The Dominion Suit Could Come Back to Haunt the Left

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
While it's good to see the media finally being held accountable for pumping out false information and propaganda, there has been a lot of crowing from the left over this resolution, largely because it's Fox News. They should tread lightly as this could come back and bite them in the ass. Fox is hardly the only media organization caught spreading misinformation. CNN has been nailed many times on false reporting. MSNBC is essentially Fox News for the Democratic Party. The precedent has now been set and there is nothing stopping them from getting sued down the road under similar circumstances.
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There is no verdict, it was a pre-trial settlement. No jury has ever heard any evidence regarding the matter. That said, this could encourage more suits.
While it's good to see the media finally being held accountable for pumping out false information and propaganda, there has been a lot of crowing from the left over this verdict, largely because it's Fox News. They should tread lightly as this could come back and bite them in the ass. Fox is hardly the only media organization caught spreading misinformation. CNN has been nailed many times on false reporting. MSNBC is essentially Fox News for the Democratic Party. The precedent has now been set and there is nothing stopping them from getting sued down the road under similar circumstances.
woke media are immune to accountability .
There is no verdict, it was a pre-trial settlement. No jury has ever heard any evidence regarding the matter. That said, this could encourage more suits.

Correct. I changed the title appropriately.
There is no verdict, it was a pre-trial settlement. No jury has ever heard any evidence regarding the matter. That said, this could encourage more suits.
And don't forget, the public has already seen many parts of the damning internals proving the charges in pretrial court action in front of the judge and released to the public, as the FNC lawyers failed to keep it out of the record. That legal team still being investigated for possible obstruction of justice using an appointed special master at this time.
While it's good to see the media finally being held accountable for pumping out false information and propaganda, there has been a lot of crowing from the left over this resolution, largely because it's Fox News. They should tread lightly as this could come back and bite them in the ass. Fox is hardly the only media organization caught spreading misinformation. CNN has been nailed many times on false reporting. MSNBC is essentially Fox News for the Democratic Party. The precedent has now been set and there is nothing stopping them from getting sued down the road under similar circumstances.
This was an outstanding example and so the 'similar' you seem to suggest really doesn't exist.

However, as society continues to break down, justice will gradually be replaced by political expediency to the ruling party.

Politicians such as MTG are representative of society's breakdown and failure! Her and her accomplices are coming close to becoming the voice of the political right!
While it's good to see the media finally being held accountable for pumping out false information and propaganda, there has been a lot of crowing from the left over this resolution, largely because it's Fox News. They should tread lightly as this could come back and bite them in the ass. Fox is hardly the only media organization caught spreading misinformation. CNN has been nailed many times on false reporting. MSNBC is essentially Fox News for the Democratic Party. The precedent has now been set and there is nothing stopping them from getting sued down the road under similar circumstances.
LOL Didn't we see the same type of "warnings" when Trump got indicted? Beware, now the left can be indicted too, yada, yada...

As if you guys didn't try it already. The only problem, you idiots are big on talk and little on proof.

So, yeah. Go ahead. Knock yourself out. Meanwhile, Fox braces itself for the Smartmatic lawsuit. That's another billion (more or less) that Fox has to shell out.
While it's good to see the media finally being held accountable for pumping out false information and propaganda, there has been a lot of crowing from the left over this resolution, largely because it's Fox News. They should tread lightly as this could come back and bite them in the ass. Fox is hardly the only media organization caught spreading misinformation. CNN has been nailed many times on false reporting. MSNBC is essentially Fox News for the Democratic Party. The precedent has now been set and there is nothing stopping them from getting sued down the road under similar circumstances.
This often happens to democrats. They just can't ever seem to realize that what they do will come back to bite them. It will not be long before one of their sacred cows will face the same trouble and they will race around squealing about how unfair it is.
Fox and Rupert can afford it, and have most likely made more money on the nonsense than the suit has cost.

Why don't working class Americans object to 'their' money going to pay the bill.

Maybe it's time to start considering that all of Rupert's money is OPM?

As in the OPM being those who are wrecking society's assets on the streets?
This often happens to democrats. They just can't ever seem to realize that what they do will come back to bite them. It will not be long before one of their sacred cows will face the same trouble and they will race around squealing about how unfair it is.
Yes, it's a societal issue and not just politically onesided!

The political right will make their country pay too.
While it's good to see the media finally being held accountable for pumping out false information and propaganda, there has been a lot of crowing from the left over this resolution, largely because it's Fox News. They should tread lightly as this could come back and bite them in the ass. Fox is hardly the only media organization caught spreading misinformation. CNN has been nailed many times on false reporting. MSNBC is essentially Fox News for the Democratic Party. The precedent has now been set and there is nothing stopping them from getting sued down the road under similar circumstances.
The only way that would happen is if they can pick the judge, and then put secret service protections around him to keep him from being killed or threatened into recusing himself.
While it's good to see the media finally being held accountable for pumping out false information and propaganda, there has been a lot of crowing from the left over this resolution, largely because it's Fox News. They should tread lightly as this could come back and bite them in the ass. Fox is hardly the only media organization caught spreading misinformation. CNN has been nailed many times on false reporting. MSNBC is essentially Fox News for the Democratic Party. The precedent has now been set and there is nothing stopping them from getting sued down the road under similar circumstances.
Does anybody believe for a micro second that Deep State would punish one of its top men ., Rupert Murdoch ?
As controlled opposition Rupert had a job to do .
Show the rest of the world what happens to people who step out of line .

They did the same thing recently when CIA assset Alex Jones was tasked with spreading the same message .And they ran an absurd show trial to punch home the message.
Stop being Gullible , Normies
While it's good to see the media finally being held accountable for pumping out false information and propaganda, there has been a lot of crowing from the left over this resolution, largely because it's Fox News. They should tread lightly as this could come back and bite them in the ass. Fox is hardly the only media organization caught spreading misinformation. CNN has been nailed many times on false reporting. MSNBC is essentially Fox News for the Democratic Party. The precedent has now been set and there is nothing stopping them from getting sued down the road under similar circumstances.
NYT as well.
And don't forget, the public has already seen many parts of the damning internals proving the charges in pretrial court action in front of the judge and released to the public, as the FNC lawyers failed to keep it out of the record. That legal team still being investigated for possible obstruction of justice using an appointed special master at this time.
Okay. Good deal. Now has anyone addressed the unconstitutional actions by government exposed in the Twitter Files?
While it's good to see the media finally being held accountable for pumping out false information and propaganda, there has been a lot of crowing from the left over this resolution, largely because it's Fox News. They should tread lightly as this could come back and bite them in the ass. Fox is hardly the only media organization caught spreading misinformation. CNN has been nailed many times on false reporting. MSNBC is essentially Fox News for the Democratic Party. The precedent has now been set and there is nothing stopping them from getting sued down the road under similar circumstances.
Why should the so-called Left, be worried? Was the right worried? Did the right lose something here? Do you actually believe people not on the right are as blindly loyal to media companies as the right has been to FOX? Do you actually believe there exist major media companies today that have done what FOX was accused of doing?

You have definitely fallen off the reservation here. FOX did not get caught spreading disinformation. It got caught lying.

CNN and fake reporting? What do you consider 'fake reporting?' Could it be errors that are corrected? Unintentionally reporting falsehoods? That is not lying and no news org would ever settle in a court of law for that.

No precedent has been set here.

facts: "Dominion accused Fox of defaming it by repeatedly airing, in the weeks after the 2020 presidential election, false allegations by Trump allies that its machines and the software they used had flipped votes to Biden — even as many at the network doubted the claims and disparaged those who were making them." -- please provide a similar example, if at all possible.

facts: "The 11th-hour deal saved Fox a potentially lengthy legal tangle, though it still faces other lawsuits over its coverage of false claims about the 2020 election." - NYT

Although defamation plaintiffs have persuaded some juries to award significant payouts, the money can often go unpaid for years, if ever, because of a sclerotic appeals process. Defendants like news organizations may prefer to avoid an invasive disclosure of evidence, such as internal correspondence and messages, not all of it flattering.

Rupert Murdoch, who controls Fox News, is no stranger to settling cases, or taking other extreme steps, to avoid extended and potentially embarrassing litigation. He closed his popular tabloid News of the World in 2011, after accusations that its journalists had hacked the phones and voice messages of prominent public figures. At least six agreements had been made by Fox News or its former star anchor Bill O’Reilly to settle harassment allegations against Mr. O’Reilly, before he was fired in 2017.

For weeks, Fox News dealt with rough headlines about revelations in the case, including details about its star anchor Tucker Carlson privately deriding former President Donald J. Trump to his colleagues even as the host praised Mr. Trump on the air.
facts: "The settlement carried an implicit plea of “no contest” to several pretrial findings from Judge Eric M. Davis, who presided over the case. He had written in one ruling that it was “CRYSTAL clear” that Fox’s statements regarding Dominion and the election were untrue."
Tell me when the media is held accountable for promoting lies like Russiagate and Hunters’s laptop. Lies that clearly effected an election.
Did any media get taken to court for publishing anything involved with the above, while knowing there could be falsehoodds and laughing at their own audience whilke admitting among themselves that the stories were bullshit?

btw: Mueller says Trump was not exonerated; Trump declares victory

Hunter's Laptop? Benghazi! It is in the possession of the DOJ. The very same DOJ that went after more Russian stooges: US charges 4 Americans, 3 Russians in election discord case
There is no verdict, it was a pre-trial settlement. No jury has ever heard any evidence regarding the matter. That said, this could encourage more suits.
with statements of facts: "Dominion accused Fox of defaming it by repeatedly airing, in the weeks after the 2020 presidential election, false allegations by Trump allies that its machines and the software they used had flipped votes to Biden — even as many at the network doubted the claims and disparaged those who were making them."

remember earlier:
Fox News is going to need to rethink its strategy and excuses for why it promoted the lies of the 2020 election deniers. On Tuesday, a Delaware judge said during a pre-trial hearing that Fox News won’t be allowed to try and convince jurors its promotion of the “big lie” conspiracy was all just regular journalistic practice covering a sitting president.

“Just because someone is newsworthy doesn’t mean you can defame someone,” Delaware Superior Court Judge Eric Davis told Dominion and Fox’s lawyers, according to The New York Times.
Okay. Good deal. Now has anyone addressed the unconstitutional actions by government exposed in the Twitter Files?
I don't know. Maybe you should start a thread about it. This one is taken on the "Dominion Suit Could Come Back to Haunt the Left" subject.:cool:

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