The Despicable LSM


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
Right or left, Black or White. I think we can all agree with the fact that the media had a LOT to do with the George Zimmerman trial.

Those on the left who are incapable of thinking for themselves (about 99%) will think the media did its job in the persecution of George Zimmerman while those of us on the right argue to deaf ears that the media instituted a Lynch Mob.

Here is a Must Read article from RCP, a fairly straight-shooting site....

How the Media Has Distorted a Tragedy | RealClearPolitics

How the Media Has Distorted a Tragedy

A week after George Zimmerman’s acquittal in the fatal shooting of black teenager Trayvon Martin, the backlash continues, with nationwide protests and calls to boycott Florida. President Obama spoke some undeniable truths when he noted that the African-American community’s reaction must be seen in the context of a long, terrible history of racism. But there is another context too: that of an ideology-based, media-driven false narrative that has distorted a tragedy into a racist outrage.

This narrative has transformed Zimmerman, a man of racially mixed heritage that included white, Hispanic and black roots (a grandmother who helped raise him had an Afro-Peruvian father), into an honorary white male steeped in white privilege. It has cast him as a virulent racist even though he once had a black business partner, mentored African-American kids, lived in a neighborhood about 20 percent black, and participated in complaints about a white police lieutenant’s son getting away with beating a homeless black man.

This narrative has perpetuated the lie that Zimmerman’s history of calls to the police indicates obsessive racial paranoia. Thus, discussing the verdict on the PBS NewsHour, University of Connecticut professor and New Yorker contributor Jelani Cobb asserted that “Zimmerman had called the police 46 times in previous six years, only for African-Americans, only for African-American men.” Actually, only six calls—two of them about Trayvon Martin—had to do with African-American men. At least three involved complaints about whites; others were about such issues as a fire alarm going off, a reckless driver of unknown race, or an aggressive dog.

In this narrative, even Zimmerman’s concern for a black child—a 2011 call to report a young African-American boy walking unsupervised on a busy street, on which the police record notes, “compl[ainant] concerned for well-being”—has been twisted into crazed racism. Writing on the website of The New Republic, Stanford University law professor Richard Thompson Ford describes Zimmerman as “an edgy basket case” who called 911 about “the suspicious activities of a seven year old black boy.” This slander turns up in other left-of-center sources, such as

Accounts of the incident itself have also been wrapped in false narrative—including such egregious distortions as NBC’s edited audio of Zimmerman’s 911 call which made him appear to say that Martin was “up to no good” because “he looks black.” (In fact, Zimmerman explained that Martin was “walking around and looking about” in the rain, and mentioned his race—of which he initially seemed unsure—only in response to the dispatcher’s question.)

While this falsehood was retracted and cost several NBC employees their jobs, other fake facts still circulate unchecked: most notably, that Zimmerman disobeyed police orders not to follow Martin (or even, as Cobb and another guest asserted on the NewsHour, not to get out of his car). In fact, there was no such order. The dispatcher asked if Zimmerman was following the teenager; Zimmerman said yes, the dispatcher said, “We don’t need you to do that,” and Zimmerman replied, “Okay.” (Just before this, the dispatcher had made comments that could be construed as asking him to watch Martin, such as, “Just let us know if he does anything else.”)

Much more at the link

The left is despicable mostly because they follow the Pied Piper FILTH of the LSM.

Remember something.... "He who tells the people what to think does not need to be King."

If we are going to give the LSM special protections, special shield laws, special Court Rulings laws, then we have the right to demand they act in an impartial manner and not invent shit out of thin air.

Failing that, we need to be able to sue them for Libel and Slander just like we can sue anybody else for libel and slander.

It would mean the end of journalism, but I think that has already happened
We have seen poster after poster here post "facts" about the case that are nothing like what happened. The news media first and foremost is supposed to report news. That means getting facts right. Instead they selectively edit facts to present a narrative that meets their proconceived notions.
No wonder they are losing market share to the internet and talk radio.
We have seen poster after poster here post "facts" about the case that are nothing like what happened. The news media first and foremost is supposed to report news. That means getting facts right. Instead they selectively edit facts to present a narrative that meets their proconceived notions.
No wonder they are losing market share to the internet and talk radio.

Yeah, I keep hearing about, "In the Inner City, if you're walking down the street and...."

St Skittles, 1) Wasn't in the 'Inner City' and, 2) Wasn't walking down the Street.

He was on PRIVATE PROPERTY and he wasn't on a Street. He was meandering on and off a sidewalk, taking opportunities to peek through peoples' windows.

That doesn't mean he should have been shot dead, it means that dimocrap scum lie. About everything. Every time.

Further, there was four minutes of 'lost time' when St Skittles could have easily made it home before confronting Zimmerman.

But he didn't.

Know why.

Because Skittles had already sized Z up and knew he could take him, physically.

It's not like Z looked like Hulk Hogan, he looked like the short, pudgy, soft Latino that he was.

So Skittles decided to get some Street Cred and beat his ass.

THAT is why St Skittles is dead. No other reason. No other link.

The Doctrine of Proximate Cause is clearly in play here.... St Skittles jumped Z, and he got his stupid wannabe gangsta ass killed for it.

But that doesn't fit the media 'narrative'

It sucks that he had to die for such a stupid mistake, but he did. And it was on him. Nobody else.
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