The difference between "liberalism" and what Republicans think Liberalism is:

Strange the way Republicans and conservatives on this board are always saying what "liberalism" is. Where do they get such nonsense?

Is it because they have no liberals in their party? So what they imagine comes out of the Twilight Zone?

And worse, after all the failures of the last 10 years, how did they get so confident about their own ideology?

This from the Liberal who constantly tries to tell us what Conservatism is.

We have not had Conservative Government in nearly 30 years dude. Wake the Fuck up. Bush Spent like a Liberal, and was only Conservative on Social Issues.

Why did conservatives like hannity and limbaugh as well as their listeners, support a President who 'Spent like a Liberal'?
Strange the way Republicans and conservatives on this board are always saying what "liberalism" is. Where do they get such nonsense?

Is it because they have no liberals in their party? So what they imagine comes out of the Twilight Zone?

And worse, after all the failures of the last 10 years, how did they get so confident about their own ideology?

This from the Liberal who constantly tries to tell us what Conservatism is.

We have not had Conservative Government in nearly 30 years dude. Wake the Fuck up. Bush Spent like a Liberal, and was only Conservative on Social Issues.

Liberalism is not an economic ideology. It is an ideology based on equality and freedom and any liberal writer, such as J. S. Mill, John Locke, Madison, Jefferson, Adams, will confirm that idea. Bush's excessive spending came from a war based on ultra nationalist ideas which is an ideology that would be firmly placed in a conservative corner.
Yep excellent points.
The conservative concept of liberal is nothing more than the embodiment of their fears, a horrible, evil monster that wants the opposite of everything they want. In this way the modern republican agenda has been shaped more by taking up a contrary position to what liberals want than anything else, they even do it when their own ideas are recycled by the democrats.
Conservatives spend almost no time thinking about Liberals. Liberals labor under the delusion that Conservatives have nothing better to do than speculate, "I wonder what my Liberal friends are doing right now? Maybe I should call, or post a message on Facebook?"

Liberals need to get a life
Conservatives spend almost no time thinking about Liberals. Liberals labor under the delusion that Conservatives have nothing better to do than speculate, "I wonder what my Liberal friends are doing right now? Maybe I should call, or post a message on Facebook?"

Liberals need to get a life

no kidding
Strange the way Republicans and conservatives on this board are always saying what "liberalism" is. Where do they get such nonsense?

Is it because they have no liberals in their party? So what they imagine comes out of the Twilight Zone?

And worse, after all the failures of the last 10 years, how did they get so confident about their own ideology?

The failures of the last 10 years have been purely do to liberalism, the new form of Big Government full of hate liberalism.

Really there are no words for what people are politically anymore. For instance, Republicans under Bush and Dems under Bush and Obama have proven they hate the constitution, a balanced budget and despise a strong middle class.

Wait… can you show us all this non liberal policy you claim there has been over the last 10 years? Policies are almost identical under Obama as they were under Bush… I truly wonder if you have any meaningful examples.

The PA, DHS, TSA, Iraq/Afghanistan, DOMA, etc. All are conservative action and plans to control people, constrict people and contain people and other countries.
True Liberals believe in Liberty and more of a Libertarian philosophy in my opinion. We have a strong belief in our Civil Liberties, freedom, and equality. The Constitution is a Liberal document, though some of the Founding Fathers had their issues, the founding of this country was based on Liberal thoughts and beliefs, the people who wanted to side with the Tories were the conservatives of the day, the radical Republicans who wanted to end slavery, were the Liberals of the day, the slave owners and pro-slavery people were the conservatives of the day. The people who wanted woman's suffrage were the Liberals of the day, the people who fought for worker's rights so they weren't exploited were the Liberals of the day, the people who fought and died for Civil Rights, voting rights for Blacks,a nd fought against Jim Crow laws, were the Liberals of the day. The people who fought against the aforementioned...........................................were the conservatives of the day.
Conservatives spend almost no time thinking about Liberals. Liberals labor under the delusion that Conservatives have nothing better to do than speculate, "I wonder what my Liberal friends are doing right now? Maybe I should call, or post a message on Facebook?"

Liberals need to get a life

They think about them plenty when the question of blame comes up.
Strange the way Republicans and conservatives on this board are always saying what "liberalism" is. Where do they get such nonsense?

Is it because they have no liberals in their party? So what they imagine comes out of the Twilight Zone?

And worse, after all the failures of the last 10 years, how did they get so confident about their own ideology?

The failures of the last 10 years have been purely do to liberalism, the new form of Big Government full of hate liberalism.

Really there are no words for what people are politically anymore. For instance, Republicans under Bush and Dems under Bush and Obama have proven they hate the constitution, a balanced budget and despise a strong middle class.

Wait… can you show us all this non liberal policy you claim there has been over the last 10 years? Policies are almost identical under Obama as they were under Bush… I truly wonder if you have any meaningful examples.

The PA, DHS, TSA, Iraq/Afghanistan, DOMA, etc. All are conservative action and plans to control people, constrict people and contain people and other countries.
True Liberals believe in Liberty and more of a Libertarian philosophy in my opinion. We have a strong belief in our Civil Liberties, freedom, and equality. The Constitution is a Liberal document, though some of the Founding Fathers had their issues, the founding of this country was based on Liberal thoughts and beliefs, the people who wanted to side with the Tories were the conservatives of the day, the radical Republicans who wanted to end slavery, were the Liberals of the day, the slave owners and pro-slavery people were the conservatives of the day. The people who wanted woman's suffrage were the Liberals of the day, the people who fought for worker's rights so they weren't exploited were the Liberals of the day, the people who fought and died for Civil Rights, voting rights for Blacks,a nd fought against Jim Crow laws, were the Liberals of the day. The people who fought against the aforementioned...........................................were the conservatives of the day.

We learned a couple of things about liberalism from the board. We learned that liberals are often afraid to use the L word. They prefer progressive or some other nonsense. We learned that liberal posts are often bigoted and hateful especially toward Christian based religions they do not agree with. We learned that liberals can't defend Obama or liberalism. Instead they throw out a hundred ridiculous charges hoping that something will stick.

That is all good. They have tarnished the name "Liberal", for far too long. Liberalism has nothing to do with Totalitarianism. Statist Progressives use the term to steal Trust, nothing more. It is a mask, a tool.

Who are the politicians that have been calling themselves Liberals these days?
What we've learned from conservatives is that they use bombastic over the top language to create false outrage. When a comedians jokes are called "vicious attacks" you have to look in the mirror

Evidently you've never heard of Barney Frank, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid or Charlie Rangel. You should get out more often.

So you dont deny it. Thats a start

Politicians do it.......from both sides. Do you deny that?
The conservative concept of liberal is nothing more than the embodiment of their fears, a horrible, evil monster that wants the opposite of everything they want. In this way the modern republican agenda has been shaped more by taking up a contrary position to what liberals want than anything else, they even do it when their own ideas are recycled by the democrats.

Pot, kettle, black.
Conservatives spend almost no time thinking about Liberals. Liberals labor under the delusion that Conservatives have nothing better to do than speculate, "I wonder what my Liberal friends are doing right now? Maybe I should call, or post a message on Facebook?"

Liberals need to get a life

They think about them plenty when the question of blame comes up.

That's pretty rich coming from someone who kisses the ass of the blamer in chief. :lol:
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Liberalism of today is not what it used to intend. Which is why the liberals of today are not liberals at all. They are progressives. They have attached themselves to Marxist philosophy and are against liberty. They use talking points to deceive liberal minded voters that they are for equality, when in fact, they are totalitarian statists.

I just call them LOLberals.
And conservatives today are not what they use to be.

What were they and how are they different today? Are you referring to the Robert Taft type of conservative or the William f. Buckley type?
Conservatives spend almost no time thinking about Liberals. Liberals labor under the delusion that Conservatives have nothing better to do than speculate, "I wonder what my Liberal friends are doing right now? Maybe I should call, or post a message on Facebook?"

Liberals need to get a life

What is this thread about?
Conservatives spend almost no time thinking about Liberals. Liberals labor under the delusion that Conservatives have nothing better to do than speculate, "I wonder what my Liberal friends are doing right now? Maybe I should call, or post a message on Facebook?"

Liberals need to get a life

They think about them plenty when the question of blame comes up.

That's pretty rich coing from someone who kisses the ass of the blamer in chief. :lol:

See there, because you have a deep abiding hatred for the president you feel I must love him and want to have his babies, quit applying negatives of your prejudices to liberals.
Strange the way Republicans and conservatives on this board are always saying what "liberalism" is. Where do they get such nonsense?

Is it because they have no liberals in their party? So what they imagine comes out of the Twilight Zone?

And worse, after all the failures of the last 10 years, how did they get so confident about their own ideology?

Two parts:

One: we've seen how successful our ideology is.

Two: We've seen what a huge failure yours is.

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