'The dictionary definition of fascism': Conservative columnist condemns Donald Trump's MAGA 'cult'

What could be a bigger war on women than telling them they must share restrooms with weirdos in dresses, especially in school. What could be a bigger war on women than allowing boys to compete in female athletics robbing real girls of their rightfully earned trophies and college scholarships?

You believe that a decision on having a abortion should be between the doctor, the woman and local politicians. The fact is that very few transgenders compete in women's sports. You are stoking your usual hatred.
The only reason Trump got beat was mail in voting. If it were a normal election, Dementia would be in a nursing home where he belongs. When you use mail-in, you draw the most politically ignorant people in our society to vote, and of course, politically ignorant people vote Democrat.
Mail in votes are votes. The only reason Trump got beat was that he didn’t get enough votes.
In my experience, people who practically make a living out of pointing fingers everywhere are usually more guilty than anyone else. Now, hmmm.....who does that?
Funny it's what you actually support
It's what you have now

The marriage of Corp and Gov.....

If you're to stupid and can't see it then I don't know what to tell you except you're a useful idiot...
Fascism is reactionary, anti-democratic, illiberal, authoritarian, and nativist.

Conservativism is reactionary, anti-democratic, illiberal, authoritarian, and nativist.

So yes, the dictionary definition of fascism perfectly describes conservatism/’MAGA.’
You so-called conservatives love big government when it does what you want it to do. Helping people in need is not wrong.
I’ve never suggested we need a small government. I have suggested we need a smaller, more properly focused government.

Helping people is a wonderful and laudable pursuit when one chooses to do so. Not so much when it is forced from the pocketbooks and paychecks of the citizenry by a government that has no legitimate mandate or power to legislate or spend on such activities in its founding document.
It's been a long, slow glide into complete gibbering insanity. I saw it starting in the 60's.

It's been there as long as I have had any political awareness, but it has mushroomed rather spectacularly in the last decade or two.

Ten years ago, would you have predicted that mentally- and morally-defective male perverts would be allowed to use women's restrooms, locker rooms, communal showers, and such, and that anyone who objected would be condemned as “transphobic”? Or that faggots, transsexuals, and other related disgusting perverts would be allowed to have their sick agenda openly taught to young children in public schools?

Ten years ago, would you have predicted that a routine cold/flu outbreak would be exaggerated to an extreme degree, and people would be so gullible and so scared by all the fearmongering lies, that a substantial portion of the population would not only tolerate government using such a fake “pandemic” to seize and abuse unprecedented illegitimate power, to strip us of essential freedoms, sabotage the economy, and force some of us to take dangerous, experimental drugs?

Ten years ago, would you have predicted that a disgusting homosexual mockery of marriage would be legalized and granted the same legal status as genuine marriage?

If I could travel back in time, about ten or fifteen years, and tell my younger self what I am seeing in my own time, my younger self would dismiss me as bats••• crazy.
The rise of right wing Nazis are the greatest threat to this country and the world. You are the ones who are intolerant. These so-called truckers had no right to do what they did. They do not have the right to impede people's right to move around. That is called kidnapping.

There is a war on women. You decry equal rights for women. You are a loathsome piece of trash.

You so-called conservatives love big government when it does what you want it to do. Helping people in need is not wrong.

That is what Trump did. He is Putin's boy.

Trump signed the surrender document with the Taliban and did nothing as they violated the agreement.

Republicans are fascists and totalitarians.

And the neo-fascist right’s war on democracy continues.

Conservatives’ unwarranted hostility to early voting and voting my mail is an example of the authoritarian right’s anti-democratic illiberalism.

What's anti-Democratic about it? We've voted that way since the founding of this country until a generation ago. The Democrats figured out how to get all the stupid people to vote that would never otherwise set foot into a polling place; mail them a ballot.

So in last election, we had the largest group of stupid and politically ignorant voters cast their vote and what do we have now? Highest inflation in 40 years, highest interest rates in 14 years, a stock market that's crashing all the time, on the verge of a nuclear war which is a threat we didn't have since the 1960's, highest gasoline prices ever in the US, the worst border problem in over 20 years, grocery prices up 18%..........

So keep encouraging stupid and politically ignorant people to vote and call it democracy. Our founders would be ashamed of people like you.
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You are not making America great. You are attacking America.

We're not making anything, that's why our country is in such bad shape today. You Communists have had control for nearly 2 years now, and we haven't had control of the House in nearly 4 years.

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