The Dems' Desperation To Rewrite History

Someone in another thread wanted a Republican racist to be named. My response was that the left would name George Wallace. Funny stuff. Not sure what the article of the OP states, I try not to read stuff where one side is trying to tell me what the other side thinks.

The answer is; Name almost any Republican politician.
You meant to say CONSERVATIVES were killing liberals and African/Americans right? is pretty clear it was democrats killing republicans and African Americans...and then their young ones, obama and the clintons have moved on to taking control of all Americans...from the democrat party...

You may have to read this slowly...the democrat party owned the slaves, wanted to restart the slave trade with Africa, wanted slavery in the newly joining states, and when Republicans forced democrats to free their slaves at gun point ((probably one of the reasons democrats hate guns) they started the kkk, jim crow, lynching and church bombings...and then...when African Americans still went out to vote...the democrats decided they needed to change tactics...and to hide the fact that they were the party of racism...

WEIRD how conservatives want to take credit for LIBERAL/PROGRESSIVE GOPers... NO HONESTY. EVER

I know, conservatives fought for blacks and equal rights? lol
How Reagan Was Compromised - Forbes

In 1982, Reagan agreed to increase some excise taxes on a promise from House Speaker Tip O’Neill that every dollar increase in tax revenue would be matched by 3 dollars in spending cuts. Famously, O’Neill reneged. So much for compromise: When later asked again to raise some taxes, Reagan would reply, “I’m still waiting for those spending cuts.”

yeah, democrat tip o'neill was the leader in the House of Representatives...where all money bills...that is like the budget too...must originate...
The article, btw, is brilliant,

mostly because it elaborates on exactly what people like myself have been trying to explain to you ineducable fools for years.

Here's the truth

The Conservative Fantasy History of Civil Rights -- NYMag

The civil rights movement was never a far left wing movement. More revisionist history.

"The mainstream, and correct, history of the politics of civil rights is as follows. Southern white supremacy operated out of the Democratic Party beginning in the nineteenth century, but the party began attracting northern liberals, including African-Americans, into an ideologically cumbersome coalition. Over time the liberals prevailed, forcing the Democratic Party to support civil rights, and driving conservative (and especially southern) whites out, where they realigned with the Republican Party."

That summarized it perfectly from OnePercenter's link.
An oversimplification based on hyper partisanship from one of the biggest poseurs of this board.

Bloviating without an answer. The Koch Brothers will be proud!
Liberal or Conservative?
Wallace was a progressive.
Bull Shit, Wallace was so Conservative he offered to run as VP with Goldwater.

I don't mean to be a bother but I did do a google search and failed to find evidence of what you posted. Would it be too much trouble to ask for your source? BTW did Wallace run with Goldwater?
The 1964 unpledged elector slate[edit]

In 1964, Alabama Republicans stood to benefit from the unintended consequences of two developments: (1) Governor Wallace vacating the race for the Democratic presidential nomination against President Johnson, and (2) the designation of unpledged Democratic electors in Alabama, in effect removing President Johnson from the general election ballot. Prior to the 1964 Republican National Convention in San Francisco, Wallace and his aides Bill Jones and Seymore Trammell met in the Jefferson Davis Hotel in Montgomery with Alabama Republican leader James D. Martin, who had narrowly lost the U.S. Senate election in 1962 to J. Lister Hill. Wallace and his aides sought to determine if Barry M. Goldwater, the forthcoming GOP presidential nominee who as a senator from Arizona had voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964 on libertarian and constitutional grounds, would advocate repeal of the law, particularly the public accommodations and equal employment sections. Bill Jones indicated that Wallace agreed with Goldwater's anti-communist stance but opposed the Republican's proposal to make Social Security a voluntary program. Jones stressed that Wallace had sacrificed his own presidential aspirations that year to allow a direct GOP challenge to President Johnson. It was later disclosed that Wallace proposed at the meeting with Martin to switch parties if he could be named as Goldwater's running-mate, a designation later given to U.S. Representative William E. Miller of New York. Goldwater reportedly rejected the overture because of Wallace's lack of strength outside the Deep South.[27]
George Wallace - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"It was later disclosed that Wallace proposed at the meeting with Martin to switch parties if he could be named as Goldwater's running-mate,"

That would have made Wallace a GOPper -- and poor boedicchhheeea wouldn't be able to point to a picture with an arrow that says Wallace ---> "Democrat" and run with scissors and scream hey you history 'avissssionsionists!

Then we wouldn't have this revealing thread.

And what fun would that be?

The truth is we think the offer was made. The truth is that it was never taken seriously. The truth is what we know is that Wallace stayed right in the party that bred racists.

The next presidential election Wallace ran for President.

What party was he a member of?

You know?

You mean conservative Wallace? The guy from the Southern states who are the GOP's base today?
The left tries to take credit for anything they think is good. Not surprising when you consider so much of what they actually do turns out badly. I can understand that they started to love blacks under LBJ, of course he used a different name then blacks for them. But it is beyond my understanding of how the democrats can not apologize for the sins of their past and blacks call themselves democrats.

The Democrats learned that racism is wrong, and the Republicans wrapped their arms around it and squeezed it's ass. Thank You!
“When Strom Thurmond ran for president, [as a segregationist, White supremacist in 1948] we voted for him. We’re proud of it. And if the rest of the country had followed our lead, we wouldn’t have had all these problems over the years, either” - Trent Lott, Proud GOP, Majority Leader, back, 2003, oh then...whistling Dixie...
The Democrats learned that racism is wrong, and the Republicans wrapped their arms around it and squeezed it's ass.

No, the old democrats only thought about enslaving black Americans...the new democrats, roosevelt, johnson, the kennedy's, the clintons and obamas realized that with the right big government policies...they could enslave all Americans...
“When Strom Thurmond ran for president, [as a segregationist in 1948] we voted for him. We’re proud of it. And if the rest of the country had followed our lead, we wouldn’t have had all these problems over the years, either” - Trent Lott, Proud GOP, Majority Leader, back, oh then...whistling Dixie... are quoting something said at the old man's birthday party, off the cuff, without meaning...

Something modern conservatives need to learn...and burn into their brains for the coming fight against the lib/prog/democrat/socialist/statists....

Republicans play politics, they win some they lose some, they wait for the next election...the democrats fight complete and total political war to destroy their enemies and they take no prisoners...

Learn this or lose every election...
How Reagan Was Compromised - Forbes

In 1982, Reagan agreed to increase some excise taxes on a promise from House Speaker Tip O’Neill that every dollar increase in tax revenue would be matched by 3 dollars in spending cuts. Famously, O’Neill reneged. So much for compromise: When later asked again to raise some taxes, Reagan would reply, “I’m still waiting for those spending cuts.”

yeah, democrat tip o'neill was the leader in the House of Representatives...where all money bills...that is like the budget too...must originate...

The historical myth that Reagan raised $1 in taxes for every $3 in spending cuts
The Facts

Despite Reagan’s claim that he made a deal with the Democrats, the Senate at the time was controlled by Republicans. Sen. Bob Dole of Kansas — then chairman of the Finance Committee and later the majority leader and Republican nominee for president — was a driving force behind a big tax increase because he was concerned about soaring deficits after Reagan had boosted defense spending and slashed taxes.

Dole warned the White House that the final year of Reagan’s three-year tax cut was at risk unless revenue could be raised in other ways. Under Dole’s leadership, the Senate Finance Committee led the way in crafting a big tax bill, fending off efforts by Democrats to halt Reagan’s tax cut.

...Stockman, in an interview, acknowledged that “we needed a 3-to-1 ratio to get the deal accepted by Reagan and the Adam Smith tie boys (e.g. Ed Meese, et al).” But it appears that Reagan and Regan did not actually understand the mechanics of the agreement. It turns out that much of the savings were not from spending cuts — and many of the savings were dependent on actions by the Reagan administration.

The historical myth that Reagan raised 1 of taxes in exchange for 3 of spending cuts - The Washington Post
The truth is that Reagan dealt in good faith with low life democrats...members of the party of slavery...

Lesson for Fiscal Cliff negotiators The Reagan-O Neill tax hike

It was the summer of 1982. Like today, the president’s party controlled the Senate, while the party in opposition controlled only the House. Like today, the overriding public concern was about rising deficits and debt. At the time, Reagan’s signature economic recovery program to cut tax rates across the board (passed in 1981) was still being implemented. But unemployment was reaching well over 10 percent and deficit projections were ballooning. Something had to be done.

Reagan and the Republicans wanted to cut spending. O’Neill and the Democrats were insisting on raising taxes and especially raising tax rates. It had all the makings of the same kind of stalemate that exists in Washington today.

After weeks of wrangling, O’Neill and the Democrats would not budge on their insistence that raising taxes had to be part of the final deal. To make it more palatable for Reagan, O’Neill offered a three-to-one ratio of spending cuts to tax increases. On that basis — that the deal, on paper, was designed to result in a net shrinking of government — Reagan and enough Republicans signed on, over the strong objections of many anti-tax conservatives in the Republican ranks.

Thus was concluded the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act (TEFRA), signed into law in September 1982. In hindsight, Reagan came to see the deal as one of the biggest domestic errors of his presidency. The tax increases went into effect immediately but as Reagan wrote in his memoirs, “later the Democrats reneged on their pledge and we never got those cuts,” so there was no shrinking in the size of government, and no taming of the deficit.

A few of the more important lessons learned:

The O’Neill-Reagan Lovefest: The deal helped perpetuate a myth that Speaker O’Neill and President Reagan had transcended the kind of rancorous personal animosity that seems to characterize today’s overly polarized atmosphere in Washington. After this bipartisan ’82 deal and a subsequent ’83 deal on Social Security reform, O’Neill had no hesitation to let forth this blast during the ’84 campaign: “The evil is in the White House at the present time. And that evil is a man who has no care or concern for the working class of America and the future generations of America, and who likes to ride a horse. He’s cold. He’s mean. He’s got ice water for blood.”

Never, ever trust a democrat...they will lie and then stab you in the back...
“When Strom Thurmond ran for president, [as a segregationist in 1948] we voted for him. We’re proud of it. And if the rest of the country had followed our lead, we wouldn’t have had all these problems over the years, either” - Trent Lott, Proud GOP, Majority Leader, back, oh then...whistling Dixie... are quoting something said at the old man's birthday party, off the cuff, without meaning...

Something modern conservatives need to learn...and burn into their brains for the coming fight against the lib/prog/democrat/socialist/statists....

Republicans play politics, they win some they lose some, they wait for the next election...the democrats fight complete and total political war to destroy their enemies and they take no prisoners...

Learn this or lose every election...

That's a pile of shit.

Old man my ass.

He meant every word of it

“When Strom Thurmond ran for president, [as a segregationist in 1948] we voted for him. We’re proud of it. And if the rest of the country had followed our lead, we wouldn’t have had all these problems over the years, either” - Trent Lott, Proud GOP, Majority Leader, back, oh then...whistling Dixie...

Lott ties to the white collarKKK, that is the Council of Conservative Citizens, the CCC, (CCC, get it?) a White Supremacist organization, say otherwise.

And Strom Thurmond had made an entire career out of holding racist positions. Right till the end. You think people are stupid like you or something?
again...he said it at a birthday party, giving the toast for an old man, who actually gave up his racist ways, unlike obama and the clintons, and the roosevelts and the kennedys...get over it...
The Democrats learned that racism is wrong, and the Republicans wrapped their arms around it and squeezed it's ass. Thank You!

Yes...after freeing the slaves, fighting the democrat klan members, and helping black Americans come out of slavery...the parties switched sides....:bsflag:
The Hypocrisy of Trent Lott 8217 s Critics CounterPunch Tells the Facts Names the Names

J. William Fullbright, (as noted by Mark R. Levin of National Review Online) was honored by President Clinton with the Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian award, in 1993. Clinton praised Fullbright as “a visionary humanitarian, a steadfast supporter of the values of education. . . . The American political system produced this remarkable man, and my state did, and I’m real proud of it.” Anyone thinking that Clinton may have distanced himself from his views of Fullbright since 1993 should note that in October of this year, Clinton dedicated a bronze statue of Fullbright in Fayetteville, Arkansas. What people may not know, and what Levin points out, is that Fullbright was one of the most steadfast defenders of segregation when he was in the Senate, voting against both the Civil Rights Act in 1964 and the Voting Rights Act in 1965.

Yeah, Lott gave a toast at an old man's birthday party...100 year old man...and bill "the serial sexual predator of the U.S. and Britain" clinton...gave the Medal of Freedom to a segregationist...and a statue...

You really need to work harder at hiding the racist history of the democrats...
Do you believe that a business should have the right to discriminate based on race? Do you believe that business should have the right to serve or not serve anyone, for any reason?

The question wasn't aimed at me, but yes.

We have freedom of association per the 1st Amendment:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

The government should not force people to associate against their will. Anyone who is stupid enough to deny their business to others is self-destructive, but the Constitution isn't there to protect an individual from himself.
as long as said business' doesn't use any of the tax payer-financed infrastructure such as roads, utilities, interstates, airports etc...then have at it but that won't work, because it would tie the courts in knots, but you know that right @boedicca ? :thup: :rolleyes-41:
Democrats: 42 blacks
Republicans: 1 black

By that standard, the NBA is one of the most racist organizations in the nation.
Yeah, the NBA is just like candidates for office and people who are elected by democratic vote and given political power in Congress.

If you're going to use representation as proof of racism, be prepared to have your argument destroyed. Democrats pretend to support minorities, but that support disappears faster than Lindsey Lohan when the cops show up if any minority person dares to stray from the party plantation.
You didn't blow away any argument. All you did was throw out a false analogy. Unlike electing blacks to Congress, which is represented by all voters, the NBA is represented by a handful of owners.

Irrelevant. You cite mere numerical representation as proof of racism. By that standard, the NBA is as racist as it gets.

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