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The Divide: The "Trumpians" vs. the expected 2016 demographics

The day I need a Statist to tell me what I should think is the day I'll take a stroll in hell....................Your side's position is transparent............refuse to enforce immigration laws on the books............yell Amnesty.............vote early and often.............

The immigration debate to the left is about votes and nothing more.............it's understood that you ignore laws with glee and say you are for the country.............



Well, ok, you go with that, mkay?


In other words, either you didn't read the OP or two many big words or reading numbers hurt your head

I read the OP..........and responded....................Your side wants Illegals here for the vote.............and the POTUS ignores the laws of the land and picks and chooses the laws he enforces..............................

Which is a violation of his Oath......................and your side doesn't care as long as you get the votes......................

It's that simple.

So much ignorance.... so much ignorance.

I am very glad that you are a Conservative.

I understand the demographics Mr. Statist................and understand why the shift is so large................

And I understand that your side doesn't care that it is being done in violation of the immigration laws of this country.

Your side picks the laws it wants to follow..........and disregards the laws that don't suit your ideology................

Tells a lot about the ethics and morals of your side................

As long as you yell Amnesty, and Sanctuary you get millions of votes..........and that is all you care about..................even as it over burdens the states with budget shortfalls..............and fills the prisons with those caught time and time again, committing crimes here in the United States..............Like the young woman killed on the pier in San Fran Sicko.............killed by a repeat offender...............

You can keep your ethics, and lawlessness to yourselves..................I choose not to go that path.............and if you taint the elections with this..to a point that our voice no longer counts.....................well there is always the 2nd Amendment option..............

I'm very glad you are in Germany...................and you are soooo concerned with America...............as the Euro Zone falls apart with the Socialist Utopian Dream...........Greece was just the beginning there..............
Well, ok, you go with that, mkay?


In other words, either you didn't read the OP or two many big words or reading numbers hurt your head

I read the OP..........and responded....................Your side wants Illegals here for the vote.............and the POTUS ignores the laws of the land and picks and chooses the laws he enforces..............................

Which is a violation of his Oath......................and your side doesn't care as long as you get the votes......................

It's that simple.

So much ignorance.... so much ignorance.

I am very glad that you are a Conservative.

I understand the demographics Mr. Statist................and understand why the shift is so large................

And I understand that your side doesn't care that it is being done in violation of the immigration laws of this country.

Your side picks the laws it wants to follow..........and disregards the laws that don't suit your ideology................

Tells a lot about the ethics and morals of your side................

As long as you yell Amnesty, and Sanctuary you get millions of votes..........and that is all you care about..................even as it over burdens the states with budget shortfalls..............and fills the prisons with those caught time and time again, committing crimes here in the United States..............Like the young woman killed on the pier in San Fran Sicko.............killed by a repeat offender...............

You can keep your ethics, and lawlessness to yourselves..................I choose not to go that path.............and if you taint the elections with this..to a point that our voice no longer counts.....................well there is always the 2nd Amendment option..............

I'm very glad you are in Germany...................and you are soooo concerned with America...............as the Euro Zone falls apart with the Socialist Utopian Dream...........Greece was just the beginning there..............

Nice butthurt!!

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
That's an 11.59% difference, in spite of the fact that both gentlemen took essentially the same amount of the White Vote.

This is how much of a difference the electorate shows when it goes from being 85% White (1988) to 72% White (2012).

So a 13% drop in the white vote equated to an 11.6% drop in support for the GOP candidates.

And it is going to be a 15% drop by 2016 which will make the difference over 13% in GOP support without factoring in the female vote swing.

It means that the GOP has to make up a deficit in white votes without replacing them with minority votes.

There is no way that someone like Trump can close a gap that big. In fact the only slim possibility out there might be Kasich and he isn't even showing up on the 1st primary debate radar.

A Kasich/Rubio ticket is about the only ticket I can imagine having any chance of winning, because it would give Republicans a much better chance of capturing both Ohio and Florida. If Jeb wins the nomination, he needs an Hispanic on the ticket, but Rubio is also from Florida, so that becomes a problem. A Bush/Kasich ticket would be a disaster, and Cruz is not a viable VP choice for Bush. Maybe Bush goes with Martinez if he wins the nomination.

I agree that the Kasich/Rubio makes the most sense. But this is the GOP that we are talking about so the odds of that ticket coming to pass are virtually zero.

Right now I am expecting the "Clown Flavor of the Month" parade to begin as soon as Donald T Rump flames out. Then they will all rise to the top in succession only to fizzle out as soon as the media scrutiny exposes their flaws.

That will weed out the bulk of the field and we will be left with Jeb and the Hangers On (which sounds exactly likely a garage band) playing out the same song that we heard with it was Mitt and the Gang in 2012.

Probably going to take longer since the field is larger and who has the funding and fortitude to be the last Santorum standing remains to be seen.

Toupee or not Toupee that is the question whether it is nobler in the mind to suffer the wisps of over comb's outrageous fortune or take up comb and brush against a sea of troubles and thereby defeat them...

In other words, either you didn't read the OP or two many big words or reading numbers hurt your head

I read the OP..........and responded....................Your side wants Illegals here for the vote.............and the POTUS ignores the laws of the land and picks and chooses the laws he enforces..............................

Which is a violation of his Oath......................and your side doesn't care as long as you get the votes......................

It's that simple.

So much ignorance.... so much ignorance.

I am very glad that you are a Conservative.

I understand the demographics Mr. Statist................and understand why the shift is so large................

And I understand that your side doesn't care that it is being done in violation of the immigration laws of this country.

Your side picks the laws it wants to follow..........and disregards the laws that don't suit your ideology................

Tells a lot about the ethics and morals of your side................

As long as you yell Amnesty, and Sanctuary you get millions of votes..........and that is all you care about..................even as it over burdens the states with budget shortfalls..............and fills the prisons with those caught time and time again, committing crimes here in the United States..............Like the young woman killed on the pier in San Fran Sicko.............killed by a repeat offender...............

You can keep your ethics, and lawlessness to yourselves..................I choose not to go that path.............and if you taint the elections with this..to a point that our voice no longer counts.....................well there is always the 2nd Amendment option..............

I'm very glad you are in Germany...................and you are soooo concerned with America...............as the Euro Zone falls apart with the Socialist Utopian Dream...........Greece was just the beginning there..............

Nice butthurt!!

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Nice butthurt................ahhh...............that is how you defend the lawlessness of our current administration...........and them not fulfilling their oath's of office to enforce the laws of this country........................

Pointing that out is butt hurt.........................Your purpose here...........We've got the latino vote.............nah nah nah nah..............rant..............

I'm pointing out that you are a bunch of Hypocrites......................and that you applaud the lawlessness of the current administration........and his utter disregard to the laws he is supposed to enforce..............
Well, ok, you go with that, mkay?


In other words, either you didn't read the OP or two many big words or reading numbers hurt your head

I read the OP..........and responded....................Your side wants Illegals here for the vote.............and the POTUS ignores the laws of the land and picks and chooses the laws he enforces..............................

Which is a violation of his Oath......................and your side doesn't care as long as you get the votes......................

It's that simple.

So much ignorance.... so much ignorance.

I am very glad that you are a Conservative.

I understand the demographics Mr. Statist................and understand why the shift is so large................

And I understand that your side doesn't care that it is being done in violation of the immigration laws of this country.

Your side picks the laws it wants to follow..........and disregards the laws that don't suit your ideology................

Tells a lot about the ethics and morals of your side................

As long as you yell Amnesty, and Sanctuary you get millions of votes..........and that is all you care about..................even as it over burdens the states with budget shortfalls..............and fills the prisons with those caught time and time again, committing crimes here in the United States..............Like the young woman killed on the pier in San Fran Sicko.............killed by a repeat offender...............

You can keep your ethics, and lawlessness to yourselves..................I choose not to go that path.............and if you taint the elections with this..to a point that our voice no longer counts.....................well there is always the 2nd Amendment option..............

I'm very glad you are in Germany...................and you are soooo concerned with America...............as the Euro Zone falls apart with the Socialist Utopian Dream...........Greece was just the beginning there..............

Rather than engaging in this ignorant and pointless partisan stupidity, do your own analysis of the election data and explain why the OP premise is wrong, that republicans can continue to remain a relevant National party by continuing to alienate Hispanic Americans, in addition to other minorities and women.
Trump is gonna stir some shit up..............It is what he does..........................

And it will force key issues to the front...................and not in a PC way..................which is why I like him...................

And why the GOP and DNC will attack him relentlessly.................................and will try to destroy him..............they don't want to really discuss the key issues in this country.....................they want soft ball questions so they can talk in circles...............saying a whole lot of words that say absolutely nothing................

Hopefully, TRUMP will make them pick a side instead of being a bunch of sniveling whiny bitches this time.....................

Could be entertaining...................as the political chickens dance on the stage............with the agenda already set..........either side of the coin.
You misunderstand.

It's not concern.

It's math.

Now, wake up and look at the math for yourself and decide whether or not the GOP should fucking stop hating on brown people before it is too late.
The day I need a Statist to tell me what I should think is the day I'll take a stroll in hell....................Your side's position is transparent............refuse to enforce immigration laws on the books............yell Amnesty.............vote early and often.............

The immigration debate to the left is about votes and nothing more.............it's understood that you ignore laws with glee and say you are for the country.............



Well, ok, you go with that, mkay?


In other words, either you didn't read the OP or two many big words or reading numbers hurt your head

I read the OP..........and responded....................Your side wants Illegals here for the vote.............and the POTUS ignores the laws of the land and picks and chooses the laws he enforces..............................

Which is a violation of his Oath......................and your side doesn't care as long as you get the votes......................

It's that simple.

Um, illegals don't vote.

In other words, either you didn't read the OP or two many big words or reading numbers hurt your head

I read the OP..........and responded....................Your side wants Illegals here for the vote.............and the POTUS ignores the laws of the land and picks and chooses the laws he enforces..............................

Which is a violation of his Oath......................and your side doesn't care as long as you get the votes......................

It's that simple.

So much ignorance.... so much ignorance.

I am very glad that you are a Conservative.

I understand the demographics Mr. Statist................and understand why the shift is so large................

And I understand that your side doesn't care that it is being done in violation of the immigration laws of this country.

Your side picks the laws it wants to follow..........and disregards the laws that don't suit your ideology................

Tells a lot about the ethics and morals of your side................

As long as you yell Amnesty, and Sanctuary you get millions of votes..........and that is all you care about..................even as it over burdens the states with budget shortfalls..............and fills the prisons with those caught time and time again, committing crimes here in the United States..............Like the young woman killed on the pier in San Fran Sicko.............killed by a repeat offender...............

You can keep your ethics, and lawlessness to yourselves..................I choose not to go that path.............and if you taint the elections with this..to a point that our voice no longer counts.....................well there is always the 2nd Amendment option..............

I'm very glad you are in Germany...................and you are soooo concerned with America...............as the Euro Zone falls apart with the Socialist Utopian Dream...........Greece was just the beginning there..............

Rather than engaging in this ignorant and pointless partisan stupidity, do your own analysis of the election data and explain why the OP premise is wrong, that republicans can continue to remain a relevant National party by continuing to alienate Hispanic Americans, in addition to other minorities and women.

How about you :anj_stfu:.

I'm on topic......................the Latino votes are from the flood from south of the border...................and your side uses them to win elections..............

Your side doesn't really give a shit about them.............your side just wants their votes............and you are willing to violate the laws of this country to do so.............

If we had a real Congress and Senate.............Obama would have been impeached many a moon ago...............as would Bush.............as would many others....................

They have long ago stopped representing the people of this country...............This is one aspect..................Yes the growing Hispanic vote matters in the elections...............as your side knows.........which is why they want more of it...............and don't want secure borders............create Sanctuary Cities....................................where the local law enforcement is told to let them go...............without notifying ICE..................as ICE lets them go anyway......................and States' budgets are overburdened by the influx..................................as the jails fill to over capacity..................and crime goes up in the areas of the illegals...........

A side of the equation you don't want a discussion on..............................All you want to say is LOOK AT THE VOTES WE GOT.............

Which is the mission of the OP.
The day I need a Statist to tell me what I should think is the day I'll take a stroll in hell....................Your side's position is transparent............refuse to enforce immigration laws on the books............yell Amnesty.............vote early and often.............

The immigration debate to the left is about votes and nothing more.............it's understood that you ignore laws with glee and say you are for the country.............



Well, ok, you go with that, mkay?


In other words, either you didn't read the OP or two many big words or reading numbers hurt your head

I read the OP..........and responded....................Your side wants Illegals here for the vote.............and the POTUS ignores the laws of the land and picks and chooses the laws he enforces..............................

Which is a violation of his Oath......................and your side doesn't care as long as you get the votes......................

It's that simple.

Um, illegals don't vote.

BS.............JUST LIKE THE DEAD DON'T VOTE EITHER...............In many areas of this country they have 150% turn outs.............50% more than the population of the county..............and there is no problem................RIGHT...............No need to update voter registration roles................no need for I.D.'S...........That would be Racist to show a danged I.D. ...........oops illegals get i.d.s here as well.......................work here as well..............and they are illegal..........................

But it's against the law...................your side and the Chamber of Commerce stopped caring about the law long ago.
FBI data backs up Trump claims on illegals and crime

The FBI’s latest National Gang Report extensively documents criminal gangs, some comprised in large part of illegal aliens, are indeed importing drugs and committing a high percentage of violent crimes throughout the U.S.

One section of the 79-page report details “Gangs and the U.S. Border.” It documents gangs, “especially national-level Hispanic gangs, such as MS-13, the Eme, Sureños, and TB, continue to pose a significant threat to the Southwest border region.”

The report reveals that “in many cases, gang members who commit criminal activity in the region are not U.S. citizens nor lawful permanent residents.”

The FBI documented that surveys conducted by U.S. Customs and Border Protection indicate in some southwest border sectors “the percentage of non-U.S. citizen gang members was as high as 80 percent.”

The report states that once deported, gang members have been documented as repeatedly attempting to re-enter U.S. illegally “in order to re-join the gang and engage in criminal activity.”

The FBI statistics show gangs “exploit opportunities along the nearly 2,000 miles of contiguous U.S.-Mexico territory” to engage in a multitude of crimes, “including drug-related crimes, weapons trafficking, alien smuggling, human trafficking, prostitution, extortion, robbery, auto theft, assault, homicide, racketeering, and money laundering.”

“Of these offenses, drug-related crimes – such as production, smuggling, trafficking, and distribution – are the most widely reported criminal acts committed by gangs of all types,” according to the 2013 report.

The report relates gangs are establishing and maintaining “mutually beneficial relationships” with international crime syndicates, including Mexican Transnational Criminal Organizations.

These cross-border relationships, the FBI warned, “increase profits for gangs through drug distribution, drug transportation, and the commission of violent crimes to enforce drug payment and protect drug transportation corridors from rival usage.”

Read more at FBI data backs up Trump claims on illegals and crime
Well, ok, you go with that, mkay?


In other words, either you didn't read the OP or two many big words or reading numbers hurt your head

I read the OP..........and responded....................Your side wants Illegals here for the vote.............and the POTUS ignores the laws of the land and picks and chooses the laws he enforces..............................

Which is a violation of his Oath......................and your side doesn't care as long as you get the votes......................

It's that simple.

Um, illegals don't vote.

BS.............JUST LIKE THE DEAD DON'T VOTE EITHER...............In many areas of this country they have 150% turn outs.............50% more than the population of the county..............and there is no problem................RIGHT...............No need to update voter registration roles................no need for I.D.'S...........That would be Racist to show a danged I.D. ...........oops illegals get i.d.s here as well.......................work here as well..............and they are illegal..........................

But it's against the law...................your side and the Chamber of Commerce stopped caring about the law long ago.

I think it's pretty obvious that DEAD people don't vote either. I've been voting for a long time, and I have never witnessed a dead person in line with me.

Of course a person who is here illegally, isn't going to take the chance on voting. When people think about breaking a law, they are not thinking about how they can get away with voting. Law breakers normally don't want to draw that kind of attention.

I realize you have been getting different information from your right wing extremist sites, but it is simply not true. In fact, over the years there has been very little voter fraud. Usually voter fraud is done by someone that doesn't understand the state voting laws.
In other words, either you didn't read the OP or two many big words or reading numbers hurt your head
I read the OP..........and responded....................Your side wants Illegals here for the vote.............and the POTUS ignores the laws of the land and picks and chooses the laws he enforces..............................

Which is a violation of his Oath......................and your side doesn't care as long as you get the votes......................

It's that simple.

So much ignorance.... so much ignorance.

I am very glad that you are a Conservative.
I understand the demographics Mr. Statist................and understand why the shift is so large................

And I understand that your side doesn't care that it is being done in violation of the immigration laws of this country.

Your side picks the laws it wants to follow..........and disregards the laws that don't suit your ideology................

Tells a lot about the ethics and morals of your side................

As long as you yell Amnesty, and Sanctuary you get millions of votes..........and that is all you care about..................even as it over burdens the states with budget shortfalls..............and fills the prisons with those caught time and time again, committing crimes here in the United States..............Like the young woman killed on the pier in San Fran Sicko.............killed by a repeat offender...............

You can keep your ethics, and lawlessness to yourselves..................I choose not to go that path.............and if you taint the elections with this..to a point that our voice no longer counts.....................well there is always the 2nd Amendment option..............

I'm very glad you are in Germany...................and you are soooo concerned with America...............as the Euro Zone falls apart with the Socialist Utopian Dream...........Greece was just the beginning there..............
Rather than engaging in this ignorant and pointless partisan stupidity, do your own analysis of the election data and explain why the OP premise is wrong, that republicans can continue to remain a relevant National party by continuing to alienate Hispanic Americans, in addition to other minorities and women.
How about you :anj_stfu:.

I'm on topic......................the Latino votes are from the flood from south of the border...................and your side uses them to win elections..............

Your side doesn't really give a shit about them.............your side just wants their votes............and you are willing to violate the laws of this country to do so.............

If we had a real Congress and Senate.............Obama would have been impeached many a moon ago...............as would Bush.............as would many others....................

They have long ago stopped representing the people of this country...............This is one aspect..................Yes the growing Hispanic vote matters in the elections...............as your side knows.........which is why they want more of it...............and don't want secure borders............create Sanctuary Cities....................................where the local law enforcement is told to let them go...............without notifying ICE..................as ICE lets them go anyway......................and States' budgets are overburdened by the influx..................................as the jails fill to over capacity..................and crime goes up in the areas of the illegals...........

A side of the equation you don't want a discussion on..............................All you want to say is LOOK AT THE VOTES WE GOT.............

Which is the mission of the OP.
Then you’ve decided to continue to propagate your ignorance and partisan stupidity – so be it.
I read the OP..........and responded....................Your side wants Illegals here for the vote.............and the POTUS ignores the laws of the land and picks and chooses the laws he enforces..............................

Which is a violation of his Oath......................and your side doesn't care as long as you get the votes......................

It's that simple.

So much ignorance.... so much ignorance.

I am very glad that you are a Conservative.
I understand the demographics Mr. Statist................and understand why the shift is so large................

And I understand that your side doesn't care that it is being done in violation of the immigration laws of this country.

Your side picks the laws it wants to follow..........and disregards the laws that don't suit your ideology................

Tells a lot about the ethics and morals of your side................

As long as you yell Amnesty, and Sanctuary you get millions of votes..........and that is all you care about..................even as it over burdens the states with budget shortfalls..............and fills the prisons with those caught time and time again, committing crimes here in the United States..............Like the young woman killed on the pier in San Fran Sicko.............killed by a repeat offender...............

You can keep your ethics, and lawlessness to yourselves..................I choose not to go that path.............and if you taint the elections with this..to a point that our voice no longer counts.....................well there is always the 2nd Amendment option..............

I'm very glad you are in Germany...................and you are soooo concerned with America...............as the Euro Zone falls apart with the Socialist Utopian Dream...........Greece was just the beginning there..............
Rather than engaging in this ignorant and pointless partisan stupidity, do your own analysis of the election data and explain why the OP premise is wrong, that republicans can continue to remain a relevant National party by continuing to alienate Hispanic Americans, in addition to other minorities and women.
How about you :anj_stfu:.

I'm on topic......................the Latino votes are from the flood from south of the border...................and your side uses them to win elections..............

Your side doesn't really give a shit about them.............your side just wants their votes............and you are willing to violate the laws of this country to do so.............

If we had a real Congress and Senate.............Obama would have been impeached many a moon ago...............as would Bush.............as would many others....................

They have long ago stopped representing the people of this country...............This is one aspect..................Yes the growing Hispanic vote matters in the elections...............as your side knows.........which is why they want more of it...............and don't want secure borders............create Sanctuary Cities....................................where the local law enforcement is told to let them go...............without notifying ICE..................as ICE lets them go anyway......................and States' budgets are overburdened by the influx..................................as the jails fill to over capacity..................and crime goes up in the areas of the illegals...........

A side of the equation you don't want a discussion on..............................All you want to say is LOOK AT THE VOTES WE GOT.............

Which is the mission of the OP.
Then you’ve decided to continue to propagate your ignorance and partisan stupidity – so be it.
Enforce the laws on the books......................Don't pick and choose which laws you will Obey and Not Obey................Close the border..........stop the BS of Sanctuary Cities.................rejecting our laws overtly...................................

Then we'll talk...............after you have ended your LAWLESSNESS......................

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