The Destructive Effects of Government

So unless it's a case of illegal slavery, the agreement between an employer and an employee is none of the government's business. To think otherwise is to think like a fascist.
To think that is to think like a child, with no understanding of capitalism.

To violate the liberty of two people to enter into a mutually agreeable contract is to think like a fascist.
Not when the contract cannot be made fairly or violates human decency. Capitalism is amoral. Whatever it can get away with it very likely will, as when it once chained children to machines. We don't regulate it just because we're such busybodies.

How can the contract "not be made fairly" if it's totally voluntary? As long as no fraud is involved, it's fair.
So unless it's a case of illegal slavery, the agreement between an employer and an employee is none of the government's business. To think otherwise is to think like a fascist.
To think that is to think like a child, with no understanding of capitalism.

To violate the liberty of two people to enter into a mutually agreeable contract is to think like a fascist.

It's the 'liberty' of the People in a government of the People to make labor laws as they see fit.
Which is true. They actually get paid to figure that out...

How could anyone possibly know what's good for me when they're not me?
Ask those who seek to 'ban' abortion.

Not sure how that answers my question. PaintMyHouse said that government gets paid to figure out what's best for me. How could anyone other than me know what's best for me?

If you have a habit of driving drunk despite the government having passed a law that will deprive you of your driver's license if you're caught driving drunk,

who figured out what's best for you? You or the government?

I don't drink.

Do you read? The post started with "If". But don't bother. We all know why you avoided a relevant response.
So unless it's a case of illegal slavery, the agreement between an employer and an employee is none of the government's business. To think otherwise is to think like a fascist.
To think that is to think like a child, with no understanding of capitalism.

To violate the liberty of two people to enter into a mutually agreeable contract is to think like a fascist.

It's the 'liberty' of the People in a government of the People to make labor laws as they see fit.
That isn't liberty. That's the tyranny of the majority.
The two things are mutually exclusive. You're a fascist.
Nope, dumbass.

Yes they are. Never heard a liberal name a single thing about capitalism that they approved of.
Capitalism is a wonder, dumbfuck. It also has a dark side, so we regulate it, and it needs what government provides so we tax it. Good luck finding a liberal who isn't a capitalist, some more and some less but none other.
Well if you would use slave labor if you could get away with it, you're an asshole. Would you also rape a young girl if you could get away with it?
Me? No. Most men, yes. I have morals.

And capitalists don't pay for what they can get free.

Is being given something for free illegal?
It depends.

Non-answer noted.
That is the answer, idiot.
Sounds like those areas will have demand for the delivery of goods and services, which someone else will be able to fill.
LOL. Another PC thread completely debunkable in seconds

rdean said he was going to make you tone it down. How is that going for you. :lol:

The effects are even worse in rural areas where Walmart's presence drove out small groceries, that will now have no grocery stores after the exodus of Walmart. Lost jobs and higher food costs factoring in travel.

The damage done by Walmart putting all the small stores out of business is already done, but the closed stores are all within 10 miles of another Walmart that is staying open.

Soon, very very soon Comrade Sanders will NATIONALIZE Walmart stores and "teach" (wink, wink) them how to make a profit.

Mexico will finish constructing the border wall in order to prevent Americans from entering Mexico. Mark my words.


I wonder if the good comrade Sanders is still driving his Trabant?

"The Trabant is an automobile that was produced by former East German auto maker VEB Sachsenring Automobilwerke Zwickau in Zwickau, Sachsen. It was the most common vehicle in East Germany, and was also exported to countries both inside and outside the communist bloc. The main selling point was that it had room for four adults and luggage in a compact, light and durable shell. Despite its mediocre performance and smoky two-stroke engine, the car is regarded with derisive affection as a symbol of the failed former East Germany and of the fall of communism (in former West Germany, as many East Germans streamed into West Berlin and West Germany in their Trabants after the opening of the Berlin Wall in 1989). For advocates of capitalism it is often cited as an example of the disadvantages of centralized planning as even refueling the car required lifting the hood, filling the tank with gasoline (only 24 litres[1]), then adding two-stroke oil and shaking it back and forth to mix. It was in production without any significant changes for nearly 30 years with 3,096,099 Trabants produced in total."
Trabant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And, there is this:
...the man who goes to buy a car in Moscow, pays for it, and is told by the salesman that he can collect it on a particular date in 10 years' time. The buyer thinks for a moment and then asks: 'Morning or afternoon?'
The salesman, astonished by the question, asks: 'What difference does it make?'
And the buyer answers: 'Well, the plumber is coming in the morning.'

Venezuela , an oil rich country ,its economy sunk after the Chavez/Maduro socialist takeover.


I could name dozens of nations that use the hybrid social democracy system from western europe to south korea that never sees anything like that. You choose a dictatorship that uses a pure system to say that all government is bad? You're a fool.
So unless it's a case of illegal slavery, the agreement between an employer and an employee is none of the government's business. To think otherwise is to think like a fascist.
To think that is to think like a child, with no understanding of capitalism.

To violate the liberty of two people to enter into a mutually agreeable contract is to think like a fascist.

It's the 'liberty' of the People in a government of the People to make labor laws as they see fit.


The loserterians want a baron and serf like system and government shouldn't have any say. History proves that this doesn't have to be so and it is morally wrong.
So unless it's a case of illegal slavery, the agreement between an employer and an employee is none of the government's business. To think otherwise is to think like a fascist.
To think that is to think like a child, with no understanding of capitalism.

To violate the liberty of two people to enter into a mutually agreeable contract is to think like a fascist.

It's the 'liberty' of the People in a government of the People to make labor laws as they see fit.
That isn't liberty. That's the tyranny of the majority.

How about the tyranny of someone more powerful then you mistreating you/? or say your neighbor??? You act like government is the only thing that can ever mistreat you...Well, in most cases that simply isn't so.
So unless it's a case of illegal slavery, the agreement between an employer and an employee is none of the government's business. To think otherwise is to think like a fascist.
To think that is to think like a child, with no understanding of capitalism.

To violate the liberty of two people to enter into a mutually agreeable contract is to think like a fascist.

It's the 'liberty' of the People in a government of the People to make labor laws as they see fit.

Liberty is the ability to freely act as long as one doesn't violate the life, liberty, or property of others. Clearly when the People act so as to violate the liberty of others they are not exercising liberty. They are exercising tyranny.
Liberal big government operates under the motto "We Know Best What's Good For You!"

What is amazing is how many drones bow to this.

Equally amazing that the flashing light "IDIOT" over their heads doesn't keep them awake at night.

Rather than rehash the damage that Franklin Roosevelt did to the economy by instigating the mortgage meltdown by occupying the private home mortgage industry with his shock troops....'Fannie Mae,''s one more casualty...actually 400 casualties....of big government meddling.

1. "Wal-Mart announced Jan. 15 it will close 269 stores globally, including 154 locations in the United States—affecting about 10,000 associates across the nation.
“The minimum wage in the city of Oakland played a factor, was one of the factors, they considered in closing the stores,” Oakland City Councilman Larry Reidtoldthe San Francisco Chronicle.

... this store has been very successful for Wal-mart.”

2. The Oakland location, which ranked among the city’s top sales-tax producers, closed its doors Sunday evening following the corporate announcement. The store’s 400 employees will stay on moving inventory through mid-February,reported the San Francisco Chronicle.

3. Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf, a Democrat, has been leading statewide efforts to raise the minimum wage to $15.

“This higher city minimum wage eliminated the jobs of the very workers advocates wanted to help,” said James Sherk, a research fellow in labor economics at The Heritage Foundation.

4. California’s minimum wage rose to$10 an hour on Jan. 1. Oakland’s minimum wage was bumped from $9 to $12.25 in March 2015 and was raised to $12.55 at the start of this year.

5. “The true minimum wage is $0.00 an hour,” Sherk said.“Companies do not have to hire workers, and they will not pay them more than the value they create.”

6. If the Oakland Wal-Mart workers don’t find employment by Feb. 10, they will get 60 days of additional pay and a severance package with a week of pay for every year employed by Wal-Mart, reports the San Francisco Chronicle.

7. The San Francisco Chronicle says two Wal-Mart locations in Oakland’s neighboring city ofSan Leandro, where minimum wage is $10, will remain open.

8. The difference between these three locations is the Oakland Wal-Mart has over a 25 percent difference in labor costs for entry-level employees than the San Leandro locations, says Mark Perry, an American Enterprise Institute scholar and professor of economics and finance at the University of Michigan’s Flint campus.

9. “Given the reality that Wal-Mart operates on razor-thin profit margins (only 2.8 percent last quarter), a 25 percent difference in labor costs for entry-level workers can be the difference between a store that turns a profit and a store that barely breaks even, or loses money,” Perrywrote.
Oakland’s Minimum Wage Is Up, Wal-Mart Is Out

One more success story for theDemocrts/Liberals/Progressives who know best.

Most of the Walmart store closings are occurring in states where the minimum wage is at the federal minimum wage, or lower.

Tell the whole story for once, liar.

I never lie.

Does that make you jealous?
There you go again. You lied yet again claiming you never lie so.....

You even lie about never lying, Chica! You don't have an honest bone in your body!

In your post #436 above [ Why Liberals Hate Free Speech | Page 44 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum ], you cited this quote from
"[Liberal judicial activism] seems instead to be based upon the proposition that federal judges, perhaps judges as a whole, have a role of their own,
quite independent of popular will, to play in solving society’s problems."

But you didn't faithfully reproduce the quote which actually read:
"The brief writer’s version seems instead to be based upon the proposition that federal judges, perhaps judges as a whole, have a role of their own, quite independent of popular will, to play in solving society’s problems."

The underlined portions in both quotes above display the difference. In the original, in blue font, the author was speaking about the case brief's written by LAWYERS. But that didn't jive with your desired narrative so you edited, read that as LIED, it to shift the subject from LAWYERS to JUDGES, with your bracketed "Liberal judicial activism". That is changing truth to falsehood or in common English, LYING! You altered Rehnquist's entire meaning and intent to play the alter quote into your game by LYING. That is not only lying, but truly despicable dishonesty and conduct.

I understand why you didn't respond to my post #441 [ Why Liberals Hate Free Speech | Page 45 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum ] which disclosed this same dishonest conduct. I would have let it go until I read the post to which I'm responding [ Why Liberals Hate Free Speech | Page 45 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum post #448 ] proclaiming that you "never lie". You are an utterly disgustingly flawed person. Oh and you can expect to see this post showing up each and every time you claim that you "never lie", LIAR!


Have a Nice Day, Chica!
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Can't pay a living wage? Close up shop, we don't need you.

Or stay open. It's a free country.

Correction: it was a free country. Now it's a fascist police state.
You know literally nothing of fascism, or capitalism for that matter.
Ironic. Fascism is exactly what you endorse. Fascism is the belief that corporations exist to carry out government policy, that they are mere extensions of the government, and that's exactly what you believe.
I'm a liberal and a capitalist, dummy.'re a socialist born and bred. the poster pointed out.....just fine with Mussolini's brand of fascism.

(sigh,,,) if only you knew some history and economic theory.
Can't pay a living wage? Close up shop, we don't need you.

Or stay open. It's a free country.

Correction: it was a free country. Now it's a fascist police state.
You know literally nothing of fascism, or capitalism for that matter.
Ironic. Fascism is exactly what you endorse. Fascism is the belief that corporations exist to carry out government policy, that they are mere extensions of the government, and that's exactly what you believe.
I'm a liberal and a capitalist, dummy.

No, you are a fascist and a socialist.
To go back to the OP. Surely the answer is to have a national minimum wage so that the corporations cannot play off one state against another.
The likes of Walmart trade in the US and cannot uproot to China.
Government is there to protect us from the powerful.

Here's an even better plan.....mind your own business.
If you don't want to shop at a particular establishment....don't.

If you don't care to work at a particular establishment....don't.

And....for you in particular, Tommy, pick up a book or two on the history of minimum wage laws.

Here....let me start you off on the road to an education.

1. FDR talked Congress into creating Social Security in 1935 and imposing the nation’s first comprehensive minimum-wage law in 1938. While to this day he gets a great deal of credit for these two measures from the general public, many economists have a different perspective. The minimum-wage law prices many of the inexperienced, the young, the unskilled, and the disadvantaged out of the labor market. (For example, the minimum-wage provisions passed as part of another act in 1933 threw an estimated 500,000 blacks out of work.)

2. Minimum wage laws actually lower the cost of discriminating against the racially less-preferred individuals. To understand, consider this nonracial example on the effects of such ‘price-setting.’
  1. Consider filet mignon and chuck steak. For argument’s sake, and in reality, consumers prefer the former.
  2. Now ask, then why does chuck steak sell at all? And, in fact, why is it that chuck steak outsells filet mignon?? It is less preferred…yet competes favorably with something more preferred??
  3. The answer is in what economists call ‘compensating differences.’ In effect the chuck says to you: “I’m not as tender nor tasty, but not as expensive,either! I sell for $4/pound, and filet mignon sells for $9/pound.”
  4. Chuck steak, in effect, offers to ‘pay’ you $5/pound for its ‘inferiority,’ a compensating difference.
  5. What if filet mignon sellers wanted to raise their sales against the less-preferred competitor, but couldn’t get a law passed forbidding the sale of chuck, what should they aim to do?
  6. Push for a law establishing a minimum steak-price, say, $9/pound for all steak.
  7. Now…chuck steak says: I don’t look as nice, I’m not tender or tasty as filet mignon, and I sell for the same price….Buy me!
  8. Prior to legislation, the cost of discriminating against chuck steak was $5/pound…Now? "Race and Economics," chapter three, Walter E. Williams.

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