The Donald Trump Lie-Tracker


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2016
We should be able to keep this thread alive for about four years, and updates should happen at least weekly given the rate this guy fabricates information. I'll start off with some easy ones.

“On the airplanes, I saved $725 million dollars. Probably took me about half an hour if you add it up all of the time.”

Bullshit. DoD had already projected the savings of over 700 million before Trump took office. The price of F-35 has been coming down since 2011 and everyone knew unit cost would fall under $100 million this year, with another 6-7% per year until about 85 million by 2019.

“Our budget calls for one of the single largest increases in military spending history in this country.”

Bullshit. He has proposed a 10% increase, there have been 10 larger increases over the last 40 years.

"The murder rate in our country is the highest it’s been in 47 years"


“How low has President Obama gone to tapp my phones during the very sacred election process"

Bullshit. The article he says was his source never says anything about Obama. The F.B.I. director says it is false. The speaker of the House, chairmen of the House Intelligence Committee, chairman and Senate Intelligence Committee (all three Republican) see no indications that it happened.

Quite an ambitious thread. I hope the site servers can handle it. :eek:

Presumably you mean from this point forward, not the older stuff like "biggest electoral college margin since Reagan" and "it wasn't raining" and "three million illegals voted"?
"I was never for the Iraq war"....

"I wasn't mocking a reporter's disability"......

"I never claimed to be 'John Miller'".............

There oughta be a point scoring system here. I got enough to win a new blender.
“We’re going to have insurance for everybody. There was a philosophy in some circles that if you can’t pay for it, you don’t get it. That’s not going to happen with us.”

Bullshit. The CBO predicts that 14 million fewer Americans would have health insurance by next year than if the country stuck with Obamacare. By 2026, that number would soar to 24 million.
There oughta be a point scoring system here. I got enough to win a new blender.
I'm working on a scoring system that is very complex, involving bonus points for additional lies that cover up first lie, and an even higher bonus tier if at least two of his staff are forced to publicly back off his claims by trying to rephrase them as something more defensible.

Awards will run the gamut from a bag of tangerines to a dumptruck of unused dildos of various shapes and colors. Not saying the colors part as a race thing of course.
I believe Trump's lie meter is broken due to too many lies. I can't keep up with the lies anymore.
There oughta be a point scoring system here. I got enough to win a new blender.
I'm working on a scoring system that is very complex, involving bonus points for additional lies that cover up first lie, and an even higher bonus tier if at least two of his staff are forced to publicly back off his claims by trying to rephrase them as something more defensible.

Awards will run the gamut from a bag of tangerines to a dumptruck of unused dildos of various shapes and colors. Not saying the colors part as a race thing of course.

Does it have to be verbal though?

In other words --- does the color of his face count?
Does it have to be verbal though?
I think oral works well for him.

I believe Trump's lie meter is broken due to too many lies. I can't keep up with the lies anymore.
My plan is to eventually track using implied thousands, kind of like how menus in Vietnam and Indonesia might have an item priced at "23" and it is assumed to be 23k.
The Donald Trump Lie-Tracker
Brought to you by the lying media and the stupid Americans they depend on.
This idiot will be voting soon:
"I was in Tennessee the other day, and they’ve lost half of their state in terms of an insurer; they have no insurer"

Bullshit. Tennessee went from four to three insurance companies offering plans through the government insurance marketplace. That has left people in 73 of the state’s 95 counties with a choice of plans from just one carrier. One is not the same as none.
Great OP... can I rub my hands together with y'all, cackling all the way through these next 8 years...
"I’m going to be working for you. I’m not going to have time to go play golf"
Donald Trump, August 2016

Trump has made 13 visits to his own golf courses since becoming president, likely playing golf on at least 12 of those occasions.
Big announcement by Ford today. Major investment to be made in three Michigan plants. Car companies coming back to U.S. JOBS! JOBS! JOBS!
— Trump

Two weeks after @POTUS met with auto execs...Ford plans ‘significant’ investments in 3 plants
- Conway

Bullshit. The investment, which includes creating or retaining 8,500 jobs and investing in U.S. facilities through 2019, was announced in 2015.
Today, I was thrilled to announce a commitment of $25 BILLION & 20K AMERICAN JOBS over the next 4 years. THANK YOU Charter Communications!
- Trump

Bullshit. CEO Tom Rutledge said in 2015 that Charter would need to bring on 20,000 additional workers if the company's merger with Time Warner Cable and acquisition of Bright House Networks went through. The FCC approved the deal in May 2016.
Big announcement by Ford today. Major investment to be made in three Michigan plants. Car companies coming back to U.S. JOBS! JOBS! JOBS!
— Trump

Today, I was thrilled to announce a commitment of $25 BILLION & 20K AMERICAN JOBS over the next 4 years. THANK YOU Charter Communications!
- Trump

And Trump is undoing what Obama did? He's already the greatest POTUS of ALL TIME!!!
Mike Flynn should ask for immunity in that this is a witch hunt (excuse for big election loss), by media & Dems, of historic proportion!
- Trump

Bullshit. Trump in late September = "The reason they get immunity is because they did something wrong"
Where were the leftist lie detectors when obie care was sold? That effected our lives, some very much so and yet bragging bothers you?

Different values. Your meter means nothing to me.
Where were the leftist lie detectors when obie care was sold?
Ahh the usual "but what about Obama" deflection from the Trump apologists. Who cares if your hero lies as long as you can point your finger at someone who isn't the President anymore. Wipe Trump's semen off your face kid, you look ridiculous.

Different values. Your meter means nothing to me.
Yet here you took the time to click reply, type a response, and post it.

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