The Democrats President?

From the OP link...

2) Gave a no-bid contract to Halliburton – just like Bush did

In May 2010, it was reported that the Obama administration had selected KBR, a former subsidiary of Halliburton, for a no-bid contract worth as much as $568 million through 2011, just hours after the Justice Department had said it would pursue a lawsuit accusing the Houston-based company of using kickbacks to get foreign contracts.

3) Has an administration full of lobbyists, after promising he wouldn’t have any

While running for President, Obama had promised that, unlike Bush, he would not have any lobbyists working in his administration. However, by February 2010, he had more than 40 lobbyists working in his administration.

Read more at Obama supporters will go hysterical over this well sourced list of 252 examples of his lying, lawbreaking, corruption, cronyism, etc.
Friend to the unions... unless.

18) Stole money from retired teachers and police officers

During the Chrysler bankruptcy, Obama violated the Fifth Amendment and more than 150 years of bankruptcy law by illegally treating secured creditorsworse than unsecured creditors. Some of these secured creditors were retired teachers and police officers from Indiana. Richard A. Epstein, a law professor at New York University School of Law, wrote, “Upsetting this fixed hierarchy among creditors is just an illegal taking of property from one group of creditors for the benefit of another, which should be struck down on both statutory and constitutional grounds.” Todd Zywicki, Professor of Law at George Mason University School of Law, wrote that Obama’s treatment of secured creditors was “dangerous to the rule of law.” The Economist wrotethat Obama’s actions could “establish a terrible precedent. Bankruptcy exists to sort legal claims on assets. If it becomes a tool of social policy, who will then lend to struggling firms in which the government has a political interest?” Francis Cianfrocca, the CEO of Bayshore Networks, wrote that Obama’s actions were “an astonishingly reckless abrogation of contract law that will introduce a new level of uncertainty into business transactions at all levels, and make wealth generation more difficult going forward… An extraordinary uncertainty has been created when the most powerful man in the world can rewrite contracts and choose winners and losers in private negotiations as he sees fit. Since this is an unquantifiable uncertainty, and not a quantifiable risk, its effect on business and investor confidence will be large and unpredictable. As in the 1930s, a time when government also cavalierly rewrote private contracts, the prudent approach for business will be to invest minimally and wait for another administration.”

Read more at Obama supporters will go hysterical over this well sourced list of 252 examples of his lying, lawbreaking, corruption, cronyism, etc.
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-----------------anybody here from Chicago?

17) Ordered private company to fire 1,000 employees

In 2011, after Boeing had hired 1,000 new employees to work at its new factory in South Carolina, the Obama administration ordered Boeing to shut down the factory, because the factory was non-union.

172) Rewarded one of his biggest campaign fundraisers by nominating him for the ambassadorship to Canada

In April 2013, it was reported that Obama had nominated Bruce Heyman to be the ambassador to Canada. During Obama’s election campaign, Heyman had raised more than $1 million for Obama.

Read more at Obama supporters will go hysterical over this well sourced list of 252 examples of his lying, lawbreaking, corruption, cronyism, etc.
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There are 252 after-all


20) Illegally put thousands of guns into hands of criminals

In Operation Fast and Furious, the Obama administration ordered gun storeowners to illegally sell thousands of guns to criminals.

21) Fired Inspector General for discovering that Obama’s friend had embezzled government funds

In June 2009, Obama fired Inspector General Gerald Walpin, after Walpin accused Sacramento mayor Kevin Johnson, an Obama supporter, of misuse of AmeriCorps funding to pay for school-board political activities. In a letter to Congress, the White House said that Walpin was fired because he was “confused, disoriented, unable to answer questions and exhibited other behavior that led the Board to question his capacity to serve.” A bipartisan group of 145 current and former public officials, attorneys, and legal scholarssigned a letter that was sent to the White House, which defended Walpin, said the criticisms of him were not true, and said that his firing was politically motivated. The letter can be read here.

Read more at Obama supporters will go hysterical over this well sourced list of 252 examples of his lying, lawbreaking, corruption, cronyism, etc.

I have read the first 50 or so, and this is a very well put together list. Not full of hysteria and over the top rhetoric. It also sources everything. The author clearly worked his ass off collecting all of this material.

Excellent post, excellent topic. Thank you very much! My only regret is that I can't rep you more than once.
Are telling me Obama lied his way into office, then showed himself to be nothing more than another corrupt politician afterwards? I'm shocked, I tell ya. Shocked!
Are telling me Obama lied his way into office, then showed himself to be nothing more than another corrupt politician afterwards? I'm shocked, I tell ya. Shocked!

I think quite a few people believe this based solely on the D after his name, and would fail miserably at supporting their claims. There is a big difference between being a mindless drone and a critical thinker.

A mindless political drone is like an overly emotional Christian. The first crisis of their faith that comes along destroys them and they become degenerates. Lying and hypocrisy become a way of life.

The person who put the article together should never be lumped with the piss pouring demagogues which dominate the conservative landscape today.
Long read, but well worth the time. There is no disputing any of the facts the author laid out, though I expect some liberals to try anyway. It will be the usual tactics where they attack source, call the author racist or extreme and then bash Bush to change the subject. Plenty of people are well aware of Obama's blatant disregard of the constitution and his desire to follow Alinsky's method to fundamentally change this country. They go along because they approve of the endgame, which is a socialist America. Others are just plain stupid and are willing to adopt the same socialism that has failed each and every time it's been attempted because they think it means they stay on the receiving end of other peoples' money.

As for the middle class, who is not on the receiving end of the government redistribution and not part of the government bureaucracy that is doing the stealing, they don't like getting screwed. I hope that causes people to get out and vote next time. Only a dismal 29% voted in the last presidential election. I hope the silent majority isn't as stupid as sheeple.
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I have read the first 50 or so, and this is a very well put together list. Not full of hysteria and over the top rhetoric. It also sources everything. The author clearly worked his ass off collecting all of this material.

Excellent post, excellent topic. Thank you very much! My only regret is that I can't rep you more than once.

(clear out your P.M's so I can thank you for the rep) ..I was funny and everything..:lol:
Are telling me Obama lied his way into office, then showed himself to be nothing more than another corrupt politician afterwards? I'm shocked, I tell ya. Shocked!


I thought you were a Democrat, why would you be shocked...Shocked?
There are 252 after-all


20) Illegally put thousands of guns into hands of criminals

In Operation Fast and Furious, the Obama administration ordered gun storeowners to illegally sell thousands of guns to criminals.

21) Fired Inspector General for discovering that Obama’s friend had embezzled government funds

In June 2009, Obama fired Inspector General Gerald Walpin, after Walpin accused Sacramento mayor Kevin Johnson, an Obama supporter, of misuse of AmeriCorps funding to pay for school-board political activities. In a letter to Congress, the White House said that Walpin was fired because he was “confused, disoriented, unable to answer questions and exhibited other behavior that led the Board to question his capacity to serve.” A bipartisan group of 145 current and former public officials, attorneys, and legal scholarssigned a letter that was sent to the White House, which defended Walpin, said the criticisms of him were not true, and said that his firing was politically motivated. The letter can be read here.

Read more at Obama supporters will go hysterical over this well sourced list of 252 examples of his lying, lawbreaking, corruption, cronyism, etc.

I have to agree with g5000, sweetheart. Good job...well done. I am sure conservatives will be the only group that can not find excuses for them all.
Fat Cats get the lovin..

15) Avoided prosecution of Wall. St criminals

Although Obama had promised to prosecute Wall St. criminals, during his entire first term, his administration did not file any criminal charges against any of the top financial executives.

26) Had “off the record” meetings with lobbyists

In June 2010, the New York Times reported that Obama administration officials had held hundreds of meetings with lobbyists at coffee houses near the White House, in order to avoid the disclosure requirements for White House visitors, and that these meetings “reveal a disconnect between the Obama administration’s public rhetoric — with Mr. Obama himself frequently thrashing big industries’ ‘battalions’ of lobbyists as enemies of reform — and the administration’s continuing, private dealings with them.”

Read more at Obama supporters will go hysterical over this well sourced list of 252 examples of his lying, lawbreaking, corruption, cronyism, etc.
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  • Thanks
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Only Aaron responds and he doesn't even try to defend the lies, he just accepts them as part of his life.

Very nice article, well put and factual. Hard to argue with the facts.

I have read the first 50 or so, and this is a very well put together list. Not full of hysteria and over the top rhetoric. It also sources everything. The author clearly worked his ass off collecting all of this material.

Excellent post, excellent topic. Thank you very much! My only regret is that I can't rep you more than once.

I hate to see you suffering, think of me as an "unfunded liability" that actually gets payed down over time, so rare these days..:lol:

Just kidding around, it was a fortunate find and I'm more that satisfied...:eusa_dance:

I have read the first 50 or so, and this is a very well put together list. Not full of hysteria and over the top rhetoric. It also sources everything. The author clearly worked his ass off collecting all of this material.

Excellent post, excellent topic. Thank you very much! My only regret is that I can't rep you more than once.
Are telling me Obama lied his way into office, then showed himself to be nothing more than another corrupt politician afterwards? I'm shocked, I tell ya. Shocked!
And one whom was groomed by those that mean to destroy this Republic...And I'll say this? He doesn't care. Agenda is everything...and that means talking even his own party out. His party bretheren...had better wise up and reject him.
long read, but well worth the time. There is no disputing any of the facts the author laid out, though i expect some liberals to try anyway. It will be the usual tactics where they attack source, call the author racist or extreme and then bash bush to change the subject. Plenty of people are well aware of obama's blatant disregard of the constitution and his desire to follow alinsky's method to fundamentally change this country. They go along because they approve of the endgame, which is a socialist america. Others are just plain stupid and are willing to adopt the same socialism that has failed each and every time it's been attempted because they think it means they stay on the receiving end of other peoples' money.

As for the middle class, who is not on the receiving end of the government redistribution and not part of the government bureaucracy that is doing the stealing, they don't like getting screwed. I hope that causes people to get out and vote next time. Only a dismal 29% voted in the last presidential election. I hope the silent majority isn't as stupid as sheeple.

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