The Disrespect of the American Flag and National Anthem

In a few all these racist flags will be ripped down in all public places and relegated to being worn or displayed by the most deplorable racists in our country.

Like Robert Byrd or Joe Biden or Bill "Obama would be fetching our bags" Clinton?


I will never be loyal to a piece of fabric. Never. It does not represent me or my values.

I am loyal to my family, friends, and neighbors. I am not loyal to fabric or music. The whole idea is absurd.
This video says it all.

Republican Ad Shreds Trump Supporters’ Use Of Confederate Flag

WTF, where is the reference to the American flag or National Anthem? You fricken looser.
I will never be loyal to a piece of fabric. Never. It does not represent me or my values.

I am loyal to my family, friends, and neighbors. I am not loyal to fabric or music. The whole idea is absurd.
then go to Somalia
I don't have to, ass. I'm very happy right here where I am.

I don't own an American flag. I don't put my hand on my heart for, or sing the national anthem. I am not loyal to strangers who do not share my values, like you.
I will never be loyal to a piece of fabric. Never. It does not represent me or my values.

I am loyal to my family, friends, and neighbors. I am not loyal to fabric or music. The whole idea is absurd.
then go to Somalia
I don't have to, ass. I'm very happy right here where I am.

I don't own an American flag. I don't put my hand on my heart for, or sing the national anthem. I am not loyal to strangers who do not share my values, like you.
go to shithole Africa, I guarantee you will have a change of heart
Bait thread with a deliberately misleading title. Typical.
There is none of that. The continuing celebration of the confederacy and the confederate flag is an affront and insults to Americans and absolute disrespect for the American flag and our national anthem.

It's called being free boy. Why don't you show us where the Constitution gives you the "right" to not be offended?
In a few all these racist flags will be ripped down in all public places and relegated to being worn or displayed by the most deplorable racists in our country.

I should be in museums of history, NOT to be worn or openly displayed on flagpoles.

The only flags that should be on display is the State and National flag, as they are current and valid, confederate flags are not.
It is stupid because the Confederacy nation vanished in 1865, hanging onto a dead idea that enslaved a people is also stupid.
Being upset about something vanished in 1865, is also a very dumb idea.

I am not upset, just being rational for several obvious reasons. It belongs in historical museums, not in public display.

First: It was the official flag of a nation that fought to maintain slavery and states rights to maintain their rights to the slave economy.

Second: the flag is a symbol of oppression of a people, who had no legal voice, freedom, citizenship and voting rights.

Third: White democrats of the south had become more and more oppressive over the decades up to a resolution in 1865, while slavery was outlawed, a new kind of oppression continues for many more decades afterwards, while still using a flag that is a symbol of that continued oppression.

The flag was never anything but a symbol of an enforced slave nation, that is a rotten symbol to hang onto.
The flag was never anything but a symbol of an enforced slave nation, that is a rotten symbol to hang onto.
In you mind only. Other people have other views of it.
Your values are not universal and the only one who cares about them is you
The flag was never anything but a symbol of an enforced slave nation, that is a rotten symbol to hang onto.
In you mind only. Other people have other views of it.
Your values are not universal and the only one who cares about them is you

NO it is a reasonable statement, of which you didn't address at all.

The Flag has no legal basis to be on a flagpole, the flag is intimately a part of a short lived nation that fought to maintain their way of life which was owning slaves and slave based economy. That nation no longer exist, thus the flag which was created for that slave bearing nation, has no legal reason to be on flagpoles anymore, it belongs in museums and no where else.

That is the ONLY possible conclusion you can make, it has no other meaning since the flag is a symbol of institutional oppression nothing more.
The flag was never anything but a symbol of an enforced slave nation, that is a rotten symbol to hang onto.
In you mind only. Other people have other views of it.
Your values are not universal and the only one who cares about them is you

NO it is a reasonable statement, of which you didn't address at all.

The Flag has no legal basis to be on a flagpole, the flag is intimately a part of a short lived nation that fought to maintain their way of life which was owning slaves and slave based economy. That nation no longer exist, thus the flag which was created for that slave bearing nation, has no legal reason to be on flagpoles anymore, it belongs in museums and no where else.

That is the ONLY possible conclusion you can make, it has no other meaning since the flag is a symbol of institutional oppression nothing more.
So you are saying the people cannot have a view different from yours? So much for free thought in the United States
The flag was never anything but a symbol of an enforced slave nation, that is a rotten symbol to hang onto.
In you mind only. Other people have other views of it.
Your values are not universal and the only one who cares about them is you

NO it is a reasonable statement, of which you didn't address at all.

The Flag has no legal basis to be on a flagpole, the flag is intimately a part of a short lived nation that fought to maintain their way of life which was owning slaves and slave based economy. That nation no longer exist, thus the flag which was created for that slave bearing nation, has no legal reason to be on flagpoles anymore, it belongs in museums and no where else.

That is the ONLY possible conclusion you can make, it has no other meaning since the flag is a symbol of institutional oppression nothing more.
So you are saying the people cannot have a view different from yours? So much for free thought in the United States

Ha ha ha, now you are being unreasonable, not once did I advocate squelching free speech or thought, but you have yet to address my thoughts at all.

I made reasonable statements, you never challenged them at all, thus you have nothing but complaints to offer, thus you have no reason to believe in the opposite.

I made reasonable statements, you never challenged them at all, thus you have nothing but complaints to offer, thus you have no reason to believe in the opposite.
Never challenged then because I know I can't change you mind and I would be wasting my breathe. In your mind I'm wrong to start with because I do not subscribe to your point of view. in your mind I should not be able to have a dissenting view.
I made reasonable statements, you never challenged them at all, thus you have nothing but complaints to offer, thus you have no reason to believe in the opposite.
Never challenged then because I know I can't change you mind and I would be wasting my breathe. In your mind I'm wrong to start with because I do not subscribe to your point of view. in your mind I should not be able to have a dissenting view.

Translation: I have no counterpoint to offer, therefore make excuses for my badly losing an argument.


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