The Dims are not even hiding it anymore

Might as well...we already have socialism for corporations. Or have you already forgotten how the federal government gave $700 billion to Wall Street after they fucked our economy back in 2008?
it's not funny how ignorant you are of history.

It’s not funny how ignorant you are of the present. All of the successful economies in the world are social democracies. The US is one of them.

As Republicans have cut the social safety net and focused on corporate interests, the working and middle class has suffered. The longer policies favour the wealthy and corporations over working Americans, the lower the US sinks in freedom and liveability. You’re in danger of dropping out of the top 20.

I have no doubt Trump will get you out of the top 20 before he’s turfed from office.

Both parties have contributed to a decline of the US economy.

Now if you to see how Progressvism destroys economies, (Not a Republican in a 10,000 square mile radius), then just walk down the streets of Detroit you partisan shill or stroll down a street in Venezuela.

Might as well...we already have socialism for corporations. Or have you already forgotten how the federal government gave $700 billion to Wall Street after they fucked our economy back in 2008?
it's not funny how ignorant you are of history.

It’s not funny how ignorant you are of the present. All of the successful economies in the world are social democracies. The US is one of them.

As Republicans have cut the social safety net and focused on corporate interests, the working and middle class has suffered. The longer policies favour the wealthy and corporations over working Americans, the lower the US sinks in freedom and liveability. You’re in danger of dropping out of the top 20.

I have no doubt Trump will get you out of the top 20 before he’s turfed from office.
North Korea
most of africa

you're a fucking idiot

Might as well...we already have socialism for corporations. Or have you already forgotten how the federal government gave $700 billion to Wall Street after they fucked our economy back in 2008?
it's not funny how ignorant you are of history.

It’s not funny how ignorant you are of the present. All of the successful economies in the world are social democracies. The US is one of them.

As Republicans have cut the social safety net and focused on corporate interests, the working and middle class has suffered. The longer policies favour the wealthy and corporations over working Americans, the lower the US sinks in freedom and liveability. You’re in danger of dropping out of the top 20.

I have no doubt Trump will get you out of the top 20 before he’s turfed from office.
North Korea
most of africa

you're a fucking idiot

Not Communist dictatorships, you fool. Socialist Democracies - the USA is one of them. Neither the USSR nor North Korea are democracies.

See also:

The Netherlands
South Korea

Venezuela was destroyed by corruption and mismanagement, not to mention the loss of oil revenues.

Not every country is going to have good, honest and well run government. Idiots can always be elected - Trump being a prime example.

Might as well...we already have socialism for corporations. Or have you already forgotten how the federal government gave $700 billion to Wall Street after they fucked our economy back in 2008?
it's not funny how ignorant you are of history.

It’s not funny how ignorant you are of the present. All of the successful economies in the world are social democracies. The US is one of them.

As Republicans have cut the social safety net and focused on corporate interests, the working and middle class has suffered. The longer policies favour the wealthy and corporations over working Americans, the lower the US sinks in freedom and liveability. You’re in danger of dropping out of the top 20.

I have no doubt Trump will get you out of the top 20 before he’s turfed from office.
North Korea
most of africa

you're a fucking idiot

Not Communist dictatorships, you fool. Socialist Democracies - the USA is one of them. Neither the USSR nor North Korea are democracies.

See also:

The Netherlands
South Korea

Venezuela was destroyed by corruption and mismanagement, not to mention the loss of oil revenues.

Not every country is going to have good, honest and well run government. Idiots can always be elected - Trump being a prime example.
None of the countries you listed are socialist. Socialism destroyed Venezuela. Corruption and mismanagement are part and parcel of socialism. Somehow, every other oil producing country in the world managed to avoid swirling down the toilet bowl, so that excuse isn't credible.

Might as well...we already have socialism for corporations. Or have you already forgotten how the federal government gave $700 billion to Wall Street after they fucked our economy back in 2008?
it's not funny how ignorant you are of history.

It’s not funny how ignorant you are of the present. All of the successful economies in the world are social democracies. The US is one of them.

As Republicans have cut the social safety net and focused on corporate interests, the working and middle class has suffered. The longer policies favour the wealthy and corporations over working Americans, the lower the US sinks in freedom and liveability. You’re in danger of dropping out of the top 20.

I have no doubt Trump will get you out of the top 20 before he’s turfed from office.
North Korea
most of africa

you're a fucking idiot

Not Communist dictatorships, you fool. Socialist Democracies - the USA is one of them. Neither the USSR nor North Korea are democracies.

See also:

The Netherlands
South Korea

Venezuela was destroyed by corruption and mismanagement, not to mention the loss of oil revenues.

Not every country is going to have good, honest and well run government. Idiots can always be elected - Trump being a prime example.
go back to HS and demand your parents tax money be returned for their failure to teach you that we are a Constitutional Republic.
Might as well...we already have socialism for corporations. Or have you already forgotten how the federal government gave $700 billion to Wall Street after they fucked our economy back in 2008?
it's not funny how ignorant you are of history.

It’s not funny how ignorant you are of the present. All of the successful economies in the world are social democracies. The US is one of them.

As Republicans have cut the social safety net and focused on corporate interests, the working and middle class has suffered. The longer policies favour the wealthy and corporations over working Americans, the lower the US sinks in freedom and liveability. You’re in danger of dropping out of the top 20.

I have no doubt Trump will get you out of the top 20 before he’s turfed from office.
North Korea
most of africa

you're a fucking idiot

Not Communist dictatorships, you fool. Socialist Democracies - the USA is one of them. Neither the USSR nor North Korea are democracies.

See also:

The Netherlands
South Korea

Venezuela was destroyed by corruption and mismanagement, not to mention the loss of oil revenues.

Not every country is going to have good, honest and well run government. Idiots can always be elected - Trump being a prime example.
None of the countries you listed are socialist. Socialism destroyed Venezuela. Corruption and mismanagement are part and parcel of socialism. Somehow, every other oil producing country in the world managed to avoid swirling down the toilet bowl, so that excuse isn't credible.

You haven’t the vaguest clue what constitutes a social democracy. Of course you don’t have a clue about anything else either so it’s hardly surprising.
Might as well...we already have socialism for corporations. Or have you already forgotten how the federal government gave $700 billion to Wall Street after they fucked our economy back in 2008?
it's not funny how ignorant you are of history.

It’s not funny how ignorant you are of the present. All of the successful economies in the world are social democracies. The US is one of them.

As Republicans have cut the social safety net and focused on corporate interests, the working and middle class has suffered. The longer policies favour the wealthy and corporations over working Americans, the lower the US sinks in freedom and liveability. You’re in danger of dropping out of the top 20.

I have no doubt Trump will get you out of the top 20 before he’s turfed from office.
North Korea
most of africa

you're a fucking idiot

Not Communist dictatorships, you fool. Socialist Democracies - the USA is one of them. Neither the USSR nor North Korea are democracies.

See also:

The Netherlands
South Korea

Venezuela was destroyed by corruption and mismanagement, not to mention the loss of oil revenues.

Not every country is going to have good, honest and well run government. Idiots can always be elected - Trump being a prime example.
go back to HS and demand your parents tax money be returned for their failure to teach you that we are a Constitutional Republic.
"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

A democratic republic is a far cry from a democracy. Democracy is mob rule.

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