the destruction of herman cain, from an election far far away.

Do you ever get tired of being wrong all of the time. Fact checking is your friend.

Bernie Sanders was cheated out of NOTHING. There were discussions of ways to thwart his candidacy, but Hillary fair and square. She won the popular vote, she won the caucuses, and the super delegates.

She got far more votes than Trump did in securing his nomination.

The idea that Bernie was cheated out of the nomination, is yet another Republican lie.

Proving that for once Trump was right: It is smarter to run as a Republican because right-wingers will believe anything, unquestionably.

How Hundreds of Superdelegates were "bought" by the Clinton Campaign.

How Hundreds of Superdelegates were "bought" by the Clinton Campaign.

Sure, it was all on the "up and up".
Again, she had more votes even without superdelegates.

The entire process is rigged on both sides, anyone who claims otherwise is simply being willfully ignorant.
If it was rigged, Crazy Donald would never have become the GOP nominee.

on the republican side the voters were offended by the efforts of their leadership to shit all over them and fought back and won.

Unlike you dems who know your place, and don't question your superiors.

Trump's eventual victory does not mean the contest was not rigged.
Take your whining over to Grizz. He's the one who said the GOP primaries (as well as tbe Democrat primaries) were rigged. I was the one to suggest they're not..
Her rational was that Jones has suffered no harm from the incident. An absurd claim.

How was Jones "harmed".

She saw a dick. She has two kids. She knows what a dick looks like.

The logic of the law she was suing under was that she suffered detrimental consequences for turning down Clinton's advances. IN fact, she did not report directly to Clinton and the guy who supervised her had no idea she had met Clinton.

d. Hucklebee and Romeny split the Conservative vote. McCain won because the moderate vote outnumbered the individual halves of the conservative vote. McCain was not a compromise.

This was the only time you tried to make a point that wasn't whining about how I'm bitchslapping you. So let's cover it. No, the problem is that you work on the assumption that there are Conservatives vs. Moderates. There isn't. There are Christians and Gun Nuts and NeoCons and Wall Street Vultures and LIbertarians, all of whom kind of gather under the Republican banner.

McCain was the guy they all could live with. The Vultures wanted Romney. The Christians wanted Huckabee. They agreed on McCain, once it became pretty clear Bushed fucked up the country so badly no one was going to win with an R behind his name.

Your negative opinion of republican candidates has no credibility. You are a extreme partisan asshole. Romney won because the GOP leadership believes in turns and it was his turn.

No. The rest of the GOP were clowns.
Santorum- A guy whose name is a very funny slang word in the gay community.
Cain - Token Uncle Tom
Bachmann- Religious Nut
Perry- Kind of dopey, couldn't remember his own talking points.
Gingrich- No. Seriously. Gingrich. Need I say more?

So Romney was the least nutty of a nutty bunch, so long as you didn't talk about his crazy religion. (the one where you get to rule a planet in the afterlife and wear magic underwear.)

This portion of your post is nothing but your bigotry, racism and race baiting. With some class warfare shit thrown in. Fuck you.

Translation- It would hurt your brain if you actually thought about how the rich exploit your religious and racial fears to get you to vote against your own interests.

Here's the reality... the Hispanic Atheist Lesbian chick is in the same boat you are Cleetus. Your ire is misdirected.
THe same way your party leadership pissed all over you dems when they cheated Sanders out of the win. But you libs are good little sheep and you let them do it, and are all falling in line.

And fuck you.

Do you ever get tired of being wrong all of the time. Fact checking is your friend.

Bernie Sanders was cheated out of NOTHING. There were discussions of ways to thwart his candidacy, but Hillary fair and square. She won the popular vote, she won the caucuses, and the super delegates.

She got far more votes than Trump did in securing his nomination.

The idea that Bernie was cheated out of the nomination, is yet another Republican lie.

Proving that for once Trump was right: It is smarter to run as a Republican because right-wingers will believe anything, unquestionably.

How Hundreds of Superdelegates were "bought" by the Clinton Campaign.

How Hundreds of Superdelegates were "bought" by the Clinton Campaign.

Sure, it was all on the "up and up".
Again, she had more votes even without superdelegates.

The entire process is rigged on both sides, anyone who claims otherwise is simply being willfully ignorant.
If it was rigged, Crazy Donald would never have become the GOP nominee.

Nope, it's Donald precisely because it was rigged. Both Cruz and Rubio would have destroyed her by now.

The entire process is rigged on both sides, anyone who claims otherwise is simply being willfully ignorant.
If it was rigged, Crazy Donald would never have become the GOP nominee.

on the republican side the voters were offended by the efforts of their leadership to shit all over them and fought back and won.

Unlike you dems who know your place, and don't question your superiors.

Trump's eventual victory does not mean the contest was not rigged.
Take your whining over to Grizz. He's the one who said the GOP primaries (as well as tbe Democrat primaries) were rigged. I was the one to suggest they're not..

Well yes, but then you are a well known moron.
In context obviously directed at McCain personally.

As you well know.
What I know is you're a nut.. "I like people who weren’t captured," speaks to all POW's.

ONly if you are too dumb to understand context.
Hisses the fucking rightard who can't understand, "I like people who weren’t captured," speaks to all POW's....


It was obviously directed at McCain, and he deserved to be insulted back for his being a dick.

Much like you, you dick.
Seems you don't understand English. When he said...
"So I didn't like him as much after that because I don't like losers."
... he was talking about McCain and losers. (of which, he's about to be one as well. I guess that means he won't like himself as much either after the election)

When he said...
"I like people who weren’t captured."
... he was talking about McCain and POW's since it's POW's who are captured, not just McCain.

Even worse for your ignorance of the English language is Crazy Donald's use of the word, "people," the plural tense of "person." It's obvious to anyone with a functioning brain, which leaves you out, that when Crazy Donald said, "I like people who weren’t captured," he was talking about "people," not just McCain....

Or Trump could have been sloppy in his use of the English language during a mud slinging fight with John McCain.

As is obvious to anyone with a functioning brain. Which leaves you out.

But by pretending to not be aware of that possibility, you get to smear your enemies.

Liberals: All the intellectual honesty of a crack whore.

The entire process is rigged on both sides, anyone who claims otherwise is simply being willfully ignorant.
If it was rigged, Crazy Donald would never have become the GOP nominee.

on the republican side the voters were offended by the efforts of their leadership to shit all over them and fought back and won.

Unlike you dems who know your place, and don't question your superiors.

Trump's eventual victory does not mean the contest was not rigged.
Take your whining over to Grizz. He's the one who said the GOP primaries (as well as tbe Democrat primaries) were rigged. I was the one to suggest they're not..

THere was nothing whiny about my post. Try to be less of a dishonest dick.

And I was disagreeing with your claim that "if it was rigged Trump would never had become the GOP nominee".
Or Trump could have been sloppy in his use of the English language during a mud slinging fight with John McCain.

As is obvious to anyone with a functioning brain. Which leaves you out.

NO, you see a functioning brain would not get into a mud-slinging fight with John McCain to start with.

And this is the problem with NaziTrump to start with. He can't fucking help himself.

Last night, Chris Wallace gave him ample opportunities to walk back some of the crazier shit he's said, and he charged forward like a bull in a China shop.
Or Trump could have been sloppy in his use of the English language during a mud slinging fight with John McCain.

As is obvious to anyone with a functioning brain. Which leaves you out.

NO, you see a functioning brain would not get into a mud-slinging fight with John McCain to start with.

Oh, you mean like Barack Obama? LOL!!!!

All it takes to get into a mudslinging match is for someone to throw mud at you, and for you to not just let them define you.

You libs like it when we cons don't fight back.

Fuck that shit.

And what is your opinion on Hillary since she has gotten into a mudslinging contest with Trump? Is she brainless? LOL!!

Every presidential election in the modern era is, or at least contains mud slinging contests. Only a dishonest person would pretend otherwise.

And this is the problem with NaziTrump to start with. He can't fucking help himself.

Your Godwin in noted. Fuck you.

And I note that you have no problem with Barack or Hillary getting into mudslinging contest. YOu are a hypocrite.

Last night, Chris Wallace gave him ample opportunities to walk back some of the crazier shit he's said, and he charged forward like a bull in a China shop.

Says the lefty that thinks it is crazy to send people home.
Do you ever get tired of being wrong all of the time. Fact checking is your friend.

Bernie Sanders was cheated out of NOTHING. There were discussions of ways to thwart his candidacy, but Hillary fair and square. She won the popular vote, she won the caucuses, and the super delegates.

She got far more votes than Trump did in securing his nomination.

The idea that Bernie was cheated out of the nomination, is yet another Republican lie.

Proving that for once Trump was right: It is smarter to run as a Republican because right-wingers will believe anything, unquestionably.

How Hundreds of Superdelegates were "bought" by the Clinton Campaign.

How Hundreds of Superdelegates were "bought" by the Clinton Campaign.

Sure, it was all on the "up and up".
Again, she had more votes even without superdelegates.

The entire process is rigged on both sides, anyone who claims otherwise is simply being willfully ignorant.
If it was rigged, Crazy Donald would never have become the GOP nominee.

Nope, it's Donald precisely because it was rigged. Both Cruz and Rubio would have destroyed her by now.
WTF? You're saying the GOP rigged their own election to lose?
What I know is you're a nut.. "I like people who weren’t captured," speaks to all POW's.

ONly if you are too dumb to understand context.
Hisses the fucking rightard who can't understand, "I like people who weren’t captured," speaks to all POW's....


It was obviously directed at McCain, and he deserved to be insulted back for his being a dick.

Much like you, you dick.
Seems you don't understand English. When he said...
"So I didn't like him as much after that because I don't like losers."
... he was talking about McCain and losers. (of which, he's about to be one as well. I guess that means he won't like himself as much either after the election)

When he said...
"I like people who weren’t captured."
... he was talking about McCain and POW's since it's POW's who are captured, not just McCain.

Even worse for your ignorance of the English language is Crazy Donald's use of the word, "people," the plural tense of "person." It's obvious to anyone with a functioning brain, which leaves you out, that when Crazy Donald said, "I like people who weren’t captured," he was talking about "people," not just McCain....

Or Trump could have been sloppy in his use of the English language during a mud slinging fight with John McCain.

As is obvious to anyone with a functioning brain. Which leaves you out.

But by pretending to not be aware of that possibility, you get to smear your enemies.

Liberals: All the intellectual honesty of a crack whore.

After denying Crazy Donald even said he doesn't like troops who get caught -- now you say may have misspoke.

Again, she had more votes even without superdelegates.

The entire process is rigged on both sides, anyone who claims otherwise is simply being willfully ignorant.
If it was rigged, Crazy Donald would never have become the GOP nominee.

on the republican side the voters were offended by the efforts of their leadership to shit all over them and fought back and won.

Unlike you dems who know your place, and don't question your superiors.

Trump's eventual victory does not mean the contest was not rigged.
Take your whining over to Grizz. He's the one who said the GOP primaries (as well as tbe Democrat primaries) were rigged. I was the one to suggest they're not..

THere was nothing whiny about my post. Try to be less of a dishonest dick.

And I was disagreeing with your claim that "if it was rigged Trump would never had become the GOP nominee".
Stop whining like a little girl and I won't suggest you stop . And your hollow disagreement, like your idiotic defense of Trump disparaging of POW's, is nothing but your typical knee-jerk reaction you offer in most of your posts. Empty rhetoric because you feel compelled to defend Crazy Donald and will say anything, no matter how retarded.

The GOP did not want Trump. They made that abundantly clear to the point Trump threatened them that he would abandon the GOP and run against them as an Independent. And while such an offer no doubt sounded tempting to thr GOP, even they recognized such a maneuver would have handed the keys to the White House to the Democrats; so they were stuck with him.
ONly if you are too dumb to understand context.
Hisses the fucking rightard who can't understand, "I like people who weren’t captured," speaks to all POW's....


It was obviously directed at McCain, and he deserved to be insulted back for his being a dick.

Much like you, you dick.
Seems you don't understand English. When he said...
"So I didn't like him as much after that because I don't like losers."
... he was talking about McCain and losers. (of which, he's about to be one as well. I guess that means he won't like himself as much either after the election)

When he said...
"I like people who weren’t captured."
... he was talking about McCain and POW's since it's POW's who are captured, not just McCain.

Even worse for your ignorance of the English language is Crazy Donald's use of the word, "people," the plural tense of "person." It's obvious to anyone with a functioning brain, which leaves you out, that when Crazy Donald said, "I like people who weren’t captured," he was talking about "people," not just McCain....

Or Trump could have been sloppy in his use of the English language during a mud slinging fight with John McCain.

As is obvious to anyone with a functioning brain. Which leaves you out.

But by pretending to not be aware of that possibility, you get to smear your enemies.

Liberals: All the intellectual honesty of a crack whore.

After denying Crazy Donald even said he doesn't like troops who get caught -- now you say may have misspoke.


Only an asshole would look at insults thrown in the middle of a mud slinging match and pretend they were policy positions.
The entire process is rigged on both sides, anyone who claims otherwise is simply being willfully ignorant.
If it was rigged, Crazy Donald would never have become the GOP nominee.

on the republican side the voters were offended by the efforts of their leadership to shit all over them and fought back and won.

Unlike you dems who know your place, and don't question your superiors.

Trump's eventual victory does not mean the contest was not rigged.
Take your whining over to Grizz. He's the one who said the GOP primaries (as well as tbe Democrat primaries) were rigged. I was the one to suggest they're not..

THere was nothing whiny about my post. Try to be less of a dishonest dick.

And I was disagreeing with your claim that "if it was rigged Trump would never had become the GOP nominee".
Stop whining like a little girl and I won't suggest you stop . And your hollow disagreement, like your idiotic defense of Trump disparaging of POW's, is nothing but your typical knee-jerk reaction you offer in most of your posts. Empty rhetoric because you feel compelled to defend Crazy Donald and will say anything, no matter how retarded.

The GOP did not want Trump. They made that abundantly clear to the point Trump threatened them that he would abandon the GOP and run against them as an Independent. And while such an offer no doubt sounded tempting to thr GOP, even they recognized such a maneuver would have handed the keys to the White House to the Democrats; so they were stuck with him.

There was nothing whiny about my post, you lying dick.

The GOP LEADERSHIP, did not want Trump. The GOP voters did. WE are the Party. Trump in the Candidate because he WON the primary despite all the bullshit the leadership pulled.

THEY are "handing the keys to the WHite House" to Hillary, thanks to their support of the vile lefty narrative.
Only an asshole would look at insults thrown in the middle of a mud slinging match and pretend they were policy positions.

Here's a clue. Stop slinging mud. It adds nothing to the debate and the guy slinging it looks like an asshole.

For example, Donald Trump made a big public deal of inviting Gennifer Flowers to the debate. What is the point of inviting Bill's ex-mistress to the debate. Bill Clinton had an affair with her 25 years ago, but Bill isn't running for President. The whole point was to embarass and humiliate Hillary Clinton. And it backfired, big time.

First off, Trump announced it before the debate, allowing Hillary time to prepare her response, and her response was Alicia Machada, whose abuse at the hands of Donald Trump was well documented, publically.

Then somebody released the Access Hollywood tape, in which Trump publically admits sexually assaulting women. It should be noted that this tape was owned by Access Hollywood and released by a pro-Clinton PAC, followed by the Howard Stern Show tape, which showed that Trump is every woman's worst nightmare.

Trump keeps repeating that "Nobody has more respect for women than I do". Has he never heard the expression "Actions speak louder than words"? I notice how frequently Trump calls women "fat". The man is morbidly obese, which he covers with slumpy looking suits.

Seriously - Donald Trump lumbered into every debate wearing an oversized black suit and a skinny red tie. Does he only own one tie? Does he think that the red is a nice contrast to his orange spray tan? Does he not button his jacket because to do so would make you notice his fat gut even more than you already do?

Trump lumbers around like an old baboon, sour faced and miserable, because he knows he's lost. He's blown it, and just in case he hasn't blown it thoroughly enough, he says something so assinine and offensive, that anyone who might has considered voting for him, is repelled, like he wouldn't have sexually assaulted a woman because she wasn't pretty enough.

With Trump, women are always judged, first and foremost, on their looks. Anyone who says nice things about him, regardless of how heinous a human being, is always welcome with Trump - like Putin, or David Duke. Anyone who disagrees with him, is vilified, reviled, insulted and abused.

A President needs a thick skin, a cool head, and a calm rational mind. A President is not a dictator, or a boss, he is a servant of the people, and their leader in crisis, not the other way around.

Conservatives keep look for a someone to "save the country". Look in the mirror. It starts with you. Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. Your country needs infrastructure, it needs working class jobs, and it needs liveable wages.
What it doesn't need is pointless trade wars that it can't win. Look at Brexit. The Britons have shot themselves in the foot with their isolationist vote. The pound has lost value, jobs are fleeing the country, and voters have expressed buyers remorse as the Brexit leaders have walked back every promise they made to secure their votes.

Americans who are voting for Trump as a form of protesting the establishment should take a long look at that vote before doing something similar. GB has two years to disentangle itself with the European Union, and to negotiate trade deals with more than 70 separate countries. The clock is ticking.

I look forward to November 9th, and the continued whining of the Trumpbots.
Only an asshole would look at insults thrown in the middle of a mud slinging match and pretend they were policy positions.

Here's a clue. Stop slinging mud. It adds nothing to the debate and the guy slinging it looks like an asshole.

I stopped reading right here.

The Race Card, which is effectively HALF of just about everything you libs say, is nothing but "slinging mud".

Liberals: All the self awareness of a turnip.
Interesting threads. Cain's fellow Republicans brought up his record with women to knock him out of the primary in 2008, yet mysteriously, that's also supposed to be the fault of the Democrats. The lesson? Republicans are incapable of taking responsibility for anything. Another reason to keep them out of office.

I always wondered why conservatives loved Cain. I believe it was because Cain was one of Jesse Jackson's affirmative action proteges, a man who used Jesse Jackson's race cards to advance in business. Republicans do so admire someone who can throw the race card effectively.
Interesting threads. Cain's fellow Republicans brought up his record with women to knock him out of the primary in 2008, yet mysteriously, that's also supposed to be the fault of the Democrats. The lesson? Republicans are incapable of taking responsibility for anything. Another reason to keep them out of office.

I always wondered why conservatives loved Cain. I believe it was because Cain was one of Jesse Jackson's affirmative action proteges, a man who used Jesse Jackson's race cards to advance in business. Republicans do so admire someone who can throw the race card effectively.

IF you want to know why conservatives "loved" Cain, why don't you ask a conservative, instead of pulling shit out of your mouth?
Ooh. Someone is upset about getting called on his adoration of those who play the race card. At for those on his own side, that is.
Oh, you mean like Barack Obama? LOL!!!!

All it takes to get into a mudslinging match is for someone to throw mud at you, and for you to not just let them define you.

You libs like it when we cons don't fight back.

Obama didn't sling mud at McCain. He didn't have to. Bush sank McCain's boat before it ever got out of port.

And what is your opinion on Hillary since she has gotten into a mudslinging contest with Trump? Is she brainless? LOL!!

Hillary is her opponent. I expect mud to be slung. Especially when you are running against a misogynist Nazi narcissist. What was stupid was slinging mud at McCain who was 1) Not running against him and 2) a member of his own party and 3) A decorated war hero.

Says the lefty that thinks it is crazy to send people home.

Not only crazy but racist. But you knew that.
The GOP LEADERSHIP, did not want Trump. The GOP voters did. WE are the Party. Trump in the Candidate because he WON the primary despite all the bullshit the leadership pulled.

THEY are "handing the keys to the WHite House" to Hillary, thanks to their support of the vile lefty narrative.

actually, most of the voters in the GOP didn't want him either, as most of them voted for someone else.

Watch for the GOP leadership to put in rules to keep that from ever happening again, like the Democrats did after McGovern lost 49 states.

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