The Disreputable Robert Mueller

Mueller admits he's got nothin'

Orange Man Bad!

The nearly 63 million Americans who voted for Trump seem to be sticking with him — his job approval numbers have gained about 7 points in the Real Clear Politics poll average since December 2017 — and the Democrat field for 2020 is a clown car full of left-wing crazies. Despite what his enemies in the media might believe, the end of the Mueller probe is a clear victory for Trump, and if the economy keeps roaring along like it is now, the odds of him being re-elected are quite good.

None of these facts matter to the 3 million who watch CNN and MSNBC, the cable-TV echo chamber defined by the anti-Trump cult mentality of Maddow and Matthews, Joe Scarborough and Erin Burnett, Chris Hayes and Chris Cuomo. The good news is that this alternative universe appears to be shrinking. Maddow has lost nearly a third of her audience since last April, and CNN recently recorded its worst ratings week of the year. It has been said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results, and this is exactly what Trump’s media enemies seem to be doing. The more often the president mocks them as “fake news,” the more determined they become to destroy him, and the more they limit their audience to the most fanatically deranged Trump-haters. However, it never seems to occur to them that they might be mistaken, no matter how often they find themselves humiliated in the ratings. They know only one thing, and they are completely committed to it: “Orange Man Bad!”
what about it. it's over pal, there is nothing legally the house can do. they can't bring up charges. just can't. you can believe that, beat off to that, the fact remains all they can do is impeach. now do you think that actually possible to finish with the GOP coming on board? LOL

You do understand that the process of impeachment means the president is being charged? Now if the republicans in the senate decide not to remove an apparently crooked president they are the ones in trouble. Trump already faces a primary challenge and Weld will not be shy about bringing up the Mueller report.
Trump can be impeached today.
But your party leader says no and is preventing it.

Pelosi is keeping the traitor orange man from seeing justice. YOUR party leader.


Republicans in the senate will not remove Trump. And I think the upcoming hearings may shut those like you up.
I'm done talking about it already. No collusion, no obstruction exonerated. anything you think might happen won't you're just a sheep following a stoop down a plank. jump and give us 2020 without even a fight.

But none of that is true. So just watch as everything I said becomes true.
so you don't believe the Mueller report came out? wow. yeah, i'm laughing at you. You're smarter than every legal rep on TV. everyone of them.
You do understand that the process of impeachment means the president is being charged? Now if the republicans in the senate decide not to remove an apparently crooked president they are the ones in trouble. Trump already faces a primary challenge and Weld will not be shy about bringing up the Mueller report.
Obstruction of justice is an impeachable offense. Charge him and impeach him or shut the hell up.
accept he didn't commit obstruction. He came close to perhaps stepping over that line, but didn't. He was more transparent with the investigation than any other president. so they can try and impeach him because he almost did something. it won't go over well for them. but hey, promote it.

Stop lying to yourself.
every legal person in the country has stated nothing more can happen but impeachment and for what is slim to none. but go for it. commit that political suicide.

Every legal person has said nothing of the sort.
sure they have. you aren't listening, because your TDS won't allow it. LOL :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

you're one of those sheeps who thinks the house can just charge the president with a crime. nope.
accept he didn't commit obstruction. He came close to perhaps stepping over that line, but didn't. He was more transparent with the investigation than any other president. so they can try and impeach him because he almost did something. it won't go over well for them. but hey, promote it.

Stop lying to yourself.
every legal person in the country has stated nothing more can happen but impeachment and for what is slim to none. but go for it. commit that political suicide.

Every legal person has said nothing of the sort.
You have nothing. You guys are really hurting your party, but don't let me stop you. Please, carry on.

That's not what the report is showing me.
it is what it is showing all normal lawyers. but go forward with your TDS junkies.
accept he didn't commit obstruction. He came close to perhaps stepping over that line, but didn't. He was more transparent with the investigation than any other president. so they can try and impeach him because he almost did something. it won't go over well for them. but hey, promote it.

Stop lying to yourself.
You're the liar. Obstruction of justice is an impeachable offense. Do it or shut the hell up.

Nope I'm not the liar.
Then why aren't democrats charging Trump with obstruction of justice and impeaching him?

We'll see what happens when congress gets all the information.
Nearly 500 witnesses, 675 days: The Mueller investigation by the numbers
Here is the Mueller report, by the numbers:
- 675: The number of days from when Mueller was appointed to the day he turned in his report to Barr.

- 34: people indicted as a result of Mueller's investigation, including Russian nationals and several former Trump aides and advisors.

- 19: lawyers who were employed by the special counsel's office, according to a letter Barr sent to Congress on Sunday.

-About 40 FBI agents, intelligence analysts, forensic accountants and other staff that assisted with the investigation.

- More than 2,800 subpoenas issued by the Special Counsel's office, that's an average of at least four per day.

- Nearly 500 search warrants executed.

- More than 230 orders for communication records.

- Nearly 50 authorized orders for the use of pen registers, a tool that lets the government know who someone is communicating with and when, but not what they said.

- 13 evidence requests to foreign governments

- 500 witnesses interviewed

- $25 millionin posted costs as of February

What else they gonna look at? especially since they can't charge him for any crime?
accept he didn't commit obstruction. He came close to perhaps stepping over that line, but didn't. He was more transparent with the investigation than any other president. so they can try and impeach him because he almost did something. it won't go over well for them. but hey, promote it.

Stop lying to yourself.
You're the liar. Obstruction of justice is an impeachable offense. Do it or shut the hell up.

Nope I'm not the liar.
Then why aren't democrats charging Trump with obstruction of justice and impeaching him?

We'll see what happens when congress gets all the information.
and besides Mueller's 675 days we also have

GOP-led House Intel Committee ends its probe, says ‘no evidence’ of Trump-Russia collusion
"In the final document, the committee said that “there is no evidence that Trump associates were involved in the theft or publication of Clinton campaign-related emails.”

It added, however, that “Trump associates had numerous ill-advised contacts with Wikileaks.”

The March report received a strong response from the Democratic minority, including ranking member Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., who said the probe had been shut down too early.

Committee Democrats, Schiff said at the time, would continue to investigate with or without the Republican majority.

In a statement shortly following the Friday release, Schiff slammed his Republican colleagues for choosing “not to seriously investigate — or even see, when in plain sight — evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, instead adopting the role of defense counsel for key investigation witnesses.”

He also accused them of making material changes between the March summary and the release of the final report.

Schiff highlighted the committee’s initial assertion that PUtin did not show a clear preference for Trump over Clinton. By the time the draft of the final report was sent to the intelligence community, he said, the majority “could no longer defend this claim and watered down its supposed findings.”"

So they got the Mueller report and guess what, It confirmed Nunes report. and now, you believe there is still something that all this effort missed. And yet, you hang on. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
You do understand that the process of impeachment means the president is being charged? Now if the republicans in the senate decide not to remove an apparently crooked president they are the ones in trouble. Trump already faces a primary challenge and Weld will not be shy about bringing up the Mueller report.
Trump can be impeached today.
But your party leader says no and is preventing it.

Pelosi is keeping the traitor orange man from seeing justice. YOUR party leader.


Republicans in the senate will not remove Trump. And I think the upcoming hearings may shut those like you up.
I'm done talking about it already. No collusion, no obstruction exonerated. anything you think might happen won't you're just a sheep following a stoop down a plank. jump and give us 2020 without even a fight.

But none of that is true. So just watch as everything I said becomes true.
so you don't believe the Mueller report came out? wow. yeah, i'm laughing at you. You're smarter than every legal rep on TV. everyone of them.
He doesn’t believe the Mueller Report is out but the report proves Trump should be impeached.

Trump can be impeached today.
But your party leader says no and is preventing it.

Pelosi is keeping the traitor orange man from seeing justice. YOUR party leader.


Republicans in the senate will not remove Trump. And I think the upcoming hearings may shut those like you up.
I'm done talking about it already. No collusion, no obstruction exonerated. anything you think might happen won't you're just a sheep following a stoop down a plank. jump and give us 2020 without even a fight.

But none of that is true. So just watch as everything I said becomes true.
so you don't believe the Mueller report came out? wow. yeah, i'm laughing at you. You're smarter than every legal rep on TV. everyone of them.
He doesn’t believe the Mueller Report is out but the report proves Trump should be impeached.


I'm reading the report now so that's a lie.
You do understand that the process of impeachment means the president is being charged? Now if the republicans in the senate decide not to remove an apparently crooked president they are the ones in trouble. Trump already faces a primary challenge and Weld will not be shy about bringing up the Mueller report.
Trump can be impeached today.
But your party leader says no and is preventing it.

Pelosi is keeping the traitor orange man from seeing justice. YOUR party leader.


Republicans in the senate will not remove Trump. And I think the upcoming hearings may shut those like you up.
I'm done talking about it already. No collusion, no obstruction exonerated. anything you think might happen won't you're just a sheep following a stoop down a plank. jump and give us 2020 without even a fight.

But none of that is true. So just watch as everything I said becomes true.
so you don't believe the Mueller report came out? wow. yeah, i'm laughing at you. You're smarter than every legal rep on TV. everyone of them.

I posted a link to the report. I understand that you live in a lie, but I won't be part of it.
Stop lying to yourself.
You're the liar. Obstruction of justice is an impeachable offense. Do it or shut the hell up.

Nope I'm not the liar.
Then why aren't democrats charging Trump with obstruction of justice and impeaching him?

We'll see what happens when congress gets all the information.
and besides Mueller's 675 days we also have

GOP-led House Intel Committee ends its probe, says ‘no evidence’ of Trump-Russia collusion
"In the final document, the committee said that “there is no evidence that Trump associates were involved in the theft or publication of Clinton campaign-related emails.”

It added, however, that “Trump associates had numerous ill-advised contacts with Wikileaks.”

The March report received a strong response from the Democratic minority, including ranking member Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., who said the probe had been shut down too early.

Committee Democrats, Schiff said at the time, would continue to investigate with or without the Republican majority.

In a statement shortly following the Friday release, Schiff slammed his Republican colleagues for choosing “not to seriously investigate — or even see, when in plain sight — evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, instead adopting the role of defense counsel for key investigation witnesses.”

He also accused them of making material changes between the March summary and the release of the final report.

Schiff highlighted the committee’s initial assertion that PUtin did not show a clear preference for Trump over Clinton. By the time the draft of the final report was sent to the intelligence community, he said, the majority “could no longer defend this claim and watered down its supposed findings.”"

So they got the Mueller report and guess what, It confirmed Nunes report. and now, you believe there is still something that all this effort missed. And yet, you hang on. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Except it didn't. Try reading the actual report.
Absolutely.....and you should take notes.

1. I wanna know how much of the $145 million bribe that Putin paid Hillary for our uranium found its way into Mueller's piggy bank.

2. A peek into Mueller's motivation is here:

….."Russian Collusion"….Hillary's tale, picked up by her colleagues in the sale of American uranium to Russia for $billions in bribes…er, 'donations.'

The reason for the Mueller Investigation? camouflage the fact that every major Democrat elite was both knowledgeable and a participant in the corruption of the uranium deal: Muller, Comey and Rosenstein knew and probably wet their beaks in the payoffs.


3. The esteemed Lee Smith has a slightly different take.

"News that special counselor Robert Mueller has turned his attention to Erik Prince’s January 11, 2017 meeting in the Seychelles with a Russian banker, a Lebanese-American political fixer, and officials from the United Arab Emirates, helps clarify the nature of Mueller’s work. It’s not an investigation that the former director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation is leading—rather, it’s a cover-up.

4. After all, Mueller took his job not at the behest of the man who by all accounts he is likely to professionally and personally disdain, Donald Trump, but of the blue-chip Beltway elite of which he is a charter member. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein appointed him nearly a year ago to lead an investigation without parameters. That’s because Mueller’s job is to obscure the abuses of the US surveillance apparatus that occurred under the Obama administration.

Jail 'em all!!!

Your derail of your own thread is duly noted. Here, I will ask YOU again.

Please, tell EVERYONE here how Mueller, or anyone else that may have ended up in Mueller's position as SC, could have ever known what you are claiming? That would be impossible for anyone to know, Mueller included.
But go ahead; we are waiting.

Read my posts two years ago and compare them to the Mueller Report, dope.

"Dope?" OK bitch. I will ask a third time.

Please, tell EVERYONE here how Mueller, or anyone else that may have ended up in Mueller's position as SC, could have ever known what you are claiming? That would be impossible for anyone to know, Mueller included.

My question is not complicated, nor does it require your extended 'copy & pate' essay & dissertation.

You can answer in your own words, and a very few words would be the best.

You made the claim that Mueller knew there was no substance to the collusion claim.

We are waiting..........

Learn how to address your betters, dunce.

I asked the question THREE TIMES yet all you can do is play your foolish wittle games & name call like a wittle turd grader.

You made the claim that Mueller knew there was no substance to the collusion claim.

Please, tell EVERYONE here how Mueller, or anyone else that may have ended up in Mueller's position as SC, could have ever known what you are claiming? That would be impossible for anyone to know, Mueller included.

My question is not complicated, nor does it require your extended 'copy & pate' essay & dissertation.

You can answer in your own words, and a very few words would be the best.

There you go wittle turd grader. FORTH TIME. We are waiting.

Try to remember you're not speaking to your family here, so the bathroom vulgarity is unacceptable.

Come back when you learn that.
Romney blasts president, Trump campaign after reading Mueller report

Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, said he was “sickened” and “appalled” by the actions of President Trump and his campaign that were detailed in special counsel Robert Mueller’s redacted report.

Romney said it was in the country’s best interest Trump was not charged with conspiracy with the Russians or for obstruction of justice because it would have led to a potential constitutional crisis, but he called the report a “sobering revelation of how far we have strayed from the aspirations and principles of the founders.”

“I am sickened at the extent and pervasiveness of dishonesty and misdirection by individuals in the highest office of the land, including the President,” he said in a statement Friday.

Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, said he was “sickened” and “appalled” by the actions of President Trump and his campaign that were detailed in special counsel Robert Mueller’s redacted report.

“I am also appalled that, among other things, fellow citizens working in a campaign for president welcomed help from Russia — including information that had been illegally obtained; that none of them acted to inform American law enforcement; and that the campaign chairman was actively promoting Russian interests in Ukraine,” he said.

Romney blasts president, Trump campaign after reading Mueller report
Trump can be impeached today.
But your party leader says no and is preventing it.

Pelosi is keeping the traitor orange man from seeing justice. YOUR party leader.


Republicans in the senate will not remove Trump. And I think the upcoming hearings may shut those like you up.
I'm done talking about it already. No collusion, no obstruction exonerated. anything you think might happen won't you're just a sheep following a stoop down a plank. jump and give us 2020 without even a fight.

But none of that is true. So just watch as everything I said becomes true.
so you don't believe the Mueller report came out? wow. yeah, i'm laughing at you. You're smarter than every legal rep on TV. everyone of them.

I posted a link to the report. I understand that you live in a lie, but I won't be part of it.

Does the report say Trump is guilty?

Take your time.
Romney blasts president, Trump campaign after reading Mueller report

Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, said he was “sickened” and “appalled” by the actions of President Trump and his campaign that were detailed in special counsel Robert Mueller’s redacted report.

Romney said it was in the country’s best interest Trump was not charged with conspiracy with the Russians or for obstruction of justice because it would have led to a potential constitutional crisis, but he called the report a “sobering revelation of how far we have strayed from the aspirations and principles of the founders.”

“I am sickened at the extent and pervasiveness of dishonesty and misdirection by individuals in the highest office of the land, including the President,” he said in a statement Friday.

Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, said he was “sickened” and “appalled” by the actions of President Trump and his campaign that were detailed in special counsel Robert Mueller’s redacted report.

“I am also appalled that, among other things, fellow citizens working in a campaign for president welcomed help from Russia — including information that had been illegally obtained; that none of them acted to inform American law enforcement; and that the campaign chairman was actively promoting Russian interests in Ukraine,” he said.

Romney blasts president, Trump campaign after reading Mueller report

Why is Romney's opinion of any importance?
Robert Mueller is an honorable man….I mean that in the same way Antony meant this about Brutus: “…for Brutus is an honorable man; they are all honorable men…”

While the stain is rapidly spreading over Comey, Rosenstein, McCabe, Strzok, Lynch,….and Obama, all of them are snakes, and are covered by that same quote.

1.Right off the top, Mueller has a history with Trump that should have required him to recuse himself, and refuse the special counsel position

“Trump argued that Mueller had three conflicts of interest preventing him from leading a fully unbiased investigation, according to the New York Times. The first two conflicts being Mueller’s previous work for a law firm that represented Jared Kushner; the second being Mueller interviewing to return for a second stint as FBI director immediately before being appointed as special counsel in May.

But arguably the most eye-catching alleged conflict of interest involves a purported dispute between Mueller and the Trump National Golf Club in Sterling, Virginia, in October 2011. President Trump claimed Mueller resigned his membership at the club due to the alleged disagreement over fees and believes he still holds a grudge against him over the matter.

Mueller, who was FBI director at the time of the alleged dispute, denied the incident and any potential hard feelings.

“Mr. Mueller left the club in October 2011 without dispute,” special counsel spokesman Joshua Stueve said in July.”
Why did Mueller quit Trump’s golf club? Dispute reportedly key to president’s desire to fire special counsel

2. Unless Mueller is a total fool, he knew from day one that there was no substance to the collusion charges. Yet…..he ruined lives by pretending.

3. Stocking his ‘team’ with Clinton donors and anti-Trump partisans proves what he was about.

4. Although Mueller had right to look into anything that arises in connection with the alleged events, he refused to direct investigation toward Clinton…gave immunity.

The man signed on to the attempted…..failed…..coup to depose a duly elected President.

No honor or repute of any sort should ever be attached to this man.

As usual, the OP is full of lies.

1. Yes, Mueller asked for a refund of his initiation fee and he received that refund. You really have to stretch the definition of "conflict of interest" to say this prejudiced Mueller against Trump.

2. Mueller's report has PLENTY of evidence of coordination between the Russians and the Trump Campaign but Trump didn't file charges because there was "insufficient evidence" that the campaign knew the people they were dealing with worked for the Russian government. No "no evidence", but insufficient evidence to prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt. So your "no evidence of collusion" is a TOTAL LIE, and if you had actually read the report, you'd know that.

3. Mueller hired the prosecutors and investigator who were available. Since Trump had just fired ALL of the Democrats in the Justice Department, and hired all of the Republicans, so of course there more Democrats available than Republicans. Trump did that to himself.

4. Again, you lied. Mueller's mandate was VERY narrow. It involved Russian interference in the election, and coordination with that interference. Hillary didn't coordinate with or contact any Russians. Every contact between the Russians and the Americans was between the Trump campaign and the Russians, not the Clinton campaign.

If you didn't lie, you'd have nothing to post.

I never lie.

Watch how easily I smash this custard pie in your ugly kisser:

"Again, you lied. Mueller's mandate was VERY narrow."

Here are the exact words of Mueller's mandate:
Mueller's mandate was to investigate
'any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation"\

and other matters within the scope of
28 CFR § 600.4:

Everyone can see it, and see that you are lying scum, here:

Mueller could have investigated Hillary and the entire corrupt DNC.

But here's what happened instead:

1.The Hillary campaign paid for an anti-Trump Russian creation called the dossier: they used law firm Perkins Coie to funnel money to GPS Fusion and Christopher Steele

2. The Hillary campaign screamed that they had been hacked, but refused to allow any government agencies to inspect the supposedly hacked servers

3. The FBI admitted that they knew the dossier was fake from the start, but used it to get a FISA warrant to surveil Trump and associates

4. A secret cabal at the highest levels of the FBI and the DoJ worked with GPS Fusion to undermine the Trump campaign...before and after the election.

5. FBI found classified data on Huma and Anthony Weiner’s laptop….so they gave them a pass

6. The FBI decided no charges against Hillary before they interviewed her…..with no record kept of the interview, and not under oath.

7. Both Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills were found to be lying to the FBI….but given a pass ...and allowed to keep their laptops, and destroy any evidence on same

8. FBI agents Strzok and Page and McCabe talked over a plan to overturn the election….an ‘insurance policy’

9. Loretta Lynch with Comey’s acquiescence, worked to benefit Hillary’s campaign

10. Obama knew about Hillary’s use of unsecured emails, as he conversed with her on same…kept his name out of the reports.

11. BTW…..Mueller, Comey and Rosenstein were all government officials when Hillary received the $145 million bribe for the sale of our uranium.

....Robert Mueller was the FBI Director during the time of the Russian uranium probe, and so was his successor James Comey who took over in 2013 as the FBI was still developing the case. Rod Rosenstein, then-U.S. Attorney....

12. The FBI offered to pay Christopher Steele if he could corroborate the dossier….so he told Yahoo New’s Michael Isikoff about the dossier, had him print the information….then told the FBI that Isikoff independently discovered the “facts”…

Steele admitted, in a British court, that he leaked the material to Yahoo. September 23 Yahoo ran the story.

The FBI took the Isikoff Yahoo story to the FISA court to get the warrant….then fired Steele for sharing it with news outlets.

13. After the FBI fired Steele, he continued to confer with Bruce Ohr and the DoJ…and Rod Rosestein and Sally Yates.

In September of 2016, this was Steele’s statement to Bruce Ohr that he “was desperate thatDonald Trump not get elected and was passionate about him not being president.”

14. And in another stunning revelation, the memo asserts that Justice Department official Bruce Ohr was used to pass information from the author of the dossier, Christopher Steele, to the DOJ.
Ohr’s wife, Nellie Ohr, worked at the time for Fusion GPS, the opposition research firm research firm that commissioned the dossier. Bruce Ohr, who worked closely with Deputy Attorney Generals Sally Yates and Rod Rosenstein, passed his wife’s opposition research on Trump to the FBI, the memo says.

15. Fired by the FBI as untrustworthy, Steele is maintained by the DoJ as a contact, and all the while, Bruce Ohr’s wife is drawing a salary from the group Hillary hired to produce the dossier….GPS Fusion.

Bruce Ohr’s wife’s connections to Hillary’s paid dossier-producers, GPS Fusion, was never disclosed to the FISA court.

16. Not Hillary Clinton’s Campaign, nor the DNC, nor Christopher Steel, nor Fusion GPS, nor Bruce Ohr’s wife, the roles of none of these participants in the creation of the dossier….not a one was revealed to the FISA court.

17. The memo also says that the FBI’s deputy director, Andrew McCabe, told Congress that a FISA warrant against the campaign adviser, Carter Page, would not have been granted without use of the dossier. That despite the FBI later determining that very little of the Democrat-funded document was corroborated

18. Let’s compare the zealous and very aggressive action by Mueller against Flynn, Manafort, Papadopoulos, and Carter Page with the immunity and passes given above…..

19..The memo notes that the Papadopoulos information “triggered” the FBI investigation into possible Trump campaign collusion.
It says that there is no evidence that Page and Papadopoulos engaged in a conspiracy. “

Spy Warrant Granted Based On Dossier And News Stories Planted By Fusion GPS

…and lots of evidence of associations of Democrats with the Kremlin….

…completely different treatment.

20. And all of the players in on the fix were demanding the Memo not be released….and lied about why it should not be released.

Funny, huh?

You tried to pretend I lie....and I proved you are the liar.

Rule #1
Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.

Rule #2
To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side of doing.

2a. If not for double standards Liberals would have no standards at all.

Your weak-ass attempt at deflection is noted, and ignored. Hillary didn't conspire with Russians to attack the Trump campaign, nor did she use the information in the Dossier to attack Trump. The Dossier has been proven to be true - everything but the pee tape has been verified. Neither Hillary nor anyone on her campaign staff had any connection with the preparation of the Dossier, which was handled by a third party law firm which contracted with Fusion GPS.

We're discussing the Mueller Report, and how Donald Trump was fully prepared and happy to use the Russian operatives and WikiLeaks to smear Hillary, and how Russia wanted Trump as President, and worked to under mine the elections and achieve that goal.

You are openly suborning Trump's participating in this scheme, either as willing participant or as at unwitting dupe of the Russian government. Either way, you have no legs to stand on if you continue to push this false narrative. Not that this has ever stopped you before.

"The Dossier has been proven to be true - everything but the pee tape has been verified."


You simply can't stop lying, huh????

"Mueller Report Dismisses Many Steele Dossier Claims
Revelations are fueling Republican calls for an investigation into the origin of the Russia probe
Alan Cullison and
Dustin Volz
April 19, 2019 5:42 p.m. ET

Robert Mueller’s report, while providing new details on Russian tampering in U.S. elections, has all but dismissed many key claims of the dossier compiled by private investigator Christopher Steele, fueling Republican calls to investigate the origins of the special counsel’s probe."
Mueller Report Dismisses Many Steele Dossier Claims

What would the, Democrat Party do without lying scum like you?
Republicans in the senate will not remove Trump. And I think the upcoming hearings may shut those like you up.
I'm done talking about it already. No collusion, no obstruction exonerated. anything you think might happen won't you're just a sheep following a stoop down a plank. jump and give us 2020 without even a fight.

But none of that is true. So just watch as everything I said becomes true.
so you don't believe the Mueller report came out? wow. yeah, i'm laughing at you. You're smarter than every legal rep on TV. everyone of them.

I posted a link to the report. I understand that you live in a lie, but I won't be part of it.

Does the report say Trump is guilty?

Take your time.

Read it and find out.
You're the liar. Obstruction of justice is an impeachable offense. Do it or shut the hell up.

Nope I'm not the liar.
Then why aren't democrats charging Trump with obstruction of justice and impeaching him?

We'll see what happens when congress gets all the information.
and besides Mueller's 675 days we also have

GOP-led House Intel Committee ends its probe, says ‘no evidence’ of Trump-Russia collusion
"In the final document, the committee said that “there is no evidence that Trump associates were involved in the theft or publication of Clinton campaign-related emails.”

It added, however, that “Trump associates had numerous ill-advised contacts with Wikileaks.”

The March report received a strong response from the Democratic minority, including ranking member Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., who said the probe had been shut down too early.

Committee Democrats, Schiff said at the time, would continue to investigate with or without the Republican majority.

In a statement shortly following the Friday release, Schiff slammed his Republican colleagues for choosing “not to seriously investigate — or even see, when in plain sight — evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, instead adopting the role of defense counsel for key investigation witnesses.”

He also accused them of making material changes between the March summary and the release of the final report.

Schiff highlighted the committee’s initial assertion that PUtin did not show a clear preference for Trump over Clinton. By the time the draft of the final report was sent to the intelligence community, he said, the majority “could no longer defend this claim and watered down its supposed findings.”"

So they got the Mueller report and guess what, It confirmed Nunes report. and now, you believe there is still something that all this effort missed. And yet, you hang on. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Except it didn't. Try reading the actual report.
I don't have to. there are no sealed indictments. that = exoneration. that means this, the only thing congress can do is impeach him. go for it. There will be no indictments, nor charges against trump. now what else you wish to discuss?
Republicans in the senate will not remove Trump. And I think the upcoming hearings may shut those like you up.
I'm done talking about it already. No collusion, no obstruction exonerated. anything you think might happen won't you're just a sheep following a stoop down a plank. jump and give us 2020 without even a fight.

But none of that is true. So just watch as everything I said becomes true.
so you don't believe the Mueller report came out? wow. yeah, i'm laughing at you. You're smarter than every legal rep on TV. everyone of them.
He doesn’t believe the Mueller Report is out but the report proves Trump should be impeached.


I'm reading the report now so that's a lie.
So how is it you have it but Pelosi does not?

Is Pelosi a Russian spy working for Putin and protecting Treasonist Trump?
Romney blasts president, Trump campaign after reading Mueller report

Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, said he was “sickened” and “appalled” by the actions of President Trump and his campaign that were detailed in special counsel Robert Mueller’s redacted report.

Romney said it was in the country’s best interest Trump was not charged with conspiracy with the Russians or for obstruction of justice because it would have led to a potential constitutional crisis, but he called the report a “sobering revelation of how far we have strayed from the aspirations and principles of the founders.”

“I am sickened at the extent and pervasiveness of dishonesty and misdirection by individuals in the highest office of the land, including the President,” he said in a statement Friday.

Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, said he was “sickened” and “appalled” by the actions of President Trump and his campaign that were detailed in special counsel Robert Mueller’s redacted report.

“I am also appalled that, among other things, fellow citizens working in a campaign for president welcomed help from Russia — including information that had been illegally obtained; that none of them acted to inform American law enforcement; and that the campaign chairman was actively promoting Russian interests in Ukraine,” he said.

Romney blasts president, Trump campaign after reading Mueller report

Why is Romney's opinion of any importance?

It would be of the utmost importance if he said what you want to believe.
I'm done talking about it already. No collusion, no obstruction exonerated. anything you think might happen won't you're just a sheep following a stoop down a plank. jump and give us 2020 without even a fight.

But none of that is true. So just watch as everything I said becomes true.
so you don't believe the Mueller report came out? wow. yeah, i'm laughing at you. You're smarter than every legal rep on TV. everyone of them.

I posted a link to the report. I understand that you live in a lie, but I won't be part of it.

Does the report say Trump is guilty?

Take your time.

Read it and find out.


I posted the truth two years ago.

D'ya think Mueller read my posts, and simply put them together as his 'report'????

I probably saved him tons of time, huh?

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