the destruction of herman cain, from an election far far away.

YOu call me a "fucking righttard" and then pretend that my insulting you back is childish?

LIberals: All the intellectual honesty of a crack whore.
Again you prove to be too fucking rightarded. My observation of your infantile behavior was not over you calling me names. Who cares about that? It was over your infantile objection my claims are bullshit since the polls reflect what I said. Hillary is on a clear path to victory, Republicans can very possibly lose the Senate, and Hillary will pick a very Liberal SC justice. And that's more to do with Crazy Donald than Hillary Clinton. She's a very flawed candidate with more baggage than a prince on a world tour. She would have been easy to beat with just about any of the other Republicans. The dumbfucking right picked the most unelectable candidate running.


ANd that is the type of republicans dick dems like you like.

For me to just let you call me vile names while trying to address your vile lies.

FUck that shit.

Your are a lying asshole.

Lefties have been gloating for years about how demographic change, driven primarily be high immigration, is turning this nation into a defacto One Party State.

Those factors are set in stone. No republicans would be getting more than 5% of the black vote. No republican would be getting much more than 25% of the Hispanic vote.

For you to pretend the closeness of the Race is Trump's fault is you being a liar.

For you to claim that any other republican would be winning in you rubbing salt in the wound.

FUTHERMORE, the possible bad outcome does not support your claim that Trump doesn't care about the GOP. That is just more of you talking shit.
Trump himself inferred he didn't care about the GOP when he threatened to break ranks with them and run as an independent. You have to be dumber than dirt to not see he couldn't give two shits about the GOP. He's not a conservative either. He's pro-choice and pro-gun control. Imbeciles like you believe him when he says only now he no longer is, which he has to say to shore up rightards like you.

Oh, so you're dropping your claim that any other republican would be doing better?

Good, that was stupid and dishonest even for you.

Any how, for your new points.

The gop LEADERSHIP was WAY OUT OF LINE, trying to thwart the will of the republican voters. THEY proved that they didn't give a damn about us.

THe same way your party leadership pissed all over you dems when they cheated Sanders out of the win. But you libs are good little sheep and you let them do it, and are all falling in line.

And fuck you.
Didn't drop anything. WTF is wrong with you?

Yes you did.

YOu made the claim that any other republican candidate would be beating Hillary AND that her lead was proof that republicans are "dumbfucking"

I seriously and honestly addressed that, imo crushing your point like a little bug.

In your reply, you did not challenge any of my points debunking your position.

That is dropping the matter. That is what "dropping the matter" IS. As you should really understand.

And it is implying that you cannot defend your position any more because you have no answer to my final rebuttals.

Thus my points stand as you had not answer for them.
That is the anecdotal claim of Republicans......I know a guy

NONE of it is supported by actual video or audio. Doesn't it seem strange with everyone having a smartphone in their pocket, there is no evidence supporting your tantrum claims

Meanwhile, with Trump we get both audio and video evidence of his lack of control on a weekly basis

No, a dysfunction and corrupt couple have learned to hide their fights behind closed doors. A dishonest bully only bullies her staff when no one is taking pictures.

NOt strange at all.

Meanwhile the "video" that you speak of it twisted into lies. Or have you forgotten all the people pretending to not know what the word "let" means?

Have you forgotten how you took Trump's attack on McCain and lied about him attacking all pows?
The hell he didn't....

"He [McCain] lost, he let us down. So I didn't like him as much after that because I don't like losers. ... He's not a war hero. He's a war hero, he's was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured." - Crazy Donald.

He sure does git you sportin' wood though. :badgrin:

In context obviously directed at McCain personally.

As you well know.
What I know is you're a nut.. "I like people who weren’t captured," speaks to all POW's.

ONly if you are too dumb to understand context.
Hisses the fucking rightard who can't understand, "I like people who weren’t captured," speaks to all POW's.

Again you prove to be too fucking rightarded. My observation of your infantile behavior was not over you calling me names. Who cares about that? It was over your infantile objection my claims are bullshit since the polls reflect what I said. Hillary is on a clear path to victory, Republicans can very possibly lose the Senate, and Hillary will pick a very Liberal SC justice. And that's more to do with Crazy Donald than Hillary Clinton. She's a very flawed candidate with more baggage than a prince on a world tour. She would have been easy to beat with just about any of the other Republicans. The dumbfucking right picked the most unelectable candidate running.


ANd that is the type of republicans dick dems like you like.

For me to just let you call me vile names while trying to address your vile lies.

FUck that shit.

Your are a lying asshole.

Lefties have been gloating for years about how demographic change, driven primarily be high immigration, is turning this nation into a defacto One Party State.

Those factors are set in stone. No republicans would be getting more than 5% of the black vote. No republican would be getting much more than 25% of the Hispanic vote.

For you to pretend the closeness of the Race is Trump's fault is you being a liar.

For you to claim that any other republican would be winning in you rubbing salt in the wound.

FUTHERMORE, the possible bad outcome does not support your claim that Trump doesn't care about the GOP. That is just more of you talking shit.
Trump himself inferred he didn't care about the GOP when he threatened to break ranks with them and run as an independent. You have to be dumber than dirt to not see he couldn't give two shits about the GOP. He's not a conservative either. He's pro-choice and pro-gun control. Imbeciles like you believe him when he says only now he no longer is, which he has to say to shore up rightards like you.

Oh, so you're dropping your claim that any other republican would be doing better?

Good, that was stupid and dishonest even for you.

Any how, for your new points.

The gop LEADERSHIP was WAY OUT OF LINE, trying to thwart the will of the republican voters. THEY proved that they didn't give a damn about us.

THe same way your party leadership pissed all over you dems when they cheated Sanders out of the win. But you libs are good little sheep and you let them do it, and are all falling in line.

And fuck you.
Didn't drop anything. WTF is wrong with you?

Yes you did.

YOu made the claim that any other republican candidate would be beating Hillary AND that her lead was proof that republicans are "dumbfucking"

I seriously and honestly addressed that, imo crushing your point like a little bug.

In your reply, you did not challenge any of my points debunking your position.

That is dropping the matter. That is what "dropping the matter" IS. As you should really understand.

And it is implying that you cannot defend your position any more because you have no answer to my final rebuttals.

Thus my points stand as you had not answer for them.
You're deranged, nuh-uh did not refute what I said and required no contest on my part. The polls during the primaries reflected the last few standing Republicans other than Trump could beat Hillary. The dumbfucking right picked the worst candidate among them.

And now we see that coming to fruition as well in advance of the election, Crazy Donald is on path to go down in flames. Unlike the others he beat, he's just not presidential material. And fortunately for America, there simply aren't enough nuts like you to defeat Hillary.

So even a rightard like you should be able to see I dropped nothing.
As in, a married woman wouldn't "let" Crazy Donald fuck her, despite his best efforts?

What a piece of scum he is.

Umm, no.
No, what?

That's not how the word "let" was used in the Trump tape.

It was used to describe consent.

It's a three letter word. You really don't understand it?

"they let you do it,”
I was clearly talking about the married woman Trump confessed to hitting on "like a bitch," and not the groupies he talked about grabbing their pussies. That married woman wouldn't "let" him fuck her. Good for her.

Meanwhile, Crazy Donald admitted he's scum who will not hesitate to wreck a marriage just so he can get laid.

I was the one who brought up the word "let" as a quote from the tape, in a response to RW.

I was obviously referring to Trump describing how women would consent due to his being famous.

My point was that many libs have been claiming that that statement is an admission of sexual assault.

IN doing so, they are ignoring that the word "let" in that context means consent.

Hence they were lying about what Trump said in order to attack him.

That really should have been clear.

DO you have anything to say that actually addresses what I said?
I agree with you about the groupies.

That said, do you agree Crazy Donald is scum for trying to score with a married woman?
1. He did not do that. YOu are wrong or lying.

Susan Weber Wright dismissed Jones' lawsuit on 1 April 1999, stating that the claims had no merit under the statue she was suing under. It was settled while that decision was under appeal, AFTER Jones dropped her demand for an apology and an admission of wrongdoing.
4. Romney lost in 2008 because idiot Hucklebee stuck in the race far to long, splitting the conservative vote. YOur belief that that was a result of anti-mormon bias in the GOP is unsupported and based solely on you being an asshole.

Uh, no, the reason why Huckabee stuck around as long as he did was because the Christians Redneck Inbreds were never going to support a Mormon. The thing was, Huckabee was unacceptable to the Rich, because he actually read the bible and found out Jesus didn't say shit about tax cuts for rich people. So they picked McCain as a comprimise candidate to duly lose to Hillary. Then Obama got it and "OH MY GOD THERE'S A NEGRO IN THE WHITE HOUSE!!!"

4b Romney won in 2012 because the GOP establishment believes in "turns" and supported him.

No, Romney won in 2012 because everyone running against him was a fucking clown. And every last one of those clowns had five minutes of running ahead of him.

That's the problem. The Christian Right has always been the racist right. They didn't start because of the gays and the abortions, they started because their racist churches couldn't get tax exemptions for excluding black people. The gays and abortions were an afterthought.

And because most of you inbred, bible-thumping rednecks are too fucking stupid to realize you are being used.

To Wit- The rich got their deregulation, their tax cuts, their union busting, their free trade treaties.

The Inbred, Bible-Thumping Rednecks never got a ban on abortion, a ban on gay marriage, prayer back into the schools or "Creation Science" into the curriculum.

But don't worry. Keeping them Trannies out of the bathrooms.... that's where we'll draw the line. Just sign away some more of your middle class and trust us.
THe same way your party leadership pissed all over you dems when they cheated Sanders out of the win. But you libs are good little sheep and you let them do it, and are all falling in line.

And fuck you.

Do you ever get tired of being wrong all of the time. Fact checking is your friend.

Bernie Sanders was cheated out of NOTHING. There were discussions of ways to thwart his candidacy, but Hillary fair and square. She won the popular vote, she won the caucuses, and the super delegates.

She got far more votes than Trump did in securing his nomination.

The idea that Bernie was cheated out of the nomination, is yet another Republican lie.

Proving that for once Trump was right: It is smarter to run as a Republican because right-wingers will believe anything, unquestionably.
1. He did not do that. YOu are wrong or lying.

Susan Weber Wright dismissed Jones' lawsuit on 1 April 1999, stating that the claims had no merit under the statue she was suing under. It was settled while that decision was under appeal, AFTER Jones dropped her demand for an apology and an admission of wrongdoing.

It should be pointed out that the dismissal Jones' lawsuit was "with prejudice", which means that Jones wasn't allowed to re-file, and she would be responsible for Clinton's legal fees. Her ONLY recourse at that point was to appeal the dismissal, which the Republicans lawfirm prosecuting the case on her behalf promptly did.

The goal of the lawsuit was to harass and embarass a highly popular President. Clinton's economic record was stellar. His approval rating was high, he was the Teflon President. They tried FileGate, TravelGate and WhiteWater, and nothing stuck so they went after the area where they knew Clinton was vulnerable. The women.

The Republicans found Paula Jones, trying to deny a story about blowing Bill Clinton when he was Arkansas Attorney General, and they bankrolled her lawsuit. That Bill foolishly lied about his relationship with Monica, was a bonus.

Clinton, facing Impeachment in the House, had watched this nuisance lawsuit become a distraction to his Presidency, and because of his lie, a threat to his Presidency. Jones, bankrolled by Republicans and back to the wall, agreed to settle or end up with nothing. After 4 years, Clinton had better things to do with his time. Insurance paid the settlement.
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THe same way your party leadership pissed all over you dems when they cheated Sanders out of the win. But you libs are good little sheep and you let them do it, and are all falling in line.

And fuck you.

Do you ever get tired of being wrong all of the time. Fact checking is your friend.

Bernie Sanders was cheated out of NOTHING. There were discussions of ways to thwart his candidacy, but Hillary fair and square. She won the popular vote, she won the caucuses, and the super delegates.

She got far more votes than Trump did in securing his nomination.

The idea that Bernie was cheated out of the nomination, is yet another Republican lie.

Proving that for once Trump was right: It is smarter to run as a Republican because right-wingers will believe anything, unquestionably.

How Hundreds of Superdelegates were "bought" by the Clinton Campaign.

How Hundreds of Superdelegates were "bought" by the Clinton Campaign.

Sure, it was all on the "up and up".
THe same way your party leadership pissed all over you dems when they cheated Sanders out of the win. But you libs are good little sheep and you let them do it, and are all falling in line.

And fuck you.

Do you ever get tired of being wrong all of the time. Fact checking is your friend.

Bernie Sanders was cheated out of NOTHING. There were discussions of ways to thwart his candidacy, but Hillary fair and square. She won the popular vote, she won the caucuses, and the super delegates.

She got far more votes than Trump did in securing his nomination.

The idea that Bernie was cheated out of the nomination, is yet another Republican lie.

Proving that for once Trump was right: It is smarter to run as a Republican because right-wingers will believe anything, unquestionably.

How Hundreds of Superdelegates were "bought" by the Clinton Campaign.

How Hundreds of Superdelegates were "bought" by the Clinton Campaign.

Sure, it was all on the "up and up".
Again, she had more votes even without superdelegates.
THe same way your party leadership pissed all over you dems when they cheated Sanders out of the win. But you libs are good little sheep and you let them do it, and are all falling in line.

And fuck you.

Do you ever get tired of being wrong all of the time. Fact checking is your friend.

Bernie Sanders was cheated out of NOTHING. There were discussions of ways to thwart his candidacy, but Hillary fair and square. She won the popular vote, she won the caucuses, and the super delegates.

She got far more votes than Trump did in securing his nomination.

The idea that Bernie was cheated out of the nomination, is yet another Republican lie.

Proving that for once Trump was right: It is smarter to run as a Republican because right-wingers will believe anything, unquestionably.

How Hundreds of Superdelegates were "bought" by the Clinton Campaign.

How Hundreds of Superdelegates were "bought" by the Clinton Campaign.

Sure, it was all on the "up and up".
Again, she had more votes even without superdelegates.

The entire process is rigged on both sides, anyone who claims otherwise is simply being willfully ignorant.
THe same way your party leadership pissed all over you dems when they cheated Sanders out of the win. But you libs are good little sheep and you let them do it, and are all falling in line.

And fuck you.

Do you ever get tired of being wrong all of the time. Fact checking is your friend.

Bernie Sanders was cheated out of NOTHING. There were discussions of ways to thwart his candidacy, but Hillary fair and square. She won the popular vote, she won the caucuses, and the super delegates.

She got far more votes than Trump did in securing his nomination.

The idea that Bernie was cheated out of the nomination, is yet another Republican lie.

Proving that for once Trump was right: It is smarter to run as a Republican because right-wingers will believe anything, unquestionably.

How Hundreds of Superdelegates were "bought" by the Clinton Campaign.

How Hundreds of Superdelegates were "bought" by the Clinton Campaign.

Sure, it was all on the "up and up".
Again, she had more votes even without superdelegates.

The entire process is rigged on both sides, anyone who claims otherwise is simply being willfully ignorant.
If it was rigged, Crazy Donald would never have become the GOP nominee.
No, a dysfunction and corrupt couple have learned to hide their fights behind closed doors. A dishonest bully only bullies her staff when no one is taking pictures.

NOt strange at all.

Meanwhile the "video" that you speak of it twisted into lies. Or have you forgotten all the people pretending to not know what the word "let" means?

Have you forgotten how you took Trump's attack on McCain and lied about him attacking all pows?
The hell he didn't....

"He [McCain] lost, he let us down. So I didn't like him as much after that because I don't like losers. ... He's not a war hero. He's a war hero, he's was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured." - Crazy Donald.

He sure does git you sportin' wood though. :badgrin:

In context obviously directed at McCain personally.

As you well know.
What I know is you're a nut.. "I like people who weren’t captured," speaks to all POW's.

ONly if you are too dumb to understand context.
Hisses the fucking rightard who can't understand, "I like people who weren’t captured," speaks to all POW's....


It was obviously directed at McCain, and he deserved to be insulted back for his being a dick.

Much like you, you dick.
ANd that is the type of republicans dick dems like you like.

For me to just let you call me vile names while trying to address your vile lies.

FUck that shit.

Your are a lying asshole.

Lefties have been gloating for years about how demographic change, driven primarily be high immigration, is turning this nation into a defacto One Party State.

Those factors are set in stone. No republicans would be getting more than 5% of the black vote. No republican would be getting much more than 25% of the Hispanic vote.

For you to pretend the closeness of the Race is Trump's fault is you being a liar.

For you to claim that any other republican would be winning in you rubbing salt in the wound.

FUTHERMORE, the possible bad outcome does not support your claim that Trump doesn't care about the GOP. That is just more of you talking shit.
Trump himself inferred he didn't care about the GOP when he threatened to break ranks with them and run as an independent. You have to be dumber than dirt to not see he couldn't give two shits about the GOP. He's not a conservative either. He's pro-choice and pro-gun control. Imbeciles like you believe him when he says only now he no longer is, which he has to say to shore up rightards like you.

Oh, so you're dropping your claim that any other republican would be doing better?

Good, that was stupid and dishonest even for you.

Any how, for your new points.

The gop LEADERSHIP was WAY OUT OF LINE, trying to thwart the will of the republican voters. THEY proved that they didn't give a damn about us.

THe same way your party leadership pissed all over you dems when they cheated Sanders out of the win. But you libs are good little sheep and you let them do it, and are all falling in line.

And fuck you.
Didn't drop anything. WTF is wrong with you?

Yes you did.

YOu made the claim that any other republican candidate would be beating Hillary AND that her lead was proof that republicans are "dumbfucking"

I seriously and honestly addressed that, imo crushing your point like a little bug.

In your reply, you did not challenge any of my points debunking your position.

That is dropping the matter. That is what "dropping the matter" IS. As you should really understand.

And it is implying that you cannot defend your position any more because you have no answer to my final rebuttals.

Thus my points stand as you had not answer for them.
You're deranged, nuh-uh did not refute what I said and required no contest on my part. The polls during the primaries reflected the last few standing Republicans other than Trump could beat Hillary. The dumbfucking right picked the worst candidate among them.

And now we see that coming to fruition as well in advance of the election, Crazy Donald is on path to go down in flames. Unlike the others he beat, he's just not presidential material. And fortunately for America, there simply aren't enough nuts like you to defeat Hillary.

So even a rightard like you should be able to see I dropped nothing.

Here was what I said, that you have not addressed.

"Lefties have been gloating for years about how demographic change, driven primarily be high immigration, is turning this nation into a defacto One Party State.

Those factors are set in stone. No republicans would be getting more than 5% of the black vote. No republican would be getting much more than 25% of the Hispanic vote.

For you to pretend the closeness of the Race is Trump's fault is you being a liar."

The polls reflected that Trump was the primary target of the vile lefty media. IF someone else was nominated, than they would be the primary target and all the lies and personals attacks and constant propaganda and panic mongering that has pushed down Trump's numbers would have pushed down the alternative candidates numbers.

Not presidential my ass.

Are you even aware, you fucking retard, of the recent WTO Air bus ruling that completely validated Trump's position on trade and made complete fools of everyone who has attacked or even disagreed with him on Trade?

That's not how the word "let" was used in the Trump tape.

It was used to describe consent.

It's a three letter word. You really don't understand it?

"they let you do it,”
I was clearly talking about the married woman Trump confessed to hitting on "like a bitch," and not the groupies he talked about grabbing their pussies. That married woman wouldn't "let" him fuck her. Good for her.

Meanwhile, Crazy Donald admitted he's scum who will not hesitate to wreck a marriage just so he can get laid.

I was the one who brought up the word "let" as a quote from the tape, in a response to RW.

I was obviously referring to Trump describing how women would consent due to his being famous.

My point was that many libs have been claiming that that statement is an admission of sexual assault.

IN doing so, they are ignoring that the word "let" in that context means consent.

Hence they were lying about what Trump said in order to attack him.

That really should have been clear.

DO you have anything to say that actually addresses what I said?
I agree with you about the groupies.

That said, do you agree Crazy Donald is scum for trying to score with a married woman?

I think women are attracted to money, fame and/or power and that it would be a rare man who could resist such temptation.
1. He did not do that. YOu are wrong or lying.

Susan Weber Wright dismissed Jones' lawsuit on 1 April 1999, stating that the claims had no merit under the statue she was suing under. It was settled while that decision was under appeal, AFTER Jones dropped her demand for an apology and an admission of wrongdoing.

Her rational was that Jones has suffered no harm from the incident. An absurd claim.

4. Romney lost in 2008 because idiot Hucklebee stuck in the race far to long, splitting the conservative vote. YOur belief that that was a result of anti-mormon bias in the GOP is unsupported and based solely on you being an asshole.

Uh, no, the reason why Huckabee stuck around as long as he did was because the Christians Redneck Inbreds were never going to support a Mormon. The thing was, Huckabee was unacceptable to the Rich, because he actually read the bible and found out Jesus didn't say shit about tax cuts for rich people. So they picked McCain as a comprimise candidate to duly lose to Hillary. Then Obama got it and "OH MY GOD THERE'S A NEGRO IN THE WHITE HOUSE!!!" [/QUOTE]

a. It is cool the way you can read Huckabee's mind though time.

b. Your anti-christian bigotry is noted. YOu are a bigoted asshole.

c. Your racism is noted. You are a racist asshole.

d. Hucklebee and Romeny split the Conservative vote. McCain won because the moderate vote outnumbered the individual halves of the conservative vote. McCain was not a compromise.

e. Your race baiting in noted. YOu are a race baiting asshole.

4b Romney won in 2012 because the GOP establishment believes in "turns" and supported him.

No, Romney won in 2012 because everyone running against him was a fucking clown. And every last one of those clowns had five minutes of running ahead of him.[/QUOTE]

Your negative opinion of republican candidates has no credibility. You are a extreme partisan asshole. Romney won because the GOP leadership believes in turns and it was his turn.

That's the problem. The Christian Right has always been the racist right. They didn't start because of the gays and the abortions, they started because their racist churches couldn't get tax exemptions for excluding black people. The gays and abortions were an afterthought.

And because most of you inbred, bible-thumping rednecks are too fucking stupid to realize you are being used.

This portion of your post is nothing but your bigotry, racism and race baiting.

To Wit- The rich got their deregulation, their tax cuts, their union busting, their free trade treaties.

The Inbred, Bible-Thumping Rednecks never got a ban on abortion, a ban on gay marriage, prayer back into the schools or "Creation Science" into the curriculum.

But don't worry. Keeping them Trannies out of the bathrooms.... that's where we'll draw the line. Just sign away some more of your middle class and trust us.

This portion of your post is nothing but your bigotry, racism and race baiting. With some class warfare shit thrown in. Fuck you.
THe same way your party leadership pissed all over you dems when they cheated Sanders out of the win. But you libs are good little sheep and you let them do it, and are all falling in line.

And fuck you.

Do you ever get tired of being wrong all of the time. Fact checking is your friend.

Bernie Sanders was cheated out of NOTHING. There were discussions of ways to thwart his candidacy, but Hillary fair and square. She won the popular vote, she won the caucuses, and the super delegates.

She got far more votes than Trump did in securing his nomination.

The idea that Bernie was cheated out of the nomination, is yet another Republican lie.

Proving that for once Trump was right: It is smarter to run as a Republican because right-wingers will believe anything, unquestionably.

1. He did not do that. YOu are wrong or lying.

Susan Weber Wright dismissed Jones' lawsuit on 1 April 1999, stating that the claims had no merit under the statue she was suing under. It was settled while that decision was under appeal, AFTER Jones dropped her demand for an apology and an admission of wrongdoing.

It should be pointed out that the dismissal Jones' lawsuit was "with prejudice", which means that Jones wasn't allowed to re-file, and she would be responsible for Clinton's legal fees. Her ONLY recourse at that point was to appeal the dismissal, which the Republicans lawfirm prosecuting the case on her behalf promptly did.

The goal of the lawsuit was to harass and embarass a highly popular President. Clinton's economic record was stellar. His approval rating was high, he was the Teflon President. They tried FileGate, TravelGate and WhiteWater, and nothing stuck so they went after the area where they knew Clinton was vulnerable. The women.

The Republicans found Paula Jones, trying to deny a story about blowing Bill Clinton when he was Arkansas Attorney General, and they bankrolled her lawsuit. That Bill foolishly lied about his relationship with Monica, was a bonus.

Clinton, facing Impeachment in the House, had watched this nuisance lawsuit become a distraction to his Presidency, and because of his lie, a threat to his Presidency. Jones, bankrolled by Republicans and back to the wall, agreed to settle or end up with nothing. After 4 years, Clinton had better things to do with his time. Insurance paid the settlement.

THe same way your party leadership pissed all over you dems when they cheated Sanders out of the win. But you libs are good little sheep and you let them do it, and are all falling in line.

And fuck you.

Do you ever get tired of being wrong all of the time. Fact checking is your friend.

Bernie Sanders was cheated out of NOTHING. There were discussions of ways to thwart his candidacy, but Hillary fair and square. She won the popular vote, she won the caucuses, and the super delegates.

She got far more votes than Trump did in securing his nomination.

The idea that Bernie was cheated out of the nomination, is yet another Republican lie.

Proving that for once Trump was right: It is smarter to run as a Republican because right-wingers will believe anything, unquestionably.

How Hundreds of Superdelegates were "bought" by the Clinton Campaign.

How Hundreds of Superdelegates were "bought" by the Clinton Campaign.

Sure, it was all on the "up and up".
Again, she had more votes even without superdelegates.

The entire process is rigged on both sides, anyone who claims otherwise is simply being willfully ignorant.
If it was rigged, Crazy Donald would never have become the GOP nominee.

on the republican side the voters were offended by the efforts of their leadership to shit all over them and fought back and won.

Unlike you dems who know your place, and don't question your superiors.

Trump's eventual victory does not mean the contest was not rigged.
The hell he didn't....

"He [McCain] lost, he let us down. So I didn't like him as much after that because I don't like losers. ... He's not a war hero. He's a war hero, he's was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured." - Crazy Donald.

He sure does git you sportin' wood though. :badgrin:

In context obviously directed at McCain personally.

As you well know.
What I know is you're a nut.. "I like people who weren’t captured," speaks to all POW's.

ONly if you are too dumb to understand context.
Hisses the fucking rightard who can't understand, "I like people who weren’t captured," speaks to all POW's....


It was obviously directed at McCain, and he deserved to be insulted back for his being a dick.

Much like you, you dick.
Seems you don't understand English. When he said...
"So I didn't like him as much after that because I don't like losers."
... he was talking about McCain and losers. (of which, he's about to be one as well. I guess that means he won't like himself as much either after the election)

When he said...
"I like people who weren’t captured."
... he was talking about McCain and POW's since it's POW's who are captured, not just McCain.

Even worse for your ignorance of the English language is Crazy Donald's use of the word, "people," the plural tense of "person." It's obvious to anyone with a functioning brain, which leaves you out, that when Crazy Donald said, "I like people who weren’t captured," he was talking about "people," not just McCain.

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