The Democrats / Snowflakes Hate.... Name the Last Thing Dems Did For Americans, Not Party


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Being reminded that Obama, Hillary, Holder, and Mueller helped the Russians acquire US Uranium
Being reminded that Obama broke a US promise to an ally and 'gave' Crimea to Putin
Being reminded that Obama knew about Russian interference and activity and let it continue for 2 years
That Obama's conspiratorial 'Watergate' / coup attempt against Trump failed and was exposed
Bring reminded Hillary rigged primaries, cheated in debates, and failed to win the DNC nomination
Being reminded the FBI declared Hillary broke laws before declaring they would not recommend indictment
The fact that Hillary lost the 2016 election
The fact that Trump won the election
The fact that after 2 years Mueller and the Democrats still have zero 'witch hunt' evidence
The fact that Trump delivered the strongest economy in decades
The fact that Trump delivered the lowest unemployment in decades
The fact that Trump delivered the lowest minority unemployment in recorded history
The fact that Trump delivered the most Americans working at one time ever
The fact that Trump brought back manufacturing jobs Obama said it would never return to the US
The fact that Trump delivered more jobs, more full-time jobs, higher raises, and bonuses
The fact that more Americans have gotten off of Welfare, Unemployment, and Food Stamps
The fact that more Americans have become less dependent on the government and Democrats.
The Fact that their attempts to Destroy Kavanaugh / deny him the USSC Justice seat / stop Trump failed


The day after President Trump won the Democrats declared to the world that they were 100% committed to Obstructing anything and everything the GOP and President tried to do for the country.
- No declaration that they would try to work with the GOP for the good of the country. Nope - they announced they would engage in nothing but OBSTRUCTION for the good of the PARTY! (Sounds like an admission of intent to commit Conspiracy, Sabotage, Sedition, and 'Treason' to me...)

For the last 2 years Democrats have remained true to their word, seeking to sabotage and undermine everything the GOP and President has tried to do(....and despite all of that the President keeps on WINNING).

For the last 2 years the Democrats have continued to pursue their now-proven Conspiracy / coup attempt through the bogus witch hunt, providing no evidence of crimes regarding illegal collusion with Russians...except those committed by Democrats.

Just recently the Democrats suffered another conspiratorial loss by failing in their attempted 'Herman Cain'ing of Justice Kavanaugh.

In the wake of another defeat the Democrats have added to their promises of raising taxes, eliminating jobs, driving manufacturing jobs back over seas, returning unemployment rates to Obama Era numbers, forcing more Americans back onto Welfare, Unemployment, and Food stamps, the additional promises of Impeaching the President and Justice Kavanaugh despite having no evidence of any crimes perpetrated by either one.

Can anyone even name the last thing Democrats actually did for the country / Americans, to make their lives better....anything other than working /scheming / conspiring / perjuring / obstructing justice for the last several years for their own party with their focused goal of getting power back and exacting their 'revenge' of the GOP, Trump, and the American people who 'betrayed' them by taking power away from them?

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I'd have to dig back to Grover Cleveland to find anything.
Nothing in this century, that's for sure. Under Obama that party became the most extreme vessel of American self-hatred I've ever seen in my life. Democrats are all about selling out to the rest of the world at America's expense, they're obsessed with shaming this country for its "sins."
Well, you have Jon Tester lying about Ronnie Jackson who lost his gig with the VA. oh bad
Nothing in this century, that's for sure. Under Obama that party became the most extreme vessel of American self-hatred I've ever seen in my life. Democrats are all about selling out to the rest of the world at America's expense, they're obsessed with shaming this country for its "sins."
Yup, you have to dummy down the US to get them in line with the rest of the third world countries for globalization.
Nothing in this century, that's for sure. Under Obama that party became the most extreme vessel of American self-hatred I've ever seen in my life. Democrats are all about selling out to the rest of the world at America's expense, they're obsessed with shaming this country for its "sins."
Yup, you have to dummy down the US to get them in line with the rest of the third world countries for globalization.

Believe me, I've known that for years. The Democrats live in this fantasy world in which 3rd worlders are these noble, innocent, saint-like magical pixies who can do no wrong, with America being the ultimate bogeyman exploiting these poor little dears, despite their gargantuan violent crime rates and literacy rates lower than their average lifespan....when the fact is, the reason why the third world is third world is because they don't have the I.Q. and values to create a functional society. But no, liberals have to wallow in masochistic guilt and automatically blame America for every single problem in a non-American's miserable, failed life.

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