the destruction of herman cain, from an election far far away.

Oh, you mean like Barack Obama? LOL!!!!

All it takes to get into a mudslinging match is for someone to throw mud at you, and for you to not just let them define you.

You libs like it when we cons don't fight back.

Obama didn't sling mud at McCain. He didn't have to. Bush sank McCain's boat before it ever got out of port.

Obama did sling mud at McCain. Your denial is the ravings of a madman.

And what is your opinion on Hillary since she has gotten into a mudslinging contest with Trump? Is she brainless? LOL!!

Hillary is her opponent. I expect mud to be slung. Especially when you are running against a misogynist Nazi narcissist. What was stupid was slinging mud at McCain who was 1) Not running against him and 2) a member of his own party and 3) A decorated war hero.[/QUOTE]

Your play of the Gender Card is noted. You are a Gender baiting asshole.

Your Godwin Play is noted. You are a panic mongering asshole.

Your personal smear is noted. YOu are an asshole.

1. Irrelevant. McCain made himself part of the process. A response was completely called for. YOu are a lying asshole.

2. Being all republicans should have led McCain to keep his mouth shut.

3. Being a decorated war hero does not excuse being an asshole.

Says the lefty that thinks it is crazy to send people home.

Not only crazy but racist. But you knew that.[/QUOTE]

1. ONly a lying fool would claim that sending people home is crazy.

2. Your Race Card play is noted. You are a Race Baiting asshole.
Hisses the fucking rightard who can't understand, "I like people who weren’t captured," speaks to all POW's....


It was obviously directed at McCain, and he deserved to be insulted back for his being a dick.

Much like you, you dick.
Seems you don't understand English. When he said...
"So I didn't like him as much after that because I don't like losers."
... he was talking about McCain and losers. (of which, he's about to be one as well. I guess that means he won't like himself as much either after the election)

When he said...
"I like people who weren’t captured."
... he was talking about McCain and POW's since it's POW's who are captured, not just McCain.

Even worse for your ignorance of the English language is Crazy Donald's use of the word, "people," the plural tense of "person." It's obvious to anyone with a functioning brain, which leaves you out, that when Crazy Donald said, "I like people who weren’t captured," he was talking about "people," not just McCain....

Or Trump could have been sloppy in his use of the English language during a mud slinging fight with John McCain.

As is obvious to anyone with a functioning brain. Which leaves you out.

But by pretending to not be aware of that possibility, you get to smear your enemies.

Liberals: All the intellectual honesty of a crack whore.

After denying Crazy Donald even said he doesn't like troops who get caught -- now you say may have misspoke.


Only an asshole would look at insults thrown in the middle of a mud slinging match and pretend they were policy positions.
Only an abject moron would think anyone classified that statement of his as a "policy position."
If it was rigged, Crazy Donald would never have become the GOP nominee.

on the republican side the voters were offended by the efforts of their leadership to shit all over them and fought back and won.

Unlike you dems who know your place, and don't question your superiors.

Trump's eventual victory does not mean the contest was not rigged.
Take your whining over to Grizz. He's the one who said the GOP primaries (as well as tbe Democrat primaries) were rigged. I was the one to suggest they're not..

THere was nothing whiny about my post. Try to be less of a dishonest dick.

And I was disagreeing with your claim that "if it was rigged Trump would never had become the GOP nominee".
Stop whining like a little girl and I won't suggest you stop . And your hollow disagreement, like your idiotic defense of Trump disparaging of POW's, is nothing but your typical knee-jerk reaction you offer in most of your posts. Empty rhetoric because you feel compelled to defend Crazy Donald and will say anything, no matter how retarded.

The GOP did not want Trump. They made that abundantly clear to the point Trump threatened them that he would abandon the GOP and run against them as an Independent. And while such an offer no doubt sounded tempting to thr GOP, even they recognized such a maneuver would have handed the keys to the White House to the Democrats; so they were stuck with him.

There was nothing whiny about my post, you lying dick.
Grow a pair and stop whining like a little girl who had her Barbie® doll taken away. <smh>

The GOP LEADERSHIP, did not want Trump. The GOP voters did. WE are the Party. Trump in the Candidate because he WON the primary despite all the bullshit the leadership pulled.

THEY are "handing the keys to the WHite House" to Hillary, thanks to their support of the vile lefty narrative.
I'm talking about party leaders.
Your play of the Gender Card is noted. You are a Gender baiting asshole.

Your Godwin Play is noted. You are a panic mongering asshole.

Your personal smear is noted. YOu are an asshole.

1. Irrelevant. McCain made himself part of the process. A response was completely called for. YOu are a lying asshole.

2. Being all republicans should have led McCain to keep his mouth shut.

3. Being a decorated war hero does not excuse being an asshole.
You remain an imbecile. There was no reason for Trump to disparage POW's like he did. He did it because he can't control his mouth or his temperament. Which is exactly why he'll never be president of the U.S.. There aren't enough crazies in this country who want a loose cannon like that running the nation.
Obama did sling mud at McCain. Your denial is the ravings of a madman.

I think you are too dumb to realize the difference between legitimate policy differences and mudslinging. McCain's biggest weakness is that was still insisting the IRaq War was a good idea when everyone- including him, knew it wasn't.

1. Irrelevant. McCain made himself part of the process. A response was completely called for. YOu are a lying asshole.

2. Being all republicans should have led McCain to keep his mouth shut.

3. Being a decorated war hero does not excuse being an asshole.

Uh, guy, a response wasn't called for. What we've seen again and again with this guy is his ability to escalate minor problems into huge ones. McCain criticized him for something. Do you even remember what? I don't. So what does Trumpenfuhrer do? Mock his service and heroism. Which of course, reminds everyone Trumpenfuhrer dodged the draft while McCain was in the Hanoi Hilton.


It was obviously directed at McCain, and he deserved to be insulted back for his being a dick.

Much like you, you dick.
Seems you don't understand English. When he said...
"So I didn't like him as much after that because I don't like losers."
... he was talking about McCain and losers. (of which, he's about to be one as well. I guess that means he won't like himself as much either after the election)

When he said...
"I like people who weren’t captured."
... he was talking about McCain and POW's since it's POW's who are captured, not just McCain.

Even worse for your ignorance of the English language is Crazy Donald's use of the word, "people," the plural tense of "person." It's obvious to anyone with a functioning brain, which leaves you out, that when Crazy Donald said, "I like people who weren’t captured," he was talking about "people," not just McCain....

Or Trump could have been sloppy in his use of the English language during a mud slinging fight with John McCain.

As is obvious to anyone with a functioning brain. Which leaves you out.

But by pretending to not be aware of that possibility, you get to smear your enemies.

Liberals: All the intellectual honesty of a crack whore.

After denying Crazy Donald even said he doesn't like troops who get caught -- now you say may have misspoke.


Only an asshole would look at insults thrown in the middle of a mud slinging match and pretend they were policy positions.
Only an abject moron would think anyone classified that statement of his as a "policy position."

John McCain insulted Trump's supporters. Trump insulted him back.

That should have been the end of it.

YOu and yours are the assholes pretending it meant any more than that.
on the republican side the voters were offended by the efforts of their leadership to shit all over them and fought back and won.

Unlike you dems who know your place, and don't question your superiors.

Trump's eventual victory does not mean the contest was not rigged.
Take your whining over to Grizz. He's the one who said the GOP primaries (as well as tbe Democrat primaries) were rigged. I was the one to suggest they're not..

THere was nothing whiny about my post. Try to be less of a dishonest dick.

And I was disagreeing with your claim that "if it was rigged Trump would never had become the GOP nominee".
Stop whining like a little girl and I won't suggest you stop . And your hollow disagreement, like your idiotic defense of Trump disparaging of POW's, is nothing but your typical knee-jerk reaction you offer in most of your posts. Empty rhetoric because you feel compelled to defend Crazy Donald and will say anything, no matter how retarded.

The GOP did not want Trump. They made that abundantly clear to the point Trump threatened them that he would abandon the GOP and run against them as an Independent. And while such an offer no doubt sounded tempting to thr GOP, even they recognized such a maneuver would have handed the keys to the White House to the Democrats; so they were stuck with him.

There was nothing whiny about my post, you lying dick.
Grow a pair and stop whining like a little girl who had her Barbie® doll taken away. <smh>

Fuck you.

The GOP LEADERSHIP, did not want Trump. The GOP voters did. WE are the Party. Trump in the Candidate because he WON the primary despite all the bullshit the leadership pulled.

THEY are "handing the keys to the WHite House" to Hillary, thanks to their support of the vile lefty narrative.
I'm talking about party leaders.[/QUOTE]

The leaders are not the ones who select the Candidate. That is what primaries are for.

That the leadership is out of touch with it's base is obvious, not just because of Trump, but because the nearest runner up was Cruz, also not an Establishment pick.

And the leadership is doing just about everything they can to sabotage our Candidate to hand the election to Hillary.
Your play of the Gender Card is noted. You are a Gender baiting asshole.

Your Godwin Play is noted. You are a panic mongering asshole.

Your personal smear is noted. YOu are an asshole.

1. Irrelevant. McCain made himself part of the process. A response was completely called for. YOu are a lying asshole.

2. Being all republicans should have led McCain to keep his mouth shut.

3. Being a decorated war hero does not excuse being an asshole.
You remain an imbecile. There was no reason for Trump to disparage POW's like he did. He did it because he can't control his mouth or his temperament. Which is exactly why he'll never be president of the U.S.. There aren't enough crazies in this country who want a loose cannon like that running the nation.

You remain an asshole making a mountain out of a molehill.

IF Trump doesn't win it will be because of the massive and constant stream of lies from the Lefty media, validated by the GOP establishment.

YOu want to talk about a loose cannon?

Talk about Hillary wanting to fuck with Russia. Trump will wisely walk away from that confrontation.

Hillary will use it to look tough. She is too dim to realize that Russia is no little nation to be safely pushed around.
Obama did sling mud at McCain. Your denial is the ravings of a madman.

I think you are too dumb to realize the difference between legitimate policy differences and mudslinging. McCain's biggest weakness is that was still insisting the IRaq War was a good idea when everyone- including him, knew it wasn't.

1. Irrelevant. McCain made himself part of the process. A response was completely called for. YOu are a lying asshole.

2. Being all republicans should have led McCain to keep his mouth shut.

3. Being a decorated war hero does not excuse being an asshole.

Uh, guy, a response wasn't called for. What we've seen again and again with this guy is his ability to escalate minor problems into huge ones. McCain criticized him for something. Do you even remember what? I don't. So what does Trumpenfuhrer do? Mock his service and heroism. Which of course, reminds everyone Trumpenfuhrer dodged the draft while McCain was in the Hanoi Hilton.

1. The Iraq War was obviously a valid issue. Falsely claiming that McCain's campaign would use Race was not.

2. You would like it, if people could lie about Trump and his supporters without being called on their bullshit. Well fuck that. McCain was being an asshole, and deserved to be called on his bullshit.
1. The Iraq War was obviously a valid issue. Falsely claiming that McCain's campaign would use Race was not.

Obama never did that. So no, not so much.

2. You would like it, if people could lie about Trump and his supporters without being called on their bullshit. Well fuck that. McCain was being an asshole, and deserved to be called on his bullshit.

Dude, what are you Branch Trumpidians going to do after he loses?

Okay, so McCain said something Trump didn't like... something so innocuous, no one ever remembers what it was.

And Trump goes into a rant about McCain's service that got him BOOED at a Christian Gathering.

Again, someone who takes a situation and makes it worse.

The last guy you'd ever want to give real power to.
Seems you don't understand English. When he said...
... he was talking about McCain and losers. (of which, he's about to be one as well. I guess that means he won't like himself as much either after the election)

When he said...
... he was talking about McCain and POW's since it's POW's who are captured, not just McCain.

Even worse for your ignorance of the English language is Crazy Donald's use of the word, "people," the plural tense of "person." It's obvious to anyone with a functioning brain, which leaves you out, that when Crazy Donald said, "I like people who weren’t captured," he was talking about "people," not just McCain....

Or Trump could have been sloppy in his use of the English language during a mud slinging fight with John McCain.

As is obvious to anyone with a functioning brain. Which leaves you out.

But by pretending to not be aware of that possibility, you get to smear your enemies.

Liberals: All the intellectual honesty of a crack whore.

After denying Crazy Donald even said he doesn't like troops who get caught -- now you say may have misspoke.


Only an asshole would look at insults thrown in the middle of a mud slinging match and pretend they were policy positions.
Only an abject moron would think anyone classified that statement of his as a "policy position."

John McCain insulted Trump's supporters. Trump insulted him back.

That should have been the end of it.

YOu and yours are the assholes pretending it meant any more than that.
Insulting him back would have been one thing. Insulting all POW's was quite another.
Take your whining over to Grizz. He's the one who said the GOP primaries (as well as tbe Democrat primaries) were rigged. I was the one to suggest they're not..

THere was nothing whiny about my post. Try to be less of a dishonest dick.

And I was disagreeing with your claim that "if it was rigged Trump would never had become the GOP nominee".
Stop whining like a little girl and I won't suggest you stop . And your hollow disagreement, like your idiotic defense of Trump disparaging of POW's, is nothing but your typical knee-jerk reaction you offer in most of your posts. Empty rhetoric because you feel compelled to defend Crazy Donald and will say anything, no matter how retarded.

The GOP did not want Trump. They made that abundantly clear to the point Trump threatened them that he would abandon the GOP and run against them as an Independent. And while such an offer no doubt sounded tempting to thr GOP, even they recognized such a maneuver would have handed the keys to the White House to the Democrats; so they were stuck with him.

There was nothing whiny about my post, you lying dick.
Grow a pair and stop whining like a little girl who had her Barbie® doll taken away. <smh>

Fuck you.

The GOP LEADERSHIP, did not want Trump. The GOP voters did. WE are the Party. Trump in the Candidate because he WON the primary despite all the bullshit the leadership pulled.

THEY are "handing the keys to the WHite House" to Hillary, thanks to their support of the vile lefty narrative.
I'm talking about party leaders.

The leaders are not the ones who select the Candidate. That is what primaries are for.

That the leadership is out of touch with it's base is obvious, not just because of Trump, but because the nearest runner up was Cruz, also not an Establishment pick.

And the leadership is doing just about everything they can to sabotage our Candidate to hand the election to Hillary.
Is posting too difficult for you that you struggle so bigly with the quotes? :badgrin:

Your posting struggles aside ... if there was any election rigging going on against Crazy Donald, it's not the folks voting for him. I am talking about GOP leadership. Sounds like you agree with that even though you appear woefully confused about the topic and the quote function.
Your play of the Gender Card is noted. You are a Gender baiting asshole.

Your Godwin Play is noted. You are a panic mongering asshole.

Your personal smear is noted. YOu are an asshole.

1. Irrelevant. McCain made himself part of the process. A response was completely called for. YOu are a lying asshole.

2. Being all republicans should have led McCain to keep his mouth shut.

3. Being a decorated war hero does not excuse being an asshole.
You remain an imbecile. There was no reason for Trump to disparage POW's like he did. He did it because he can't control his mouth or his temperament. Which is exactly why he'll never be president of the U.S.. There aren't enough crazies in this country who want a loose cannon like that running the nation.

You remain an asshole making a mountain out of a molehill.

IF Trump doesn't win it will be because of the massive and constant stream of lies from the Lefty media, validated by the GOP establishment.

YOu want to talk about a loose cannon?

Talk about Hillary wanting to fuck with Russia. Trump will wisely walk away from that confrontation.

Hillary will use it to look tough. She is too dim to realize that Russia is no little nation to be safely pushed around.
Leave it to a crazy Trump sycophant like you to categorize disparaging U.S. POW's as a "molehill."
1. The Iraq War was obviously a valid issue. Falsely claiming that McCain's campaign would use Race was not.

Obama never did that. So no, not so much.

2. You would like it, if people could lie about Trump and his supporters without being called on their bullshit. Well fuck that. McCain was being an asshole, and deserved to be called on his bullshit.

Dude, what are you Branch Trumpidians going to do after he loses?

Okay, so McCain said something Trump didn't like... something so innocuous, no one ever remembers what it was.

And Trump goes into a rant about McCain's service that got him BOOED at a Christian Gathering.

Again, someone who takes a situation and makes it worse.

The last guy you'd ever want to give real power to.
"Branch Trumpidians"

Or Trump could have been sloppy in his use of the English language during a mud slinging fight with John McCain.

As is obvious to anyone with a functioning brain. Which leaves you out.

But by pretending to not be aware of that possibility, you get to smear your enemies.

Liberals: All the intellectual honesty of a crack whore.

After denying Crazy Donald even said he doesn't like troops who get caught -- now you say may have misspoke.


Only an asshole would look at insults thrown in the middle of a mud slinging match and pretend they were policy positions.
Only an abject moron would think anyone classified that statement of his as a "policy position."

John McCain insulted Trump's supporters. Trump insulted him back.

That should have been the end of it.

YOu and yours are the assholes pretending it meant any more than that.
Insulting him back would have been one thing. Insulting all POW's was quite another.

You dislike how Trump insulted him back. That's fine.

Time to move on.

Surely you have other more substantial complaints about Trump.

Maybe you want to talk about the issues?

Did you see that recent WTO Airbus ruling that completely validated Trump on trade and made fools of all those who disagreed with him?
THere was nothing whiny about my post. Try to be less of a dishonest dick.

And I was disagreeing with your claim that "if it was rigged Trump would never had become the GOP nominee".
Stop whining like a little girl and I won't suggest you stop . And your hollow disagreement, like your idiotic defense of Trump disparaging of POW's, is nothing but your typical knee-jerk reaction you offer in most of your posts. Empty rhetoric because you feel compelled to defend Crazy Donald and will say anything, no matter how retarded.

The GOP did not want Trump. They made that abundantly clear to the point Trump threatened them that he would abandon the GOP and run against them as an Independent. And while such an offer no doubt sounded tempting to thr GOP, even they recognized such a maneuver would have handed the keys to the White House to the Democrats; so they were stuck with him.

There was nothing whiny about my post, you lying dick.
Grow a pair and stop whining like a little girl who had her Barbie® doll taken away. <smh>

Fuck you.

The GOP LEADERSHIP, did not want Trump. The GOP voters did. WE are the Party. Trump in the Candidate because he WON the primary despite all the bullshit the leadership pulled.

THEY are "handing the keys to the WHite House" to Hillary, thanks to their support of the vile lefty narrative.
I'm talking about party leaders.

The leaders are not the ones who select the Candidate. That is what primaries are for.

That the leadership is out of touch with it's base is obvious, not just because of Trump, but because the nearest runner up was Cruz, also not an Establishment pick.

And the leadership is doing just about everything they can to sabotage our Candidate to hand the election to Hillary.
Is posting too difficult for you that you struggle so bigly with the quotes? :badgrin:

Your posting struggles aside ... if there was any election rigging going on against Crazy Donald, it's not the folks voting for him. I am talking about GOP leadership. Sounds like you agree with that even though you appear woefully confused about the topic and the quote function.

1. Did you have any difficulty reading and understanding my posts? Then my post was fine.

2. Yes, I agree that the asshole leadership tried to rig the primaries against Trump, and went so far as to seriously consider completely tossing them out.
Your play of the Gender Card is noted. You are a Gender baiting asshole.

Your Godwin Play is noted. You are a panic mongering asshole.

Your personal smear is noted. YOu are an asshole.

1. Irrelevant. McCain made himself part of the process. A response was completely called for. YOu are a lying asshole.

2. Being all republicans should have led McCain to keep his mouth shut.

3. Being a decorated war hero does not excuse being an asshole.
You remain an imbecile. There was no reason for Trump to disparage POW's like he did. He did it because he can't control his mouth or his temperament. Which is exactly why he'll never be president of the U.S.. There aren't enough crazies in this country who want a loose cannon like that running the nation.

You remain an asshole making a mountain out of a molehill.

IF Trump doesn't win it will be because of the massive and constant stream of lies from the Lefty media, validated by the GOP establishment.

YOu want to talk about a loose cannon?

Talk about Hillary wanting to fuck with Russia. Trump will wisely walk away from that confrontation.

Hillary will use it to look tough. She is too dim to realize that Russia is no little nation to be safely pushed around.
Leave it to a crazy Trump sycophant like you to categorize disparaging U.S. POW's as a "molehill."

Leave it to a crazy Trump hater to pretend that a off handed insulted directed at a grump old man who richly deserved it, should be considered somehow important.

After denying Crazy Donald even said he doesn't like troops who get caught -- now you say may have misspoke.


Only an asshole would look at insults thrown in the middle of a mud slinging match and pretend they were policy positions.
Only an abject moron would think anyone classified that statement of his as a "policy position."

John McCain insulted Trump's supporters. Trump insulted him back.

That should have been the end of it.

YOu and yours are the assholes pretending it meant any more than that.
Insulting him back would have been one thing. Insulting all POW's was quite another.

You dislike how Trump insulted him back. That's fine.

Time to move on.

Surely you have other more substantial complaints about Trump.

Maybe you want to talk about the issues?

Did you see that recent WTO Airbus ruling that completely validated Trump on trade and made fools of all those who disagreed with him?
Didn't see that. But I did see this rather extensive list of failed Trump business ventures:
  • Trump Steaks
  • Trump Airlines
  • Trump Vodka
  • Trump Mortgage
  • Trump: The Game
  • Trump Magazine
  • Trump University
  • Trump Ice
  • The New Jersey Generals
  • Tour de Trump
  • Trump on the Ocean
  • The Trump Network
  • Trumped! Talk Radio
  • Trump New Media
Only an asshole would look at insults thrown in the middle of a mud slinging match and pretend they were policy positions.
Only an abject moron would think anyone classified that statement of his as a "policy position."

John McCain insulted Trump's supporters. Trump insulted him back.

That should have been the end of it.

YOu and yours are the assholes pretending it meant any more than that.
Insulting him back would have been one thing. Insulting all POW's was quite another.

You dislike how Trump insulted him back. That's fine.

Time to move on.

Surely you have other more substantial complaints about Trump.

Maybe you want to talk about the issues?

Did you see that recent WTO Airbus ruling that completely validated Trump on trade and made fools of all those who disagreed with him?
Didn't see that. But I did see this rather extensive list of failed Trump business ventures:
  • Trump Steaks
  • Trump Airlines
  • Trump Vodka
  • Trump Mortgage
  • Trump: The Game
  • Trump Magazine
  • Trump University
  • Trump Ice
  • The New Jersey Generals
  • Tour de Trump
  • Trump on the Ocean
  • The Trump Network
  • Trumped! Talk Radio
  • Trump New Media

The WTO found the the EU was still Illegally supporting Airbus.

The part I like the most, is that no one expects any real change. The EU is going to appeal and drag it out, while Americans are still NOT working due to unfair "competition".

Check this out.

"Richard Evans of British Aerospace explained: “Airbus is going to attack the Americans, including Boeing, until they bleed and scream.” And another executive said, “If Airbus has to give away planes, we will do it.”

When Europe’s taxpayers objected to the $26 billion in subsidies Airbus had gotten by 1990, German aerospace coordinator Erich Riedl was dismissive, “We don’t care about criticism from small-minded pencil-pushers.”

This is the voice of economic nationalism. Where is ours?"

We are not losing because we can't compete. We are losing because out trade partners are cheating.

We are the world's bitch on Trade and our Middle Class is paying the price.

Have you seen the recent reports of on the DECLINE in lifespans for white Americans?

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