'The dictionary definition of fascism': Conservative columnist condemns Donald Trump's MAGA 'cult'

We were never perfect, but it seems that this push to "Make America great again" is what is causing the UNITED states to be divided & filled with hate.
Their you go trying to make America great again makes anti American fascist revolt and divide the country.
‘William Saletan, a writer for the conservative website The Bulwark, defends President Joe Biden’s anti-MAGA use of the term “semi-fascism” in an article published on September 1.

“Republicans are furious over President Biden’s recent remarks linking Donald Trump and his supporters to ‘semi-fascism,’” Saletan writes. “For days, they’ve been all over TV and social media, denouncing Biden’s use of the F-word. But Biden was right. Many of the ideas and tactics deployed by Trump and his apologists, including those who decry Biden’s comparison, fit the dictionary definition of fascism.”

Saletan stresses that refusing to accept democratic election results, which is what Trump and his followers did after the 2020 election, is an “authoritarian” act.

“A stickler might say that an attempt to overturn an election isn’t really fascist unless it involves the use of state power or mob violence, but Trump and his allies tried to use both,” Saletan explains. “Rudy Giuliani, Trump’s right-hand man in several abuses of power, says it’s Biden, not Trump, who runs America like ‘a damned dictatorship.’ But in December 2020, after the Electoral College had certified Biden’s election, Giuliani — at Trump’s direction — phoned the acting deputy secretary at the Department of Homeland Security to ask whether DHS could seize voting machines from states. Then, at Trump’s January 6th rally on the Ellipse, Giuliani exhorted the crowd: ‘Let’s have trial by combat!’”

Saletan adds, “Giuliani didn’t just help to incite the attack on the Capitol. To this day, he continues to whitewash it and excuse the perpetrators.”’

More at the link.

Funny it's what you actually support
It's what you have now

The marriage of Corp and Gov.....

If you're to stupid and can't see it then I don't know what to tell you except you're a useful idiot...
Why do you think that everybody who worked for Trump including his lawyers are fighting subpoenas or taking the Fifth?

they aren’t….never thought they where…

you should really get that hzherld page to the “Committee.” that will nail him…
Take it up with Mr. Saletan.

And of course he’s correct – what’s become of conservativism, what produced the likes of Trump, the authoritarianism and antidemocratic illiberalism is indeed fascism.

Explain exactly what Trump did that matches anything you just posted...please...we will wait.

Meanwhile, the democrat party unleashed their brown shirts, blm and antifa, for 7 months and they burned, looted and murdered in primarily black neighborhoods for 7 months, promising more of the same if their guy didn't win the election....the democrats have used the FBI, CIA, DOJ as their personal secret police, arresting reporters, pro-life activists and political opponents....

Of the two Presidents, Jill Biden........I mean Joe Biden's handlers, are the fascists, not Trump.
The only reason Trump got beat was mail in voting. If it were a normal election, Dementia would be in a nursing home where he belongs. When you use mail-in, you draw the most politically ignorant people in our society to vote, and of course, politically ignorant people vote Democrat.
Trump ranted against mail in voting which is one of the reasons he got his ass beat. He fucked himself which is nothing new.

And who the fuck are you to call people "ignorant" because they happen to vote for candidates that you don't like, you moron?

Mail in was expanded in 2020 because of the Covid pandemic which the Trump party agreed to until that pile of shit Trump got his ass handed back to him, hypocrite.
Just like with "marriage" they change definitions they do not like.

What does history say the fascist NAZIs did?

Gun control/confiscation
State sponsored DNA discrimination
False flag/hate hoaxes
Teaching bigotry in school
Using a biased/controlled media to lie
Election fraud
Requiring "papers" to move freely
Sick experiments like Fauci and trans surgery

It really is not hard to see which party is fascist in America today...
The movement of the Western World into a global government based on little tolerance is fascism. Other nations are ahead of us in that regard. You need to pay attention to groups and individuals being destroyed by their edicts. Trudeau shut down the lives of truckers for striking. Called racists and terrorists. What he did is called buy and sell in the Bible. Secular or Religious that is what he did.

The rise of right wing Nazis are the greatest threat to this country and the world. You are the ones who are intolerant. These so-called truckers had no right to do what they did. They do not have the right to impede people's right to move around. That is called kidnapping.
That’s not true. Liberals and Progressives actively fight against things like personal responsibility, limited Government, and lower taxes while prompt the Social safety net, moral ambiguities and governments healthcare. That’s the exact opposite of what Conservatives want.

As for the “War on Women”… it doesn’t exist. We decry Feminism, not womanhood or femininity.

There is a war on women. You decry equal rights for women. You are a loathsome piece of trash.

You so-called conservatives love big government when it does what you want it to do. Helping people in need is not wrong.
The rise of right wing Nazis are the greatest threat to this country and the world. You are the ones who are intolerant. These so-called truckers had no right to do what they did. They do not have the right to impede people's right to move around. That is called kidnapping.

Just like these folks didn't have the right to impede the driver's right to drive down the interstate.


You do not have the right to hit people just because they are in your way.

You foul hypocrite.

I love watching that video. I've seen it a hundred times and I'll probably watch it 10 or 12 more times before I go to bed tonight.
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