The Donald Has Won Indiana

Now ya tell me after I said something mean to someone thinking I was still in the FZ...

Make America great again is a slogan. What is he going to do that is so upsetting to the establishment?
He will end crony capitalism for one thing. But look at what he has already done. He has redefined how to win elections and tapped into the silent majority like no one has since Reagan. But my biggest hope is once he gets into office he will be honest with the people and spill the beans on just what has been going on in Washington DC. That is what they are really afraid of.
Well, it's either the Klan or militias.
Nonsense.......Trump isn't a racist or a stone cold conservative.

He's a NE liberal with conservative national defense...and job creation. He's like a Kennedy Democrat. The problem is Democrats have gone progressive/socialist. They are intentionally trying to tear this country apart. They have sold our sovereignty to the United Nations.

Oh please. Rump couldn't hold JFK's jock even if he had adult-sized hands.
He's got a path to winning the nomination. You should see all the counties that are voting for him. Who the fuck are these people? :lol:

At the height of its power it was estimated that one-third of the adult male population of Indiana was Klan. True story.
So the implication is that today, in our highly mobile society and generations removed from the time period you cite, Trump's popular victory in the primary is due to the Klan?

Pretty ludicrous.

Maybe that's why I didn't specifically make the connection, Dumbass.

The post was about the nature of the population, so I provided historical context. .
He's got a path to winning the nomination. You should see all the counties that are voting for him. Who the fuck are these people? :lol:

At the height of its power it was estimated that one-third of the adult male population of Indiana was Klan. True story.
So the implication is that today, in our highly mobile society and generations removed from the time period you cite, Trump's popular victory in the primary is due to the Klan?

Pretty ludicrous.

Maybe that's why I didn't specifically make the connection, Dumbass.

The post was about the nature of the population, so I provided historical context. .
There was no other reason to provide that particular "historical context" other than to imply that the people in Indiana who voted for Trump are racist, which is utter bullshit. You are being disingenuous.
Folks, Bernie, a fucking moron who never had a real job and can barely speak English, is repeatedly schlonging Hillary. There is no doubt The Donald is our next president. I actually look forward to watching our transgender qu33r friends on MSNBC and CNN try to deal with it. Rachel Maddow is going to be blinking like crazy.
These fucking libtard idiots will say anything to keep our country in the toilet.
Well, Bernie does need to gtfo but that isn't for the loser Rs to decide. How did Trump, Cruz and Kasich rise to the top? Maybe you need to figure that out and then move on.
Maybe Kasich hates Trump so much, he'll encourage his supporters to go with Hillary.

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