The Disreputable Robert Mueller

“In the case of the Mueller investigation, Acting Attorney General Rod Rosenstein appointed Robert Mueller to “ensure a full and thorough investigation of the Russian government’s efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election.” The appointment letter specifically authorized Mueller to “conduct the investigation confirmed by then-FBI Director James S. Comey in testimony before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence on March 20, 2017, including: (i) any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump; and (ii) any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation; and (iii) any other matters within the scope of 28 C.F.R. § 600.4(a).” What the Law Says About Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Report

Under this mandate… could the fraud, Mueller, fail to investigate the individuals who authorized and paid for the dossier…..Hillary, the DNC, et al????

Answer, the Democrats operate via the same doctrines as their predecessors, the Bolsheviks.

Lavrentiy Beria, the most ruthless and longest-serving secret police chief in Joseph Stalin’s reign of terror in Russia and Eastern Europe, bragged that he could prove criminal conduct on anyone, even the innocent.

“Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime” was Beria’s infamous boast.
In the case Of Trump Beria wouldn't have to look too far

Your hero, Mueller, said the opposite.

You're hanging by a thread, eddie.

Face the truth.
Sorry PC My truth is Trump doesn't have an honest bone in his body , and to be honest I hate reading your posts demeaning a great man, a great American, like Mueller

Then you're really gonna hate this:

….."Russian Collusion"….Hillary's tale, picked up by her colleagues in the sale of American uranium to Russia for $ millions in bribes…er, 'donations.'

…..Mueller, Comey and Rosenstein were all government officials when Hillary received the $145 million bribe for the sale of our uranium.

....Robert Mueller was the FBI Director during the time of the Russian uranium probe, and so was his successor James Comey who took over in 2013 as the FBI was still developing the case. Rod Rosenstein, then-U.S. Attorney....

The reason for the Mueller Investigation? camouflage the fact that every major Democrat elite was both knowledgeable and a participant in the corruption of the uranium deal: Muller, Comey and Rosenstein knew and probably wet their beaks in the payoffs.

They took what didn't belong to them....sold the purloined property of the American people.....and now need to hide the dirty deed.


6. For two years, Mueller was a willing participant in what was known to be a fraud from the start. The proof of same is that everything we on the Right said about the scam has come to be known today: the dossier was a fabrication, it was used illegally to gain FISA warrants, Trump associates were spied on, Hillary and associates were given immunity, and there was never any Russian impetus in Hillary’s loss and Trump’s win.

Hope I didn't ruin your day.
LOL Made 74k today Take a hellofa lot more than you to ruin it

I've never seen a hearse pulling a U-Haul.
In the case Of Trump Beria wouldn't have to look too far

Your hero, Mueller, said the opposite.

You're hanging by a thread, eddie.

Face the truth.
Sorry PC My truth is Trump doesn't have an honest bone in his body , and to be honest I hate reading your posts demeaning a great man, a great American, like Mueller

Then you're really gonna hate this:

….."Russian Collusion"….Hillary's tale, picked up by her colleagues in the sale of American uranium to Russia for $ millions in bribes…er, 'donations.'

…..Mueller, Comey and Rosenstein were all government officials when Hillary received the $145 million bribe for the sale of our uranium.

....Robert Mueller was the FBI Director during the time of the Russian uranium probe, and so was his successor James Comey who took over in 2013 as the FBI was still developing the case. Rod Rosenstein, then-U.S. Attorney....

The reason for the Mueller Investigation? camouflage the fact that every major Democrat elite was both knowledgeable and a participant in the corruption of the uranium deal: Muller, Comey and Rosenstein knew and probably wet their beaks in the payoffs.

They took what didn't belong to them....sold the purloined property of the American people.....and now need to hide the dirty deed.


6. For two years, Mueller was a willing participant in what was known to be a fraud from the start. The proof of same is that everything we on the Right said about the scam has come to be known today: the dossier was a fabrication, it was used illegally to gain FISA warrants, Trump associates were spied on, Hillary and associates were given immunity, and there was never any Russian impetus in Hillary’s loss and Trump’s win.

Hope I didn't ruin your day.
LOL Made 74k today Take a hellofa lot more than you to ruin it

I've never seen a hearse pulling a U-Haul.
Forgive my ignorance but I have no idea of the meaning of that
Liberals have been asked by me several times and I've yet to receive a reply:

If Meullers team (maybe not he himself but his band of Trump hating brothers) was NOT crooked, why would they ask someone to plea to charges that they later on didn't even charge him with?
It appears the reason for that is two reason:
1) Guilty plea is easy for prosecution, because there is no fighting.
2) The defendant becomes a witness, testifying to aid the wider probe. Requires the guilty plea first.

The investigator's job is always to get the facts on the entire probe, ahead of prosecuting individual crimes. Someone involved in a crime is always a potential witness, if they cooperate.

The specific example of this is Rick Gates.
“In the case of the Mueller investigation, Acting Attorney General Rod Rosenstein appointed Robert Mueller to “ensure a full and thorough investigation of the Russian government’s efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election.” The appointment letter specifically authorized Mueller to “conduct the investigation confirmed by then-FBI Director James S. Comey in testimony before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence on March 20, 2017, including: (i) any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump; and (ii) any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation; and (iii) any other matters within the scope of 28 C.F.R. § 600.4(a).” What the Law Says About Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Report

Under this mandate… could the fraud, Mueller, fail to investigate the individuals who authorized and paid for the dossier…..Hillary, the DNC, et al????

Answer, the Democrats operate via the same doctrines as their predecessors, the Bolsheviks.

Lavrentiy Beria, the most ruthless and longest-serving secret police chief in Joseph Stalin’s reign of terror in Russia and Eastern Europe, bragged that he could prove criminal conduct on anyone, even the innocent.

“Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime” was Beria’s infamous boast.
In the case Of Trump Beria wouldn't have to look too far

Your hero, Mueller, said the opposite.

You're hanging by a thread, eddie.

Face the truth.
Sorry PC My truth is Trump doesn't have an honest bone in his body , and to be honest I hate reading your posts demeaning a great man, a great American, like Mueller

Then you're really gonna hate this:

….."Russian Collusion"….Hillary's tale, picked up by her colleagues in the sale of American uranium to Russia for $ millions in bribes…er, 'donations.'

…..Mueller, Comey and Rosenstein were all government officials when Hillary received the $145 million bribe for the sale of our uranium.

....Robert Mueller was the FBI Director during the time of the Russian uranium probe, and so was his successor James Comey who took over in 2013 as the FBI was still developing the case. Rod Rosenstein, then-U.S. Attorney....

The reason for the Mueller Investigation? camouflage the fact that every major Democrat elite was both knowledgeable and a participant in the corruption of the uranium deal: Muller, Comey and Rosenstein knew and probably wet their beaks in the payoffs.

They took what didn't belong to them....sold the purloined property of the American people.....and now need to hide the dirty deed.


6. For two years, Mueller was a willing participant in what was known to be a fraud from the start. The proof of same is that everything we on the Right said about the scam has come to be known today: the dossier was a fabrication, it was used illegally to gain FISA warrants, Trump associates were spied on, Hillary and associates were given immunity, and there was never any Russian impetus in Hillary’s loss and Trump’s win.

Hope I didn't ruin your day.
LOL Made 74k today Take a hellofa lot more than you to ruin it
we all made twice that.
Your hero, Mueller, said the opposite.

You're hanging by a thread, eddie.

Face the truth.
Sorry PC My truth is Trump doesn't have an honest bone in his body , and to be honest I hate reading your posts demeaning a great man, a great American, like Mueller

Then you're really gonna hate this:

….."Russian Collusion"….Hillary's tale, picked up by her colleagues in the sale of American uranium to Russia for $ millions in bribes…er, 'donations.'

…..Mueller, Comey and Rosenstein were all government officials when Hillary received the $145 million bribe for the sale of our uranium.

....Robert Mueller was the FBI Director during the time of the Russian uranium probe, and so was his successor James Comey who took over in 2013 as the FBI was still developing the case. Rod Rosenstein, then-U.S. Attorney....

The reason for the Mueller Investigation? camouflage the fact that every major Democrat elite was both knowledgeable and a participant in the corruption of the uranium deal: Muller, Comey and Rosenstein knew and probably wet their beaks in the payoffs.

They took what didn't belong to them....sold the purloined property of the American people.....and now need to hide the dirty deed.


6. For two years, Mueller was a willing participant in what was known to be a fraud from the start. The proof of same is that everything we on the Right said about the scam has come to be known today: the dossier was a fabrication, it was used illegally to gain FISA warrants, Trump associates were spied on, Hillary and associates were given immunity, and there was never any Russian impetus in Hillary’s loss and Trump’s win.

Hope I didn't ruin your day.
LOL Made 74k today Take a hellofa lot more than you to ruin it

I've never seen a hearse pulling a U-Haul.
Forgive my ignorance but I have no idea of the meaning of that

It means that rectitude is more important than shekels.
You can't take it with you.

I'm here to lead you in the path of righteousness.

You'll have to stop being a mouthpiece for the corrupt, anti-American Democrat Party.
In the case Of Trump Beria wouldn't have to look too far

Your hero, Mueller, said the opposite.

You're hanging by a thread, eddie.

Face the truth.
Sorry PC My truth is Trump doesn't have an honest bone in his body , and to be honest I hate reading your posts demeaning a great man, a great American, like Mueller

Then you're really gonna hate this:

….."Russian Collusion"….Hillary's tale, picked up by her colleagues in the sale of American uranium to Russia for $ millions in bribes…er, 'donations.'

…..Mueller, Comey and Rosenstein were all government officials when Hillary received the $145 million bribe for the sale of our uranium.

....Robert Mueller was the FBI Director during the time of the Russian uranium probe, and so was his successor James Comey who took over in 2013 as the FBI was still developing the case. Rod Rosenstein, then-U.S. Attorney....

The reason for the Mueller Investigation? camouflage the fact that every major Democrat elite was both knowledgeable and a participant in the corruption of the uranium deal: Muller, Comey and Rosenstein knew and probably wet their beaks in the payoffs.

They took what didn't belong to them....sold the purloined property of the American people.....and now need to hide the dirty deed.


6. For two years, Mueller was a willing participant in what was known to be a fraud from the start. The proof of same is that everything we on the Right said about the scam has come to be known today: the dossier was a fabrication, it was used illegally to gain FISA warrants, Trump associates were spied on, Hillary and associates were given immunity, and there was never any Russian impetus in Hillary’s loss and Trump’s win.

Hope I didn't ruin your day.
LOL Made 74k today Take a hellofa lot more than you to ruin it
we all made twice that.
Total Day Change1+$74,824.11 (+1.15%)
Sorry PC My truth is Trump doesn't have an honest bone in his body , and to be honest I hate reading your posts demeaning a great man, a great American, like Mueller

Then you're really gonna hate this:

….."Russian Collusion"….Hillary's tale, picked up by her colleagues in the sale of American uranium to Russia for $ millions in bribes…er, 'donations.'

…..Mueller, Comey and Rosenstein were all government officials when Hillary received the $145 million bribe for the sale of our uranium.

....Robert Mueller was the FBI Director during the time of the Russian uranium probe, and so was his successor James Comey who took over in 2013 as the FBI was still developing the case. Rod Rosenstein, then-U.S. Attorney....

The reason for the Mueller Investigation? camouflage the fact that every major Democrat elite was both knowledgeable and a participant in the corruption of the uranium deal: Muller, Comey and Rosenstein knew and probably wet their beaks in the payoffs.

They took what didn't belong to them....sold the purloined property of the American people.....and now need to hide the dirty deed.


6. For two years, Mueller was a willing participant in what was known to be a fraud from the start. The proof of same is that everything we on the Right said about the scam has come to be known today: the dossier was a fabrication, it was used illegally to gain FISA warrants, Trump associates were spied on, Hillary and associates were given immunity, and there was never any Russian impetus in Hillary’s loss and Trump’s win.

Hope I didn't ruin your day.
LOL Made 74k today Take a hellofa lot more than you to ruin it

I've never seen a hearse pulling a U-Haul.
Forgive my ignorance but I have no idea of the meaning of that

It means that rectitude is more important than shekels.
You can't take it with you.

I'm here to lead you in the path of righteousness.

You'll have to stop being a mouthpiece for the corrupt, anti-American Democrat Party.
For you pc and jc
Ezekiel 25:17
Samuel L. Jackson

The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the
Inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men
Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will
shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness
for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children
And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious
Anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers
And you will know
My name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee
Then you're really gonna hate this:

….."Russian Collusion"….Hillary's tale, picked up by her colleagues in the sale of American uranium to Russia for $ millions in bribes…er, 'donations.'

…..Mueller, Comey and Rosenstein were all government officials when Hillary received the $145 million bribe for the sale of our uranium.

....Robert Mueller was the FBI Director during the time of the Russian uranium probe, and so was his successor James Comey who took over in 2013 as the FBI was still developing the case. Rod Rosenstein, then-U.S. Attorney....

The reason for the Mueller Investigation? camouflage the fact that every major Democrat elite was both knowledgeable and a participant in the corruption of the uranium deal: Muller, Comey and Rosenstein knew and probably wet their beaks in the payoffs.

They took what didn't belong to them....sold the purloined property of the American people.....and now need to hide the dirty deed.


6. For two years, Mueller was a willing participant in what was known to be a fraud from the start. The proof of same is that everything we on the Right said about the scam has come to be known today: the dossier was a fabrication, it was used illegally to gain FISA warrants, Trump associates were spied on, Hillary and associates were given immunity, and there was never any Russian impetus in Hillary’s loss and Trump’s win.

Hope I didn't ruin your day.
LOL Made 74k today Take a hellofa lot more than you to ruin it

I've never seen a hearse pulling a U-Haul.
Forgive my ignorance but I have no idea of the meaning of that

It means that rectitude is more important than shekels.
You can't take it with you.

I'm here to lead you in the path of righteousness.

You'll have to stop being a mouthpiece for the corrupt, anti-American Democrat Party.
For you pc and jc
Ezekiel 25:17
Samuel L. Jackson

The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the
Inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men
Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will
shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness
for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children
And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious
Anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers
And you will know
My name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee

"Anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers"

Amazing lack of self-realization you evince, eddie.....that means you Democrats lying about Trump for two years.

Tomorrow, the Mueller Report....but, don't worry.....grief councilors will be available.
Then you're really gonna hate this:

….."Russian Collusion"….Hillary's tale, picked up by her colleagues in the sale of American uranium to Russia for $ millions in bribes…er, 'donations.'

…..Mueller, Comey and Rosenstein were all government officials when Hillary received the $145 million bribe for the sale of our uranium.

....Robert Mueller was the FBI Director during the time of the Russian uranium probe, and so was his successor James Comey who took over in 2013 as the FBI was still developing the case. Rod Rosenstein, then-U.S. Attorney....

The reason for the Mueller Investigation? camouflage the fact that every major Democrat elite was both knowledgeable and a participant in the corruption of the uranium deal: Muller, Comey and Rosenstein knew and probably wet their beaks in the payoffs.

They took what didn't belong to them....sold the purloined property of the American people.....and now need to hide the dirty deed.


6. For two years, Mueller was a willing participant in what was known to be a fraud from the start. The proof of same is that everything we on the Right said about the scam has come to be known today: the dossier was a fabrication, it was used illegally to gain FISA warrants, Trump associates were spied on, Hillary and associates were given immunity, and there was never any Russian impetus in Hillary’s loss and Trump’s win.

Hope I didn't ruin your day.
LOL Made 74k today Take a hellofa lot more than you to ruin it

I've never seen a hearse pulling a U-Haul.
Forgive my ignorance but I have no idea of the meaning of that

It means that rectitude is more important than shekels.
You can't take it with you.

I'm here to lead you in the path of righteousness.

You'll have to stop being a mouthpiece for the corrupt, anti-American Democrat Party.
For you pc and jc
Ezekiel 25:17
Samuel L. Jackson

The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the
Inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men
Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will
shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness
for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children
And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious
Anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers
And you will know
My name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee
I didn't need that passage to know who the left are, but thanks for thinking of me.
LOL Made 74k today Take a hellofa lot more than you to ruin it

I've never seen a hearse pulling a U-Haul.
Forgive my ignorance but I have no idea of the meaning of that

It means that rectitude is more important than shekels.
You can't take it with you.

I'm here to lead you in the path of righteousness.

You'll have to stop being a mouthpiece for the corrupt, anti-American Democrat Party.
For you pc and jc
Ezekiel 25:17
Samuel L. Jackson

The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the
Inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men
Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will
shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness
for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children
And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious
Anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers
And you will know
My name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee

"Anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers"

Amazing lack of self-realization you evince, eddie.....that means you Democrats lying about Trump for two years.

Tomorrow, the Mueller Report....but, don't worry.....grief councilors will be available.
I'm really surprised, not ,, that you and trumpettes wouldn't want to hear the truth and nothing but the truth Why keep protecting that evil vile putz in our WH?
LOL Made 74k today Take a hellofa lot more than you to ruin it

I've never seen a hearse pulling a U-Haul.
Forgive my ignorance but I have no idea of the meaning of that

It means that rectitude is more important than shekels.
You can't take it with you.

I'm here to lead you in the path of righteousness.

You'll have to stop being a mouthpiece for the corrupt, anti-American Democrat Party.
For you pc and jc
Ezekiel 25:17
Samuel L. Jackson

The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the
Inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men
Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will
shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness
for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children
And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious
Anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers
And you will know
My name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee

"Anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers"

Amazing lack of self-realization you evince, eddie.....that means you Democrats lying about Trump for two years.

Tomorrow, the Mueller Report....but, don't worry.....grief councilors will be available.
and he should reread the passage he posted, he could use it then.
I've never seen a hearse pulling a U-Haul.
Forgive my ignorance but I have no idea of the meaning of that

It means that rectitude is more important than shekels.
You can't take it with you.

I'm here to lead you in the path of righteousness.

You'll have to stop being a mouthpiece for the corrupt, anti-American Democrat Party.
For you pc and jc
Ezekiel 25:17
Samuel L. Jackson

The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the
Inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men
Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will
shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness
for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children
And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious
Anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers
And you will know
My name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee

"Anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers"

Amazing lack of self-realization you evince, eddie.....that means you Democrats lying about Trump for two years.

Tomorrow, the Mueller Report....but, don't worry.....grief councilors will be available.
I'm really surprised, not ,, that you and trumpettes wouldn't want to hear the truth and nothing but the truth Why keep protecting that evil vile putz in our WH?
when you find some truth, let us know. we've been waiting for three years now.
I've never seen a hearse pulling a U-Haul.
Forgive my ignorance but I have no idea of the meaning of that

It means that rectitude is more important than shekels.
You can't take it with you.

I'm here to lead you in the path of righteousness.

You'll have to stop being a mouthpiece for the corrupt, anti-American Democrat Party.
For you pc and jc
Ezekiel 25:17
Samuel L. Jackson

The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the
Inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men
Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will
shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness
for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children
And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious
Anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers
And you will know
My name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee

"Anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers"

Amazing lack of self-realization you evince, eddie.....that means you Democrats lying about Trump for two years.

Tomorrow, the Mueller Report....but, don't worry.....grief councilors will be available.
I'm really surprised, not ,, that you and trumpettes wouldn't want to hear the truth and nothing but the truth Why keep protecting that evil vile putz in our WH?

"....wouldn't want to hear the truth..."

What are you talking about????

We heard the truth when Barr summarized Mueller's findings, and it's the very same truth we told you two years ago.

Got tissues and antacids ready???
Forgive my ignorance but I have no idea of the meaning of that

It means that rectitude is more important than shekels.
You can't take it with you.

I'm here to lead you in the path of righteousness.

You'll have to stop being a mouthpiece for the corrupt, anti-American Democrat Party.
For you pc and jc
Ezekiel 25:17
Samuel L. Jackson

The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the
Inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men
Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will
shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness
for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children
And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious
Anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers
And you will know
My name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee

"Anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers"

Amazing lack of self-realization you evince, eddie.....that means you Democrats lying about Trump for two years.

Tomorrow, the Mueller Report....but, don't worry.....grief councilors will be available.
I'm really surprised, not ,, that you and trumpettes wouldn't want to hear the truth and nothing but the truth Why keep protecting that evil vile putz in our WH?
when you find some truth, let us know. we've been waiting for three years now.
I sure as shit haven't found any with your leader I mean seriously, how can you pc,any republican talk about truth when you have that world class liar in the WH?
"The sensible majority of Democrats note that their party, on the heels of the Russian-collusion disaster, has completely bungled the border-and-migration issue and has gone down in flames with the claim that it is a crisis manufactured by the president.

They have watched in silent horror as their party has been stampeded to the left, and the search is already under way for a moderate candidate. This will require breaking the bipartisan tradition of elevating the runner-up from the previous campaign."
Democrats' Crisis Is Growing Acute After Mueller
Forgive my ignorance but I have no idea of the meaning of that

It means that rectitude is more important than shekels.
You can't take it with you.

I'm here to lead you in the path of righteousness.

You'll have to stop being a mouthpiece for the corrupt, anti-American Democrat Party.
For you pc and jc
Ezekiel 25:17
Samuel L. Jackson

The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the
Inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men
Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will
shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness
for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children
And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious
Anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers
And you will know
My name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee

"Anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers"

Amazing lack of self-realization you evince, eddie.....that means you Democrats lying about Trump for two years.

Tomorrow, the Mueller Report....but, don't worry.....grief councilors will be available.
I'm really surprised, not ,, that you and trumpettes wouldn't want to hear the truth and nothing but the truth Why keep protecting that evil vile putz in our WH?

"....wouldn't want to hear the truth..."

What are you talking about????

We heard the truth when Barr summarized Mueller's findings, and it's the very same truth we told you two years ago.

Got tissues and antacids ready???
You mean the trump butt kisser summarized ?? The trump moron said it exonerated him One more piece of bullshit out of the liars mouth
It means that rectitude is more important than shekels.
You can't take it with you.

I'm here to lead you in the path of righteousness.

You'll have to stop being a mouthpiece for the corrupt, anti-American Democrat Party.
For you pc and jc
Ezekiel 25:17
Samuel L. Jackson

The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the
Inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men
Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will
shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness
for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children
And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious
Anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers
And you will know
My name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee

"Anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers"

Amazing lack of self-realization you evince, eddie.....that means you Democrats lying about Trump for two years.

Tomorrow, the Mueller Report....but, don't worry.....grief councilors will be available.
I'm really surprised, not ,, that you and trumpettes wouldn't want to hear the truth and nothing but the truth Why keep protecting that evil vile putz in our WH?
when you find some truth, let us know. we've been waiting for three years now.
I sure as shit haven't found any with your leader I mean seriously, how can you pc,any republican talk about truth when you have that world class liar in the WH?

Did you say 'lies'?

The term is reserved for the Muslim who polluted the Oval Office prior to Trump.

Nothing Trump has prevaricated about amounts to a hill of beans compared to these examples:

1. Obama told illegal aliens to go and vote, saying "When you vote, you're a citizen yourself."

2. After promising that Iran would never get nuclear weapons, Obama guaranteed them nukes.

October 7 2008, in the second presidential debate: "We cannot allow Iran to get a nuclear weapon. It would be a game-changer in the region. Not only would it threaten Israel, our strongest ally in the region and one of our strongest allies in the world, but it would also create a possibility of nuclear weapons falling into the hands of terrorists. And so it's unacceptable. And I will do everything that's required to prevent it. And we will never take military options off the table"

The first is an attack on America, the second, on all of Western Civilization.
It means that rectitude is more important than shekels.
You can't take it with you.

I'm here to lead you in the path of righteousness.

You'll have to stop being a mouthpiece for the corrupt, anti-American Democrat Party.
For you pc and jc
Ezekiel 25:17
Samuel L. Jackson

The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the
Inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men
Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will
shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness
for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children
And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious
Anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers
And you will know
My name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee

"Anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers"

Amazing lack of self-realization you evince, eddie.....that means you Democrats lying about Trump for two years.

Tomorrow, the Mueller Report....but, don't worry.....grief councilors will be available.
I'm really surprised, not ,, that you and trumpettes wouldn't want to hear the truth and nothing but the truth Why keep protecting that evil vile putz in our WH?

"....wouldn't want to hear the truth..."

What are you talking about????

We heard the truth when Barr summarized Mueller's findings, and it's the very same truth we told you two years ago.

Got tissues and antacids ready???
You mean the trump butt kisser summarized ?? The trump moron said it exonerated him One more piece of bullshit out of the liars mouth

The vulgarity.

I really upset you, huh?

Save it for tomorrow when you're REALLY upset.
For you pc and jc
Ezekiel 25:17
Samuel L. Jackson

The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the
Inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men
Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will
shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness
for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children
And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious
Anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers
And you will know
My name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee

"Anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers"

Amazing lack of self-realization you evince, eddie.....that means you Democrats lying about Trump for two years.

Tomorrow, the Mueller Report....but, don't worry.....grief councilors will be available.
I'm really surprised, not ,, that you and trumpettes wouldn't want to hear the truth and nothing but the truth Why keep protecting that evil vile putz in our WH?

"....wouldn't want to hear the truth..."

What are you talking about????

We heard the truth when Barr summarized Mueller's findings, and it's the very same truth we told you two years ago.

Got tissues and antacids ready???
You mean the trump butt kisser summarized ?? The trump moron said it exonerated him One more piece of bullshit out of the liars mouth

The vulgarity.

I really upset you, huh?

Save it for tomorrow when you're REALLY upset.
PC you are funny Gotta give credit where credit is due You can twist with the best of them ,,,could take Sarahs job protecting Trump
“while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him

Quit spinning moron, you'll make yourself dizzy. Here, let me explain it to you punkinhead, "IF YOU ARE NOT GUILTY OF A CRIME, WHY THAT MUST MEAN, YOU ARE INNOCENT." You do not need to exonerate an innocent man, duhhhh.

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