The difference between "liberalism" and what Republicans think Liberalism is:

Strange the way Republicans and conservatives on this board are always saying what "liberalism" is. Where do they get such nonsense?

Is it because they have no liberals in their party? So what they imagine comes out of the Twilight Zone?

And worse, after all the failures of the last 10 years, how did they get so confident about their own ideology?

Its because they don't actually read or listen to anything liberals say. They don't need to. They have Bill O'Reilly to tell them what liberals say. Coincidentally, he also tells them what to think and who to hate.

Why would I care about the opinions of those who place ideology over fact?
Strange the way Republicans and conservatives on this board are always saying what "liberalism" is. Where do they get such nonsense?

Is it because they have no liberals in their party? So what they imagine comes out of the Twilight Zone?

And worse, after all the failures of the last 10 years, how did they get so confident about their own ideology?

It's funny how you think you know what conservatism is, being that we had no conservatives in congress or the white house in the last 10 years. We sure had a shit load of rinos that we showed the door to though in 2010. Liberalism and rinos have been on display for almost 20 years now, so how can you say that we dont know what liberalism is and is not? You have not seen conservatism on display for many years, but you will here after November.
Of the 535 seats in Congress, there's hasn't been one single conservative? If that's the case, then what you consider to be a conservative is of no consequence in American politics.
We learned a couple of things about liberalism from the board. We learned that liberals are often afraid to use the L word. They prefer progressive or some other nonsense. We learned that liberal posts are often bigoted and hateful especially toward Christian based religions they do not agree with. We learned that liberals can't defend Obama or liberalism. Instead they throw out a hundred ridiculous charges hoping that something will stick.

What we've learned from conservatives is that they use bombastic over the top language to create false outrage. When a comedians jokes are called "vicious attacks" you have to look in the mirror
Oh yeah, Cons always say they dont have "real conservatives" but they support them anyway. Feverishly. Then with the use of the word "real" gives them wiggle room since the word "real" is never defined. Remember all those Repubs and Cons who were taking Bush to task about being a liberal when he was in office? Yeah, no one else does either.
We learned a couple of things about liberalism from the board. We learned that liberals are often afraid to use the L word. They prefer progressive or some other nonsense. We learned that liberal posts are often bigoted and hateful especially toward Christian based religions they do not agree with. We learned that liberals can't defend Obama or liberalism. Instead they throw out a hundred ridiculous charges hoping that something will stick.

What we've learned from conservatives is that they use bombastic over the top language to create false outrage. When a comedians jokes are called "vicious attacks" you have to look in the mirror

Evidently you've never heard of Barney Frank, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid or Charlie Rangel. You should get out more often.
Strange the way Republicans and conservatives on this board are always saying what "liberalism" is. Where do they get such nonsense?

Is it because they have no liberals in their party? So what they imagine comes out of the Twilight Zone?

And worse, after all the failures of the last 10 years, how did they get so confident about their own ideology?

Its because they don't actually read or listen to anything liberals say. They don't need to. They have Bill O'Reilly to tell them what liberals say. Coincidentally, he also tells them what to think and who to hate.

Why would I care about the opinions of those who place ideology over fact?

Because if you did you wouldnt say stupid shit like that anymore. But I understand, you dont want to listen to them because you already know what they are about because Fox told you. Dont even try to hear it from the source because bumper sticker logic is easier to understand than actually listening to a liberal.
Its because they don't actually read or listen to anything liberals say. They don't need to. They have Bill O'Reilly to tell them what liberals say. Coincidentally, he also tells them what to think and who to hate.

Why would I care about the opinions of those who place ideology over fact?

Because if you did you wouldnt say stupid shit like that anymore. But I understand, you dont want to listen to them because you already know what they are about because Fox told you. Dont even try to hear it from the source because bumper sticker logic is easier to understand than actually listening to a liberal.

Let me guess, you watch MSNBC.
We learned a couple of things about liberalism from the board. We learned that liberals are often afraid to use the L word. They prefer progressive or some other nonsense. We learned that liberal posts are often bigoted and hateful especially toward Christian based religions they do not agree with. We learned that liberals can't defend Obama or liberalism. Instead they throw out a hundred ridiculous charges hoping that something will stick.

What we've learned from conservatives is that they use bombastic over the top language to create false outrage. When a comedians jokes are called "vicious attacks" you have to look in the mirror

Evidently you've never heard of Barney Frank, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid or Charlie Rangel. You should get out more often.

So you dont deny it. Thats a start
Why would I care about the opinions of those who place ideology over fact?

Because if you did you wouldnt say stupid shit like that anymore. But I understand, you dont want to listen to them because you already know what they are about because Fox told you. Dont even try to hear it from the source because bumper sticker logic is easier to understand than actually listening to a liberal.

Let me guess, you watch MSNBC.

Let me guess you dont have a point. I listen to everything and most of it is full of shit. Like your head. Still doesnt explain holding up willful ignorance as a badge of honor.
Black Label has it right....Murdoch. and the other propagandists have them convinced that EVERY SINGLE other news outlet is controlled by Communists, so it's a rather easy task to brainwash them in their thought patterns.

No we believed that way before Fox, Fox isnt that old. Sorry you fail. were called the John Birch society back then....founded by the Koch boys' daddy. Same hats filled messages....same sink or swim ideology....of course, when you're a billionaire, it's real...REAL easy to tell others to sink or swim.
Black Label has it right....Murdoch. and the other propagandists have them convinced that EVERY SINGLE other news outlet is controlled by Communists, so it's a rather easy task to brainwash them in their thought patterns.

I guess Time Warner-AOL, General Electric, and Microsoft are all COMMIES.

I don’t watch fox news, listen to Rush, Bill, Hanity, Glen or Palin and I can honestly say you’re fucking stupid.

That's what you ALL say...but invariably, the topics of discussion tend to mirror their hyperbole with uncanny regularity. were called the John Birch society back then....founded by the Koch boys' daddy. Same hats filled messages....same sink or swim ideology....of course, when you're a billionaire, it's real...REAL easy to tell others to sink or swim.

I thank my parents who taught me to sink or swim.
There is a difference between liberalism and what rderp falsely claims liberalism is.
We learned a couple of things about liberalism from the board. We learned that liberals are often afraid to use the L word. They prefer progressive or some other nonsense. We learned that liberal posts are often bigoted and hateful especially toward Christian based religions they do not agree with. We learned that liberals can't defend Obama or liberalism. Instead they throw out a hundred ridiculous charges hoping that something will stick. mean like Issa?
That's what you ALL say...but invariably, the topics of discussion tend to mirror their hyperbole with uncanny regularity.

Do what you must to take care of your and yours or risk thriving is a life lesson, not talk show hyperbole.
Liberalism of today is not what it used to intend. Which is why the liberals of today are not liberals at all. They are progressives. They have attached themselves to Marxist philosophy and are against liberty. They use talking points to deceive liberal minded voters that they are for equality, when in fact, they are totalitarian statists.

I just call them LOLberals.

This is your brain on fox news ladies and gentlemen. :cuckoo:

I dont watch fox news. I dont watch any main stream media news, actually. Why? Because if i want to know about an event, the last place im going to get the truth is from the shit that the statists feed the plebs.

Why dont you prove Im wrong instead of making false ASSumptions? will deny it two more times before the cock crows.
Strange the way Republicans and conservatives on this board are always saying what "liberalism" is. Where do they get such nonsense?

Is it because they have no liberals in their party? So what they imagine comes out of the Twilight Zone?

And worse, after all the failures of the last 10 years, how did they get so confident about their own ideology?

Its been a good 24 yrs or so since we had a real conservative in the WH...


Really? Who was that? How do you define a 'conservative'?
Yep...take a look at their presidential candidate this go around. He's a freaking chameleon. He'll say whatever, depending on the crowd he's speaking to....and they'll vote for him....because he has an "R" behind his name.

Kinda like Clinton speaking ebonics to blacks and proper English to whites? And when did democrats tell people they weren't going to get govt goodies?

Republicans criticize democrats about 'government goodies', but then line up to get them.
Strange the way Republicans and conservatives on this board are always saying what "liberalism" is. Where do they get such nonsense?

Is it because they have no liberals in their party? So what they imagine comes out of the Twilight Zone?

And worse, after all the failures of the last 10 years, how did they get so confident about their own ideology?

Charles Koch: Hey Dave, have you read the latest Rdean post at USMB? I laughed so hard I pissed myself

Dave Koch: Yeah, we have to congratulate our writers for handing Deany all these posts that make Liberals look like complete fucking morons. We should send Karl Rove a thank you for suggesting it.

Charles: Oh, I already send him 400,000 shares of Halliburton stock and one of the Ohio Diebold machines we used to flip votes from Dem to Republican.

Dave: Perfect. I was gonna send him a box of chads, but only Liberals hang on to stuff that makes them so bitter and frustrated and stealing the Florida election is ancient history already

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