'The dictionary definition of fascism': Conservative columnist condemns Donald Trump's MAGA 'cult'

You believe that a decision on having a abortion should be between the doctor, the woman and local politicians. The fact is that very few transgenders compete in women's sports. You are stoking your usual hatred.

But the fact is they do, and if we don't get a real President, it will spread like cancer.
You are describing Republicans. Republicans are attacking voting rights. They are attempting to intimidate voters.
How are they doing that?

Just like with "marriage" they change definitions they do not like.

What does history say the fascist NAZIs did?

Gun control/confiscation
State sponsored DNA discrimination
False flag/hate hoaxes
Teaching bigotry in school
Using a biased/controlled media to lie
Election fraud
Requiring "papers" to move freely
Sick experiments like Fauci and trans surgery

It really is not hard to see which party is fascist in America today...

Trump votes by mail.
Trump signed the surrender document with the Taliban and did nothing as they violated the agreement.

He didn't sign any agreement. He told them if they want us out of there, they better not harm one American solder or civilian, and they didn't for the last 18 months of his presidency. Then we elected a complete retard to run the country, pulled us out of there almost overnight, and left them with 83 billion dollars of US military gear, and us at a loss of 13 great American solders.
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There is a war on women. You decry equal rights for women. You are a loathsome piece of trash.

You so-called conservatives love big government when it does what you want it to do. Helping people in need is not wrong.

It's not wrong if you help them yourself. It's wrong when government does it with no choice but you pay the bill.
The rise of right wing Nazis are the greatest threat to this country and the world. You are the ones who are intolerant. These so-called truckers had no right to do what they did. They do not have the right to impede people's right to move around. That is called kidnapping.

So when are we going to see the arrests of BLM and like kind when they did exactly that in their riots?
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Trump ranted against mail in voting which is one of the reasons he got his ass beat. He fucked himself which is nothing new.

And who the fuck are you to call people "ignorant" because they happen to vote for candidates that you don't like, you moron?

Mail in was expanded in 2020 because of the Covid pandemic which the Trump party agreed to until that pile of shit Trump got his ass handed back to him, hypocrite.

Trump never agreed to anything. Covid restrictions were created by state or city officials. I didn't say anybody who voted Demorat is ignorant, I said politically ignorant and the stupid vote Democrat when they do vote.
It is a bold move to insult half of the country. That is what Hilary Clinton did six years ago with her denunciation of the “basket of deplorables.” But “deplorables” is so last season. Joe Biden, the Democrats and their media cheerleaders have decided to go one better. They seem to have decided that the best way to win the hearts and minds of the American public is dismiss half of us as “fascist.”

Or to give credit to President Biden, merely semi-fascist.

I wonder what he means by semi fascist. > (my comment)

President Joe Biden made appalling remarks about the Republican Party and their supporters, referring to them as fascists.

Oh no, not health care and great vaccines OMG!! Jesus what a bunch of ignoramuses and what horrible garbage propaganda. Way to keep the pandemic going dumb ***** ... And evidence free disrespect for all the Great American institutions that say you are an idiot and your heroes are lying scumbags. duhhh
It's been there as long as I have had any political awareness, but it has mushroomed rather spectacularly in the last decade or two.

Ten years ago, would you have predicted that mentally- and morally-defective male perverts would be allowed to use women's restrooms, locker rooms, communal showers, and such, and that anyone who objected would be condemned as “transphobic”? Or that faggots, transsexuals, and other related disgusting perverts would be allowed to have their sick agenda openly taught to young children in public schools?

Ten years ago, would you have predicted that a routine cold/flu outbreak would be exaggerated to an extreme degree, and people would be so gullible and so scared by all the fearmongering lies, that a substantial portion of the population would not only tolerate government using such a fake “pandemic” to seize and abuse unprecedented illegitimate power, to strip us of essential freedoms, sabotage the economy, and force some of us to take dangerous, experimental drugs?

Ten years ago, would you have predicted that a disgusting homosexual mockery of marriage would be legalized and granted the same legal status as genuine marriage?

If I could travel back in time, about ten or fifteen years, and tell my younger self what I am seeing in my own time, my younger self would dismiss me as bats••• crazy.

My late husband who taught grammar school would roll over in his all too fresh grave if he knew perverts were grooming children to undergo sexual mutilation.
He and idiots like you are the worst threat to American democracy ever, that's all. No worries ignoramus

Yes, I will admit that we are a threat to what you believe democracy is -- total rule by democrats -- and I thank God for those who will fight this fight.
Way to keep the pandemic going dumb ***** ...

If we had treated this fake “pandemic” as what it really was—a routine cold/flu outbreak—let sick people stay home, and let the rest of us go about our lives as normal, it would have been over with in a month or so at most, as is the case of nearly all such outbreaks. With our absurd efforts to “flatten the curve”, along with a heavy dose of ongoing exaggeration, lies, and fearmongering, we've managed to stretch it out for a few years.

And as a result, we have done far more harm, to ourselves, and as a society, than this stupid virus ever had any potential by itself to cause.

It is stupid, gullible, cowardly suckers such as yourself that made this happen.
Oh no, not health care and great vaccines OMG!! Jesus what a bunch of ignoramuses and what horrible garbage propaganda. Way to keep the pandemic going dumb ***** ... And evidence free disrespect for all the Great American institutions that say you are an idiot and your heroes are lying scumbags. duhhh
"Great vaccines"?
What the hell are you talking about?
The "vaccines" DO NOT VACCINATE!!!!
If we ever get to investigate this issue fully, those responsible should be EXECUTED!!!!!! :evil:

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