The Derek Chauvin Trial Thread

I thought the MMA guy's testimony was good. The EMT lady was absolutely devastating to the defense.

She was there, willing and able to provide medical support. She was upset that they were killing him and voicing her concerns. They ignored her and killed Floyd right in front of her.

They also show the toxicology. They can call it what they wish but Floyd died from a drug overdose. After the election theft do you think justice will ever be served again? Don't count on it. Mob rule is the justice people are getting.

The people who conducted the autopsy disagree with you.

You're probably going to claim it's another conspiracy when you lose this as well.
The autopsy said he had those levels of drugs. That remains a fact.
Chauvin will not be able to get a fair trial because the Press coverage has already called him a murderer and because of the threat from more Progressive Hate, Racism and Violence.

Yupp! Chauvin is going to be sacrificed like the 'Wicker Man' in an attempt to avoid billions more dollars in property damage and unnecessary deaths by the leftist mobs!
And like Canon Shooter already said, leftist mob bloodlust WILL occur anyways.
They also show the toxicology. They can call it what they wish but Floyd died from a drug overdose. After the election theft do you think justice will ever be served again? Don't count on it. Mob rule is the justice people are getting.

The people who conducted the autopsy disagree with you.

You're probably going to claim it's another conspiracy when you lose this as well.
The autopsy said he had those levels of drugs. That remains a fact.

The autopsy reports are very clear on what killed him. You’re going to cry fraud when he’s charged.
I thought the MMA guy's testimony was good. The EMT lady was absolutely devastating to the defense.

She was there, willing and able to provide medical support. She was upset that they were killing him and voicing her concerns. They ignored her and killed Floyd right in front of her.


MMA guy had a typical attitude like Black Neanderthal types always have.
They also show the toxicology. They can call it what they wish but Floyd died from a drug overdose. After the election theft do you think justice will ever be served again? Don't count on it. Mob rule is the justice people are getting.

The people who conducted the autopsy disagree with you.

You're probably going to claim it's another conspiracy when you lose this as well.
The autopsy said he had those levels of drugs. That remains a fact.

The autopsy reports are very clear on what killed him. You’re going to cry fraud when he’s charged.

1st 2 autopsy reports cleared Chauvin of homicide! The 'paid for' 3rd one didn't!
As usual, you're throwing poo like some incensed monkey!

If Chauvin is found not guilty: negroes will riot in the streets, attack innocent whites and police officers and burn our cities to the ground because they will feel as though they, as a community, have been wronged and that their reaction is appropriate.

If Chauvin is found guilty: negroes will riot in the streets, attack innocent whites and police officers and burn our cities to the ground because they will feel as though they, as a community, have had their actions of last year vindicated and that their reaction is appropriate.

Regardless of what happens, negroes are going to be out of control, just as they were last year. As good Americans, our best reaction is to arm ourselves to protect ourselves, our friends and our loved ones, and to not hesitate when a threat resents itself to dispatch that threat in haste. Negroes are pack hunters, and if allowed to assemble become a threat to anyone they see.

We must act accordingly...

Moral of the story: Dem Negroes sure are a lot of bother. I bet that's why we keep them in chains most of the time! Only time we ever got any value out of them.

Racist coward.

The negroes need to be treated like the vermin scum they are. Putting them down is best for everyone, especially the decent black folks who choose to live honorably instead of like hoodlum thugs...

Did you get your uniform out the cleaners this week?

View attachment 474187

Did you? Your fellow DemoKKKrat got his and said he saw yours hanging next to it:

You're an incensed unknowing idiot!!

Says the uneducated Trumpster who apparently doesn’t know how to read.


As usual, you jumped the gun.

I’m fairly confident that you’re uneducated. Sorry.

The autopsy trail will come out in this kangaroo Court. Pay close attention when it does.
And when it does, it will lead to the lesser charge of 2nd degree involuntary manslaughter as idiots like you will still need their pound of flesh!
Instead, you'll only get a 1/2 pounder and Dimm shitholes will still burn! :dev3:
Didn't anyone ever get it across to your brain that a suspected person is innocent before convicted of an intentional murder.
That's not true. A person is presumed to be innocent unless and until convicted in a court of law. That doesn't mean that they are innocent of the crimes they are alleged to have committed.
If you rape someone, you're a rapist irrespective of whether or not the victim tells anyone, files a report, or the police/prosecutor's office take it seriously or pursue charges.

You may not be a convicted rapist but you became a rapist the moment you violated another individual against their will and in the manner that constitutes rape.

But you're in good company. A surprising number of individuals misinterpret that premise and misquote it. Also, the government not being able to prove it's case against you only means again you've not been convicted, not that you didn't do it or are "innocent".

Surely there's some cotton need's pickin' right about now, no?

The hood is coming out again.

Jesus what a despicable human that dude is. I put racists on IG, but it's hard to avoid their posts on occasion. :rolleyes-41:

You won't put me on ignore because you know what I say is true.

There are blacks and there are negroes. Blacks are wonderful people. Negroes are vermin criminals who need to be put down...

Hmmm, so white folks are wonderful people, but Caucasians are vermin criminals who need to be put down. Help me out here.

Try to keep up.

I'm not talking about whites or caucasians. I'm talking about blacks and negroes.

Blacks = Good
Negroes = Bad

So how does that work with whites?

Whites = Good
Caucasians = Bad


Whites = Good

Caucasians = Good

Very good Bull Connor, now we see the truth behind your racist assessment.

I have no idea who Bull Connor is, so you're just wasting your breath, Tyrone...

Bull Connor was an Alabama Liberal from back in the day who oppressed African Americans.

A liberal?

You mean a... a... DEMOCRAT??

White southern racist were no where near liberal.

Yep, the “Angry Black Mob” defense is failing - BIGLY ;)
Again, I'm not going to say willful, in that they intended to kill him, because I don't think I believe that that was their intended goal.

Maybe I'm thinking of it differently, but, willful would imply an intent to kill. I think they were just not paying attention and observing Floyd's situation, and they failed to react properly, and perhaps if they were actually trained to remain on someone's neck for a certain period of time, that training is....faulty, and needs to be revised.

I do agree, it looks bad that the onlookers were making the suggestions that the police should have been thinking of. Heck, even if the police weren't thinking that, the onlookers telling them should have been a reminder to do what they were suggesting.
Here's the simplistic breakdown of the degrees of murder...
  • 1st Degree: I decide to kill you before hand and go about doing it (woman hiring a hitman for hubby, or me walking up to you and just stabbing you to death seemingly out of the blue but I disliked you for a long time)
  • 2nd Degree: You and I get into an argument, that leads to a physical altercation and during the impromptu altercation I decide that I have to kill you (or did something that's very likely that will result in your dead)
  • 3rd Degree: I was doing something and ignorantly kill you. (like reckless driving, or losing control of my vehicle innocently or we were arguing, you got in my face, I shove you back to get you out of my face, but you stumble back and hit your head on the table and die on the spot)
That's the simplest description that I believe explains it nicely.
So, first degree murder is pre meditated.

Second degree means intentionally killing someone without planning to do so in advance.

Third degree is the same as manslaughter. Manslaughter can either be voluntary manslaughter when a person wants to harm another person, but not kill them.

I think involuntary manslaughter (which would be under 3rd degree murder) is the one they will get him on. examples of involuntary manslaughter can include negligence (like when a child dies under someone’s care), death during a car accident, and other reckless acts that cause someone’s death.

In this case, chauvin caused a death during the course of his job by failing to maintain the safety of his detainee.

Chauvin hadn't any idea the perpetrator of counterfeit theft had chosen suicide by pharma Roulette. Not a clue!

You don't condemn a man for going by his public employer's written requirements.

And drugs killed the man, not Chauvin. PM
I disagree. What we know is that Floyd was awake and seemingly fine until he was put to the ground. We know that the ambulance was on the way. Had they not knelt on Floyd, and allowed him to stand up so he could breath, the ambulance may have gotten there in time to save him.

I understand what you are saying, I just don't think you can conclusively know that, because Floyd was complaining about not being able to breathe before they put him down, and then again after they put him down. He seemed to be doing fine until they started kneeling on him, then it only took 4 minutes for him to stop responding.

You just can't know whether or not he would have survived or not,, or if kneeling on him sped up his death that could have been prevented by the arriving ambulance.
I saw the videos and watched the story as it played out. The first video showed Mr. Lloyd having his bill rejected, the police catching up with him, stopping, and dealing with his uncooperative pushing and shoving to escape. The man was an aggressive man trying to avoid his arrest with maximum power exerted. I saw the edited fluff stuff you saw as well.

Crime committed. Criminal eludes police who were called by a small business. Criminal meets detectives. Floyd,,'
No they haven't.

You have already found Chauvin guilty.

Your OP was a great idea, to make an official trial thread - sadly this one won't be it.

But it will be a great Chauvin trial opinion thread :)
I pride myself on basing my opinions on fact.

The facts in this matter don't bode well for Chauvin.

Just sayin'.
Bull Here's a fact: Chauvin is not the first man being tried with Democrat malice aforethought. His acquittal would be fair if Demmies do not appoint a scorched earth judge.
I thought the MMA guy's testimony was good. The EMT lady was absolutely devastating to the defense.

She was there, willing and able to provide medical support. She was upset that they were killing him and voicing her concerns. They ignored her and killed Floyd right in front of her.


This trial is pretty much over. The tried n true “Angry Black Mob” defense is a fail. Two more weeks & Murder3 verdict.
I thought the MMA guy's testimony was good. The EMT lady was absolutely devastating to the defense.

She was there, willing and able to provide medical support. She was upset that they were killing him and voicing her concerns. They ignored her and killed Floyd right in front of her.


This trial is pretty much over. The tried n true “Angry Black Mob” defense is a fail. Two more weeks & Murder3 verdict.

Okay, BlueAnon.
The contradiction is that autopsy cannot be reinforced with photography. The trial is bIased: the jury is shown the pornography of Floyd dying, though it’s impossible for photography to capture the porn of fentanyl chemistry.

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