The Derek Chauvin Trial Thread

Care to surmise how much of Chauvin's body weight is being pressed down upon poor Mr. Floyd's neck?

I'm glad you posted this photo, as it captures the full essence of the damage Chauvin, the murderer, was doing to the victim.

I hope rightwing white supremacists the world over are using this meme.
This witness is good.
Were you referring to Mr. Donald Williams....?

He's an MMA fighter and he knows a good blood choke when he sees one.

He testified under oath today that what Derek Chauvin did to Mr. George Floyd was blood choke him.

Extremely damning testimony.

Meanwhile the defense was busy blaming every and anything for his death except that obvious knee the neck the entire world saw. They were saying...
  1. "Oh he had a bad heart."
  2. "Oh how he was pumped up w/some drugs."
  3. "Oh we were distracted by the crowd that was posing a threat." A thread no cop, at the time, saw fit to address as a threat mind you.
The defense is really effing this thing up. What a royal mess. Which is good from my standpoint.

Doesn't bode well for Chauvin.

Yea him. He did really well.
This is why the race hustlers can't afford to get a conviction, or a conviction for murder with a life sentence. If the prosecutors get convictions on every charge and Chuavin goes to prison for life, it'll kill the narrative that the system is racist.
Do you believe Chauvin is guilty of the charges?
This is why the race hustlers can't afford to get a conviction, or a conviction for murder with a life sentence. If the prosecutors get convictions on every charge and Chuavin goes to prison for life, it'll kill the narrative that the system is racist.
Do you believe Chauvin is guilty of the charges?

Manslaughter, at the most. The 2nd degree murder charge is bogus.
Check out this tweet...

Powerful, powerful stuff.

Powerful indeed!
What makes you think this is such a "Big Trial"? The Fake Impeachment trials of twice exonerated Donald J Trump were bigger news.

The trials of the Baltimore PD officers were pretty big too.
America is on trial...................again.

America is always on trial among the global Left. True Americans love this Country unconditionally. What says you?
Care to surmise how much of Chauvin's body weight is being pressed down upon poor Mr. Floyd's neck?

I'm glad you posted this photo, as it captures the full essence of the damage Chauvin, the murderer, was doing to the victim.

I hope rightwing white supremacists the world over are using this meme.
No compression injuries found on Floyds neck, so I'm guessing not much.
From watching the trial, I find out that the police actually called the police, on the police.

That doesn't bode well for Chauvin. Yet another nail in his coffin.

Chauvin walks a free man.

The race hustlers wouldn't have it any other way.

Quite the opposite. I'd bet the guy needs to live under guard all the time now and if cleared of charges of KILLING Floyd, someone makes an attempt on his life.

Of course since Floyd's health was substandard, weakened by years of drug use, and he might have had a medical episode that day with or without the arrest, no jury will ever convict Chauvin of murder beyond any doubt of killing Floyd.

Chauvin walks free, charged because of his badge and color of his skin more than what he did or the way he did it, which was actually following police SP.

BOTTOM LINE: when three cops feel it necessary to pin your ass to the ground, that might be a good sign that maybe it's time to say instead: "Yes officer, what can I do to make your day easier?"
What makes you think this is such a "Big Trial"? The Fake Impeachment trials of twice exonerated Donald J Trump were bigger news.

The trials of the Baltimore PD officers were pretty big too.

Sorry no, THIS is the biggest. Nothing of this level or importance has been seen since OJ.

The OJ trial was theater. In the grand scheme of things, it wasn't anything more than another negro killing an innocent white woman and an innocent white man...

How many innocent black men and women have white men murdered in this country and never even went to trial for it.

Not enough?

If Chauvin is found not guilty: negroes will riot in the streets, attack innocent whites and police officers and burn our cities to the ground because they will feel as though they, as a community, have been wronged and that their reaction is appropriate.

If Chauvin is found guilty: negroes will riot in the streets, attack innocent whites and police officers and burn our cities to the ground because they will feel as though they, as a community, have had their actions of last year vindicated and that their reaction is appropriate.

Regardless of what happens, negroes are going to be out of control, just as they were last year. As good Americans, our best reaction is to arm ourselves to protect ourselves, our friends and our loved ones, and to not hesitate when a threat resents itself to dispatch that threat in haste. Negroes are pack hunters, and if allowed to assemble become a threat to anyone they see.

We must act accordingly...

Moral of the story: Dem Negroes sure are a lot of bother. I bet that's why we keep them in chains most of the time! Only time we ever got any value out of them.

Racist coward.

The negroes need to be treated like the vermin scum they are. Putting them down is best for everyone, especially the decent black folks who choose to live honorably instead of like hoodlum thugs...
What makes you think this is such a "Big Trial"? The Fake Impeachment trials of twice exonerated Donald J Trump were bigger news.

The trials of the Baltimore PD officers were pretty big too.
America is on trial...................again.

America is always on trial among the global Left. True Americans love this Country unconditionally. What says you?
He'll say bada boom bada bing bdaa bap
From what I understand about the justice system, Lady Justice requires evidence not the presence of a lynch rope including a noose embellished with a hangman's knot.

You're talking burial before conviction. Didn't anyone ever get it across to your brain that a suspected person is innocent before convicted of an intentional murder. All I see is Al Sharpton increasing his largess by playing Rasputin to black Panthers for the sole purpose of multiple ways of getting something for nothing to foist yet another burden of reparations for wrongs of the slave trade in America from the mid seventeenth century until the U. S. Constitution was amended forbidding slavery and ownership of other human beings for any reason. And you act like you do not know that the communism is an end to a means of enslaving the majority of Americans to enslavement by oligarchs descended owners of slaves in the early Democrat Party. As AOC lamented having to participate with opponents in Congress in negotiations, passing laws to expedite power to the Democrat Party, whose ancestral constituents fired on Ft. Sumpter so they could keep soul-burning of slaves to make themselves wealthy on the backs of their cheap, no holds barred slave labor.

Apparently you cannot see the elephant in the middle of your own house who WILL CHEERFULLY ENSLAVE YOU to the most rotten life imaginable life regardless of race, creed, or color if you offend the fuhrer of this ultimate fascism hidden in secrecy from the fairweather friends of the Deep State.

There are no hallelujah in the atheist Deep State drama kings and queens. Like AOC, they don't like to have their pet rock ideals challenged or limited in any way. Keep ignoring that, and your grandchildren will see a life as no living person can adequately describe slavery in the first two thirds of the nineteenth century Antebellum period.
I haven't the foggiest of what you're prattling about.

All my posts thus far has been pro-trial.

If my expecting a guilty verdict is what's putting your panties in such a bunch that's on you sap.
From what I understand about the justice system, Lady Justice requires evidence not the presence of a lynch rope including a noose embellished with a hangman's knot.

You're talking burial before conviction. Didn't anyone ever get it across to your brain that a suspected person is innocent before convicted of an intentional murder. All I see is Al Sharpton increasing his largess by playing Rasputin to black Panthers for the sole purpose of multiple ways of getting something for nothing to foist yet another burden of reparations for wrongs of the slave trade in America from the mid seventeenth century until the U. S. Constitution was amended forbidding slavery and ownership of other human beings for any reason. And you act like you do not know that the communism is an end to a means of enslaving the majority of Americans to enslavement by oligarchs descended owners of slaves in the early Democrat Party. As AOC lamented having to participate with opponents in Congress in negotiations, passing laws to expedite power to the Democrat Party, whose ancestral constituents fired on Ft. Sumpter so they could keep soul-burning of slaves to make themselves wealthy on the backs of their cheap, no holds barred slave labor.

Apparently you cannot see the elephant in the middle of your own house who WILL CHEERFULLY ENSLAVE YOU to the most rotten life imaginable life regardless of race, creed, or color if you offend the fuhrer of this ultimate fascism hidden in secrecy from the fairweather friends of the Deep State.

There are no hallelujah in the atheist Deep State drama kings and queens. Like AOC, they don't like to have their pet rock ideals challenged or limited in any way. Keep ignoring that, and your grandchildren will see a life as no living person can adequately describe slavery in the first two thirds of the nineteenth century Antebellum period.
I haven't the foggiest of what you're prattling about.

All my posts thus far has been pro-trial.

If my expecting a guilty verdict is what's putting your panties in such a bunch that's on you sap.
You said "I haven't the foggiest,".....
Words have meanings.
Get an advanced Merriam-Webster or frequent when words seem to have little meaning to your intellectual understanding, doll. That way you will know that I am spot on to political dishonesty and insults when others use repugnant devices in their lackluster online smearing of honest adults. I used to have the same problem as you, so when my children left the nest, I went back to university work until we moved and the semester college I transferred to did not accept my trimester university credits even though they were straight A's. Then one semester later, the small college informed me I would have to transfer to another school, a university that was 200 miles away over Rocky Mountain terrain. I chose to remain in place with family. But I never lost that love for language that others who went online used so well at my first discussion forum. They said William Safire frequented that site, which rang true.

Good luck when your vocabulary is strong enough you will catch on to precision speech used here by many. You can do it if you decide to apply yourself to a level cannot achieve at this time. It will make all the difference. I promise. :thup:
So, here's my take, for what its worth. Chauvin will go to prison. While I don't think Chauvin intentionally killed him, his actions showed a gross and severe lack of judgment and faulty training, and a general lack of concern for the well being of the person in his custody.

It doesn't matter that Floyd was high on fentanyl, or if he would have died anyway, because we don't know that, we don't know what would have happened.

At the start of the video, floyd looked to be ok, he was distraught for sure, and he was obviously concerned for his life. He said several times he didn't want to get shot. He was worried.

Floyd was not resisting, he was panicking. He said many times that he was claustrophobic and had anxiety. He was fearful of the enclosed space in the back of the car. Has the officers not tried to force him into the back of the car, he probably would have been fine just standing there or sitting on the curb. He was in cuffs and was only struggling because the officers were doing something that was creating more panic in him. I don't understand why it was necessary to put Floyd in the car. He would have been just fine outside the car, in cuffs.

I know officers hear excuses all the time, but you have to make a judgment call, and Floyd was pleading with them over and over, and again, they should have taken his claims of claustrophobia to heart and considered that maybe his struggling was a panic reaction and not resisting.

Once they got Floyd on the ground, for 4 minutes he was pleading that he couldn't breath. Again, the officers should have put 2 and 2 together and realized that Floyd was in a panic attack at this point and again, very fearful of being in a position where he couldn't breathe. Floyd was likely hyperventilating trying to catch his breath. Also, Floyd mentioned several times that he just got over covid.

One of the officers mentioned at least twice that they should roll him on his side. Chauvin declined.

After about 4 minutes of 2 men kneeling on Floyd, because there was 2. Chauvin on his neck and the other guy looked like he was kneeling in the small of floyds back. This is the point where they should have taken better care of the condition of Floyd. After 4 minutes, Floyd became unresponsive. He was pretty much limp, and for the next 5 minutes, the officers continued to kneel on Floyd's limp body. One officer mentions that he thought Floyd was passing out. The officers should have been paying more attention and once they realized that Floyd was no longer responsive, they should have gotten off of him and checked his pulse. Even bystanders were telling them they should check his pulse.

Again, I don't think it was their intent to kill him, but their response was not appropriate. Again, in my opinion, Chauvin does time.

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