine any adult is that ignorant.

If you find that hard to imagine, you clearly don't know enough leftists.
Yikes. Right wingers are about to pack the SC with conservative appointees and you're bitching about...what??
Please..make up your mind..and stop quoting alt-right media sources. :)

You scared, bro? :auiqs.jpg:

The Left leadership has BRAZENLY said they would do this.

What the hell is wrong with you???

In response to the right wings BRAZEN, deliberate attempt at stacking the court.
I'm sorry, what the hell is wrong with you??

You obviously dont understand the topic.
Yikes. Right wingers are about to pack the SC with conservative appointees and you're bitching about...what??
Please..make up your mind..and stop quoting alt-right media sources. :)

You scared, bro? :auiqs.jpg:

Do you know what Court Packing is ?

Yes, sweetheart. It's appointing conservative judges that will hand down rulings based on right wingers belief in a mythical sky pixie that thinks that individual choice is BAD!!!
Why?...Fear...of course.

Do you expect Republicans to put liberals in the SC while in power?
Yikes. Right wingers are about to pack the SC with conservative appointees and you're bitching about...what??
Please..make up your mind..and stop quoting alt-right media sources. :)

You scared, bro? :auiqs.jpg: don't really understand what the term "packing the court" you, Jack?

I'm guessing he thinks it's sexual.
Yikes. Right wingers are about to pack the SC with conservative appointees and you're bitching about...what??
Please..make up your mind..and stop quoting alt-right media sources. :)

You scared, bro? :auiqs.jpg:

Do you know what Court Packing is ?

Yes, sweetheart. It's appointing conservative judges that will hand down rulings based on right wingers belief in a mythical sky pixie that thinks that individual choice is BAD!!!
Why?...Fear...of course.

Well, no...that isn't what Court Packing is.

Hard to imagine any adult is that ignorant.

You do fit the bill. :)
C'mon, tell me. What do you fear?

You keep saying that when it appears you're the one shitting your pants.
Yikes. Right wingers are about to pack the SC with conservative appointees and you're bitching about...what??
Please..make up your mind..and stop quoting alt-right media sources. :)

You scared, bro? :auiqs.jpg:
Packing the court refers to adding to the number of justices so you can appoint more of them without waiting on someone to die. The Republicans are not packing the court, they are taking advantage of a justice dying to replace her with one more to their liking. Big difference.

Swell. Splitting hairs. LOL. You checked on Thomas lately? :)
Nope. Adding justices that have similar views as the president is a time honored tradition, has been going on for a long time. Adding more seats to the court, however, for the sole purpose of bumping up the number of ideological appointments is not, and FDR was rightly slapped down for trying. And why would I check on Thomas? Is he going to retire and give TRUMP! yet another appointment?

Methinks Dimbulb there doesn't know the names of most of the Supreme Court Justices, let alone their ages, and so doesn't realize that Thomas isn't the oldest Justice; Breyer is.
Yikes. Right wingers are about to pack the SC with conservative appointees and you're bitching about...what??
Please..make up your mind..and stop quoting alt-right media sources. :)

You scared, bro? :auiqs.jpg:

Do you know what Court Packing is ?

Yes, sweetheart. It's appointing conservative judges that will hand down rulings based on right wingers belief in a mythical sky pixie that thinks that individual choice is BAD!!!
Why?...Fear...of course.

Well, no...that isn't what Court Packing is.

Hard to imagine any adult is that ignorant.

You do fit the bill. :)
C'mon, tell me. What do you fear?
no you're either a moron or a troll, you never answer a do insults and then try to be's because you can't think for youself, if you don't have a talking point, you can't take the info you know and come up with your own original plan or thought.....we deal with lefties all the time.......

it's why lefties love chants...someone makes one up and all you have to do is chant it, you prob don't pay attention to what's in the're just a drone

For example, you called me alt right..what does that mean?

Well, let me insult you more...retard. Stacking the court involves placing appointees that you believe will rule in your favor...right or left to extend your agenda..whatever that may be.
Alt-right encompasses the hatred or dislike of anything/anyone who isn't white/heterosexual/Christian (leaning).

Got it? There will be a test shortly. :)

Are you really this stupid in person?
Yikes. Right wingers are about to pack the SC with conservative appointees and you're bitching about...what??
Please..make up your mind..and stop quoting alt-right media sources. :)

You scared, bro? :auiqs.jpg: don't really understand what the term "packing the court" you, Jack?

I'm guessing he thinks it's sexual.
Instead of court packing, congress should consider the Bill being introduced to change how the Courts are filled, and also enact a term limit on Supreme Court Justices.

Granted it would take many years for this to work as it would not impact any Justice currently seated, however it should allow the courts over time to not be packed by one party. The one change I would make to the suggest bill is only one Justice pick for every four years a president serves instead of the two suggested in the bill. The bill would likely require a change to the Constitution, which will require bi-partisan support across the country.

Why the sudden need for rule changes?
Yikes. Right wingers are about to pack the SC with conservative appointees and you're bitching about...what??
Please..make up your mind..and stop quoting alt-right media sources. :)

You scared, bro? :auiqs.jpg:

Do you know what Court Packing is ?

Yes, sweetheart. It's appointing conservative judges that will hand down rulings based on right wingers belief in a mythical sky pixie that thinks that individual choice is BAD!!!
Why?...Fear...of course.

Well, no...that isn't what Court Packing is.

Hard to imagine any adult is that ignorant.

You do fit the bill. :)
C'mon, tell me. What do you fear?
no you're either a moron or a troll, you never answer a do insults and then try to be's because you can't think for youself, if you don't have a talking point, you can't take the info you know and come up with your own original plan or thought.....we deal with lefties all the time.......

it's why lefties love chants...someone makes one up and all you have to do is chant it, you prob don't pay attention to what's in the're just a drone

For example, you called me alt right..what does that mean?

Well, let me insult you more...retard. Stacking the court involves placing appointees that you believe will rule in your favor...right or left to extend your agenda..whatever that may be.
Alt-right encompasses the hatred or dislike of anything/anyone who isn't white/heterosexual/Christian (leaning).

Got it? There will be a test shortly. :)

Oh, I do...the left can nominate judges that are ideologically sympataco with liberal agenda, and the right is supposed to nominate someone with a liberal outlook, and or agenda...Quite the system
The left really does believe the right should shut up and endorse the leftist agenda.

And they react like toddlers told they can't have a new toy when the right doesn't perform as ordered.

Absolutely....I just hope for once Republicans can stand up to it, and do the right thing here.

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