The Dims are not even hiding it anymore

Cons pine for Ronald Reagan socialism, much as they'd like a new Che to arise among them. Their dear leader is busy causing financial losses to well established and highly profitable, job creating, American businesses like Amazon. Cons though take it to the next level, their's is a desire for national socialism. Or Fascism. They are lining up to offer their zeig heil to their dear leader Trump.

Lenin would be proud.

Cons pine for Ronald Reagan socialism, much as they'd like a new Che to arise among them. Their dear leader is busy causing financial losses to well established and highly profitable, job creating, American businesses like Amazon. Cons though take it to the next level, their's is a desire for national socialism. Or Fascism. They are lining up to offer their zeig heil to their dear leader Trump.
First off, Reagan sucked. Dude never saw a spending bill he didn't immediately endorse.

Secondly, so you admit that you hate free-market capitalism? You admit that you are a goose-stepping communist? Is that what you are saying? Are you a fucking commie?
Cons pine for Ronald Reagan socialism, much as they'd like a new Che to arise among them. Their dear leader is busy causing financial losses to well established and highly profitable, job creating, American businesses like Amazon. Cons though take it to the next level, their's is a desire for national socialism. Or Fascism. They are lining up to offer their zeig heil to their dear leader Trump.
First off, Reagan sucked. Dude never saw a spending bill he didn't immediately endorse.

Secondly, so you admit that you hate free-market capitalism? You admit that you are a goose-stepping communist? Is that what you are saying? Are you a fucking commie?

"First off, Reagan sucked. Dude never saw a spending bill he didn't immediately endorse." unQuote - One honest conservative here at least. Well on this subject anyway. The rest of you cons make note, Reagan was a criminal pure and simple.

The rest of your banshee scream is meaningless as the post describes cons, like yerself Jethro.
The Regressive Left's takeover of the Democratic Party continues.


It was complete with the re-election of that meat puppet faggot.

The party just continues to implode slowly like a soviet state. Eventually it will dissolve and merge with the CPUSA.


Might as well...we already have socialism for corporations. Or have you already forgotten how the federal government gave $700 billion to Wall Street after they fucked our economy back in 2008?
Democrats were happy to approve it.

Yeah. So were Repugs. What's your point, lightweight? You Repugs are the ones saying socialism is bad, I'm not.

Might as well...we already have socialism for corporations. Or have you already forgotten how the federal government gave $700 billion to Wall Street after they fucked our economy back in 2008?
Democrats were happy to approve it.

Yeah. So were Repugs. What's your point, lightweight? You Repugs are the ones saying socialism is bad, I'm not.
You mean some Repub politicians approved it. The rank and file were universally against it.

Might as well...we already have socialism for corporations. Or have you already forgotten how the federal government gave $700 billion to Wall Street after they fucked our economy back in 2008?
Democrats were happy to approve it.

Yeah. So were Repugs. What's your point, lightweight? You Repugs are the ones saying socialism is bad, I'm not.
You mean some Repub politicians approved it. The rank and file were universally against it.

I believe a total of 91 House Repugs and 34 Senate Repugs supported the $700 billion TARP bailout, which was almost half the Repugs in Congress. So you're essentially admitting that almost half the Repugs in Congress supported socialism in 2008.

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