The Dem's answer to Sarah Palin"


Gold Member
Dec 2, 2012
When the left wants a great looking woman to stand up in front of a crowd and bring them to their feet, they get one with a Harvard degree, a goal and the stamina to filibuster for 12 hours on the senate floor and turn Texas on its ear.

Not some quitter from Alaska who got where she is today on her back with PAC money and a map full of cross-hair targets of left wing congress members.


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ummmok, so now they use a woman just for her looks...her uterus isn't enough?
When the left wants a great looking woman to stand up in front of a crowd and bring them to their feet, they get one with a Harvard degree, a goal and the stamina to filibuster for 12 hours on the senate floor and turn Texas on its ear.

Not some quitter from Alaska who got where she is today on her back with PAC money and a map full of cross-hair targets of left wing congress members.


She is an upgrade from Sandra Fluke..... A 30 something law student at $140k Catholic University who wanted the taxpayer to foot the bill so she can get laid.
When the left wants a great looking woman to stand up in front of a crowd and bring them to their feet, they get one with a Harvard degree, a goal and the stamina to filibuster for 12 hours on the senate floor and turn Texas on its ear.

Not some quitter from Alaska who got where she is today on her back with PAC money and a map full of cross-hair targets of left wing congress members.


how do you know this woman didn't get where she is from being on her back? so now the filibuster is wonderful? we thought you lefties were against those, or just when a republican does it I guess..and so she went to Harvard, is that code that we should all bow down to her?

you on the left are some shallow people
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she looks like a hussy and need's a new bra if she's going to show those things

so she stood up for late term abortions, being able to kill a full term baby...what a woman
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Liberal adj.
2. Free from prejudice or bigotry, open-minded, tolerant, not bound by traditional ideas, values, etc., characterized by generosity and willingness to give in large amounts.

This is too funny seeing as how liberals are the most prejudiced, bigoted, close minded and intolerant sons a bitches on the planet.
When the left wants a great looking woman to stand up in front of a crowd and bring them to their feet, they get one with a Harvard degree, a goal and the stamina to filibuster for 12 hours on the senate floor and turn Texas on its ear.

Not some quitter from Alaska who got where she is today on her back with PAC money and a map full of cross-hair targets of left wing congress members.


When the left wants a great looking woman to stand up in front of a crowd and bring them to their feet, they get.....

[ame=]Helen Thomas tells Jews to go back to Germany - YouTube[/ame]
When the left wants a great looking woman to stand up in front of a crowd and bring them to their feet, they get one with a Harvard degree, a goal and the stamina to filibuster for 12 hours on the senate floor and turn Texas on its ear.

Not some quitter from Alaska who got where she is today on her back with PAC money and a map full of cross-hair targets of left wing congress members.


She is an upgrade from Sandra Fluke..... A 30 something law student at $140k Catholic University who wanted the taxpayer to foot the bill so she can get laid.

I guess you don't understand what she was doing or anything about the bill she was trying to block from passing in Texas....

But you are an excellent sock puppet for The Oxycodone King of Florida.
Liberal adj.
2. Free from prejudice or bigotry, open-minded, tolerant, not bound by traditional ideas, values, etc., characterized by generosity and willingness to give in large amounts.

This is too funny seeing as how liberals are the most prejudiced, bigoted, close minded and intolerant sons a bitches on the planet.

I'd pay attention to who wants to defund Planned Parenthood, keep gays in the closet and make sure black people can't vote in any election ever again.

They are the same people who outsource jobs at a faster pace than they can pay their illegal lawn service guy to blow their driveways and clean their pools, all the while saying we need to shoot Mexicans at the border and "build the damn fence".
Liberal adj.
2. Free from prejudice or bigotry, open-minded, tolerant, not bound by traditional ideas, values, etc., characterized by generosity and willingness to give in large amounts.

This is too funny seeing as how liberals are the most prejudiced, bigoted, close minded and intolerant sons a bitches on the planet.

I'd pay attention to who wants to defund Planned Parenthood, keep gays in the closet and make sure black people can't vote in any election ever again.

They are the same people who outsource jobs at a faster pace than they can pay their illegal lawn service guy to blow their driveways and clean their pools,
all the while saying we need to shoot Mexicans at the border and
"build the damn fence

you have all the talking points down...and some too stupid to take seriously...we need to shoot Mexicans..
you should know what you are talking about instead of being a parrot..:eusa_shhh:
Haven't the last two presidents had degrees from Harvard? Think about that.
When the left wants a great looking woman to stand up in front of a crowd and bring them to their feet, they get one with a Harvard degree, a goal and the stamina to filibuster for 12 hours on the senate floor and turn Texas on its ear.

Not some quitter from Alaska who got where she is today on her back with PAC money and a map full of cross-hair targets of left wing congress members.


how do you know this woman didn't get where she is from being on her back? so now the filibuster is wonderful? we thought you lefties were against those, or just when a republican does it I guess..and so she went to Harvard, is that code that we should all bow down to her?

you on the left are some shallow people

And obviously from your comments you didn't bother to read a word about her outside of my post.
she looks like a hussy and need's a new bra if she's going to show those things

so she stood up for late term abortions, being able to kill a full term baby...what a woman took one post for you to look like a hypocrite in this thread.
Why do you hate women stepth? You that ugly?
Liberal adj.
2. Free from prejudice or bigotry, open-minded, tolerant, not bound by traditional ideas, values, etc., characterized by generosity and willingness to give in large amounts.

This is too funny seeing as how liberals are the most prejudiced, bigoted, close minded and intolerant sons a bitches on the planet.

I'd pay attention to who wants to defund Planned Parenthood, keep gays in the closet and make sure black people can't vote in any election ever again.

They are the same people who outsource jobs at a faster pace than they can pay their illegal lawn service guy to blow their driveways and clean their pools, all the while saying we need to shoot Mexicans at the border and "build the damn fence".

Planned Parenthood is a Liberal Organization, started by a Eugencists and set up to eliminate the black race

"...apply a stern and rigid policy of sterilization and segregation to that grade of population whose progeny is tainted, or whose inheritance is such that objectionable traits may be transmitted to offspring."

"We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members."
Haven't the last two presidents had degrees from Harvard? Think about that.

One was earned and the other paid for by a rich daddy.
One of them was a C student and the other was president of the Harvard Law Review.
Care to guess which?

which one has his college records sealed?

no one knows how obama paid his college bills.
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