The dems promise to raise taxes, pull out of the NK peace deal, force regulations, and

Swamp Bull Shit......
TheHill is a reputable source.

The article is Bull Shit…

YOUR FAKE NEWS doesn’t cut it anymore..
Lol, tRumpkins be like
View attachment 202007

If he was such a great president then these USMB trump tards would not have to defend his every move, they could just sit back and laugh at all this. But they are a bunch of fuckin cry babies.

That’s no language for a lady…

Guess you “ain’t” a lady……
Swamp Bull Shit......
TheHill is a reputable source.

The article is Bull Shit…

YOUR FAKE NEWS doesn’t cut it anymore..
Lol, tRumpkins be like
View attachment 202007

If he was such a great president then these USMB trump tards would not have to defend his every move, they could just sit back and laugh at all this. But they are a bunch of fuckin cry babies.

LOL in your dreams libwit. We control the House, Senate, White House, and are stacking the SCOTUS with conservative justices and you claim we are unhappy? Here I'll just laugh in your sour puss sour grapes face :auiqs.jpg:
Yeah, you are unhappy and embarrassed at you actions.
Pretty dismal Platform. I think more & more folks are realizing the Democratic Party threw American Citizens overboard years ago. The Party has cast its lot with foreign interests. For instance, flooding the country with Illegals, being a big part of their Agenda. It's a well-coordinated effort. They see Millions of future loyal Democrat Voters in Illegals. A vote for a Democrat, is vote against your own best interests. I don't get why so many Citizens continue to vote Democrat.

Republicans represent white supremacists like Corey Stewart. Most voters support a pathway to citizenship and DACA. The fact is that the Republican base is rapidly shrinking. Voting for Democrats in Congress will force Republicans and Democrats to work together.

Yeah, i hear that all the time from the usual suspects. Yet Republicans keep winning elections. The Democratic Party is run by Soros-owned Globalist Puppets. It doesn't put Citizens' interests first. Democrat Immigration insanity says it all.

The Party has sold Citizens out. Their Platform really is a dismal one. I don't see why anyone would rush out to support it. They'd only be supporting their own demise.
Raise Taxes
Eliminate Jobs, Raises, & Bonuses
Raise unemployment rate
More Americans on food stamps
More Americans on unemployment
More Americans on welfare
Return to mandated union membership
Another handpicked criminal for 2020
Abandon NK peace efforts
Presidents son kidnapped/caged/raped
Women kidnapped, caged, raped

A return to supporting terrorists, drug cartels, human traffickers, MS13, violent illegals, Hezbollah Drug Ops, Iran, etc....

What a platform to run on. :p
The dems promise to raise taxes, pull out of the NK peace deal, force regulations, and make sure MS13 gang members are safely protected, and make sure the USA is always bargaining from a position of weakness with the world.

All while they insist the "Paris Accord" is supposed to stop THE global warming, even though the USA is the only country bound to it.

That is what they are running on, since they protested ALL of that.

Feel free to add to that list.

Well. I don't know about you but they got my vote. LMAO

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