The difference between capitalism and socialism in a nutshell

I'm not clear, are you referring to the government checks I referred to on capitalism or are you referring to wanting collectivism blended in?
The best governments (for the people) are careful blends of collectivist and capitalist systems. Nothing will ever be perfect, and there will always be abuses, but for the majority of the citizens involved, those are the governments that work best.

So what in your mind justifies government taking property by force from one citizen and giving it to another citizen? I'm thinking to earn the total support of the citizen who was given someone else's property.

We, as people, and not baboons, engage in a social contract when we decide to live together within a community. One of the jobs of government is to provide for the common defense. You or I can sit at our homestead and guard our property all day long, and all night long. Won't get too much work done in a situation like that though. Will we? So we contract with government to provide an Army to guard our borders. We also charge the government to do a whole host of things that are neccessary, like building roads, providing a mail service etc.

Someone a long time ago told me that "nobody gets nothin' fer free" so as part of the contract with the government is the ability for it to levy taxes that are used to pay for the services that provide for our common defense.

There is loads of abuse going on, don't get me wrong, but the social contract, and the necessary method of paying for it is both well known, logical, and proper.
Where do you get this muck from? Sweden is Socialist, a Mixed Economy actually, and do you think life sucks there? It doesn't.
Most of the cheerleaders for the US have never been to Europe. They only know that it's different than the US and so most likely sucks.
Different ways of going for shares of the same pie.

One based on ambition, another on envy.
One based on greed, and one on human decency

Socialism is pure greed, that's for sure. Capitalism is based on mutual respect where you respect the property of others, and they respect your property, so I see your point
Oh please capitalism isn't greedy? Because of capitalism a couple dozen of the richest people own half of the world's wealth and the middle class here is shrinking.

Capitalism is keeping what you earned, socialism is taking what someone else earned with force. The greed in that dynamic is clear.
Capitialism is "I got mine. Fuck the rest"

The rest being the 99%.
Capitialism is "I got mine. Fuck the rest"

The rest being the 99%.
99% of the capitalists would disagree. If you are too weak to be a capitalist of course you would favor socialism. It's like living at home being cared for and given an allowance whether you work or not.
Capitialism is "I got mine. Fuck the rest"

The rest being the 99%.
99% of the capitalists would disagree. If you are too weak to be a capitalist of course you would favor socialism. It's like living at home being cared for and given an allowance whether you work or not.
Oh so everyone should become business owners? Yeah great plan. Everyone would own a business but would employ no one.
Capitialism is "I got mine. Fuck the rest"

The rest being the 99%.
99% of the capitalists would disagree. If you are too weak to be a capitalist of course you would favor socialism. It's like living at home being cared for and given an allowance whether you work or not.
Oh so everyone should become business owners? Yeah great plan. Everyone would own a business but would employ no one.
I didn't say that, words confuse you. But it might not be a bad idea. Wouldn't employ anyone? Ever heard of subcontracting?
Capitialism is "I got mine. Fuck the rest"

The rest being the 99%.
of course capitalism is about loving or pleasing your customers more than anyone else in the world, not saying, fuck you to them.

It is astounding how stupid liberalism is.
Capitialism is "I got mine. Fuck the rest"

The rest being the 99%.

And there it is, this is what the Left thinks of businesses.

Business owners are the 1%, these people think.

That's why they're so good with "you didn't build that, someone else made that happen".

They just have no idea.

Too many capitalist would do ANYTHING for the sake of profit. That includes deceiving the consumer.

too stupid of course! If that was true product quality would be going backwards and we'd be living in the stone age. In fact, we have the most capitalism, the most new patents and the highest standard of living in all of human history by far!
Capitialism is "I got mine. Fuck the rest"

The rest being the 99%.
of course capitalism is about loving or pleasing your customers more than anyone else in the world, not saying, fuck you to them.

It is astounding how stupid liberalism is.
Too many capitalist would do ANYTHING for the sake of profit. That includes deceiving the consumer.
Unregulated capitalism is like giving booze, cash, and cars to teenagers, at the very same time.
Capitialism is "I got mine. Fuck the rest"

The rest being the 99%.
of course capitalism is about loving or pleasing your customers more than anyone else in the world, not saying, fuck you to them.

It is astounding how stupid liberalism is.
Too many capitalist would do ANYTHING for the sake of profit. That includes deceiving the consumer.
Unregulated capitalism is like giving booze, cash, and cars to teenagers, at the very same time.

too stupid of course since capitalism is naturally self regulating as 10,000 companies are regualated out of business each month because thay cant offer the best price and quality in the entire world.

When the Soviets and Red China tried to regulated 120 million slowly starved to death
Capitialism is "I got mine. Fuck the rest"

The rest being the 99%.
of course capitalism is about loving or pleasing your customers more than anyone else in the world, not saying, fuck you to them.

It is astounding how stupid liberalism is.
Too many capitalist would do ANYTHING for the sake of profit. That includes deceiving the consumer.
Unregulated capitalism is like giving booze, cash, and cars to teenagers, at the very same time.

Pure communistic bullshit.

Capitalism is regulated by the invisible hand of the market place.



Capitialism is "I got mine. Fuck the rest"

The rest being the 99%.
of course capitalism is about loving or pleasing your customers more than anyone else in the world, not saying, fuck you to them.

It is astounding how stupid liberalism is.
Too many capitalist would do ANYTHING for the sake of profit. That includes deceiving the consumer.
Unregulated capitalism is like giving booze, cash, and cars to teenagers, at the very same time.

Pure communistic bullshit.

Capitalism is regulated by the invisible hand of the market place.

You should really start with Adam Smith, and then move forward. There's a reason why not a single nation in the world has unregulated capitalism. Find out why that is for yourself, even though I already told you why.
Capitialism is "I got mine. Fuck the rest"

The rest being the 99%.
of course capitalism is about loving or pleasing your customers more than anyone else in the world, not saying, fuck you to them.

It is astounding how stupid liberalism is.
Too many capitalist would do ANYTHING for the sake of profit. That includes deceiving the consumer.
Some do, especially those in telemarketing. But most businesses know unhappy people don't come back and pass the word around.
There's a reason why not a single nation in the world has unregulated capitalism..

dear, the USA has the most capitalism in the world and the most patents. The USA is an extreme exception. It is "the last best hope for freedom" as Reagan said, and "something new under the sun" as Jefferson said.

Do you understand?
Capitialism is "I got mine. Fuck the rest"

The rest being the 99%.
of course capitalism is about loving or pleasing your customers more than anyone else in the world, not saying, fuck you to them.

It is astounding how stupid liberalism is.
Too many capitalist would do ANYTHING for the sake of profit. That includes deceiving the consumer.
Unregulated capitalism is like giving booze, cash, and cars to teenagers, at the very same time.

Pure communistic bullshit.

Capitalism is regulated by the invisible hand of the market place.



I've gone through this with you before. Without governing laws, consumers can be easily fooled by what they are buying. The implications of an unregulated market are terrifying.
I've gone through this with you before. Without governing laws, consumers can be easily fooled by what they are buying. The implications of an unregulated market are terrifying.

yes the lib Nazis assumes govt Nazi elites would know better than consumers what people should buy and where they can safely walk and run. Only Nazi elites are suited for freedom, the common man is not. He must be protected by Nazi elites.
Capitialism is "I got mine. Fuck the rest"

The rest being the 99%.
of course capitalism is about loving or pleasing your customers more than anyone else in the world, not saying, fuck you to them.

It is astounding how stupid liberalism is.
Too many capitalist would do ANYTHING for the sake of profit. That includes deceiving the consumer.
Unregulated capitalism is like giving booze, cash, and cars to teenagers, at the very same time.

too stupid of course since capitalism is naturally self regulating as 10,000 companies are regualated out of business each month because thay cant offer the best price and quality in the entire world.

When the Soviets and Red China tried to regulated 120 million slowly starved to death
Wouldn't you want laws barring how much lead is in paint? How about cancer causing ingredients in our food or pharmaceuticals? It would be easy to add such ingredients without the consumer knowing. Perhaps these ingredients would make them cheaper to make. Perhaps those ingredients would make food taste better. Afterall sodium bicarbonate is a cancer causing ingredient found in pork products. You can find arsenic in chicken.
I've gone through this with you before. Without governing laws, consumers can be easily fooled by what they are buying. The implications of an unregulated market are terrifying.

yes the lib Nazi assume govt Nazi elites would know better than consumers what people should buy and where they can safely walk.
Did you know many of our foods contain carcinogenics? I bet you most consumers don't know that....

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