The Democrats Want Higher Taxes And Have The Public Option Back On The Table


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Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
They say when your enemy is eating himself alive the best thing to do is pass the salt.


They can't admit to it because of Obama's promise to cut taxes for 95% of us....but most of the Dems still want to boost our taxes and now they've been looking at bringing back the Public Option again. They've been talking about it for a few weeks now.
There are some Democrats calling for keeping the Bush tax-cuts but they seem to be the ones that are the most in trouble in their states.

More Democrats Call for Keeping Tax Cuts -

House Progressives Push Reid To Put Public Option Back On Table


Now they're floating stories that support their attempts.

CBO: Public health option would save $68 billion through 2020 - The Hill's Healthwatch

CBO: Public health option would save $68 billion through 2020
By Julian Pecquet - 07/22/10 11:16 AM ET

Creating a public option that all Americans could choose would save $68 billion through 2020, according to a new analysis by the Congressional Budget Office.

The analysis was included in a letter to Rep. Pete Stark (D-Calif.), who along with Reps. Lynn Woolsey (D-Calif.) and Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.) is introducing a bill this week creating a public option in the state exchanges that start in 2014.

The new CBO report scores lower savings than the public options discussed during the healthcare reform debate because they were tied to legislation that differs from the law that was enacted in March.

The bill has more than 100 Democratic co-sponsors but faces strong opposition from the insurance industry, and physicians and hospitals worried that it would bring down payment rates.
wonder why they think anyone would believe the CBO?

they're so fucking stupid.

This is a hoot. EVUL HMOs and the Medical System are ranked higher than Congress and the Medical System ranks higher than the Presidency.

And we're supposed to trust Congress and Obama to reform a Medical System in which people have more confidence than them?
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Putting the public option in to action would be a fantastic idea. A real way to lower costs for everyone. We should be so lucky that a real public option passes. I wont hold my breath though.
This is an election-year tactic. Whether they win or lose on this bill the real purpose is to energize their base for November.

They're still poised to loose regardless of effort. It's inevitable with so many seats they hold.
Putting the public option in to action would be a fantastic idea. A real way to lower costs for everyone. We should be so lucky that a real public option passes. I wont hold my breath though.

Yes because we all know that when government gives it away, it suddenly becomes FREE. Right?
You fucking ignorant turd. Public option will result in rationing health care. It has to. There is no other alternative.
Does this surprise anyone? How many hours did we waste trying to convince the Obamabots that this was simply a bait and switch. They are liars and frauds. Remember when you vote.
Just like Social Security and Medicare, right?

Uh, no. You may have noticed in your paycheck that Medicare Part A is funded through a payroll tax on people who aren't using it. Part B is partially funded through premiums, which cover about 25% of its costs.

The public health insurance option, on the other hand, is required by statute to cover all of its costs by charging premiums.
Just like Social Security and Medicare, right?

Uh, no. You may have noticed in your paycheck that Medicare Part A is funded through a payroll tax on people who aren't using it. Part B is partially funded through premiums, which cover about 25% of its costs.

The public health insurance option, on the other hand, is required by statute to cover all of its costs by charging premiums.

Just like they promised SS and Medicare. We get it. Do you?
Just like Social Security and Medicare, right?

Uh, no. You may have noticed in your paycheck that Medicare Part A is funded through a payroll tax on people who aren't using it. Part B is partially funded through premiums, which cover about 25% of its costs.

The public health insurance option, on the other hand, is required by statute to cover all of its costs by charging premiums.

Just like they promised SS and Medicare. We get it. Do you?

FICA taxes were introduced in 1937 and they were raised in 1965 to cover the costs of Medicare. Medicare was never supposed to be funded entirely by premiums.
Medicare was never supposed to be funded entirely by premiums.

And neither is the public option. It may start out that way, but it will eventually morph into another government entitlement program that we can't afford. It'll become another political wedge issue. The Democrats will start crying that the poorest can't afford even the public option and that they should get subsidies or get it for free, blah, blah, blah, and then it turns into every other entitlement program in this country. Other people start carrying the weight for other people. In the end it will put the health care industry 100% under government control, which is what the Socialists want anyway.

We aren't stupid.
And neither is the public option.

Actually, it is. It's right there in black and white. You can't argue that it's not intended to be paid through premiums since the bill clearly says that it is.

The Democrats will start crying that the poorest can't afford even the public option and that they should get subsidies or get it for free

You're not very familiar with the law already on the books, are you?

In the end it will put the health care industry 100% under government control, which is what the Socialists want anyway.

The public option would be a payer, not a provider.
And neither is the public option.

Actually, it is. It's right there in black and white. You can't argue that it's not intended to be paid through premiums since the bill clearly says that it is.

The Democrats will start crying that the poorest can't afford even the public option and that they should get subsidies or get it for free

You're not very familiar with the law already on the books, are you?

In the end it will put the health care industry 100% under government control, which is what the Socialists want anyway.

The public option would be a payer, not a provider.

There is no difference.
Social Security was supposed to be paid for out of premiums. Fannie/Freddie were supposed ot be paid for out of profits.
Virtually every "cost free" government program has ended up costing taxpayers billions if not trillions of dollars. Please cite one that hasnt.

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