The difference between "liberalism" and what Republicans think Liberalism is:

Strange the way Republicans and conservatives on this board are always saying what "liberalism" is. Where do they get such nonsense?

Is it because they have no liberals in their party? So what they imagine comes out of the Twilight Zone?

And worse, after all the failures of the last 10 years, how did they get so confident about their own ideology?

This from the Liberal who constantly tries to tell us what Conservatism is.

We have not had Conservative Government in nearly 30 years dude. Wake the Fuck up. Bush Spent like a Liberal, and was only Conservative on Social Issues.

Romney must be a "real" conservative.

Because he...he...he...

tee hee hee

haw haw haw

You guys think a "real" Conservative is one that makes Republican's policies work. It ain't gonna happen. They are FAILED policies. They will always be failed policies. They are based in ignorance and imagination.
Yep...take a look at their presidential candidate this go around. He's a freaking chameleon. He'll say whatever, depending on the crowd he's speaking to....and they'll vote for him....because he has an "R" behind his name.

Kinda like Clinton speaking ebonics to blacks and proper English to whites? And when did democrats tell people they weren't going to get govt goodies?

Red States get the most "govt goodies". Odd that.
So I'm waiting for rdean's explanation of what a liberal is..........I thought he was gonna tell us based on the title of this thread. :dunno:

Why should I? The right wing already has a definition. I want to see more.

If you think about it, you can kind of "figure it out".

Think about the difference between "education and let him die" or "American helping American verses feed the poor and they'll breed". Start there.
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Dolts that never turn off MSNBC and never question their own ideology....just like you guys only on the other side of the spectrum. How many times have I seen people posting articles from Huffpo and you guys refuse to even look at the article.....let alone read it with an open mind????......

But then a Conservative will throw up an article from Freedomworks,, or....I don't and refuse to even acknowledge that it's anything other than the gospel truth?

I'm not saying that lib's don't do the same thing in reverse....but nothing like you guys do. You guys are so in lockstep with each other that it's kind of freakish.

Many of us will criticize Obama....but we fucking understand that he is human, fallible and will make mistakes....and before you even start with the "remember how you treated Bush" bullshit....I'd be willing to bet that after 9/11, there were a hell of a lot of them that rallied around Bush...even with the bitterness of the Gore loss.....I was a Republican back then...yeah, I me a if no real American would ever switch parties...especially them bastard Democrats.......anyway.....most everyone became Americans back then.....instead of partisans.

THAT'S the problem with you've been rooting against our own fucking country for damn near four years....all because people told you he was an evil Kenyan Marxist from hell and wants to eat your dogs. And still you never question it.

That is what's laughable about you guys keep talking about "critical thinking" skills...but you never, ever question your own side.

Me? I've made my ideology well known. I'm pro-labor, I believe in safety nets, I want a strong public option in our health care system, I want the cost if a college education to be as affordable as possible....however, I am also pro-gun rights......I am VERY much in favor of making welfare recipients work for their benefits(think CCC and WPA type programs), and I am a full member of the Christian faith.

so where are you different from a lot of people on this board? And a lot of people question what is said, you just want to pick and choose the ones you see where people don't.

So what do you question your own about?

I question gun control and giving something for nothing to idle people.....ok...your turn.

If you've been around long enough you know my stance on things...this is the First I've seen of yours..So I'm not going to go into all this now..But I just wanted to say, your positions aren't much different than a lot of people here.
good for you
The GOP rightfully prides itself that the first Republican President fought to take an oppressed people and give to them their human rights. Abolition was the central plank of the newly formed Republican party.

The GOP also rightfully prides itself that one hundred years later, the Republican Party voted to give those same people their civil rights. It was a Republican majority that passed the Civil Rights Act, not a Democratic one.

But when we fast forward another 50 years, we find a radically different Republican party that vehemently opposes extending civil rights to another group of oppressed people. You can imagine my confusion for being called a liberal for supporting human and civil rights for homosexuals.

The hatred and bigotry which has infected the party is more than a little disturbing.

I have not abandoned the Republican party, it has abandoned me.

Now this is where I get to say, "Consider this a teaching moment".

Now, why would I be so "harsh"? Because in the 60's, the conservatives fled the Democratic Party and swelled the ranks of the Republican Party forcing out the blacks who joined the Democratic Party.

Republicans trying to take credit for what their party did before 1964 is like today's Republicans trying to take credit for taking out Bin Laden.

True story.
Wow...if I'm not all that different, then why am I being called a Communist on a regular basis from folks on your side of the aisle? Oh killer too....even though I would never condone my daughter having an abortion...just because I refuse to dictate my beliefs on others.

Btw...while we're on the subject....why is it that conservatives. Pretend that anyone who supports safety nets are using them? I'm 47 and have never used welfare or unemployment....It's a ridiculous assertion.
We learned a couple of things about liberalism from the board. We learned that liberals are often afraid to use the L word. They prefer progressive or some other nonsense. We learned that liberal posts are often bigoted and hateful especially toward Christian based religions they do not agree with. We learned that liberals can't defend Obama or liberalism. Instead they throw out a hundred ridiculous charges hoping that something will stick.

That is all good. They have tarnished the name "Liberal", for far too long. Liberalism has nothing to do with Totalitarianism. Statist Progressives use the term to steal Trust, nothing more. It is a mask, a tool.

Totalitarianism is what the Teavangleical Christian Taliban wants to do. Not something that can be denied. They don't feel they are free unless everyone else is shackled.
The GOP rightfully prides itself that the first Republican President fought to take an oppressed people and give to them their human rights. Abolition was the central plank of the newly formed Republican party.

The GOP also rightfully prides itself that one hundred years later, the Republican Party voted to give those same people their civil rights. It was a Republican majority that passed the Civil Rights Act, not a Democratic one.

But when we fast forward another 50 years, we find a radically different Republican party that vehemently opposes extending civil rights to another group of oppressed people. You can imagine my confusion for being called a liberal for supporting human and civil rights for homosexuals.

The hatred and bigotry which has infected the party is more than a little disturbing.

I have not abandoned the Republican party, it has abandoned me.

You cant compare what blacks went through with gays. Gays dont have to be gay. Just like pedophiles dont have to be pedophiles or necrophiliacs dont have to do dead people.

Comparing gays to:



You are an asswipe, you fucking shitstain. Now I can say I actually know an abortion.
Liberalism of today is not what it used to intend. Which is why the liberals of today are not liberals at all. They are progressives. They have attached themselves to Marxist philosophy and are against liberty. They use talking points to deceive liberal minded voters that they are for equality, when in fact, they are totalitarian statists.

I just call them LOLberals.

Marxism is "progressive"? Seriously?
Strange the way Republicans and conservatives on this board are always saying what "liberalism" is. Where do they get such nonsense?

Is it because they have no liberals in their party? So what they imagine comes out of the Twilight Zone?

And worse, after all the failures of the last 10 years, how did they get so confident about their own ideology?

I doubt you have any Liberals left in Your Party either RD, unless maybe you have a few bound and gagged, awaiting the Sentence of being thrown under the bus for the unforgivable crime of putting loyalty of Conscience above Party Loyalty, and speaking purpose driven Truth. You don't handle criticism well on your end, do you? Sweep it under the rug and annihilate the Character of Anyone, no matter the position, or affiliation, as an example to Anyone, of the consequences, that would dare witness the truth against your platform. Real Liberal. It is you that have little or no understanding of Liberalism. Hint, it begins with your own Charity, and can be justly measured both by what you give of yourself, and what you fail to give. Leading Innocents around by the nose, in your own self interest, is not Liberal.

The Democratic Party is a coalition Party. Try to figure out what that means.
The primary difference between Conservatives and liberals is:

-Conservatives promote an ideology that worked fairly well before 1890, when America was primarily agrarian, pioneering & seafaring nation. People were much more economically independant from one another. For most people their day to day welfare and livilihood was more dependant on the weather than by anything else.

-Liberals/Progressives promote an ideology based on the real needs of a modern industrialized soceity. They recognise that everyone is economically interdependant. They also realize that without government intervention, capitalism will destroy the lives of the vast majority of the people, rendering them to worse than slavery conditions. Furthermore, they realize that the wealth of the people who benefit the most in a capitalist soceity is entirely created by the labor of the common people. The wealthy contribute only in directing and organizing resources (and lately, they've been doing a piss poor job).
Liberalism of today is not what it used to intend. Which is why the liberals of today are not liberals at all. They are progressives. They have attached themselves to Marxist philosophy and are against liberty. They use talking points to deceive liberal minded voters that they are for equality, when in fact, they are totalitarian statists.

I just call them LOLberals.

This is your brain on fox news ladies and gentlemen. :cuckoo:

I dont watch fox news. I dont watch any main stream media news, actually. Why? Because if i want to know about an event, the last place im going to get the truth is from the shit that the statists feed the plebs.

Why dont you prove Im wrong instead of making false ASSumptions?

Better yet, the center of the moon is made from soft gooey cheese. Prove I'm wrong.

Both make equal sense.
Strange the way Republicans and conservatives on this board are always saying what "liberalism" is. Where do they get such nonsense?

Is it because they have no liberals in their party? So what they imagine comes out of the Twilight Zone?

And worse, after all the failures of the last 10 years, how did they get so confident about their own ideology?

Liberal equals, too big to fail government where even your birthday candles are regulated and prohibited. See NY!

Yes there are liberals with the repub party too. The last few elections have been dem or dem light. Hell you ought to be happier then a clam at high tide with your ideologies being played in one degree or the other by both parties.

Whats up?
Strange the way Republicans and conservatives on this board are always saying what "liberalism" is. Where do they get such nonsense?

Is it because they have no liberals in their party? So what they imagine comes out of the Twilight Zone?

And worse, after all the failures of the last 10 years, how did they get so confident about their own ideology?

It's funny how you think you know what conservatism is, being that we had no conservatives in congress or the white house in the last 10 years. We sure had a shit load of rinos that we showed the door to though in 2010. Liberalism and rinos have been on display for almost 20 years now, so how can you say that we dont know what liberalism is and is not? You have not seen conservatism on display for many years, but you will here after November.

Because Mitt Romney is the perfect conservative. I get it.
The conservative concept of liberal is nothing more than the embodiment of their fears, a horrible, evil monster that wants the opposite of everything they want. In this way the modern republican agenda has been shaped more by taking up a contrary position to what liberals want than anything else, they even do it when their own ideas are recycled by the democrats.

Worse, Republicans don't even know what they want. They say things like "more Jesus" or "we want to be free". They truth is, they can have all the Jesus they want and they are already free.
Its been a good 24 yrs or so since we had a real conservative in the WH...


Bitch all you want about not having a "real conservative". Fact is, you guys campaign excitedly about many of your presidents, including George Bush, and always declare them to not be a "true conservative". And the guy you DO call a real conservative wasn't who you fucking thought he was!

Whats up Cowbell??? :up:

I certainly would not vote for Al Gore... John Kerry... or Barak Obama :dunno:

Heres what I dont get though...

Why support the Bush's and the Romney's if they arent "true conservatives"?

Obama is FAR more right than I expected him to be when I voted for him. I expected s fsr more progressive agenda from him. But hes to the left of Romney so he gets my vote this time around...Im voting NOT Romney.

So is it pretty much the same for you? are you voting NOT Obama as opposed to Yes Romney? Thats something I can understand. I dont get conservatives getting excited about Romney though.
Liberalism of today is not what it used to intend. Which is why the liberals of today are not liberals at all. They are progressives. They have attached themselves to Marxist philosophy and are against liberty. They use talking points to deceive liberal minded voters that they are for equality, when in fact, they are totalitarian statists.

I just call them LOLberals.
And conservatives today are not what they use to be.

What were they and how are they different today? Are you referring to the Robert Taft type of conservative or the William f. Buckley type?
Prior to Christian Conservatism
The GOP rightfully prides itself that the first Republican President fought to take an oppressed people and give to them their human rights. Abolition was the central plank of the newly formed Republican party.

The GOP also rightfully prides itself that one hundred years later, the Republican Party voted to give those same people their civil rights. It was a Republican majority that passed the Civil Rights Act, not a Democratic one.

But when we fast forward another 50 years, we find a radically different Republican party that vehemently opposes extending civil rights to another group of oppressed people. You can imagine my confusion for being called a liberal for supporting human and civil rights for homosexuals.

The hatred and bigotry which has infected the party is more than a little disturbing.

I have not abandoned the Republican party, it has abandoned me.

You cant compare what blacks went through with gays. Gays dont have to be gay. Just like pedophiles dont have to be pedophiles or necrophiliacs dont have to do dead people.

Comparing gays to:



You are an asswipe, you fucking shitstain. Now I can say I actually know an abortion.
awweeeeee whats wrong deano? Are you saying they arent genetic? Wanna be my boyfriend? Ill dump derps for ya.

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